Alice is asked by Caschia to share her understanding of her abilities, saying that this is how she can find the right way to help her learn to control her new abilities.She didn't know where to start for a while, so she could only start with her own experience in the academy.

"The tutors asked me to learn ancient Chinese and gave me a lot of books to read. I kept studying until I was 15 years old. I have been having nightmares for the past 15 years. Those nightmares were so bad that I didn't want to Said. In short, although I still have dreams from time to time, the frequency has been reduced a lot. "

“One year later today, I met you.

The time in the church was probably the first time I activated my ability, right?I felt a little dizzy, but it was just dizziness. I thought it was because of the strong light.

Then came the second time. That time I felt that the whole world was upside down and I vomited all over the floor because of nausea.

I barely held on for a while, and finally passed out. "

"I, I don't know when this ability appeared, and I don't know how to control it. I'm sorry that I can't be of much help."

Alice had said all she wanted to say, and she didn't even understand what kind of existence that ability would be. All she knew now was that this ability would only allow her to see images engraved in time.

She had absolutely no confidence in whether she could master this ability. She put the quilt on herself and balled herself up.

Ivan Bell heard everything Alice said. She was silent for a while and began to discuss with Caschia whether she could let her talk to Alice alone.

Caschia nodded, and he stood up and left, leaving the room to two girls of similar age.

"Hey, I actually had a similar experience. I don't know if any of this will help you, but what the heck. Let me think about it...oh, yeah. Let's start with when I was a kid."

Alice revealed half of her face from under the quilt. She was now like a little hedgehog in desperate need of comfort.

"Do you know what I looked like when the people from the association found me? They said I was standing in a sea of ​​blood, with my fangs exposed and a person's neck in my mouth."

"'She can't control herself, she will kill every living thing with blood in her body!' That's what they said, and they planned to destroy me on the spot. But you see, I'm alive and well. I don't care now I won’t get too excited when I smell blood, and I won’t suddenly carry out any terrorist attacks. The same is true in residential areas, and I don’t have any strange movements.”

Ivan Bell paused for a while when he said this. Beside her, Alice had already put down the quilt over her head.

"My fangs can scale freely, and my half-vampire status doesn't affect me much. I have overcome my instincts, Alice. I have learned to control myself, and even they could not believe this miracle at first. happened. But I did it, and I think you can do it too. You can do it too. I was alone at that time, but you have us now."

"We'll help you."

This is probably what Ivan Bell has said the most in recent years. Even she felt like her character was collapsing.

But she is happy.

The conversation in the room lasted for a long time. After Ivan Bell let go of Alice, who was sobbing in her arms, she opened the door.

Caschia stood alone outside the door.

"Are you looking for Wei Xi'an? He said he would buy us some food and then left."

"He still has a conscience."

Caschia smiled helplessly, and he looked over Ivan Bell's head into the room, where Alice was secretly wiping tears.

"What did you say to her?"

"Just help her regain her confidence."

Ivan Bell whispered mysteriously, she did not intend to tell anyone this secret.Caschia shook his head and followed Ivan Bell into the room.Alice said hello to the two people who walked in, and in exchange they rubbed their hands on the top of her head.

The three of them talked for a while, until the footsteps belonging to Visian sounded at the door, and they stopped.

"Room Service!"

When she heard this voice, she knew who it was. Ivan Bell was closest to the door. She opened the door and stepped aside to let Vician, who was holding food in both hands, pass by.

"Dear Miss Alice, the luxury set meal you ordered has been delivered, please sign for it."

Like a butler, Vician easily carried a tray full of food to Alice. Like a magic trick, he pulled out a large piece of tablecloth from the tray and placed it on the small round table next to the bed.Immediately afterwards, he placed plate after plate of dishes on the table, and the mouth-watering aroma suddenly filled the small room.

“Five-star cuisine from Herkos Restaurant.”

Visian spread his hands. This was the best food he could find, even though the store was right next to the hotel.

"Then! Dang Dang Dang, give it to our little pity!"

Vician took out another small box from behind, and Alice took it doubtfully. She carefully opened the ribbon tied to the box.A small and exquisite cake was waiting there. Alice recognized the chocolate label on the cake. It was a new product from the best cake shop in the imperial capital.

"Thank you!"

Alice showed a happy smile. She has been thinking about this cake these days. It has a cute appearance and the taste that others praised. She has eaten it once, but it is a pity that she has never been able to buy it because it is a hot-selling product. Second piece.

Seeing that Alice's complexion had improved a lot, Wei Xi'an immediately breathed a sigh of relief.He was the second person to know about Alice's abilities, but he did not prevent Alice from accessing anything that would allow her to activate her abilities like Caschia did.

He thought that Alice fainted from exhaustion, and he was partly to blame.So with some apology, he bought something that would please Alice.

A pleasant tea party began, with four people picking at the table, sometimes fighting over the ownership of a small piece of meat, and sometimes pushing each other over vegetables that often tasted strange to others.The four of them were very noisy. When all the food was swept away by them, they switched to a serious state with the click of a button and began to discuss the next course of action.

Chapter 33 Arcane Weapon Making

"We can't go directly to confront the count, that won't work at all."

"Who knows if the count will kill us to silence us."

Alice bit her spoon and expressed her opinions vaguely.Her idea was simple. If she went directly to confront the earl, it would be easy to alert the enemy, which would be even more dangerous for them.

"Then let's pretend we are not going to find the Count. Then how are we going to find Lorenzo?"

