Facing Fang Rui's curious eyes, the Sparrowhawk Demon King was silent for a while, then reminded him in a weak tone: "I can turn into a human being."

Since she is dubbed the Demon King, she naturally has demon king-level combat power. It is easy for her to transform into a human.

"You mean...let me untie you?"

Fang Rui raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this, and immediately understood the hidden meaning of the words of the Sparrowhawk Demon King, and said in a questioning tone: "Then...how can you ensure that you will not run away immediately after being unchained?" Woolen cloth?!"

With the speed at which the Sparrowhawk Demon King was moving, Fang Rui didn't think he could catch her.

He was able to catch her easily before because of his sneak attack and the Sparrowhawk Demon King was defenseless.

Sparrowhawk Demon King: “…………”

How can I prove it? !

I can't prove it at all! ! !

If given the chance, of course I would run away immediately!

With this thought in his mind, the Sparrowhawk Demon King and Fang Rui looked at each other silently...

Chapter 87 Unexpected visitor

Half an hour later, the Sparrowhawk Demon King transformed into a human with waist-length brown hair, and a tuft of white hair in the middle of the bangs on his forehead.

The face is quite delicate, and she looks like a young girl of eighteen or nineteen years old. She is wearing chivalrous clothes that are convenient for movement. The colors are mainly brown and white.

Sitting at the old Eight Immortals table, holding the same old brush and writing on the white paper, on the cheeks and neck, which are not covered by clothes, the light blue distorted lines glow with a faint light, which is the talisman. .

Because the Sparrowhawk Demon King could not guarantee that she would not escape after being released from the restraints, so after she transformed into a human form, she was released from the restraints for less than a minute before joining her again...

Fang Rui was also sitting at the Eight Immortals table, supervising her to carefully write down the contents of the exercises and the magic skills she had mastered, while occasionally chatting with her.

Fang Rui asked, "What's your name?"

Sparrowhawk Demon King: "My name is Queying."

"Are you trying to make fun of homophones?" Fang Rui complained like a reflex. After thinking for a moment, Fang Rui said, "Change the name! Xiaoqueer sounds pretty good."

"No." Que Ying crossed her hands and sternly refused.

"What about calling her Xiao Ying'er?" Fang Rui asked again.

"Absolutely, yes, no!" Que Ying replied word for word.

"Okay~" Fang Rui didn't force Queying to change her name, but he also had no intention of changing her words, "As long as you like it, little Queying~"

Que Ying paused while dipping the brush in ink and suddenly wanted to smash the brush on Fang Rui's face. She took a deep breath and silently said in her heart, "Take a step back and the sky will be brighter" and "You can't beat him." She gradually suppressed the feeling in her heart. Feeling the urge, I held the pen hard and continued writing...

Fang Rui didn't pay attention to the fact that he didn't get a response. He seemed to be bored. He happened to notice the change in the light outside the window. It was almost dusk. He thought of dinner and asked out loud, "What do you want to eat for dinner?"

Que Ying: “…………”

It was originally a very ordinary inquiry, but when I thought of Rui's threatening words a few hours ago, the image of braised sparrowhawk seemed to appear in my mind, and suddenly cold sweat covered my face, and I felt a little shivering.

"Eat...be vegetarian! Being vegetarian is good for your health~"

Queying said with a strong desire to survive, her tone was quite serious and serious, as if what she said was a wise saying.

"Are you vegetarian?"

Hearing this, Fang Rui thought of a few vegetable fields near the farmhouse. Although the energy in the fox demon world was much more abundant, even ordinary vegetables and fruits were quite tasty and nutritious.

But it is not attractive to Fang Rui, the user of Liuku Immortal Thief. Since acquiring Liuku Immortal Thief, Fang Rui's taste has become more and more sophisticated. The more vibrant the object, the more attractive it is to him... …

The thinner the vitality of an object, the less attractive it is to him. Therefore, although the vegetables in the vegetable field near the farmhouse look very attractive, the vitality contained in them is very thin, and they are almost unattractive to Fang Rui.

On the contrary, the mountains and forests in the distance... there should be special spiritual fruits in them, which are both delicious and have special effects.

