"Where are you going?" After Lu Huan expressed his doubts, he guessed: "Could it be..."

Before Lu Huan could say his guess, Fang Rui interrupted: "No matter what you want to say, it is definitely wrong."

"Hey~ So confident?" Lu Huan was a little unconvinced when Fang Rui said this.

"It's not confidence, it's the truth."

After all, who could have guessed that the reason why I went to the Changbai Mountains was to cause trouble for those "elves".

Generally speaking, I don't think about it that way.

"I guess you're looking for a friend."

Lu Huan said that I didn't believe it, so I wanted to take a guess. Thinking that Fang Rui's purpose of finding her was to help people with medical treatment, a guess emerged.


"That's where you live!"


"Where are you going to find help?"


While Fang Rui and others were heading to the Changbai Mountains, other things were also happening, such as...

The Lu family is investigating the stranger who attacked Lu Huan, but they have no valuable information. They only know that the other person is a relatively powerful stranger.

The investigation on the people in the village is still in its infancy. Currently, it only targets non-foreigners and the son-in-law who comes to the village. The investigation on the outsiders in the clan has not yet started.

Although Lu Ci did not fully believe the information provided by Lu Huan, he did not dare to take a gamble. Based on the idea that he would rather kill the wrong person than let go, Lu Ci decided to conduct an investigation into Lujiacun, but he has found nothing yet.


After three days, the simulated currency will be +200.

On a certain section of a road within the Changbai Mountains, an ordinary off-road vehicle was parked.

A young man with shoulder-length hair poked his head out of the car window, looked at Fang Rui who was stretching, and said uneasily, "Are you really going into the mountains? It's very dangerous."

"Don't worry, it's not a big problem." Fang Rui gave a thumbs up and said with a hearty smile: "Although I am [-]% sure that I will get lost in the mountains, I am also [-]% sure that I can come out...probably."

"Don't go in if you're so unsure!" a young man roared.

"Okay, okay, you're just kidding!" Fang Rui waved his hands a few times and said, "Since I dare to go in, it means I am sure I can come out."

"Okay, I'll leave you alone, I can't convince you anyway." A certain young man sighed.

"Don't worry, I won't make you wait too long. It could be a few days at the earliest, or a month at the earliest."

With that said, Fang Rui and Lu Huan, carrying sufficient supplies, ran towards the top of the mountain along the hillside with only yellow weeds.

Watching the two people disappear from sight, a certain young man withdrew his gaze, started the car, and muttered: "I heard that there are many tourist attractions nearby, and they are all here, so let's go and have a look."

As the exclusive driver, he needs to stay here for a while. If the two do not come back within the specified time, he also needs to find a way to save them.

It’s beyond the scope of work~

A certain young man complained in his heart.

As they gradually deepened into the mountains, Fang Rui and Lu Huan left the bare barren mountain and came to another mountain with a few sparse trees.

The speed of the two of them slowed down to a brisk walk. Fang Rui took out a detection magic weapon, which can detect Qi within a certain range. Although it is not very useful, it can be regarded as a boost.

Moreover, today's number of simulations has not yet been used. He can also use the simulator to perform deductions. Although the information given by the simulator may not necessarily include these, if it doesn't work once, it can be done twice, and if it doesn't work twice, it can be done three times...

Try your luck!

You can always gain something by doing it a few times, and even if you don’t gain anything, it’s not a big deal.

【the first year】

[In September, you searched for Jiuri in the mountains and finally found an elf in XXX...]

Chapter 36 Waiting and searching

Yo~a good start!

Fang Rui raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw the text appearing on the simulator interface.

He wrote down the useful information given by the simulator, and then chose to refuse to receive the reward, which was +100 simulated coins.

Then he took out the map and looked for the coordinates mentioned by the simulator, but Fang Rui discovered a small problem. He couldn't understand the map, couldn't determine his location, and couldn't find where the coordinates were.

"It's a small thing, not a big problem."

Fang Rui murmured in a low voice and took out his phone. He glanced at the signal grid in the upper right corner. After confirming that there was a signal, he searched online for how to understand the map. Because the Internet speed was very slow, it took a while to load the page.

During this period, Lu Huan asked: "Can you tell me now, why did you run into such a deep mountain and old forest?"

"Find some cute little animals." Fang Rui sighed softly as he watched the loading progress stuck at nine-tenths without moving for several minutes.

"Little animals?" Lu Huan, who didn't understand the meaning of Fang Rui's words, looked confused. Are there any animals in this mountain that are worth the effort to find?

Fang Rui didn't say much about this. He was carefully reading the basic methods and steps for understanding a map. The first step was to check whether there were direction indicators on the map. Maps usually follow the principle of "up, north, down, south, left, west, right, east", but occasionally There are exceptions.

Then there are some marks and longitude and latitude lines, then there is the legend, the meaning of the combination of numbers, words, symbols, etc., and finally the meaning of the scale and the colors of different areas.

After watching for a while, Fang Rui raised his head and showed a hearty smile, and said with a slightly confident tone: "Very good, we have everything under control."

