Of course, Fang Rui didn't care about this. He released mana from his fingertips and carefully explored every detail of the "Sacred Tree".

"Hey~ It's quite interesting!"

"It can be copied, but it's not necessary."

Fang Rui, who had figured out the power of the sacred tree, turned and left without responding to whether the "sacred tree" was willing to become the king.

Xiangyun was summoned to carry the group of people away from Nason Island.

Shiqi, who was riding Xiangyun for the first time, was curiously studying the Xiangyun at his feet.

"It's not a magic weapon, but it's different from ordinary clouds..."

"How interesting! Is it a condensed form of magic?"

"You can say yes, you can say no." Fang Rui's answer was ambiguous.

Seventeen: "…………"

Do you know who you learned how to speak from, and you will get beaten?

Oh, you are the best in the world!That's okay~

Shiqi's eyes returned to Xiangyun, and he continued to study Xiangyun. His eyes rubbed the edge of the clouds and looked downward. Looking at the continuously and rapidly changing terrain, Shiqi was sure that the clouds were moving at a very fast speed, but...

He was sitting on top of the clouds, but he didn't feel a breath of wind or a push against his back...

'Did the surrounding clouds and fog block the blowing wind? '

'If so...how did it do it? '

'And the clouds move so fast, the fog surrounding the clouds is not affected at all...'

One question after another emerged in his mind, but he had been pondering for a while without any gains. After all, it was something new that he had never been exposed to before, and it had zero foundation. It would be surprising to find some gains after researching it. It is normal to have no gains. .

After a while, the clouds landed in Biyou Village, at the foot of a mountain and the edge of the apple forest.

It was said that we were away for three days, but in reality it was only about half a day.

"...Maybe I should play outside for a while and then come back."

With such muttering, Fang Rui led Barron and others towards the village and arranged accommodation for the three of them.

Everything in Biyou Village is very new to the three of them, so their eyes have been wandering around, looking at the surrounding environment and things...

The various magical artifacts scattered throughout the village did not surprise him. In his opinion, since the village was founded by 25 descendants, it was normal to have all kinds of magical artifacts.

One stranger after another failed to surprise him. He had previously lived on an island that was almost entirely populated by strangers. Now that he saw a village composed entirely of strangers, he could not be surprised.

At most, they would have emotions like "Oh, there are villages in China that are all made up of aliens!"

However, he was particularly surprised by the fruit trees and plantations near the village, as well as the abundant vitality between heaven and earth.

If the normal vitality concentration of one cubic meter is one, then the vitality concentration of one cubic meter in Biyou Village is dozens or even hundreds.

It felt like he was immersed in an ocean of vitality, warm, and every breath was full of energy, which made him feel extremely comfortable.

'It's decided, I will live here from now on. '

At this time, Shi Qi's inner thoughts were extremely firm.

Barron was also extremely surprised. He felt that his desire for adventure and excitement was gradually softening. The idea of ​​'wanting to live here forever' spread in his heart at an extremely fast speed because the environment in Biyou Village was so great. Got it!

Xia Liuqing is not as excited as the two of them. On the one hand, it is because he has not practiced Liuku Immortal Thief, and his perception is not as strong as the two of them. Of course, he can also detect the benefits of this place. On the other hand, he is determined in his heart. Even though this place is full of temptations, But he will not abandon Jin Feng'er.

If Jin Feng'er didn't move here, he wouldn't come to live here.


It seems that we have to work hard to persuade Jin Feng'er.

Carefully feel the changes in your body. Under the nourishment of rich vitality, your body that used to be a little heavy becomes light again...

Since it is good for the body, we must convince Jin Feng'er to come here.

'But...how to convince him? '

The group of people had different thoughts, and under the leadership of Fang Rui, they arrived at the Biyou Village office located in the center of the village, where Bi Yuan handled official business on a daily basis.

Chapter 195 One week later

A week later...

The follow-up turmoil of the Longhu Mountain incident gradually subsided, and Quan Xing, who suffered a heavy blow, kept a low profile for the time being. Some sects, organizations and casual cultivators were busy trying to recruit people from the "company".

Logically speaking, during this period, the alien society should have a period of calm to digest the shock brought by the 'big event', but accidents always come as expected...

The internal chaos of the Wang family, which lost its head Wang Ai, caused its external forces to be also affected and became somewhat chaotic.

In particular, some forces who are interested in the fat piece of "Wang family" are secretly adding fuel and jealousy, adding fuel to the chaos of the Wang family and making it burn even brighter.

There are smart people within the Wang family who can see the crisis existing in the Wang family at this time and are working hard to resolve the crisis, but the method used is not quite right...

Some people even failed to recognize the reality and went to the 'company' headquarters to make a fuss, wanting to inherit the position of 'Ten Guys'.

All in all, although there are smart people in the Wang family, there are more fools. A series of mysterious operations, plus other forces adding fuel to the fire, make their situation even more dangerous.

When the 'Company' and the alien management group 'Ten Guys' jointly announced that Fang Rui would become one of the Ten Guys, the Wang family's situation became increasingly precarious.

But neither the 'Company' nor the 'Ten Guys' have any intention of getting involved. As long as those forces don't go too far, the two organizations responsible for managing the alien society will not get involved.

Due to the impact of Fang Rui becoming one of the Ten Guys, Biyou Village has jumped from a well-known ordinary alien force to a Ten Guys force that is resounding throughout the alien society. Other factions have sent people to Biyou Village to visit him. Various gifts are piled in the room of Biyou Village Office.

