In the forest, each tree has lush branches and leaves. The canopy of dense branches and leaves blocks the sun, and the fine spots of light shine on the grass covered with fallen leaves.

The air mixed with the smell of earth, vegetation, etc. was not unpleasant. Fang Rui moved very slowly, his eyes constantly scanning the surroundings to prevent himself from being attacked.

"As expected of a deep mountain and old forest, there are really many animals!"

There were quite a few animals seen along the way. Fang Rui held his kitchen knife with Qi Yun and stood in a slightly spacious area, observing the surroundings with vigilance.

"In just a quarter of an hour, seven or eight animals that have become mentally intelligent have been found..."

Fang Rui's soliloquy was heard by the monsters hiding in the shadows of the forest. They came out of the shadows one after another. The fierce-faced apes stood on the branches and looked down at Fang Rui. The wolf stood next to the thick tree trunk and stared at Fang Rui. The green snake, as wide as the diameter of a basketball, twisted its green body out of the bushes and stared at Fang Rui...

There was quite obvious malice in those pair of beast eyes, and their particularly obvious hostility seemed to want to tear Fang Rui to pieces completely.

"It's so full of malice~"

Based on the intuitive answer, Fang Rui felt that the nearby monsters posed no threat to him, so he did not feel any nervousness in his heart.

Moreover... in the simulated scene, GG has no impact on him personally, so it is even more difficult to feel nervous.

Chapter 85 Ask for information


The howl of the gray wolf seemed to be a signal to launch an attack, and the monsters gathered near Fang Rui took action at the same time.

The gray wolf kicked on the ground, its sharp claws digging into the grass. The entire wolf shot out like a cannonball, throwing sand and grass clippings into the air.

The green snake was like a spring that had been compressed to the extreme and lost its restraints. The whole snake shot forward, and its fangs popped out of the open snake's mouth.

The ape violently threw the object in its hand, making a sharp whistling sound when it rubbed against the air; the gray rat broke out of the ground, its sharp incisors emitting a cold light; the woodpecker hovering in the air was like a shooting bullet, rushing straight towards the target; The dark green frog opened its mouth and spit out its long scarlet tongue, and dark purple venom splashed in all directions; the dark red centipede as thick as an arm crawled quickly on the grass.

Fang Rui, who was prepared and quite calm, took a step to the right with ease, first dodging the woodpecker's air attack and the ape's throwing objects, and then trampling the gray rat under his feet, and then his right arm holding the knife came out like a steel whip. Swinging violently from left to right, the dark blade hit the sharp fangs of the gray wolf. With the crisp sound of teeth breaking, the gray wolf was whipped into the air and spun, and the sharp white sword energy shot out from the hatchet. It came out, like a crescent moon falling to the ground, cutting off the tongue of the poisonous frog and more than a dozen legs on one side of the centipede's body, and a large piece of flesh and blood was cut off from the green snake...

These few times, the initial confrontation between Fang Rui and the monsters was over in just two or three seconds.

The woodpecker fell straight to the grass and plunged directly into the soil. Like a cannonball falling on the ground, a large amount of soil was thrown into the air and fell down.

The gray mouse was stepped into the soil, the gray wolf covered its mouth with its forelimbs and let out a cry of pain, the green snake twitched and rolled in the blood, hissing sharply, the poisonous frog's lips trembled, and the centipede shivered. The only one whose body was intact The ape stood on the branch, and the whole monkey stood frozen in place as if frozen.

Because it was locked by Fang Rui's murderous intent at the moment, as if there were countless swords pointing at it, a sense of fatal threat lingered in its heart, and a big word as red as blood kept crossing its field of vision - Danger Danger, danger, danger...

Immediately afterwards, Fang Rui slowly raised his right arm holding the knife and slashed deep into the forest.

The sword energy shot out from the hatchet expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, it expanded from more than ten centimeters to more than ten meters. With the strong wind blowing in all directions, the sharp breath was rampant, appearing in The scene in the field of vision of several monster beasts was that entire rows of trees were chopped off by the sword energy and thrown into the air collectively...

Then it rained down, kicking up countless amounts of sand and leaves to cover it up.


Looking at the smooth-cut tree stumps, a certain ape squatting on the branches swallowed saliva, and his fear was palpable.

Except for the green snake, which was in unbearable pain and rolled all over the ground, the other monsters were also afraid, and their thoughts of escaping from this place were extremely strong. However, due to the threat of the sharp sword energy, no monster dared to escape and lay down obediently. In place.

He glanced at the other monsters from the corner of his eye, expecting those guys to escape first to attract attention and increase the success rate of his escape.

When the wind stopped and the dust settled, trees were scattered in a fan-shaped area that was cut out by a sword energy and was about the size of half a football field.

