Therefore, after entering the planet, several legions fell directly into the insect nest and the Fengruo civilian base. The war broke out in an instant. The intensity was like thunder from the sky and fire from the earth. People watching the live broadcast exclaimed. .

After discovering that they had fallen into a trap, the Anti-Material Legion did not retreat, but continued to perform its mission. In their view, the bugs and the Harvest People also needed to be destroyed.

The other legions fell into the trap woven by the Joyful Believers and certain forces, and are now struggling...

The process of trapping the Anti-Matter Legion was broadcast live by the Joyful Believers, and the entire star sea could see it on the webcast. It was a star-sea-wide carnival, with many people cheering, and the Anti-Matter Legion was particularly embarrassed this time.

Even if you want to seek revenge on the Joy Believers, you can't do it for the time being. The number of Joy Believers may not be as many as the soldiers of the Antimatter Legion, but their quality is higher.

The path to happiness is opened earlier, and the power given by the Happy Star God is more random.

Not to mention, the Anti-Material Legion will definitely be "quiet" for a while after losing so many soldiers.

"Oh~ Joy believers are very good at playing!" Black Tower gave his own evaluation.

She had actually thought about causing trouble for the Anti-Material Legion. After all, the Anti-Material Legion had attacked the Black Tower Space Station and caused her some losses, which was considered a grudge.

"Are the Anti-Material Corps and the Fengrao People fighting?" Jing Yuan looked at the live broadcast, thoughtfully.

It is impossible for the Fertile People to take revenge. If the number of Fertile People decreases, the remaining Fertile People will be very happy. After all, fewer Fertile People are robbing resources.

"Use a little strategy and make the enemy dog ​​eat dog? It's a great choice."

Jing Yuan said this, but if he wanted to realize it, there were many problems, such as why the other party fell into the trap.

Logically speaking, with the behavior of the Anti-Material Legion, if you provoke them, the other party will definitely come, but you cannot be sure whether you provoke one legion, several legions, or even several legions led by the Lord of Extinction. .

"Fishing? I support your idea, but other fairy boats will probably refuse."

Fang Rui said this, the main enemy of the Immortal Zhou is Feng Rao. Although the Immortal Zhou and the Anti-Matter Legion have become enemies, they are not ranked first.

"Yes! There is no way to implement it at the moment." Jing Yuan nodded slightly in agreement. After all, if you want to use this method to fish, you must gather all the generals and invite the marshal to take charge.

"I wonder if the Antimatter Legion will take revenge on the Joy Cultists?"

Esta listened to the conversation of several people and expressed her own problems.

"There will definitely be revenge." Jizi's tone was particularly certain, "But since the Happy believers dare to do it, it means that the other party is not worried about being retaliated."

"Do you think there is a possibility that they think this fun is very interesting, so they just do it without thinking about anything else."

On March [-]th, everyone was silent.

One thing to say, it is indeed very possible.

Believers of joy, after discovering fun, may not prepare for a retreat, but experience the fun first and then consider other things...

"Want to help? For the sake of the fact that they deceived the Anti-Matter Legion once?"

Fang Rui asked other people what they thought, and they all said that this time the Joyful Believers' actions had successfully improved their reputation and made it a little better.

"It depends on the situation! If I meet you, I would be willing to lend a helping hand, but if I deliberately find the Joy Believers and provide help... I am not that free."

Heita's attitude was very direct, and the attitudes of the others were similar.

Moreover, the ability of Joy believers to escape is quite powerful. If a group of Joy followers were weak in escape ability and strength, how could they be active to this day...

So don't worry about joy believers.

If the Destruction Star God takes action himself, the Joy Star God will not sit idly by and will definitely "talk" to Nanook.

Everyone nodded slightly, no longer worried about the "hero", and turned to talk about other things, about the transaction...

Bronya was talking about the specialties that Beloberg could bring out, and Heita and Jingyuan were thinking about it...

Sangbo on the side was a little speechless, complaining in his heart: You really have full trust in the followers of joy.

As a believer in joy, I don’t even have that strong faith. It’s really...

Fang Rui did not participate in the conversation, but looked at a certain place in the snowfield. A masked man was standing in the snow. He noticed Fang Rui's gaze. The masked man raised his head and looked at Fang Rui for a while. .

'Did you hear what we were talking about earlier? '

Fang Rui's voice echoed in the masked man's ears, and was not transmitted to other places, being restrained here.

'Don't worry, I heard you. '

'As for Nanook, I will talk to him. '

The corners of the mouth on the mask were pulled to both sides, and the smile gradually became arrogant.

'Do you want to participate in the event I hold? '

'To find fun in other worlds, of course I will go...'

Aha's tone was a little curious, "I would like to know if a new Star God of Joy will be born during my time away."

'I don't think it's possible. The last time Happy Life lost the Star God was not a short time ago, and no new Star God was born...'

'No, no, no, one time can't explain anything. This time I will disappear more completely and take a look at the situation. '

The Happy Star God said he wanted to perform a magic trick for fun.

Chapter 638 Changes in Longmen

Belloberg's specialties, whether it was the Black Tower Space Station or the Luofu Immortal Boat, didn't pay much attention to it. They were willing to establish trade relations and just extended a helping hand for Fang Rui's sake.

After the trade was settled, everyone headed to the Mechanical Settlement, where the portal was placed by Fang Rui. After entering the portal, the group arrived at the venue where the event was held.

There are still so many people at the registration office, and there is no trend of decreasing at all.

