"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Alice falls down a huge rabbit hole like the protagonist of a fairy tale, although she doesn't do it willingly.The almost vertical downward pipe made Alice frightened. She was in a state of weightlessness as she slid, and her fragile little heart almost jumped out of her throat.

The clicking sound of the outer gear of the pipe was mixed with Alice's own scream. This mysterious sound lasted for more than 3 minutes.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! Ahhh...ah..."

Alice made a broken, staccato sound.When she trembled and got off the slide, she realized that her companion had already reached the ground. At this time, he was looking at her with a horrified expression as she soared a high note.

"Please forget what just happened, thank you."

Alice stood up straight immediately, with her hands behind her back, standing calmly in front of her companions, as if the person who screamed from beginning to end was not her.

"Hahaha! What a loud voice! Young people should speak like this!"

A short figure walked out from the backlight, with a furry beard covering half of his face. The ornaments entangled in his hair jingled as he walked.

As the figure came to them, Alice couldn't help showing an expression of joy, it was a dwarf!A real dwarf living in a human city!


Chapter 34 Arcane Weapon Making

"You can find all the props you need here, so feel free to use them."

At this time, Alice was holding a hammer in one hand and a chisel in the other hand, unable to do anything about the egg in front of her, even though Olga's craftsman apprentice told her so.

But when she did pick up the tools, she didn't know what to do.

"First do as he said and crack the egg open."

With one hammer blow, Alice almost made a hole in her hand.Only after getting started did she realize that the surface of the egg looked extremely rough and lumpy when touched. However, when the hammer hit the chisel, the chisel slipped from the surface of the egg.Like running a comb through smooth hair, she left no trace on the surface of the egg.

This was not a good sign for Alice. Olga left after giving her the stone egg, but he left alone. Who would have thought that he also took away all of Alice's belongings? Companions.

She even remembered the sympathetic look Ivan Bell gave her before leaving.

Alice slumped her shoulders, looking like she was on her own.She cheered up and began to search for useful items in the studio. She took a few pieces of wood from the shelves.She put the pieces of wood on the table and assembled them into a suitable size. After fixing them, a simple bracket was completed.

Alice put the egg on it and tried to push it a few times. No matter how hard she tried, the egg would stay in place.This made her breathe a sigh of relief. She looked at her masterpiece triumphantly, feeling a burst of confidence in her heart.

"Even if it's just me, I can still show it to you."

Alice hooked her feet over the footstool. She rolled up her sleeves and stood up, standing on the footstool so that she could see the top of the stone egg.Alice aimed at the weak point and hammered down the hammer in her hand.

This was no easy task. Alice had been repeating this set of actions for probably several hours. Her arms were so tired that they felt like they were filled with lead, and her jaws were numb from the reaction force.

However, the hard work paid off. The surface of the stone egg had cracked with cracks of various sizes, which was better than Alice expected. She tore off a piece of the skin, and the purple gem inside the stone egg was revealed in front of her eyes. A small piece of veil was opened.

Alice brought a chair, and she sat on it to rest and figure out where to start.After she had enough rest, she started working again.

Most of the day passed like this while she was banging eggs. Alice witnessed the process of how a stone egg transformed into a gem.

Of course, through her own hands.

"Wow, what is this."

Alice put her hand on top of the gem, and the light spots inside the gem converged towards her palm.She could feel the special magic contained in the gem, which was completely different from the magic she used, but it felt inexplicably close.

Alice gave these points of light names. She called them "starlights," a somewhat cliché name, but she decided to use it anyway.

Alice discovered that no matter where her hand moved, the "starlight" began to move together as if it could see her movements.This made her playful, and she began to direct the "starlight" to dance inside the gem.


Alice and "Starlight"'s minuet had just reached the third chapter when a knock on the door interrupted them.After Alice opened the door to the studio, Olga's short figure walked in.

"Ha, your progress is faster than I thought. Come and let me see."

Olga put on special glasses and stared at the "starlight" for a while. After a while, he touched his beard with satisfaction.

"That's great. You seem to be having a great time getting along with the Arcane Spirit."

"Arcane Spirit? Do you mean it?"

"Yes, the created elemental elves are now growing in the embryo in your hand."

Embryo? !

Alice stared at the gem she was holding in surprise. The light spots inside the huge gem were jumping up and down, looking extremely excited.

"Ah, didn't I tell you about the Arcane Spirit? I'm an old fool!"

"The arcane spirit gathers elements through special means to form an existence similar to the elemental elves. Do you know about the elemental elves? If you know, it will be much easier to explain."

"The arcane spirit is the embodiment of your own magic power, an elf that belongs only to you. When it matures, it will grow a 'shell' of itself, which is the arcane weapon you will use in the future."

Alice listened to Olga's words, and she raised the gem to her eyes. "Starlight" was floating inside the gem. Although she didn't know how the "starlight" would be transformed into her own weapon, she was still very happy with this little girl. Meeting of creatures.She laughed, and the "starlight" seemed to be able to feel her emotions. They spread and swirled around inside the gem.

"This child, I didn't expect that she could become familiar with the arcane spirit so quickly."

Olga did not intend to tell Alice this. He smoked his pipe and watched Alice play with the arcane spirit in the embryo.Among the arcane weapons he has made, large and small, the only one that awakens the arcane spirit so quickly is the one in Alice's hand.

