Fang Rui's eyes glowed with a faint white light as he observed the soul in Zhang Huaiyi's body. The remnant soul, which was originally as weak as a candle, had grown to the size of a normal human being under the nourishment of dozens of soul-nurturing tools, spells, and medicinal liquids. size.

And during this period, Fang Rui often used soul-calling, soul-gathering and other spells to try to gather Zhang Huaiyi's remnant soul that had not been completely dissipated, but the harvest was very little. He only collected a few remnant souls as thin as silver threads.

"Although the mutilation of the soul will lead to the loss of memory, not harmful."

Fang Rui said casually: "In short, let's try to wake up Zhang Huaiyi first."

Saying this, Fang Rui turned his thoughts into actions. The green liquid began to squirm, and he supported Zhang Huaiyi to help him stand up.

Two illusory arms, one red and one blue, emerged from Fang Rui's shoulders, slowly extended, and reached towards Zhang Huaiyi.

Where the red illusory hand brushed, gray-green rotten flesh peeled off, and normal-colored flesh and blood emerged immediately.

The blue illusory hand grasps the soul, explores, organizes... and gradually sorts out the chaotic consciousness.

About 2 minutes later, a completely new Zhang Huaiyi appeared in Fang Rui's field of vision.

"Emmm..." Fang Rui muttered after looking at him roughly for a while, "It seems a bit younger."

Perhaps because he heard Fang Rui's complaints, Zhang Huaiyi's eyelids trembled a few times. Zhang Huaiyi, who was gradually regaining consciousness, struggled to open his eyes, and a confused emotion emerged in his eyes.

The memories stored in his soul gradually emerged, and the confusion in Zhang Huaiyi's eyes gradually dissipated, replaced by emotions such as shock, distress, and doubt.

I feel shocked and confused as to why I woke up, and I feel distressed that I have too much memory loss...

Fang Rui didn't say anything to disturb him, and watched with interest as Zhang Huaiyi struggled and changed his face frequently.

After a while, Zhang Huaiyi, who finally got rid of all kinds of doubts, looked forward, and Fang Rui's figure was reflected in his eyes. When he saw Fang Rui, Zhang Huaiyi was obviously startled for a while, and at the same time, he thought, "Ah~ there is someone!" " expression.

Not paying attention to Zhang Huaiyi's expression, Fang Rui said expressionlessly: "I believe you already have a basic understanding of your current situation. Considering that it would be troublesome to explain in detail, I will skip it."

After speaking, Fang Rui paused for a while, leaving Zhang Huaiyi time to digest the information. Although there was not much information contained in what Fang Rui said, Zhang Huaiyi's expression was slightly speechless.

Zhang Huaiyi tried to break free from the shackles of the miserable green liquid, but failed. The binding force of the liquid was unexpectedly strong, and there was a person in front of him who didn't know the details. It would be better to be honest.

The two looked at each other for a while, and when the atmosphere was about to get awkward, Fang Rui spoke again: "Tell me something that you are more concerned about. For example, it took me a lot of time and effort to wake you up. The materials I consumed and my labor costs to wake you up will be later." I will sort out a detailed bill later, and you need to work for me until the debt is paid off."

Zhang Huaiyi: “…………”

You are buying and selling!

He did not say what was in his heart because he was worried that a stranger would say something ungrateful: "Since you said that, I will take it back."

Then he played GG with a confused look on his face.

"Buy strong and sell strong!"

Fang Rui nodded thoughtfully, and while Zhang Huaiyi was stunned, he said: "You are right, it is wrong to ignore other people's wishes. Since you are full of resistance in your heart, then this transaction will be cancelled, and I will send you to this place. Places to go……"

As he spoke, Fang Rui raised his right arm, and a sharp aura wrapped around his arm.

The moment that breath appeared, Zhang Huaiyi felt as if there were thousands of knives against his skin. The deadly threat lingered around him, and fear arose spontaneously.

Before Fang Rui could wave his arms, Zhang Huaiyi shouted out of survival instinct: "Stop!!!"

The loud voice echoed in the room. Fang Rui forced his face to keep from laughing, and deliberately lowered his voice to appear a little cold: "Is there anything else you want to say?"

"I want to say... Well, everything can be discussed! Young people, don't be so impatient."