'My clone will never rest, right? '

Fang Rui murmured in his heart. Although his clone knew how to combine work and rest, the current situation would probably make him very tired even if he combined work and rest...

"Where is the registration location?" Fang Rui pointed to a place where there were a lot of people, and then pointed to other areas. "After registering, you can play around. After all, there are still a few days before the event starts."

"...Okay!" Jing Yuan and others were silent as they looked at the scene of demons dancing wildly at the main entrance of the arena.

how to say!As expected of people from different worlds, they are really diverse.

Fang Rui did not continue walking. He was worried about being caught by his clone. Instead of going to the registration office, he slipped into other worlds.

Porusalino's invitations have not yet been sent out. After all, finding someone is a troublesome thing.

The world of Ultraman is where Porusalino is currently located. Since Ultraman is doing heroic deeds all over the interstellar world, and the portal is not installed in the Kingdom of Light, the invitation letter from Polusalino is not available at all. Send a few away...

After arriving here, Fang Rui sent Porusalino to other worlds. He personally sent the invitation to this world.

Dagu and others have received the invitation letter and expressed that they will participate in the event on time.

But none of the other Ultraman received the invitation.

As the first stop, Fang Rui chose to go to the Kingdom of Light. He could send out many invitations at once, and he could also ask about the location of some Ultraman.

Borrowing space teleportation to reach the Kingdom of Light, Fang Rui transformed into Ultraman, found Ultraman's father, and gave him the invitation letter.

"I'd love to support you, but most Ultraman have missions, and I can't guarantee that they can participate in the event on time."

"...Who is causing trouble?" Fang Rui asked.

"...They are all causing trouble!" Ultra's father replied. Ever since Zero went to other worlds to hunt for Beria, various monsters and Ultraman with the ability to travel through dimensions have appeared one after another, and the situation in the interstellar world has become... more complicated.

On the other hand, the monsters that appear are becoming more and more powerful.

Ultra's father didn't think there was any problem with this. After all, technology would progress, and it was reasonable that the technology for cultivating monsters and transforming monsters would increase.

"In other words, you don't have time to participate in the event?" Fang Rui briefly summarized.

"You can say..." Ultraman's father nodded slightly. Ultraman was indeed very busy at work, fighting evil everywhere.

"Okay! You guys try to take some time." Fang Rui didn't force anything, stepped into the portal and left the Kingdom of Light.

In other Ultra universes, Ultraman also exists. He wants to invite people he is familiar with, and he needs to personally send invitations, which excludes those who can be contacted by the father of Ultra.

For example, there is no connection with the Kingdom of Light, or there is a lack of connection...

Fang Rui sent invitation letters to them, and Fang Rui completed it within 24 hours, and then left for other worlds.

Arknights is a world surrounded by many natural disasters. The most obvious natural disaster is the Source Stone.

It is the item that Mebius is currently researching, and it is also one of the main troubles in the world of Terra.

Come to the ghetto of Longmen, Mebius' company.

"Ah! Boss, why are you here!" Padofelis, the gatekeeper, looked at Fang Rui in surprise.

"Is it weird that I'm here?" Fang Rui asked.

"It's strange!" Pado said frankly, "You haven't taken care of the company since it was established. Now you suddenly appear in the company, I'm really surprised!"

"Really~" Fang Rui didn't pay attention to Pado's words and chose to change the subject, "How is your life in Longmen?"

"It's very good! There is food and things to play. Sister Snake has other research projects, so you don't have to worry about being targeted by her." Pado said this with a very satisfied tone.

"Come with me for a walk around Longmen." Fang Rui said.

He did not show any special abilities in the world of Terra. Even if he directly brought some people to another world, some knowledgeable people would think it was a dream or a world built by power.

Therefore, sending out invitations in the current world is not that easy, and you must first determine the timeline.

"Has anything happened in Longmen recently?"

Pado thought for a while and shook his head slowly, "No! Just added a few outsiders."

"Outsiders?" Fang Rui raised his eyebrows slightly, "A member of the Integration Movement?"

"No, to be precise, some people are part of the Integrated Movement." Pado explained, "Since you created an iceberg out of thin air and pretended that a dragon lived inside the iceberg, most countries have sent people to Longmen to investigate the matter. Other than that, Some well-known companies also sent staff to investigate the matter..."

"After all, I came to Longmen with the slogan of 'establishing a company and conducting trade'. The superficial work must be done well. With the establishment of a number of companies, Longmen's economic situation has further improved. In the case of the company's shortage of people, , the status of the infected person was slightly improved, and he was recruited by some companies..."

"Oh~" Fang Rui raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this, very satisfied with the current development.

"In addition, exploring the iceberg is the consensus of all forces. Since the dragon was not provoked after several explorations of the iceberg, and the guards guarding the iceberg did not say anything, some people are getting bolder and bolder..."

"Well, this problem needs to be solved. I will stuff something into the iceberg later."

Fang Rui told Pado not to worry. After he finished stuffing things into the iceberg, some people would be more motivated to explore the inside of the iceberg.

"Uh! Calm down a little!" Seeing Fang Rui's excited look, Pado suddenly felt worried.

"Don't worry! I just want to make the exploration activities more lively! Being unproductive will reduce some people's desire to explore, so we have to give them some benefits."

Fang Rui gave his own explanation, "It's like a lottery with a guaranteed bottom line, and players will continue to play one after another..."

"You're right." Pado agreed, and then talked about other things.

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