"Have you learned it?" Lu Huan, who also watched for a while, asked in surprise.

"No, I need to calm down for a while." Fang Rui gently pressed his eyebrows.

With the accuracy of this map, only a rough area could be determined. He just hoped that the area would not be too large.

Half an hour later, Fang Rui drew a circle somewhere on the map. That was the destination. Then he confirmed his location with the help of the mobile phone map and drew another circle on the map.

Calculating the distance using a scale bar, the straight line distance between two points is approximately 7000 meters.

Crossing mountains and ridges is not difficult for a foreigner, especially for a foreigner who has mastered the art of object-bending. He can float as much as he wants by stepping on the object-bending medium. He can even perform tricks to cross mountains and ridges. Those tricks are better than those of skateboarders. More tricks.

After determining their location, the two took action immediately and arrived at their destination about two hours later. They then used the device of Chatanqi to explore the nearby area but found nothing.

Recalling the information given by the simulator, the time is nine days later, which means that the elf may not be here yet.

After thinking for a while, Fang Rui decided to wait here. Of course, this did not mean that he would give up searching for traces of "elves" elsewhere.

The new mechanical puppet uses the technology of magic weapon flying insects, which can be controlled from a long distance and can also share vision through a special magic weapon.

Take out the outdoor camping supplies that will be supplemented later from the bite bag, choose a more secluded location to camp, and then install some alarm devices around it, which will make a sharp sound if there is an unrecorded Qi approaching.

Considering that pure sound has no other effect besides frightening the target away, Fang Rui did not use ordinary sounds, but instead used the Soul Shaking Bell as a reference. The sound emitted by those alarms will make the creatures who hear it stun for a while. Depends on the person.

But if quality is not enough, quantity can make up for it.

As an weapon refiner who can mass-produce magic weapons, Fang Rui took out a bunch of magic weapons of the same type and placed them around, on trees, under rocks, in the soil...

Anyway, he usually has nothing to do. He makes magic weapons whenever he has an idea, and there are various magic weapons stored in his capsule.

He took out pots and pans and other kitchen utensils, as well as vegetables and meat, and asked Lu Huan to cook while he controlled the machine puppet to explore the nearby mountains and forests.

Gee, why didn't he think of using a machine puppet before entering the mountain?

By the way, let’s test the limit control distance of the mechanism doll. Neither the handbook nor the book given by Chief Ma mentioned this.

The machine doll that looks like a armored figure is walking in the mountain forest. The trees in this area are not very lush and sparse. Some birds can be seen, but no other animals have been seen for the time being.

The field of view of the machine doll is plural. The middle screen is the largest. The picture is a 180-degree view in front of the machine doll. There are several small screens next to the big screen. Each screen has different functions. Among them One is the picture of the detector. In the picture of the detector, the creature with Qi in its body is blue and white, like flowing clouds.

It is undoubtedly difficult to find a small animal in the vast mountains and wilderness. It is also very boring to keep staring at the almost unchanged picture.

After more than ten minutes, Fang Rui became a little irritable and felt bored.

"Maybe I should make an automaton. That would definitely give me a lot of energy left."

Fang Rui held his face with one hand, looked at his cell phone that had no signal, and sighed.

It is impossible to make an intelligent automatic doll with the current technology, but there is no problem in making a machine doll that searches for Qi creatures in the body.

It's a pity that it's too late to think about it now... No, it can be used in other places besides here.

"Let me think about how to make it." Fang Rui thought with some concentration, and of course did not forget to stare at the screen.

After a while, Lu Huan shouted: "The rice is cooked."

Fang Rui wrote down his thoughts in a notebook and then went to eat.

Those "elves" can practice stably in the Changbai Mountains for so long, which means that they are not easy to find.

Don't rush it, you need a little patience.

Unfortunately, Fang Rui felt that his patience was not enough.

"It's a pity that we can't cast a wide net."

In the past, he had never thought of using a machine puppet, so it was naturally impossible for him to summon a group of people to search the mountain.

After dinner, Lu Huan went to practice Ruyi Jin, consciously not leaving Fang Rui's field of vision.

Fang Rui had no interest in Ruyi Jin. He kept staring at the screen looking for the "elf".

Speaking of elves, the first thing that Fang Rui thought of was Pokémon and long-eared elves.

Fang Rui actually prefers to use the word "demon" to describe the "elves" in this mountain.

The materials on monsters have various uses in many novels.

This is also the reason why he came here to find the elves. After all, according to his guess, in the simulated future, he used the wool from the sheep demon to make clothes.

“Maybe build a brand.”

Fang Rui murmured in a low voice, the thought lingering in his mind.

Chapter 37 A Little Squirrel

As he was thinking about it, Fang Rui's mind suddenly wandered and he thought of the previous simulation.

Summarizing the information obtained from many previous simulations, Fang Rui can draw the conclusion:

First, don’t get involved with the “company” or you’ll get in trouble.

After all, in the simulated future, every time he joined the "Company", the ending was not very happy, and the "Company"'s attitude towards certain things was unpleasant, especially when he was cheated several times.

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