Fang Rui looked at some of the monsters present, and the dark hatchet breathed white sword energy: "Now... you can listen to me quietly, then... let's talk about it! The information you know... Information about the current world.”

Collecting information can help him understand the current world as quickly as possible and formulate follow-up plans.

Although several monster beasts had doubts in their hearts when they heard this, they did not say it stupidly. They looked at each other for a while, and the ape was the first to speak: "I have never left the mountains and forests. I only hear about the outside world from other monsters." Yes, it’s not necessarily guaranteed to be correct.”

The ape monster started making ugly remarks. After seeing Fang Rui slightly nodding, it spoke for a while and then told the information it knew.

"A few years ago, I happened to hear a certain demon passing by here say that Fan Yunfei, the number one master in the Western Region, was missing. Some little demon kings thought it was an opportunity and formed a group to go to the Western Region... As for the result..."

The ape monster slowly shook his head, indicating that he did not know. After all, he accidentally heard the passerby... No, the passerby said it. It is normal to not know the specific details of this matter.

Fang Rui did not embarrass it. Based on the information he had, he could guess the fate of those little demon kings. They would either be caught by the Sand Fox Clan, flee the Western Region in panic, or be directly reincarnated...

And the information it provides is quite useful. After all, the time period represented by Fan Yunfei's disappearance is the period when the three demon emperors coexisted, or the four emperors coexisted.

If it was the period when the Three Emperors were coexisting, then at this stage the human and demon clans had not yet reconciled, a peaceful alliance had not been established, and they were still in a stage of mutual hostility, and the relationship was quite bad.

The monsters dominate the mountains and attack nearby human towns. Humans are keen on killing monsters and catching monsters...

If it is the period when the Four Emperors were coexisting, then humans and monsters have entered the reconciliation stage at this stage, and the fighting between humans and monsters has gradually decreased, but the world is still somewhat chaotic.

With this in mind, Fang Rui turned his attention to a few quite well-behaved monsters, expecting that the information provided by the other monsters would be equally useful, but unfortunately...

The subsequent information was not of much use. For example, there was a bull demon on that mountain, a snake demon on that mountain, etc. It only gave him a certain understanding of the nearby area. The current area belonged to the edge of the human world. , and is very close to the Tushan area, so the strength of the little demon king entrenched here is very average.

He raised his hand and pressed down to stop the monsters from continuing to talk about useless information. He looked thoughtful under the nervous gazes of the monsters, and then asked aloud:

"How many demon kings are there now?"

Even the few monster beasts who have been living in the mountains and forests know this common sense issue.

"Three." The ape replied quickly.

Three... In other words, Tushan Honghong has not yet become the Demon King.

Fang Rui nodded in understanding and continued to ask, "Have you ever heard of Tushan Honghong?"


Several monsters thought carefully about it for a while, then shook their heads.

In other words, the current time period is when Tushan Honghong was not famous.

Of course, another possibility cannot be ruled out...

Fang Rui's eyes were vaguely speechless. These monster beasts had stayed at home for too long and were out of touch with the outside world. The information they had was out of date.

Just in case, find another monster who goes out frequently to get some information.

"Is there a demon king who often goes out nearby?"

In response to Fang Rui's question, the monsters looked at each other for a while, and the woodpecker replied, "Yes, the Sparrowhawk Demon King often goes out."

Chapter 86 Sparrowhawk Demon King

As the bird demon king, the Sparrowhawk can fly very fast. There are no valuable objects in the bird's nest located on the top of the nameless mountain. The valuable objects are carried with her or hidden... so she often goes out and wanders.

As for the purpose of her wandering out, only she herself knows.

Today, the Sparrowhawk Demon King did not go out. She lay in the carefully built bird's nest, looking at her gray-brown feathers, and thinking about the possibility of changing herself to feathers of other colors.

While she was meditating, Fang Rui had arrived outside the Bird's Nest. He had the passive skill of Liuku Immortal Thief - which can make the user's aura disappear completely. He was not found by the Sparrowhawk Demon King.

Looking up at the bird's nest made of thick tree trunks, it is estimated that its height is about ten meters, and I wonder how big the demon king living in it must be.

The above doubts were fleeting. In order to avoid making any noise during the climb, Fang Rui did not consider climbing up along the outer wall of the bird's nest. Instead, he stepped on the hatchet and flew to the sky above the bird's nest, looking down at the inside of the bird's nest. …

Sparrowhawks are small raptors, usually 30-41 cm in length. Females are slightly larger than males, with broad and round wings and a longer tail.

The male bird's upper body is dark gray, and the female bird's upper body is grayish brown, with a little white behind the head. From this, we can know that the sparrow hawk in the nest is female.

