Ivan Bell remembered something. Of course she remembered this road. This was the only way for her to return to the Ferry Council every time she went on a mission!Isn't she a half-way fan of Alice? There's no reason why she would forget all about this.

With a flick of the brush, Ivan Bell jumped out of her pocket, blocking the path of Alice and Vishian.She had something to ask, so she started writing with the soles of her feet on the snow-covered ground.

But what is regrettable is that Ivan Bell's calligraphy still has not made any progress after more than half a month of practice.

"This is the road to Parliament. How do you know this road..." Alice read out Ivan Bell's "masterpiece" with a stumbling voice.

"I have a solution."

"But this is not something that can be easily checked...? Well, what do you mean???"

"You don't have to worry about it, I just found it anyway."

Visian shrugged and spread his hands. He stepped past Ivan Bell and continued to lead Alice in the direction of her destination.

Alice and Ivan Bell, who were following him, looked at each other. They each saw suspicion in the other's eyes, but they both knew that Vician did not intend to give them a good explanation.

"Wait a minute! Ivan, she said, can she wait outside for us to finish our work?" Alice grabbed Visian's shoulders and forcibly turned her back.

"No, she has to come with us."

"But...wait a minute, let me read her handwriting. Oh, oh! She said she would definitely be laughed at if she went!"

"Because of this? Seriously, what is she afraid of?"

"This, I don't know this, and Ivan didn't write it down."

Ivan Bell's "spokesperson" quickly completed the communication with Wei Xi'an, but none of the things Ivan Bell wanted to convey was achieved in the true sense.Alice picked her up and stuffed her into her pocket again, clearly showing that she wanted to take her with her.

Ivan Bell began to struggle. Not to mention what other people would think about her appearance, her hateful demon mentor alone would laugh at her for a whole year.Not to mention whether that person would do something out of common sense. In any case, Ivan Bell wanted to avoid meeting Ms. Cressy of the Ferry Council in the form of a rabbit.

But this was not something she could decide. Just as she was struggling in the darkness, a familiar flow of magic enveloped her.

It is the magic flow of the teleportation array. This is one of the few magic states that Ivan Bell can distinguish. It can be said that she is very familiar with this.In the past, she might have exclaimed, "Finally freed from the mission!" But now...?

She had the urge to play dead.

When the magic flow completely disappeared, a completely different scene from the outside world appeared before Alice's eyes.About a few steps in front of them was a circular terrace, and beneath the terrace was an underground river that gathered dark water.

Looking along the direction of the underground river, there is a small boat docked slightly further away. The small boat is casually tied to the shore, as if inviting people to take it and go deeper.

Alice finally got on it. She sat on the rickety boat, and her whole body was gradually surrounded by darkness.After about ten minutes, some light broke through the surrounding darkness. Alice's eyes lit up, and she realized that the waterway was coming to an end.

The further forward, the brighter the light becomes.After the boat moved forward for a certain distance, it plunged into the light along with the people on the boat.After Alice recovered from her brief blindness, she found that she had been pulled ashore by Vishian.

"The next thing we are going to is the Parliament of the Abyss Crossers. You must follow me closely, understand?" Visian said as he stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Alice's eyes.

Alice trembled, then blinked a few times and responded: "Okay...wait! Where did you say this is? Parliament?"

"Yes, it's the Ferry Council. Well, if you don't believe me, just ask Ivan Bell in your pocket. She will never take the wrong path."

"Ivan? Is he right? If so, just nod your head... Well, Visian, you did not lie this time."

Alice rubbed Ivan Bell's head and looked at Vician with a frightened expression.She felt panic about the upcoming journey. She was not afraid of Ivan Bell and Caschia, who were ferrymen, but she was very afraid of the scene of the "Flower Council".

In a certain diary that she read several times, the Transitor Council was described in great detail. The author claimed that it was the "entrance to hell."The words in the book convey its gloom and horror to readers without exception. Alice still remembers the human heads hanging on the wall that the author saw, and the guillotine that was dripping with blood at that moment.

"The members of the Council were all wearing pitch black robes. One by one they came out of the shadows and stood around me."

"I hear them talking about me. I'm sure I can hear them recounting my life. They know everything I've ever done. Even the time I cut off a section of my beard. Know!"

"It's so scary. It's like they have watched my life. I feel like there is no secret in front of them..."

