Ivan Bell closed his eyes silently, stretched out his limbs, and lay completely on Alice's arms.She seemed to be using this silent movement to comfort her friend's somewhat turbulent heart.

But what on earth would Ivan Bell be thinking about at this time?


The next day, when it was just dawn, Alice and the three of them were woken up by a rapid knock on the door.Without even thinking about it, it was Visian who was urging them to set off.After quickly freshening up, they gathered outside the gate of Pergade.

At this time, there was no one on the street. Even the craftsmen who usually rebuild the street have not yet started work. Alice looked around curiously. This was the first time she came to Ander at this time. on the street.

A cold feeling hit her. Even though there was no wind at this time, Alice still shrank her shoulders because of the cold.

"Come on, we should go."

Vishian's voice came from the other side of the city wall. After hearing the call, Alice immediately came to him through the crack in the city wall.

Beside Vician, the griffon Yal is already ready to go. After a period of growth, Yar's body is much larger than when Alice found it under the arena. His white feathers are neat and fluffy. It looks like It looks very majestic when you go up there.

"Did people in ancient times also ride griffins like this soaring over the battlefield? So handsome..." Alice thought as she obediently climbed onto Al's back.

On the other side, Vician also turned over and sat on Ya'er. He first tightened the reins on Ya'er, and then turned back to ask Alice as if he remembered something.He asked: "I don't seem to have seen Ivan Bell. Where has she gone? I also plan to let her be a tour guide or something."

"Ivan? Isn't she right here?" Alice replied without thinking. As she spoke, she reached out and unbuckled her belt bag: "Here! She's staying in my belt bag just fine!" "

Wei Xi'an glanced at the fanny pack shown to him, and that glance alone successfully changed his expression from serious to speechless.

"You really keep her as a pet. You even prepared food... What should I say at this time?" Wei Xi'an complained.

Alice puffed up her cheeks in dissatisfaction. She hit Vishian hard on the back and said, "She is not a pet! She is my friend and your companion! How can you say that to her? ?”

Seeing that Alice was getting angry and Ivan Bell started to attack him, Visian gave in for a second. He shrank his neck and turned his head back.

"Sit tight, we're about to set off!" After saying this, Wei Xi'an was about to direct Yal to take off.

What shocked Alice was that Yael actually obeyed Visian's order and opened his wings and flew towards the sky very obediently.Even in the high altitude, Yael did not show any dissatisfaction with Visian's non-stop instructions. Therefore, Alice and her party gradually flew away from Ander in this state.

Chapter 266 Heading to Nomoft

After flying in the sky for ten days and a half, Alice and her party landed in Hanyan City not long after autumn arrived.

Cold Rock City is located at the northernmost point of the Xios continent. Nomoft can only be reached by boat from its internal port, but that is the choice of the general public, not Alice's group.

When the group of people arrived at Cold Rock City, the gryphon Yar's mission had to be temporarily suspended. After all, it was too cold in the north, which was too difficult for him who was born in the south.

"Is it really okay for us to keep Ya'er here? Will someone, someone secretly sell it?" Alice looked back at Ya'er who was tied in the stable, with a smile on her face. A worried look.

Wei Xi'an said to Alice dumbfounded: "If it is true, then I can only send a wanted notice to the lord here."

This is actually true. Vician is still the royal family of Lespenor. Although he does not stand on the land of Elani, the rights he can use still exist.Therefore, he is still qualified to issue a mere wanted warrant.

But the premise for all this is that someone with shortsightedness dares to take action against Yal.

"Having said that, you must keep an eye on the little one in your bag, otherwise we will only see a pile of leftover bones when we find her." Vician raised his chin and nodded at Alice. A small bag on the waist.

Alice understood what Vician was referring to. She immediately covered her pocket with her hands and said very seriously: "I understand! I won't let anyone take Ivan away!"

I don’t know how Ivan Bell, who was napping in his pocket, would react when he heard this.

After a conversation, Vician and Alice left the stable. On the way, Alice asked Vician what he should do next.

"Shouldn't we go find Caschia? Why did you bring me to the tavern?" Alice glanced at Vician and then at the sign above Vician. "Glennerland", these are the words engraved on the clean signboard. This must be the name of this pub.

"There's no rush, we'll go tomorrow. They should have it done tomorrow..."

"Huh? What did you say?"

"No! I mean we have been traveling long distances for almost half a month, and we have hardly had a good rest. Caschia's business is not urgent, and he can't cross the sea on foot. Who makes him only grow two years like us? Where’s the leg?”

After hearing what Visian said, Alice did not reply immediately, but stared at Visian's back thoughtfully.She realized that Wei Xi'an was hiding something, not as if, but actually hiding something.