"I can't see the lines now and can't help."

"Wait a minute, didn't he have contact with the earl's butler? That man named Doug."

"Visian, is there any way you can get some information from him?"

"Oh? This is a starting point. Wait, let me remember it."

After Weisian finished speaking, he took out a small book as big as a palm. He held a well-made pen in his hand and wrote and drew in it for a long time.

"Okay, I'll let my people get in touch with Doug, but don't raise too much hope."

Visian tore off the piece of paper with the writing on it, and his hands kept moving. After a while, a brand new scroll was born.He took the scroll and walked to the open window. At his whistle, a peregrine falcon with brown feathers flew over from the other side of the skyline.

"Go ahead and take the letter back for me."

Vician brushed the feathers of the peregrine falcon, and the peregrine falcon chirped, fluttered its wings and flew away.

Alice stared at the little brown dot flying away, and suddenly she remembered something, which made her jump up and grab Vishian's arm.

"Can you send me a letter to my college? I want to send my cat back. I can't take care of it in this situation."

"Huh? Hahaha, of course I'm always happy to help you."

Alice was too lazy to correct the other person's address to her. She watched Vician blow the hawk whistle again, and the original brown one flew back.It seemed to resent being suddenly recalled. When Visian was about to untie the scroll tied to it, it pecked the back of Visian's hand with its sharp beak.

"Hey! OK, OK, let's go, let's go!"

Vishian added a few more strokes to the scroll, then let the unfriendly bird go. He rubbed the back of his hand where a piece of meat had almost been pecked off and grinned before returning to his original position.

"Where did we just talk? Yes, besides talking to the housekeeper, does anyone else have any other suggestions?"

"Whether we can find Lorenzo or not, a battle with him is bound to be inevitable, so I propose to change our equipment."

"Speaking of equipment, I have a great idea. Come on, you two, come closer."

Vician pulled Ivan Bell and Caschia over, and the three of them formed a circle with their backs to Alice and their arms around each other.From Alice's perspective, she could only see Ivan Bell's expression change from confusion to confusion, and she heard the other party say "OH yeah~!"

"I think so."

This was the only thing Alice heard clearly. She retracted her stretched neck and looked at the three people who were engaged in the "small group" with dissatisfaction.

"Ahem, we have decided to make a staff for you."

Visian asked, clearing his throat.

"Staff? But I don't need a staff to cast spells?"

"Alice, the magic wand has not only been used as a medium for casting spells since ancient times. The wand will also reduce the magic power consumption when the magician casts spells, and can also make the spells more stable."

"Don't refuse yet, you have to try to use the weapon, just like I use the scythe."

Alice thought for a while and finally nodded in agreement.If the Staff of Will allowed her to better control her abilities and reduce her consumption, she would still be happy to try it.

Not to mention, who wouldn’t want a cool wand?

Everyone started to arrange their clothes, and Alice kicked everyone out to change into new clothes.Next to her pillow were the new clothes Ivan Bell bought for her, a small vest made of leather and a bright-colored skirt, which were close-fitting but did not hinder movement.

It’s very Ivan Bell’s practical style, and Alice likes it very much.

Alice walked out and she gave Ivan Bell a hug.She jumped up and down twice to ensure that even if her skirt floated up, others could only see her safety pants underneath.

"I'm ready, let's go!"


"We are not the only ones hiding in the underground of this imperial capital, our Pergade guild, there is also an arcane workshop."

"Olga Mithril. The owner of Ander's underground arcane workshop. He is quite nice. You will get along well with him."

Vician walked backwards while introducing the others to the new location they were about to visit.

"Olga Mithril? What a strange last name."

"Coming from the old naming tradition, don't worry about the little details. Oh, here we are."

Familiar buildings gradually appeared in front of Alice's eyes, and they returned to the fountain in the central square. The central square had become a lot deserted in recent days.Some pedestrians passing by began to whisper when they saw the brooches on their chests, but Alice did not have the time to read those people's lips.

"Why did you bring us to the fountain?"

"I'm going to do a magic trick for you. Wait, let me find where I put that thing."

Visian didn't explain anything. He rummaged through his pockets, taking out various things and returning them.Alice thought that Vician was a bit like a magician who couldn't catch a rabbit from his hat during his performance.

Vician still couldn't find what he needed after 5 minutes. Alice was bored and started to put her hand in the pool at the bottom of the fountain to fish for the coins under the water.

"It would be great if all this money was mine."

Alice sighed. Her wallet had successfully lost weight in the past few days, from 36E to 16A, becoming as flat as her breasts.

"Yes! Finally..."

Visian finally took out a small bag of coins from the secret pocket, and he asked everyone to take some.Alice raised the coins she got and looked at the light. These coins were translucent, with small gears meshing inside.

The exquisite craftsmanship reminded her of the music box that Granny Madeleine had given her, and the coins looked like they might have come from the same land of dwarves as the music box.

"Did you get the coin? Okay, have you seen the gargoyles at the bottom of the fountain? Throw the coin in."

Only when Alice crouched down could she see the gargoyle that Vician was talking about. The mouth of the dragon-shaped gargoyle was open, and there was a bottomless pipe in its throat. Presumably the coin in her hand should be thrown in here.

Alice threw the coin in her hand, and the sound of metal colliding with hard objects was heard. The gargoyle's eyes glowed golden after the sound disappeared.

Then, with a "Bang!" sound, Alice fell out of thin air.

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