"In other words, we will be found soon?"

"You're right. I really want to see the Harvest People and the Anti-Material Legion fight earlier."

The happy believers who log on to the Internet in Fengsao people's territory and put products on the shelves are full of expectations.

As one of the three major natural disasters, the Harvest People have caused no less damage than the Antimatter Legion, and they are also destroying the fun of Happy Believers...

Nowadays, it is not surprising that joy believers regard it as fun.

"The fight will probably take a while. After all, it will take time for the anti-matter army to get on its way."

While countless people are discussing on the Internet, the Anti-Material Legion has already taken action. Some people who want to cause trouble for the Anti-Material Legion are also buying "ice sculptures" on the Internet, saving the time of looking for the Anti-Material Legion and having them delivered to their doorsteps. Naturally, it will be more Good choice.

On the other hand, everyone on vacation in Beloberg also received messages from their respective forces.

Esta looked at the messages sent by the staff of the space station with a slightly surprised expression.

"The ice sculpture of the Antimatter Legion? Is it a coincidence? Or..."

"Coincidence? No, I think someone did it on purpose." Black Tower looked at Jing Yuan and Fang Rui, and then looked at Sang Bo...

This person is somewhat like a believer in joy.

"Well, it's not me." Jing Yuan took the lead to prove his innocence, "Xianzhou's revenge will be more direct, such as finding the location of an anti-matter army and then clearing it."

"But..." Jing Yuan looked at the messages from all over the Xinghai in the online forum, "It is also a good choice to provoke and then wait and see."

As for whether the provoked Anti-Material Corps will take the bait, there is no need to care.

It is naturally good to succeed.

No success, no loss.

"We have no reason to provoke the anti-matter corps." Sylva followed closely. Belloberg is still struggling to survive and will not cause trouble for himself.

"I'm not that free." Fang Rui said that he did not provoke the Antimatter Legion. After all, if he wanted to find trouble, he would directly find the Destruction Star God and drag him into the arena...

Have a fight with Him and beat the opponent to vent your anger...

Heita had no doubts about this. She turned her eyes to the others, and then slowly shook her head.

The train crew and others are not so free and would not do this.

"Who do you think did it?" As he said this, Heita looked at Sambo. Sure enough, the possibility of pleasing the followers of Joy was the highest.

"I agree with your guess." Fang Rui noticed Heita observing Sangbo, nodded slightly, and expressed his support for her.

Jing Yuan noticed the attitudes of the two people and looked at Sangbo in the same way. There are differences between people with different destiny. Among them, the followers of joy are the easiest to identify. The aura of the joy people is difficult to conceal, and the other party has never thought of concealing it at all. Sambo, for example, doesn't hide his fun-loving behavior.

"It does make sense."

The rest of the people noticed the actions of the three people and turned their attention to Sang Bo. Some of them looked astonished, while others were still at a loss.

Sambo: "..." Since you have already guessed it, can you say it directly?Just staring at me is a bit creepy!

"Will it affect the situation in the Star Sea?" Fang Rui asked Jing Yuan and Black Tower.

"It depends on how some people manage their lives." Jing Yuan's answer sounded reasonable at first glance, but when he thought about it more carefully, he found that he probably didn't say anything.

"I agree with him." Before she knew what the followers of joy were doing, Heita said she refused to comment.

"Sambo, guess what you think the people behind the scenes will do."

The corner of Sambo's mouth twitched slightly after being named by Fang Rui. He was discovered earlier than I expected. It can also be said that the fun spread faster than I expected.

Exhaling a breath, Sambo's excellent emotional regulation ability came into play at this time. He smiled and said, "I guess they should prepare some surprises for the Anti-Matter Legion..."

"Surprise? What kind of surprise?" Fang Rui raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this and asked.

"Anyway, it's a 'surprise' for the Anti-Matter Legion and a 'pleasure' surprise for others."

