"Now that everyone has arrived, I declare the meeting to begin..."

The white-haired old man sitting at the head of the conference table looked around the entire conference room, tapped the table with his fingers, attracted the attention of everyone present, and said softly:

"The first thing is the inspection report on the branches and the treatment plan."

As he spoke, he turned his attention to the eight document bags in front of him and threw seven of them to others one after another.

The heads of the seven divisions opened the document bag and carefully read the contents recorded on the paper, their brows gradually frowning.

"It's a bit troublesome!" Xu Xiang, the person in charge of the North China Division, said with a frown.

Trees that can release special energy, if nourished by this energy for a long time, animals such as cats and dogs, plants such as flowers and plants, or insects such as cockroaches and locusts will all undergo changes.

The changes of animals can be referred to the "Xianjia". It is not yet known what the changes of insects will be. The changes of plants can be described by the word "many".

Of course, the above information is the speculation of scientific researchers. There is no guarantee that it will be correct. I can only say that it is very likely.

For a 'company', the likelihood is reason enough to take action.

"My advice is to identify all mutated trees as quickly as possible and cut them down before they cause serious trouble."

Before the heads of the seven districts spoke, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open, and five people walked in one after another. The sentence just now was said by one of them.

"Why are you here?"

Zhao Fangxu, who was sitting at the head of the conference table, looked at the visitor, immediately raised his left hand and gently pressed his eyebrows.

The visitor is a director of the company, and he is responsible for one aspect of the affairs.

The person who spoke before was Mr. Huang, who was a bit "outspoken".

"Old Huang is right. There is no need to think about it so much. It's just a few trees. Cutting them all down won't solve the problem."

The middle-aged man in black clothes with a slightly sinister face said in a low tone.

This person is Bi Dong, and he is a bit ruthless.

"No, let's find out how many trees there are first." said the old woman who was following the two of them.

"Second the proposal." The short old man beside him nodded gently, expressing his approval of this solution.

The remaining person, the tall and fat director, did not speak and went straight to the conference table.

Five people took their seats one after another. After listening to the remarks of several people, the heads of the seven regions did not express their opinions immediately, but turned their attention to Director Zhao.

"First investigate the quantity and then consider how to deal with it."

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhao Fangxu announced his plan to deal with the matter.

"Each district will submit its investigation results as soon as possible, and remember to record any special circumstances encountered during the period..."

"Next thing..."

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Fangxu started the next topic: "As for the Longhu Mountain incident report submitted by Xu San, please take a look."

After speaking, Zhao Fangxu slowly leaned back until his back was against the back of the chair, and then slowly exhaled.

Hearing this, the heads of each major district began to read the document, while Xu Xiang was wondering what Xu San had written before Lao Zhao brought it to the meeting.

While the heads of the seven regions were reading the report, the five directors had nothing to do. They stared at each other for a while, and then all turned to look at Zhao Fangxu.

Zhao Fangxu said angrily: "I didn't prepare you. I didn't ask you to come to the meeting in the first place."

Hearing what the chairman said, a few people said nothing. They had indeed come uninvited, and then they turned their attention to the heads of each major district.

"Xiao Ren..."

"Hua Feng..."

The two people whose names were called immediately understood what the director meant, handed over the document bag, and then read a copy with the person next to them.

The directors who received the document began to read it and gradually frowned.

A few minutes later, Bi Youlong raised his head, looked at Zhao Fangxu and asked, "Isn't the content of the report fictitious?"

"I have asked other employees who performed the task, and I can guarantee that the report submitted by Xu San was not fraudulent, and was even a bit conservative."

Listening to Zhao Fangxu's explanation, Bi Youlong's expression dropped.

"Although I knew that the 'immortals' worshiped by Chumaxian were elves who had been practicing for many years, I never thought that they were so powerful."

Huang Boren sighed, and then asked: "Take this matter out, what does Director Zhao want to achieve?"

"Should we kill those less stable factors, or should we talk to them and sign a contract?"

Then, Bi Youlong added.

"Kill him? Youlong, you really dare to think about it!"

Zhao Fangxu shook his head slowly and tapped his fingertips to report: "According to Xu San's description, the strength of those 'immortal families' is extraordinary. How much do you think we need to pay to wipe them out?"

Bi Youlong: "......"

There is no doubt that it is a price that the company cannot afford.

"So...you mean to talk?"