With this in mind, Fang Rui turned his gaze to Que Ying, who was a little nervous, and said softly: "Since you proposed to be vegetarian, you must know where to find delicious spiritual fruits~"

Hearing this, Que Ying immediately breathed a sigh of relief, patted her bulging chest and said confidently: "Of course I know!"

As a little demon king whose territory covers a radius of more than ten miles, she naturally knows that the delicious food in her home, especially some rare spiritual fruits, can help him increase his strength.

Suddenly, a strange color flashed in Queying's eyes, what if...

Then she gathered her thoughts and did not continue to think along the sudden idea.

Fang Rui didn't know what Que Ying was thinking. He followed the previous topic and said, "Since you know, then lead the way."

Fang Rui is very much looking forward to how the spirit fruits from other worlds will taste. After all, in his impression of the world of fox monsters, the names of various delicacies occupy a large share, because as the protagonist, Bai Yue Yue is a foodie... ...No, "hungry goods" might be a more appropriate description.

On the other hand, the world level of the fox demon world is not low, and the spiritual fruits bred from abundant energy are worth looking forward to.

Under Que Ying's guidance, Fang Rui entered the forest with her, going from near to far, to the area where spiritual plants grew, and saw many plants that had never been seen before, such as the sweet vine, whose juice has a sweet taste. Complete, and another example is Zhu Guo, the famous spiritual fruit that often appears in various novels and film and television dramas.

About an hour later, Fang Rui returned to the farmhouse with a pile of spirit fruits in his arms. Que Ying, who followed him, looked regretful. She wanted to take Fang Rui to the territory of other demon kings, but unfortunately she forgot that one person could carry them. Things were limited, and she also forgot that there were a lot of spiritual plants in her territory. After wandering around the territory for a while, she and Fang Rui had reached the upper limit of the items they could carry.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the forest...

An ox cart fell from the cliff and crashed into the lush forest, startling a flock of birds.

"Damn it!"

A middle-aged man dressed like a Taoist priest stood next to the smashed bullock cart, cursing, and punched and kicked a young man whose face was covered with scars.

"It's all your fault. You will definitely be scolded by Master when you go back this time."

"What Master Dao said is..."

The boy seemed to have become accustomed to it and didn't care about the punches and kicks.

A snow-white monster cow stood aside, gnawing on the grass and snorting occasionally. Two scarred fox-eared girls were locked in two iron cages next to the talismans, looking at the scene in front of them with dim eyes.

It seemed that his anger had subsided. The middle-aged Taoist priest straightened his robes, looked up at the sun that had set below the mountains, and told the scar-faced boy: "Take the cattle and goods with you. We must leave the forest as soon as possible and find him as soon as possible." A place to stay.”

After all, the forest at night is very dangerous.


The scar-faced boy was very obedient. He first passed the rope through the gap in the iron cage fence, then tied it, and then tied the other end around the monster cow's waist, shortening the distance between the two, and bringing the iron cage closer to the monster cow's waist. One end is off the ground, making it easy to drag around...

The two of them, two monsters and one monster, soon walked out of the forest, walked along the wide road, and found a farmhouse when it was dark.

"There is actually a farmhouse in a place like this?! How lucky you are!" The middle-aged Taoist priest was surprised and did not care about the unreasonableness at all. He ordered the scar-faced boy: "We will stay here tonight and move the goods first. In the woodshed, and then go prepare dinner..."

After saying that, the middle-aged Taoist priest took out red ropes, bells and other items and arranged them near the farmhouse as a simple early warning device. He walked around casually in the vegetable field and crushed many vegetables...

Chapter 88 The firewood shed

at the same time……

The scar-faced boy walked around the farmhouse. The living room was clean and tidy, the rice vat in the kitchen contained half a vat of rice, a few pieces of bacon hung in the ventilation area, and firewood was piled in the corner... All signs indicated that someone was living there. this.

The scar-faced boy's right palm touched his waist, and the touch of the irregular polyhedron reached his palm. It was the broken silver stored in his wallet, his only property.