"you are lying."

Wei Xi'an, who was walking towards the bar, suddenly heard such a sentence coming from behind. He stopped and stood there for a while. After more than half a minute, he explained to Alice in a good voice.

"I'm not lying. Look, we'll see him tomorrow. I know where he is..."

"Aren't you still lying?"

"I do not……"

"Admit it! You didn't find Caschia, and you don't know where he is now!"

After Alice finished speaking, she stomped the ground vigorously. Her appearance attracted a lot of attention, and some people even said that it was a young couple quarreling over private matters.Especially the idle drinkers in the tavern, who have already cast their eyes over with great interest.

"..." Wei Xi'an remained speechless. He looked up at the ceiling and lowered his eyes to stare at the ground.I don't know how long it took before he opened his mouth again and began to "defend" himself: "Well, I really don't know his current location, but I know clearly and very definitely where he is."

"Your words are inconsistent. If Mr. Victor and Tania heard this, they would definitely ask if your books were all read into the dog's head."

"...How can you say that? At least I have read more books than you, right!?"

Wei Xi'an stared at Alice in disbelief.Alice, on the other hand, gave Vician a vicious look and gritted her teeth in response: "Then you mean that I'm not even as good as a dog? I think you want to have a big fireball set meal!"

Wei Xi'an quickly waved his hand to deny it. He raised his hand to wipe the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead, and then comforted him in a low voice: "Calm down, I didn't mean that. Anyway, let's go eat and drink something first. We always You can’t just occupy the door of the tavern, right?”

"Hmph! Anyway, you're treating me today, but you lied to me and played tricks on me again." Although Alice's tone was still very vicious, her mood was much better.But even so, the things she wanted to ask remained unchanged, because Visian never answered any questions directly.

Just like that "where"...

After eating and drinking, when a table of delicacies had entered the stomachs of Alice, the three of them, and a rabbit, they sat down at the round table and began to discuss the next itinerary.As she talked, Alice noticed that Vishian's eyes always fell on Ivan Bell.

Alice and Ivan Bell instinctively felt the danger. They had all lived together for a long time, so they were already familiar with some of each other's little moves. As for Alice herself, she could easily be She is attracted to brightly colored objects, and as long as something similar appears in front of her eyes, she will look there from time to time.

People's eyes can speak, and this applies to everyone.

The same is true of Wei Xi'an's gaze, but his gaze basically carries a warning of danger. If she stares at him, it will easily remind people of an animal.That animal is a falcon, and everything exposed within the falcon's sight will become its prey. This is almost common knowledge shared by all Nirnati.And when being stared at by someone with such a gaze, it is easy for people to feel that they are "doomed".

"What do you want to do to her? I told you she is not a pet or a food reserve!" Alice cautiously took Ivan Bell into her arms. She continued to warn: "If you dare to touch her, I will use The wind blade cuts off your hand!"

"I won't do anything to her. I despise her being my familiar like this." Vician curled his lips and looked away from Ivan Bell in disgust.

Just a second after he retracted his sight, a white shadow accurately fell on his upper body, followed by a crisp cracking sound...

Chapter 267 A Night in Cold Rock City

The tavern on the roadside was bustling with people. The drinkers, whose faces and necks were red from drinking, were talking loudly about what they had seen and heard. Seeing that the wine in their glasses had reached the bottom, they turned to shouting. Ask the landlady to bring some more.

After hearing a crisp "Hey!" from the back kitchen, the slightly out-of-shape proprietress ran out carrying a wine barrel.No one cares about why this lady has the strength to carry a wine barrel. This is Cold Rock City, and the common sense and laws of the plains are of no use here.The climate in Hanyan City is so cold that "wine" has almost become a daily fuel for the residents. Over time, they can no longer live without it.

"Born in a wine barrel and died in a wine barrel", for the plateau people in Hanyan City, this is the best portrayal of their life.

Maybe... they have a common language with the frost dwarves on the opposite continent?

However, among this group of drinkers, only the people at the table were not drunk by alcohol. Their faces were as usual and they kept chatting in fluent sentences.

The people sitting at the small round table were Alice and Vishian.

At this time, Weixi'an had recovered from the severe pain of having his nose broken, and a bottle of highly effective healing potion helped him a lot.The culprit who broke the bridge of his nose, Ivan Bell, was squatting on the table leisurely and licking the down on his body.

"You're not going to apologize to me? My nose still hurts." Wei Xi'an rubbed the bridge of his nose with one hand, and at the same time said half depressed and half helpless: "Hey... I didn't say it, you are so heavy that I almost want to It’s so tough!”