Alice muttered to herself and recited the sentences in the diary. She didn't realize what she was doing. It wasn't until she finished reciting all the words that she suddenly covered her mouth.

As if she thought her words would reach "other" ears.

"They are not as scary as you said... at least the decisions they have made all along are correct." Vician wanted to try to comfort Alice, but he saw the panic in Alice's eyes.

He immediately decided to shut up, and then led Alice quickly towards the direction of the parliament.

Seeing is believing and hearing is believing. As long as Alice sees the "true appearance" of the Parliament, she will no longer be so afraid.This works logically, but in reality, the status quo may still give her a big "blow".

As for whether the blow is good or bad, we will only know when they push open the door of the parliament.


Chapter 269: The Ferry Council (2)

As the saying goes, seeing is believing and hearing is believing. For Alice, her knowledge of the Ferry Council mostly comes from various books and picture books, but today, she wants to test the "words" of those authors herself. Whether it is true or not.Even with the two Abyss Crossers by her side and the repeated assurances of an older man, Alice still had doubts and fears about the Parliament.

"Do I have to go there? Are you sure it won't be as scary as the book says? They really won't take me to the guillotine!?"

Alice stood trembling, her feet unable to move as if they were under frost magic, and her mouth seemed a little disobedient as she kept asking questions.

But the next moment, she stopped trembling, and she mustered up the courage to stride forward.Under Vician's approving gaze, she pushed open the door of the Ferry Council and officially began to use her own eyes to pry into the truth hidden under the mysterious veil.

At the same time, Ivan Bell still felt reluctant to return to Parliament. If I had to say why, it would be "fear".She was not afraid of being laughed at by her so-called colleagues, but she was afraid of being caught by an unscrupulous mentor.

She had also mentioned "Cressi Ariana" to Alice and others before. She had sworn that she was not afraid of this female ferryer with the title of "Succubus". However, in fact, She was terribly afraid.

Unfortunately, it was too late for Ivan Bell to turn around and run away. Just when she was thinking about what excuse to use to slip away, Alice had already pushed open the forbidden door.The Council of the Abyss Crossers is just behind the gate. It is a darker, damper place than anywhere else, and it is also more daunting.There were only scattered candlelights swaying in the vast hall, and the aisle paved with red carpet extended all the way to the innermost. At the same time, there were many blue-gray stone statues erected on both sides of the aisle.

Those stone statues are all separated by a certain distance from each other. From the one closest to the door to the smallest end of the hall, the distance between them has not changed.

Just when Alice lamented that such a design was like a display of obsessive-compulsive disorder, the sound of "tat-tat-tat" footsteps began to sound one after another, followed by several people in robes who turned around from behind the stone statue like ghosts. out.

In just the blink of an eye, Alice and her party realized that they were already surrounded by each other. Looking in every direction, all they saw were identical figures in robes.

Before anyone could start speaking, Ivan Bell jumped out of her pocket. She jumped up and stepped on the head of someone next to her to escape from the encirclement.Unfortunately, her jump was interrupted midway. The lady she least wanted to meet easily caught her and stuffed it into her collar.

"Let me go!" Ivan Bell screamed rarely, although her scream was just a high-volume "squeak" in other people's ears.

"I finally found you, my little troublemaker. Poor you, how did you end up like this?"

As the lady's words fell, a gap suddenly opened in the crowd that was still surrounding Alice. After Alice looked in the direction of the gap, she instantly fought with Ms. Cressy Ariana. Face to face.

Cressy smiled at Alice, and then she walked over with elegant steps.It was only then that the people present realized that the female ferryman was not wearing an old robe, but a long dress with a low collar and high slits, especially her neckline, which was simply too low. Some.

If she reached out and pulled her collar down a little, those two... ahem, in short, they would look extremely indecent.Seeing the way Cressy was dressed, the people around him blushed, but there were still some people who were as calm as Vician and stood indifferently unmoved.

"Um, um...can you give her and Ivan back to me?"

Alice spoke to Cressy in a weak tone, while her eyes moved nervously on Ivan Bell and Cressy.

"Are you the 'Alice' he said? Haha, what a cute child. Unlike my little troublemaker, you seem to be very obedient..."

"Do you want to... also become my apprentice?"

Cressy pulled Alice into her arms, held Alice's cheeks in her hands, and breathed a scented breath there.In an instant, Alice felt dizzy and inexplicably sleepy.In a daze, she felt as if time had frozen at this moment, and she could still notice how her gaze passed over Cressy's face inch by inch.She could count the stars that lit up in the other person's eyes, and she could count the number of times the other person's mouth opened and closed every time he spoke.

