Fingertips brushed against the bite bag embedded in his belt, Fang Rui muttered softly and continued along the original route.

Because it was difficult to determine his location and avoid getting lost in the lush mountain forest, Fang Rui moved in a straight line. After all, the forest had boundaries. As long as he kept moving in one direction, he would be able to get out sooner or later.

Don't worry about wasting time, he moves very fast and carries enough supplies, so you don't have to worry about going hungry for at least a month.

Too bad he didn’t have an outdoor camping tent!

This is another question that needs to be remembered!

Chapter 34 The conversation between Lu Huan and Fang Rui

The next day, simulated coins +100.

At 09:30 in the morning, on a certain road section in the wilderness, a few dwarf trees were scattered randomly around. The overgrown weeds were half yellow and half green. There was a slight smell of vegetation in the cool mountain breeze.

Next to one of the trees, Fang Rui put his right hand into his waist bag and took out a few bite sacs. He glanced at the numbers on the surface of the bite sacs, kept No. [-] and [-] bite sacs, and put the rest back into his waist bag, then put Belt bag zips up.

The No. [-] bite bag contains food and water, and the No. [-] bite bag contains cooking utensils and some kitchen utensils, as well as some other symbols.

First, he took out the gas stove, faucet, earthenware pot, two stainless steel soup pots, one large and one small, scissors, wooden spoons and two sets of bowls and chopsticks from the No. [-] bite bag, and then from the No. [-] bite bag Take out noodles, cut braised beef, seasoning packets, and portable refrigerator from the bag.

As the portable refrigerator was opened, wisps of cold air came out, and cucumbers and other vegetables wrapped in plastic wrap were also visible to the two of them.

"You are so well prepared."

Lu Huan, who didn't know what to say for a moment, said in an inexplicable tone of praise.

"Average." Fang Rui said modestly.

After all, several mistakes and omissions were discovered last night. From Fang Rui's perspective, there was still room for improvement, but from Lu Huan's perspective, it was a completely different story. Excessive modesty was hypocrisy.

Even though he was so fully prepared, how could he be so ordinary?


Lu Huan received the outdoor portable folding stool and opened it while saying calmly: "Really?"

Fang Rui, who didn't hear the thorn in Lu Huan's words, added while setting up the dining table: "I found some omissions during this operation, which made me realize that my preparations are still insufficient."

Lu Huan: "..." How should I answer this?

Fortunately, Fang Rui did not continue talking about the matter. He picked up the talisman faucet and filled the small soup pot with water. He told Lu Huan, "Get some cabbage from the refrigerator and wash it."

As he said that, Fang Rui sat on the folding stool, playing with his phone with his head down, not paying attention to Lu Huan across the table.

Hey Hey hey!What kind of attitude do you have!

Even if I cooperate, you can't forget my identity!

I was kidnapped by you~ Show me some respect!

Correct your attitude as a kidnapper!

Be careful I run away~

Lu Huan complained crazily in her heart, and at the same time she was curious about why Fang Rui treated her like this, so she asked, "Hey, aren't you worried about me running away?"

"Not particularly worried."

Hearing this, Fang Rui, who was playing with his cell phone, did not look up and said in a calm tone: "First of all, given your current situation, you will definitely not go home..."

Lu Huan nodded slightly in agreement. There were an unknown number of enemies hidden in Lujia Village, and their target was her. She would not return to Lujia Village until she could ensure her own safety.

"Secondly, you don't dare to join other forces. Since the unknown force can lurk in Lujia Village, it can also sneak into other forces."

Lu Huan had the same idea about this.

The Lu family, which masters the Bright Soul Technique, is one of the most difficult forces to place undercover agents. However, even so, it is still infiltrated by unknown forces, which proves how powerful the unknown forces are.

So she didn't dare to join other forces, or even make herself famous, because that would attract secret enemies, and she didn't want to try to escape several assassinations.

"Finally..." Fang Rui put away his phone, looked up at Lu Huan and said, "With your strength, you can't escape from my hands."

Although it is the truth, why do I feel so angry when I hear it!

Hearing this, Lu Huan smiled reluctantly and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"By the way..." Fang Rui added: "You can call your family to report that they are safe."

"Huh?" Lu Huan looked surprised.

"Don't look at me like that. Although the method I used is not very good, I can still be regarded as your savior. Moreover, I am looking for you to treat you. I never thought of killing you and asking you to tell your family that you are safe." Already?"

"Is there a problem? I think it's fine."

After a pause, Fang Rui added: "Of course, I suggest you be sensible and don't play tricks."

"If you don't add that sentence, I might change my attitude towards you."

Regarding Lu Huan's words, Fang Rui slightly shrugged his shoulders and didn't care much.

"Hey, Mom... Yes, I'm fine... Dad, I won't be going home for the time being..." After receiving Fang Rui's permission, Lu Huan immediately contacted her parents to report that they were safe, and hung up the phone after talking for a while.

Later, Lu Huan contacted another person: "Master, there are people from other forces in the village."

After speaking, she hung up the phone.

The troubles in the village are left to the Taiye to deal with. After all, he is the current patriarch of the Lu family.

Those who can do more work, so she, a little shrimp, won't mix in too much.