The scar-faced boy knew very well about his senior brother's style. He would definitely not be polite when it came to food. A few pieces of bacon in the kitchen would hardly survive. As for giving money... the possibility was so low that it could be ignored.

Holding the pieces of silver in his purse, the scar-faced boy had already made up his mind. After all, he had to give money to eat.

With this thought in mind, the scar-faced boy began to wash and cook rice.

About half an hour later, the middle-aged Taoist priest who had finished arranging the early warning device entered the farmhouse and shouted in a bad tone: "You bastard, is the food ready?"

The scar-faced boy who was chopping vegetables heard this and replied: "Master Dao, it will take a while."

"Hey, it's so slow!" With arrogant steps, the middle-aged Taoist priest walked into the kitchen and scanned the entire kitchen. The pottery steamer used for steaming rice was steaming. There was an orange fire in the earthen stove, and there was a hanging hanging in the ventilation area. The bacon is dark in color, and the cut vegetables are served in a stoneware bowl...

"Why wasn't the meat cut?!" The middle-aged Taoist priest hit the scar-faced boy on the head with his fist, making a dull sound.

"Cut it right away, cut it right away..." The scarred boy who was beaten showed a flattering smile, quickly took off the hanging bacon and threw it into the wooden bucket, poured water from the water tank into the bucket, and then began to clean it. Bacon.

Looking at the long strips of bacon in the bucket, the middle-aged Taoist priest kicked the scar-faced boy again and yelled angrily: "How can such a small amount be enough?! Steam all the bacon and take away the leftovers."

After saying that, the middle-aged Taoist priest left the kitchen.

After a while, the scar-faced boy sliced ​​all the steamed bacon and put it on a plate, then brought it to the living room and placed it on the Eight Immortals table.

Smelling the aroma of bacon, the middle-aged Taoist priest smashed the bar in his mouth, thinking how could there be meat without wine, but he himself did not carry any wine, so he turned his attention to the farmhouse, maybe there was wine stored in the farmhouse.

"You stinky handyman, come find some wine."

Although it was a very unreasonable request, the scar-faced boy still did not refuse. He silently walked into the kitchen, brought out the steamed rice and other dishes and placed them on the table.

Then he left the living room and pretended to look for the hidden wine near the farmhouse, but in fact... it was for another thing...


At this time, the moon is above the branches, the stars are shining in the night sky, and the deep darkness is like a veil covering the mountains and forests in the distance.

Fang Rui carried a net bag woven with vines, which contained various spiritual fruits. He floated in the air with a hatchet and slowly floated out of the forest.

The Sparrowhawk Demon King followed closely behind, also carrying two net bags of spiritual fruits, floating slowly.


Looking at the firelight in the darkness, Fang Rui's expression was startled. He carefully identified it for a while to confirm that he had not found the wrong place and that this was indeed his home.

"I didn't light the lamp when I left home!"

Although it was a question, Fang Rui's tone was quite certain. After all, he went out near dusk and the room was bright, so it was impossible to light a candle.

That is to say...

"Someone broke into my house~"

Fang Rui narrowed his eyes slightly, not particularly concerned about someone breaking into his house, nor at all.

Although he had never lived in that house for a day, it was his home anyway. Someone broke in without his permission. He would be lying if he said he was not angry.

There is a saying: Taking it without asking is a thief, so breaking into other people's homes without permission can be classified as a robber or thief!

But...how to deal with the stranger who broke into his home must wait until he meets him before making a decision...

Thinking like this, Fang Rui had a smile on his face, slowly landed on the ground, and moved forward with steady steps.

Following her inner instinct, Que Ying felt that Fang Rui was a bit scary at the moment, so she deliberately stayed a distance away and looked at Fang Rui's back from a distance.

However, before the two of them got within ten meters of the farmhouse, the woodshed was suddenly set on fire. Amidst the blazing orange flames, a blond fox-eared girl in tattered red clothes was carrying a gray-haired boy on one shoulder. Indifferent, walking slowly.

Next to her, there was a green-haired girl with fox ears, grabbing her arm and following her obediently.

Seeing this scene, Fang Rui raised his eyebrows slightly.

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