Sambo said that he knew nothing, but considering that this fun operation was to add obstacles to the anti-matter army, what would they choose? First, exclude ordinary civilization...

"Remember what you said, if there is a problem I will trouble you."

Hearing this, the corner of Sangbo's mouth twitched slightly, no!How can I control other people's behavior? !

Chapter 637 The Happy Star God wants to have fun

Fang Rui and others did not continue to pay attention to the subsequent development of the incident. Black Tower and Jing Yuan ordered their subordinates to report the subsequent development of the incident. After all, what happened to the followers of Joy was quite dangerous and must be paid attention to.

Of course, after instructing their subordinates to pay attention to this matter, the two put away their communicators and turned their attention to the food...

What delicious dishes from other worlds would taste like and what effects they would have.

If you want to ask why Heita and Jingyuan were sure that it had special effects, the two of them checked the ingredients and found that the ingredients had extraordinary life energy and the chef's strength was somewhat relevant.

After all, the two of them are envoys, and they are considered powerful characters among the envoys. To be able to leave a comment of "somewhat powerful" in the minds of the two people can already explain the excellence of the chefs...

The chefs did not pay attention to other people's sights, and all their attention was on the ingredients. After connecting to other worlds, these chefs have seen ingredients from other worlds, but some special ingredients cannot be obtained without some strength and status. Yes, there are a bunch of high-end ingredients available in unlimited quantities now. Is there any reason for these people not to be excited?

Therefore, each chef uses his or her best to serve delicious dishes.

Looking at the exquisite dishes placed on the dining table, Heita and others looked a little surprised. Not to mention the taste, the presentation alone was already amazing.

Food pays attention to color, aroma, and flavor. The chefs who can be hired by Fang Rui must have top-notch cooking skills. They can naturally master the three elements of color, aroma, and taste.

Several people looked at each other for a while, then picked up their bamboo chopsticks, picked up a little food, put it into their mouths, and chewed it slowly.

The rich and layered taste exploded in the mouth. The expressions of Jingyuan and others changed one after another. Their bodies and minds felt happy at the same time. The injection of life energy relieved the pressure on the body and slowly strengthened the body. The wonderful taste made people feel from the heart. Pleasurable and relieves mental stress.

Except for Black Tower, everyone else got the benefits right away, not in terms of physical strengthening, but in terms of the pleasure reducing mental stress.

Among them, the one with the most obvious effect is Jing Yuan and others. The unique "disasters" of Xianzhou are physical and mental problems. After eating this kind of food, the problems of the demonic body can be alleviated.

The dolls of Heita are quite obviously different from the bodies of normal people. Even if she projects her consciousness onto the dolls, she will not be able to feel the benefits of the ingredients.

"Tsk!" Heita felt a little regretful as to why she didn't come here in person, but she had a way to save her.

“Can the food be packed?”

"Of course." Fang Rui did not refuse Black Tower's request. It was just a little cooking, which was nothing to him.

"Thank you." After Heita expressed his thanks, he was thinking about how to preserve the food.

If the starship cannot make an interstellar jump, it will not be able to reach Yaliluo in a short time. Therefore, Black Tower himself did not act, but controlled the puppet to look at Jizi...

"A commission to send some food to the Black Tower Space Station."

"No problem." Jizi just wanted to pack some food and take it back to the train for Pam to taste. After all, Pam couldn't leave the Star Dome Train for the time being.

As for the lunch boxes used to store food, there are several in the Star Dome Train, and the heat preservation effect is very good.

While the two were talking, others were eating quickly, and the whole scene seemed like a fight...

"It's so wild!" Fang Rui complained in a low voice.

There was no ordinary person among the people present, so they could naturally hear Fang Rui's complaints, but everyone was currently focused on the cooking and had no leisure to pay attention to anything else.