It was such a wonderful experience. Under Cressy's chuckle, Alice gradually fell into it.

"Stop playing with her, or else you, uh... the other guy in your arms is going to jump up and kick you in the chin."

Vician interrupted the world between Cressy and Alice. He stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers in Alice's ear, and Alice immediately jolted out of her daze.After she woke up, she did not immediately leave Cressy's side. It could even be said that her body was still instinctively trying to lean towards the other person's body.

"Oh? Are you... Ha! You are the person he was talking about, right? I didn't expect that there are still people who can survive his 'trial'. It's really strange."

"Should I say 'Thank you for the compliment'? But that's okay, it saves me the trouble of introducing myself."

"You seem to be in good spirits. Don't you feel, um, fear when you come here?"

Wei Xi'an suddenly burst into laughter at this moment, as if he had heard the funniest joke of the century. He laughed very loudly.After he had laughed enough, he continued chatting with Cressy across from him.

"Afraid? Not afraid. Otherwise, I wouldn't have broken in here, right?"

"You are very courageous. I still appreciate you for this matter, but I am still very curious, how did you survive? To be honest, I heard that your whole heart was taken out by him, and your body was also He threw him into the holy lake.”


Wei Xi'an fell silent. He seemed to be organizing his words, perhaps recalling something.

"If you want to sow discord, please forget it. I don't resent him. After all, it was my own fault. I am still self-aware in this matter."


2 Chapter 3: The Ferryman’s Council ([-])

"After all, it was my own fault, and I am still self-aware about this matter."

After saying this, Wei Xi'an closed his mouth.No matter how much Cressy talked to him, he remained silent and stood there with his hands folded on his chest.

Seeing Vician's tough attitude, Cressy turned his attention to Alice after failing to make up his mind.Alice is about to escape from her "magic" and is gradually regaining her mobility.

"Okay, I'll ignore the personal matters between you and him. It's really strange that you would become good friends with the person who killed you. Maybe... there is a more 'deep' relationship between you?"

Cressy said as he put his right hand on Alice's shoulder.She lowered her head again and tried to breathe at Alice, but this time she failed because Ivan Bell broke free from her restraints and dealt her a heavy blow.

Ivan Bell's Special · Blow the Rabbit Headbutt!launch!

Perfect hit, giving Cressi Ariana critical damage.


Cressy held her chin in pain. She looked at Ivan Bell standing in front of Alice with tears in her eyes, her eyes full of disbelief.

"How could you do this to me? I am your good mother, my cute little troublemaker... Do you want to be trained by me again?"

"What a hell of a training you are! That's hell training, isn't it? Fortunately, mom, you might as well ask me to call a real rabbit my mom!"

This conversation actually didn't hold up, let alone that Ivan Bell didn't have the guts to yell at Cressy like this, and she couldn't speak at all now.

After a long time, when Cressy had had enough fun and teasing, she slowly led Alice and her party through the crowd and headed towards the headquarters of the Ferry Council.After walking through the hall and walking along the aisle for a few minutes, the headquarters of the parliament appeared in front of everyone.

On the way, Alice successfully regained her consciousness, but she had no previous memory at all. She did not remember the conversation between Cressy and Visian, and naturally she did not hear the surrounding people talking about the two of them.

"This is our headquarters. But you can't wander around? Otherwise..."

"if not?"

Alice swallowed and looked at Cressy nervously.As for Cressy, she tapped her chin with her finger, and then replied: "Otherwise, your heads will be chopped off with a click!"


Judging from Alice's current reaction, it can be seen that she was frightened by Cressy. She staggered back, and then fell to the ground with her left foot mixed with her right foot.Seeing her like this, Cressy burst into a string of laughter like silver bells, which in turn provoked Ivan Bell to spray into her nostrils.

"Speaking of which, your research is over, right? Then take her away, but remember to come back, of course with the other one."

Vician, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said something. After saying that, he turned his head in the direction of Ivan Bell, but his eyes were still staring at Cressy's eyes.Cressy raised an eyebrow at Vician. She didn't expect Vician to know about this, but instead of being surprised, she felt pleasure...?

It felt like she had found a long-lost plaything.

"I would like to know how you knew about this matter. But you are indeed right. Our research happened to be completed this morning."

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