Zhang Huaiyi said dryly, feeling a little uneasy.

He couldn't tell whether Fang Rui was serious, or whether he wanted to scare him and make him obey. After all, he was like fish on the chopping board, and he didn't dare to bet on whether the knife would fall.

"Is that so..."

The sharp aura wrapped around his arm dissipated, Fang Rui put down his hand and said, "In that case, let's have a chat."

A few minutes later, Zhang Huaiyi, who "voluntarily" signed the unequal treaty, was freed. He left the room with a depressed face and wanted to change out of his wet clothes, so he went to the next room to find dry clothes...

But when he passed by the living room, the door suddenly opened. He looked at the door like a reflex, and two familiar faces appeared in his field of vision.

The three of them looked at each other wordlessly for a while.

After careful identification for a while, Zhang Huaiyi already had a guess in his mind. He was more than 80.00% sure about the probability that the two people were Zhang Zhiwei and Tian Jinzhong.

After Zhang Zhiwei and Tian Jinzhong carefully identified each other for a while, they also came to the conclusion that the person opposite was Zhang Huaiyi. Thinking of the rumors some time ago, the two of them looked solemn, and then...

The two of them did not hesitate at all and took action immediately!

The two people entwined in the bright golden light suddenly disappeared from the spot. In an instant, they reached both sides of Zhang Huaiyi across a distance of several meters, and slapped Zhang Huaiyi's chest with a destructive palm.

Looking at the two senior brothers so close to each other, Zhang Huaiyi didn't feel any nostalgia at all, but was filled with fear.

Crack!Show no mercy!

Golden light instantly possessed him, Zhang Huaiyi jumped back, and was out of the attack range of the two men in an instant.

Empty with one palm.

Tian Jinzhong and Zhang Zhiwei both showed surprised expressions.

'You can actually dodge senior brother's blow! '

'It's quite interesting that you can avoid my casual attack. '

The next second, Tian Jinzhong retreated to the door, and Zhang Zhiwei launched a charge, heading straight for Zhang Huaiyi.

Perhaps the current scene reminded him of his previous life in Longhu Mountain. Then a smile appeared on his lips, his figure swayed, and he charged towards Zhang Zhiwei...

'After so many years, let's have a competition!Senior brother~'

Boom————! ! !

Chapter 197 End Chapter

【the first year】

[In June, the 'company's' research institution has concluded that the Aura Tree is special, and the headquarters convened a meeting with the heads of the seven regions to formulate a plan to investigate the degree of variation in domestic plants.

A few days later, the monsters that had not yet matured were captured in large numbers by the 'company', and some aura trees were cut down.

A few days later, a rough distribution map of the aura trees was produced by the 'company'.

During this period, animals in the city underwent strange changes. Stray cats, dogs, and rats gathered in some parks. They lived in harmony without disturbing each other, causing small-scale online discussions.

A large number of mosquitoes breed and swarm through the city, causing great interference to the daily life of residents. Each city immediately organized manpower to control it, which caused heated discussions on the Internet and various speculations.

The various sects and forces in the alien society have different attitudes towards this matter, either curious or ignoring it... but the approach to sending people to help the 'company' is the same. 】

[In July, the situation in the city did not improve. Various pesticides had little effect. The first pest control plan failed. Residents’ daily lives were seriously affected. The number of injuries slowly increased. Discussions on the Internet became more heated.

A few days later, the company made a plan to cut down trees. When the company's employees were performing their tasks, they were blocked by the monsters. Some aliens also jumped out to cause trouble, causing the plan to not go smoothly.

On the other hand, the company launched the second pest control plan, putting out bait to attract the pests, and then using fire, electricity, ice and other methods to kill the pests, which was somewhat effective.

At the same time, contact various alien forces to ask if there are more efficient pest control methods, and harvest some effective methods.

The construction of the scientific research institute has been completed, scientific researchers and scientific research equipment have been put in place one after another, a certain floor of the Tianxiahui headquarters building has been renovated, and research on virtual reality devices has officially begun. 】

[In August, the first energy tide arrives. The world is washed by energy and begins to change. Special plants appear in large numbers, and a large number of monsters and monsters open up their wisdom.

The pest infestation that was originally contained broke out again, and the impact caused by cats, dogs, rats and other animals was weakening. Under the leadership of the monsters who had developed their minds, the animals in the city avoided human action.