After visiting Biyou Village, those people were immediately attracted by the items in the village, asking if they were for sale, and waving banknotes to buy them, as if to say, "You are stupid and you have a lot of money, so come quickly."

During this period, Liao Zhong and other company employees who were visiting Biyou Village discovered that some of the products sold in Biyou Village were dangerous and reported them to the company headquarters to list them as controlled items, and their purchase and sale must be supervised.

Of course, this matter was not decided unilaterally by the 'company', but was the result of discussions with the two leaders of Biyou Village. Ma Xianhong agreed without any objection, mainly because the person who defected from Biyou Village made a fuss. A series of events made him understand something...

Since then, Biyou Village has successfully established trade relations with more forces.

The scientific research site jointly established by Biyou Village, Tianxiahui, and the Chumaxian family is next to the headquarters of Tianxiahui. Several buildings originally located there have been bought by Feng Zhenghao at a large price.

At this time, those buildings have been pushed, and the scientific research institute is under construction. Feng Zhenghao, who got the scientific drawings from Fang Rui, is working hard to find relevant technicians. The Chumaxian family is also not idle, and is also working hard. work……

Besides that, there are a lot of other things going on...

For example, Zhang Zhiwei used Zhang Lingyu's need for experience as a reason to put Zhang Lingyu into the North China Branch, which was accessible everywhere, and acted together with Zhang Chulan.

He himself went to Biyou Village for vacation, and the reconstruction of Longhu Mountain was left to his apprentice.

Some people who have recently moved into Biyou Village, such as Tian Jinzhong, Ruan Feng ([-]), and Barun... they hang out in the village every day to deepen their understanding of Biyou Village.

Every time they get to know each other better, everyone will be amazed in their hearts, especially when enjoying three delicious meals a day, everyone's awe is the highest.

There is a saying: Food is the most important thing for people, so this reaction is normal.

As for Lu Huan, after beating Lu Liang a few times and sending the people sent by his family, he returned to Biyou Village and was currently studying how to treat Chen Duo.

As for Chen Duo...

She was still struggling.

Fang Rui was surprised by how long she struggled.

Liao Zhong originally wanted to help her make a decision, but was stopped by Fang Rui. Some things were better left to him to make the decision himself.


Today, the turbulent period has passed, and the alien society has returned to stability.

In Biyou Village, the number of guests from other forces has decreased a lot recently, and the tranquility of the past has returned.

Zhang Zhiwei, who had lived in Biyou Village for a day, discovered many unusual places, but he did not say anything and continued to wander around the village with his junior brother.

We have finished visiting the central area of ​​Biyou Village yesterday, so today we should go to the construction facilities near Biyou Village, that is, places such as breeding farms, vegetable plantations, and fruit trees...

The first target of the two was the Monster Sheep Farm. Outsiders were not allowed to enter the farm, so the two could not go in for a visit and could only take a look outside.

Part of the breeding farm is an open-air facility for the monster sheep to roam. Beside the facility lies a huge white wolf with snow-white fur.

'Where sheep are raised, wolves are arranged to guard...'

'It's really interesting~'

As the two people arrived, the white wolf, which had been sleeping with its eyes closed, slowly opened its eyes. Its yellow-brown eyes shone with the light of wisdom. It took a few seconds for it to recognize who the two people were, but it could He felt the pressure Zhang Zhiwei brought to him.

'That's outrageous!One person actually puts so much pressure on me! '

Muttering in his heart, Bai Lang has nothing to worry about. After all, he can call out the strongest person in the world with just a howl, and people who can move freely in Biyou Village should have no problem...right?

With such thoughts, Bai Lang retracted his gaze from the two of them and said in a mature and hoarse female voice: "It is forbidden to enter the inside of the breeding farm. You can look around the rest of the place as you like."

Zhang Zhiwei and Tian Jinzhong nodded to express their understanding. After wandering here for a while, they set off to the next place...

The rabbit demon guards the vegetable plantations, the monkey demon guards the peach woods, and the tiger guards the pig farms...

In short, the monsters who like to eat vegetarian food are the caretakers of vegetables and fruits, and the monsters who like to eat meat are the caretakers of pigs and sheep.

"Definitely on purpose."

Zhang Zhiwei commented on this.

"Isn't he... worried about the guards stealing food?" Tian Jinzhong's tone was full of confusion.

"If you don't understand, just ask..."

With that said, Zhang Zhiwei and Tian Jinzhong went to the forging workshop where Fang Rui was.

When they pushed open the door of the forging workshop and saw the situation inside, their expressions suddenly changed, full of astonishment, as if they saw something that shouldn't exist.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Zhiwei and Tian Jinzhong thought of something, their expressions became extremely angry, and bright golden light wrapped around their bodies.

Stomping on the ground, stepping on the gravel, when the gravel shot out in all directions, the two of them shot out like sharp arrows, heading straight towards the target...

Chapter 196 The three brothers meet

a few minutes ago……

In a certain room of the forging workshop, there is a pure white oval bathtub in the center of the room, which is filled with a pale green liquid. Zhang Huaiyi, who has a dark complexion, is lying in the liquid with his eyes closed and his expression is peaceful.

Various talismans are engraved on the walls both inside and outside the bathtub, each exerting their own effects. The magical instruments hanging above the bathtub and placed around the bathtub also exude a hazy brilliance...

"It is indeed a krypton gold flow, and the results are really fast."

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