Ivan Bell stopped moving, and she stared at Vishian with two pigeon-blood-red eyes, which gave people a malicious feeling for some reason.She has no regrets about anything she has done before, and is even a little complacent. Who would let the other party treat her unfairly in the first place?

No matter how you think about it, she, Ivan Bell, is much more "practical" than that stupid fire wolf demon!

Speaking of the fire wolf demon, Ivan Bell immediately became furious. She had seen this familiar during her travels, "Go hunting!" This was the order Vician had given it. .

What did this wolf-shaped monster do?

It regarded Ivan Bell as prey and almost burned all the hair on her body with fire!It was on that day that the Fire Wolf Demon and her took over Liang Zi, and of course Wei Xian, who was the summoner, took over.

"This is not me retaliating, absolutely not." Ivan Bell repeated in his heart.

"Okay, okay!" Alice noticed the gradually stalemate. She quickly interjected while there was still a chance. She continued: "Let's finish the food quickly and then find a place to rest."

After hearing what Alice said, Wei Xi'an looked at her in surprise.He sniffed and asked, "Aren't you the one who was anxious to find Caschia in the first place? Now you want to be anxious to find a hotel?"

"That's right! Just now, we wasted so much time and it was already dark."

"..., you are right."

The two people who spoke turned to look out the window. Although the glass with a layer of condensation blurred the street scene outside, judging from the color, it was already dark outside.

It has now been four or five hours since Alice and her party arrived in Cold Rock City. During this time, apart from looking for stables to rent and greeting the lords here, they only stepped into this tavern and ordered some drinks. Just enjoy things.

It has to be said that time is a waste of time. It always slips away from us in the blink of an eye.

"We are quite lucky. Because of the air route blockade policy, there is currently no large influx of refugees in Cold Rock City. Therefore, the major hotels have still maintained their original occupancy rates, and there are as many rooms as you want."

After saying that, Visian placed the completely empty wine glass on the table and stood up. Then he waved to Alice, gesturing for her to stand up as well.

"Are we going now?" Alice choked out a sentence slowly.

"Of course, otherwise you still want to be caught and fed by those guys?" Wei Xi'an pointed at his back without looking back.

Alice stood on tiptoe and looked over his shoulder. Behind him, the group of drinkers were stepping on the edge of the table and drinking. They were so excited that some even tore off their clothes to reveal their muscular bodies. tendon meat.

Seeing this scene, Alice shuddered. She hurriedly picked up Ivan Bell and ran all the way to follow Vician who was walking out of the tavern.After walking out of the tavern, they walked around the streets and finally stood in front of a hotel that looked slightly more upscale.

The windows on the street side of the hotel were still lit, which meant that there must be a boss on duty inside.Without further ado, Alice and Visian decided on the spot to enter the hotel in order to book two guest rooms.

As soon as they entered the hotel, the aroma with the smell of pine needles hit Alice and her party. In fact, this smell was much better than the smell of wine, and it made people feel calmer.From the first sense, Alice was very satisfied with this hotel. She then rolled her eyes and looked at the entire lobby. She found that although the place was simple, everything was cleaned extremely clean. It could be seen that the owner of the hotel was very attentive and meticulous.

"This is a qualified hotel!" Driven by this thought, Alice quickly booked a room with the hotel owner on her own initiative.Under the surprised look of the store owner, she simply paid the rent and jumped up the stairs.

Only Visian and the innkeeper were left in the lobby.Weisian tilted his head and left a bag of gold coins on the counter. He booked not one guest room, but three entire rooms.

"Please help me reserve it until tomorrow, together with the girl just now." After speaking, Wei Xi'an pushed the money bag in the direction of the shop owner.After being confused for a period of time, the store owner immediately realized what he was doing and started counting the amount in his wallet.

"A total of 35 gold coins, thank you for your patronage. This is the key for you and..." The hotel owner smiled professionally at Wei Xi'an, and handed the key over to him in a sensible manner, instead of asking "Why" It will cover three rooms."

Wei Xi'an secretly praised the other party with satisfaction, and then he took the key and walked up the stairs.

The peaceful night passed quickly, followed by another morning with cold winds.At around seven o'clock in the morning, Alice and Vician woke up one after another. They rejoined in the lobby and walked out of the door towards a certain location outside the city.


Chapter 268: The Ferry Council (1)

After traveling for nearly ten miles to the east of Cold Rock City, Ivan Bell began to feel that something was wrong with their route.

Whether it was the scenery she saw when she poked her head out of her pocket, or the smell she smelled, these words "seemed to be familiar" to her.

"I've been here before. No, this isn't...? He can't possibly know this road!"

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