At this time, everyone present already understood Zhao Fangxu's thoughts. Director Huang, named Huang Boren, asked this, although he used a positive tone.

"Otherwise?" Zhao Fangxu asked.

Since the status quo cannot be maintained and force is not effective, then all that is left is to talk...

"Who do you think is the right person to take charge of this?" one director asked.

"Xu Si."

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhao Fangxu said: "I have met him several times. Although he looks a little out of place, he is actually very reliable. Moreover, he knows those 'immortal families' and sent him there. I'm quite relieved, but..."

"It's not convenient for him to go alone. After all, his authority is not enough, so... he needs a director to accompany him."

"Who among you is going?"

Zhao Fangxu pushed up his round-rimmed glasses, and bright white light reflected on the mirror surface.

The five of them looked at each other for a while, and then Huang Dong said: "...Leave it to me."

"Then I'll leave it to you." Zhao Fangxu said.

Then, some other things were discussed later, and the meeting was declared over.

The group of people left the conference room one after another, and Huang Boren and Xu Xiang acted together.

A phone call was made to Xu Si, asking him to set off immediately to the headquarters of the Chumaxian family.

Then a phone call was made to notify the Demaxian family, telling them that they had important matters to discuss and needed to meet.

Afterwards, the two bought air tickets and set off to the northeast of the country where the Chumaxian family resides.

That's right, Xu Xiang did not return to the branch, but decided to carry out the mission with Huang Boren and Xu Si.

A day later...

After Xu Xiang, Huang Boren, Xu Si, Guan Shihua and others discussed for a while, they raised questions from the bottom of their hearts.

"So... why is the 'immortal family' enshrined by Immortal Chuma in Biyou Village?"

Hearing this, the members of the Chumaxian family present turned their heads and looked aside...

Chapter 199 Opening a new simulation world

Regarding the three people's questions, Chumaxian unanimously refused to answer.

Finding that he could not achieve his goal here, Huang Dong said goodbye directly and left, deciding to go to Biyou Village to find the "Xianjia".

Guan Shihua made a request to "come with us", and the three of them thought about it for a while before agreeing. After all, there was no reason to refuse.

At the same time, in Biyou Village.

Yesterday, Fang Rui did a simulation after a long absence. The possible future that was deduced reminded Fang Rui of some issues he had missed...

First, under the nourishment of 'spiritual energy', pets, stray animals and other animals living in the city are bound to "evolve" just like animals living in the wild.

All people are treated equally and there is no differential treatment.

Secondly, "worms" can also "evolve", and because of their large numbers, "evolved" insects can cause serious trouble - insect plagues.

"Then...here's the problem."

Fang Rui turned his attention to the quiet and peaceful Biyou Village. As the area where "spiritual energy" first appeared, there was no "insect plague" in it, but there were several animal infestations.

Since "all people are treated equally", Biyou Village should also have the hidden danger of "insect plague", but why has it not broken out until now...


Thinking like this, three birds flew past his field of vision at high speed, like sunlight cutting through the fog, shattering Fang Rui's doubts and letting him understand why there was no "insect plague".

Most birds eat insects in the wild. There are many birds near Biyou Village, and some of them are "immortals" worshiped by Chuma Xian. Although the three meals a day of the "immortals" are provided by the village canteen, they occasionally There's no problem finding some demonized bugs to eat.

Others are birds and monsters attracted by the rich aura of Biyou Village and the strong aroma of spiritual plants. Their three meals a day are the demonized insects in the nearby area.

Therefore, there is no possibility for bugs to spread.

Of course, this method does not yet have the conditions to be popularized...

The thoughts that were floating like catkins were restrained by Fang Rui, and later he began to think about other things...

For example, the changes in the ocean, the return of aliens to the bright stage, the establishment of associations and colleges...

"I'm sure I played a big role in those things."

With that said, Fang Rui summoned the simulator interface and stared at it.

There is a saying: When you know the future, the future has already changed.

How much will change depends on how much you want to change.

Regarding the future of this deduction, Fang Rui wanted to change some details and already had corresponding methods. As for the rest, he had no intention of changing it.


One solution to the problem is not very reliable, so it is more reliable to prepare several more solutions.

It just so happened... I don't know if it was a virtual scene or a simulated scene in another world, but the time flow rate in the outside world was inconsistent with that of the outside world. He could find more solutions while making money in the simulated scene.

Although the fox demon world has not yet been explored, he has no intention of landing yet.

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