Fang Rui stopped complaining and thought about the special dishes of the Black Tower Space Station - dried earthworms of various flavors, and the special dishes of Beloberg - rat jelly. The reason why Bronya and others eat so wildly has been found. …

As for Jingyuan and others, although the food in Luofu Xianzhou is acceptable, it does not have any special effects, so Jingyuan and others' eating habits are also relatively wild.

In the whole scene, Fang Rui and Black Tower were the calmest ones. One of them ate it often and was used to it, while the other one ate it without any effect, so there was no waste of food...

A few hours later, Bronya and others gently rubbed their swollen abdomens and sat in the seats like a puddle of mud, feeling a little uncomfortable.

The chefs had returned to their respective worlds after receiving their rewards. Heita was holding a vegetable leaf and talking to Fang Rui about something.

"...I want a stable supply of food, what price do I have to pay?"

The benefits of these ingredients are obvious. Now that they are in front of her, there is no reason to give up.

When Jing Yuan, Walter and others heard this, they immediately wanted to sit up, saying that they also wanted to know...

Unfortunately, their bulging abdomens did not allow them to bend down, so they did not sit up. However, their struggling movements were seen by Fang Rui and Heita, who turned their attention to them.

"What do you want to say?" Fang Rui asked.

"For a stable supply of ingredients, add me." Everyone said simultaneously.

"I will give you a place to go to the trading post, but you must pay attention to the person responsible for this..."

Due to the special nature of the Star Dome Railway, the portals set up by Fang Rui cannot take care of everyone, but under the current situation, there is no problem in adding a few more portals.

"Are you paying attention? I understand what you mean." Jing Yuan and Heita were thoughtful after hearing this, knowing what Fang Rui was asking them to pay attention to.

There is a secret biography of the King of Medicine inside the Immortal Boat. Even if it has been cleaned up once, there may still be residues.

In the Black Tower Space Station, there are also some people who have problems, but both of them have trustworthy people, so there will be no problems.

Thinking like this, Jingyuan looked at Qingque, and Heita looked at Esta.

"I would like to add that where the portal is located, you must take security measures to prevent some people from slipping into other worlds."

"Other worlds?" Everyone present heard Fang Rui's words, and there was a clear difference in their expressions. The people on the Star Dome Train were a little bit interested. After all, these people were running around in the star sea. It could be said that they had seen each other. Be knowledgeable.

The scenery of each planet is unique. For pioneers, every time they arrive at a new planet, it is like arriving in a different world.

The Immortal Boat Alliance followed the traces of the hunting star Shenlan and organized troops to clean up the abundant evils. It was considered well-informed.

As for the Black Tower Space Station, its internal employees come from different planets. Even without leaving the Black Tower Space Station, Esta can still see the scenery of some planets.

In short, there was some excitement, but not much.

"It just so happens that I will be holding an event recently to take you to visit other worlds and get to know people from other worlds, so that you can establish trade relations."

Whether it is the Immortal Boat Alliance or the Black Tower Space Station, the technological level is quite high and can sail in the interstellar space. Even Yaliluo's technological level has surpassed most worlds in the trade association.

Therefore, Jingyuan and others cannot obtain the benefits of science and technology, but in other aspects...

For example, various skills and training systems are also useful for the Immortal Boat and Black Tower Space Station.

"Okay." No one refused. The main reason why they came to Yaliluo was to participate in the activities organized by Fang Rui.

Later, Jingyuan and others received information from his subordinates about the follow-up to the provocation of the Anti-Material Corps...

Since the Joyful Believers did not hide their IP addresses when provoking trouble, their location could easily be traced by the Anti-Matter Legion.

What followed was that the Anti-Material Legion rushed to the target location, and even the Lord of Extinction participated in the operation.

But after the antimatter army arrived at the target location, what greeted them was not the wail of the mission target, but traps and accidents.

Surprise means that no provocateur is found at the target location, but unexpected forces are encountered.

When the Anti-Material Corps performs its mission, it will not engage in any investigative activities, highlighting the word "reckless".

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