The self-aware Lu Huan thought so, and then his attention was attracted by the faucet in Fang Rui's hand.

"I wanted to ask before, what is that faucet?" Lu Huan asked curiously.

"It's a talisman, I made it." It wasn't something worth covering up, so Fang Rui gave the answer readily.

"What is the talisman?" Lu Huan continued to ask.

"I can't tell you this yet." Fang Rui refused to answer, then brushed his fingertips over the surface of the gas stove of the Talisman Device and injected a wisp of Qi. Then the gas stove spurted out flames, and the flames licked the bottom of the soup pot, heating the water in the pot.

Before Lu Huan could ask further questions, Fang Rui changed the subject: "How many noodles do you want to eat?"

If you don't say it, don't say it... Seeing this attitude of not wanting to say anything, Lu Huan curled his lips slightly, pointed to the bowl on the table and said, "One bowl is enough."

After a breakfast that was not rich but not bad either, Fang Rui put away the washed dishes, chopsticks, kitchen utensils and other items, except for the folding stool.

Beside the highway, a bored Lu Huan sat on a folding stool and played with Protect Carrots. An equally bored Fang Rui sat next to Lu Huan and watched her play the game.

On the other side, Lu Ci, who received the news from Lu Huan, did not summon his clan members, but was thinking about whether Lu Huan on the other side of the phone was true or false. He was also dubious about the news delivered by Lu Huan, who did not know whether it was true or false.

But a seed has been planted, and sooner or later it will germinate, and it shouldn’t take long before it germinates.

Lu Huan's parents didn't think too much. They were very happy to learn that Lu Huan was fine. After listening to Lu Huan's story, they also advised her not to come back for the time being and call her if anything happened.

Because he didn't know who was the enemy and who was the friend in the village, Lu Huan's father did not tell anyone else that Lu Huan was alive, except of course Lu Ci.

Regarding the information provided by Lu Huan's father, Lu Ci responded by asking Lu Huan's father to test it out and confirm whether "Lv Huan" was true or false.

Lu Huan's father's expression changed for a while and he agreed.

Chapter 35

"Jingle bells - tinkle bells -"

The ringtone of an incoming call suddenly rang, followed by a video call message popping up.

As soon as he saw the caller's note name, Fang Rui suddenly disappeared like a whistling wind. Lu Huan combed his wind-tossed hair and then tapped the answer button.

"...Do you have something to tell me? Dad."

Fang Rui, who was standing opposite Lu Huan, listened to the conversation between father and daughter, his expression gradually becoming more subtle.

Wow~ Good guy, it's so straightforward, not tactful at all, it's like inspecting the goods.

Fang Rui complained in his mind, then took out his phone and searched for interesting comics and novels on the Internet.

Half an hour later, the conversation between father and daughter ended... no, to be precise, the inspection ended. Lu Huan used Ruyi Jin and some things that no one knew except his family to successfully prove his identity.

Slowly exhaling, Lu Huan felt a little tired. The cross-examination from her family was bound to happen sooner or later. She had already prepared accordingly, but she didn't expect it to come so soon, nor did she expect that the person being cross-examined would be her father.

But it’s normal if you think about it carefully. This kind of thing needs to be discerned from the subtleties, and it is most appropriate to leave it to someone close to you.

But you know, you know, you will still feel unhappy.

Holding the phone with his fingers, Lu Huan slowly stood up and looked at the end of the road, where an off-road vehicle was driving quickly.

"Is that your companion?" Lu Huan asked, looking at the car.

Not to mention leaving, naturally he was waiting for something.

What can we wait for in this kind of wilderness, but companions who come to help us.

Fang Rui didn't answer. He quietly watched the car approaching and stopped next to him. The driver's window slowly lowered. The young man with shoulder-length hair stuck his head out and stared at the two of them for a while, and then again. He lowered his head and looked at the phone for a while, then asked: "Whose phone number is 1xxxxxxxxxx?"

"Shen Chong." Fang Rui nodded.

The young man nodded, flicked his long hair and said, "Get in the car."

Fang Rui opened the back seat door, turned to Lu Huan and said, "It's not a companion, it's the driver."

After saying that, he got into the car, followed closely by Lu Huan.

With a muffled "bang", the car door was closed. The young man in the driver's seat turned sideways, looked at the back seat and said, "You said I am the seems you are right."

After recalling Shen Chong's instructions, the young man couldn't help but admit that the other party's formation was correct.

As one of the famous Quanxing Four Mad Men, many Quanxing members are willing to sell him a favor and do a small favor.

The members of Quanxing are not only distributed across the country, but some even go abroad. Therefore, it is not difficult for Shen Chong to find a driver for Fang Rui, but it is very troublesome.

This driver is actually an ordinary all-sex disciple who joined the company less than a month ago.

"Where are you two going?"

After gathering his thoughts, the young man asked.

"Changbai Mountains." Fang Rui replied.

Hearing this, the young man's eyes bulged, as if he was very surprised, and he stammered: "Long...Changbai...mountains?!"

Looking at Fang Rui's indifferent expression, it didn't look like he was joking. His lips twitched and he didn't say anything, then he started the engine and drove away.

This place is two to three thousand kilometers away from the Changbai Mountains, and it can't be reached in three or four days.

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