The newly reborn Chen Duo led the Biyou Village pest control team to various cities, killing all the pests in one city after another at an extremely efficient speed, and the pest infestation was contained.

During this period, the magical artifacts displayed by the Biyou Village team attracted the company's attention, and a batch was purchased after the incident.

Research on virtual reality devices has achieved some results, the city has basically resumed operation, and the remaining bugs will not interfere with daily life. 】

[In September, due to lack of food, the rats hidden in the city's sewers gradually became restless. Some rats ran to the ground one after another in search of food. The demonized rats were unusually large, causing panic among city residents. The city was not yet completely stable. Once again, turmoil arose, and the already busy company employees had another task: cleaning up rats in the city.

In the mountains and forests outside the city, some monster beasts who had a grudge against the 'company' thought they were strong enough, and immediately summoned a group of monster beasts to attack human towns.

The first monster siege broke out. Because the number of monsters participating in the siege was small, and the 'company' sent manpower and people from various sects to control rat infestations in various cities, this monster siege failed. Cause too much damage.

But... the existence of aliens was completely exposed. 】

[In October, because of the issue of 'foreigners', the atmosphere of the entire society changed, like boiling water, with heated discussions on how to become a stranger.

It wasn't until the scientific researchers followed the diagrams and successfully produced the virtual reality device, and the news that the virtual reality game was about to be released spread throughout society, did the popularity of "Alien" decrease a little...]

[In November, the tree-cutting plan had little effect. After the first energy tide, there was an increase in alienated plants with similar effects to the aura trees. There were more and more monsters in the wild, and they were becoming more and more powerful.

Creatures in the ocean also undergo changes under the nourishment of special energy. Marine monsters then appear on the stage. Coastal areas and islands are the first to bear the brunt. They are caught off guard by the surprise attack of marine monsters, causing considerable chaos.

Fortunately, the ocean monsters that attacked this time were monsters such as crabs, and the monsters were not very powerful at first, so they did not cause much damage.

After that, the maritime defense line began to be built...]

[In December, due to the foreseeable future and various other reasons, the announcement about the establishment of the Foreign College was issued by the official organization, and the construction of the college and the recruitment of teachers began.

Before the official organization announced the qualifications required to become an alien, Fang Rui took the self-cultivation furnace to the 'company' and introduced the functions and effects of the self-cultivation furnace in detail.

Successfully harvested a lot of "wtf" and became the company's key guard. 】

【the second year】

[In January, a modern force composed of strangers was cleaning up the monsters near the city. Various sects were not idle either, using their magic to clean up the monsters near the city.

Although the Yiren Academy has not been completely built, it has begun enrolling students. It is temporarily divided into two campuses, one teaching minors and the other teaching adults.

Some of the teachers come from the company, and the other part come from various forces. The basic skills they teach also come from the friendship provided by various forces. 】

[In February, information came in from abroad. Due to the harassment of monsters and demonstrations, foreign countries are currently relatively chaotic. The overpopulation of animals such as pests and rats is an urgent problem that needs to be solved abroad. .

Biyou Village successfully became the company's supplier, responsible for providing a variety of magical weapons and weapons. Other sects and organizations that mastered the means of refining weapons also received orders from the company. 】

[In March, an association similar to the Adventurers Association in the novel was formally established. The management group is Shilao, and the company is responsible for supervision. The role of the association is to issue tasks and recover monster meat, alienated plants, etc., and is used to manage some loose Alien group.

The team to explore the ocean officially set off by ship, and the planes were temporarily suspended. 】

[In April, the team to explore the ocean situation returned. Ordinary ships were not enough to support ocean voyages, and plans to build new ships and aircraft were put on the agenda.

Qiu Rang became a teacher at Yiren Academy, responsible for teaching the knowledge of magical machine and weapon refining. His students were scientific researchers and technicians. 】

[In May, you presented a magic flying boat and design drawings to the company, and accepted the invitation to guide the technical staff in making the flying boat.

During this period, the country’s first set of basic cultivation techniques is being compiled...]

Chapter 198 "Company" high-level meeting

Brightly lit conference room.

There were eight people sitting around the oval conference table, some old and some young, some tall and some short, some men and women, some fat and some thin...

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