"I really look forward to their growth."

People say that a good weapon deserves a good user, but this is not the case with what Olga made.The arcane weapons he made can think and have their own consciousness.They are most closely aligned with the user's abilities, but are also extremely difficult to create.Everything depends on the user's own consciousness. Once the arcane spirit successfully reaches a contract with the user, the user will get a weapon that is most suitable for them.

The arcane weapons Alice obtains will grow with her and can be said to be "living weapons" in the true sense.

"It will take a lot of time to convert the arcane spirit into a weapon. This is a fact that cannot be changed no matter how urgent it is. So, little girl, you should just wait and go around and become the arcane spirit. When the spirit figures it out, it will come out naturally.”

Alice nodded, gently stroking the gem in her arms. She followed Olga out of the studio, and met her companions again in the workshop hall.

Vician and Ivan Bell came to her side, poking at the gem curiously. "Starlight" kept avoiding their touch in the gem. This look made Alice laugh out loud.

"Haha, it looks like it doesn't like you."

"The old man is really partial. Is he a lolicon?!"

"Don't lie, Mr. Olga will definitely have his considerations in making arcane weapons for Alice."

"It would be a waste of resources to use such a good weapon for you. Those two daggers are enough for you."

"Ivan Bell??? Even you, I thought you would unite with me!"

"Who will be on the same side as you?"

Vishian and Ivan Bell began to quarrel with each other, and it was difficult for others to determine whether the relationship between the two of them was good or bad.

"Ahem, this is enough. By the way, Alice. Did Mr. Olga say anything to you?"

"He told me to wait patiently for it to hatch."

"Then just listen to him. After all, he is an expert in this field. You are quite tired today, so relax first."

What Caschia said didn't make sense. No matter how urgent she was now, she couldn't break the gem and dig out the contents like she did just now.

Olga asked her to wait, so she had no choice but to wait.

The remaining half day was spent by Alice visiting the Hammer of Hel. In the evening, after enjoying a dwarf-style dinner, Alice carried the gems to the temporary residence prepared for them by Olga.

After a day of hard work, Alice felt a little tired. She held the gem egg in her arms and pressed her face against the surface of the gem.Her vision began to blur, and the light from the light spots inside the gem began to flicker. In the end, she couldn't resist the sleepiness and closed her eyes.

"Good night……"

Alice rubbed the gem and said good night to it, and the long night had just begun...


Chapter 35 Starlight

The trickle of water, the chirping of birds, the fragrance of flowers.

This is a wonderful place, Alice is walking barefoot on the grass.She pinched her face, but she felt no pain. It seemed that she was in a dream now.This is a dream like no other. There is no continuous, never-ending mourning, and no formidable executioner.

This is a rare dream, Alice thought.

She walked along the river, not knowing where she was going. This dream did not give her any instructions.Alice just kept walking like this, the scenery behind her constantly changing, and she finally stopped in the middle of a ruin.

No one knows how long it took her to get here, after all, there is no concept of time in dreams.

Alice looked around. Broken walls were piled scatteredly on the ground. The long-decayed stone tablets could no longer be read. This land had been abandoned long ago and was allowed to be corroded into debris by time.

Alice felt uncomfortable for no reason. She turned around and wanted to leave, but was stopped by someone.

"Don't you like it here?"

A young child appeared out of thin air, and she stretched out her hands to block Alice's steps.The child raised his head hard and looked at Alice with his watery grape-colored eyes.

"Who are you? What is this place?"

Alice leaned down with her hands on her knees and asked the child who suddenly appeared in front of her.She didn't expect that the child would curl up his lips and start sobbing quietly after hearing her question.

"You, you don't remember me? I was with you just now."

Alice thought about it. She hadn't met anyone since she entered the dreamland, so she didn't believe what the child said.

"I don't know you, who the hell are you."

"Woo, wow! Master, don't you want me anymore? You obviously, obviously gave me a name. Master, don't you need Starlight?"

Alice was startled, realizing that what Olga said to her, "The arcane spirit will tell you by itself" was exactly how it was done. If she heard correctly, the young blond loli in front of her was herself. The arcane spirit! ?

Wait, did she just say that she didn't even know her...?

After Alice's frantic efforts to comfort her, Starlight finally stopped crying. She pulled up her sleeves to wipe the tears that overflowed from her eyes.

"Master is going too far. This joke is not funny at all."

"Xingguang just wanted to help the master find the place he was looking for. Did Xingguang do anything wrong?"

The place I want to find?

After Alice's questioning, she finally pieced together the reason for this dream from Starlight's words:

Starlight, as the spirit of arcane magic, formed a link with Alice's consciousness from the moment it was born.For Alice's sake, it showed her the place Alice wanted to find most through dreams.

What Alice wants to find most right now is not her hometown, but Lorenzo's hiding place.

The thing is that simple, Starlight wanted to help, so she brought Alice into the dream.However, the reason behind the whole thing was far from simple as Alice imagined.

According to common sense, a newly born arcane spirit will not be able to transform into a physical form so quickly, but Starlight is a special case.

She gained consciousness very early. As the first batch of arcane materials to be transported to the Hammer of Hel, she watched helplessly as her "brothers and sisters" successfully found their masters.She had seen them turned into weapons. The arcane spirits who had taken human form stood beside their masters, all showing happy expressions invariably.

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