The body length is larger than that of ordinary sparrowhawks, about one meter long. When nestled in the nest, it looks like an oval rugby ball.

"It's very different from what I expected..."

Looking at the ordinary Sparrowhawk Demon King, Fang Rui thought silently in his heart, and recalled the appearance of other demon kings... Fan Yunfei, known as the Demon King, is a sand fox that looks like a native dog, and is as big as a fox. There is not much difference from a normal sand fox. Although a certain donkey demon king walks upright, smokes and drinks, and behaves quite socially, his size is the same as that of an ordinary donkey...

Thinking like this, the surprise gradually dissipated. Fang Rui immediately launched a surprise attack before the Sparrowhawk Demon King noticed him.

The ten fingers touched each other and then swung to both sides. A pile of talismans made of pure energy formed instantly and poured into the bird's nest like a dam bursting.

Feeling the energy fluctuations emitted after the talisman was activated, the Sparrowhawk Demon King almost didn't think about it. He immediately spread his wings and waved his wings to take off...

Unfortunately, it was too late. She was hit by a bunch of talismans before she could fly up. The energy in her body seemed to be frozen, and it was running very slowly. At the same time, another part of the talismans turned into a shape similar to a chain, binding her body. Get up, your body and energy are bound.

"what's the situation?!"

The Sparrow Eagle Demon King let out a cry of terror, and the entire eagle lay helplessly in the nest. She could clearly feel that the talismans wrapped around her were quite ordinary. She could break free with a little force, but... the number of talismans was too large. many!

The so-called quality is insufficient, quantity is enough!

Under the suppression of a massive amount of talismans, the Sparrowhawk Demon King had very little strength left.

She raised her head and stared at Fang Rui, who was slowly landing in front of her. The emotions in his eyes were somewhat complicated, including fear, anger...

"Easier than I thought."

Fang Rui's calm tone reached the ears of the Sparrowhawk Demon King, making her feel angry. You, a sneak attack guy, actually mocked me for being weak? !

While throwing the talisman at the Sparrowhawk Demon King, he asked in the eyes of a certain demon king: "Tell me about the important events that happened recently. If I am happy, I will let you go."

Regarding Fang Rui's words, the Sparrowhawk Demon King slightly rolled her eyes. Considering the bad relationship between humans and monsters, she didn't believe Fang Rui's words at all.

"Speak quickly or I'll eat you up~"

Fang Rui, who controls the Immortal Thief of Liuku, can indeed eat monsters in a simple way.

Especially after mastering the Immortal Thief of Liuku, Fang Rui can use perception to confirm how much vitality a creature possesses. For example, the Sparrowhawk Demon King can be described as full of vitality in his perception, which can be said to be quite tempting. people.

When the Sparrowhawk Demon King saw the presence of appetite in Fang Rui's eyes, he immediately became more frightened. Following his inner guidance, he answered Fang Rui's questions honestly and explained the current structure of the world.

Because Fan Yunfei, the number one expert in the Western Region, disappeared, the situation in the Western Region was not very stable. However, Fan Yunfei occasionally showed up to deal with the demon kings who were causing trouble in the Western Region, so the Western Region did not become completely chaotic.

Beishan Demon Emperor Shi Kuan rarely leaves his territory. There is very little information about him. There are no special circumstances in the Tushan area. The current strongest person in Tushan is not Tushan Honghong.

In addition, there is also a lot of information about the Yiqi Dao Alliance. They are all about someone going to a certain place to eliminate demons...

Those names were quite unfamiliar, and Fang Rui had no impression of them at all.

After collecting the usual information, Fang Rui asked about other things, about the monsters' skills... Many skills and magic are exclusive to a certain race, and other races have no possibility of mastering them.

In other words... if he wanted to change the training methods for Liu Kunsheng and other monsters, the workload would be quite big!

Especially without Lu Huan's assistance, the only way he could remember the contents of the secrets was to memorize them by rote.

With this in mind, Fang Rui said to the Sparrowhawk Demon King: "Hand over your cultivation techniques."

In this regard, the Sparrowhawk Demon King did not hesitate and immediately began to recite the contents of the technique.

Fang Rui, who had a relatively average memory, knew very well that it was impossible for him to remember the content after listening to it once, so he immediately stopped her from continuing to recite it and asked her to follow him home and write down the content of the exercise from memory.

He rode the Sparrowhawk Demon King back to the dilapidated farmhouse and found some paper and pen to give to the Sparrowhawk Demon King.

"Can you hold a pen?"

Looking at the wings of the Sparrowhawk Demon King, Fang Rui was suddenly curious. Although in cartoons, chickens, ducks, geese and other winged animals can use their wings to hold pens to write, but in fact... can it be done?

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