It was Yukino who looked calm.

"Teacher Hiratsuka, don't feel embarrassed. I just heard that you wanted to ask Uehara for help, so I came here out of curiosity." Yukino took the initiative.

"is it?"

Hiratsuka breathed a sigh of relief quietly, she thought Yukino came to fight.

It’s not surprising that she thought so, because after Yukino appeared, Miura Yuko’s face had been tense, like a cat in a vigilant posture, and might launch a set of light-speed meow punches at any time.

Fortunately, Yukino ignored Miura Yuko, so the current atmosphere was not too bad.

"Teacher Hiratsuka, do you think Uehara has a solution?" Although this question was addressed to Shizuka Hiratsuka, Yukino's attention was on Takuya Uehara.

Uehara Takuya knew that she was asking herself: "No, I can't help it, it's just that Mr. Hiratsuka insisted on letting me come over and try."

"I think this proposal is good." Yukino smiled, "After all, you are excellent in some aspects."

"for example?"

"For example, you have a thick skin and excellent psychological quality. The most important thing is that even if you face criticism from others, you can still think of some messy things by yourself." Yukino said truthfully.

Uehara Takuya had a headache: "It doesn't sound like you are praising me."

"You can take it as a compliment. Will it make you happy?"

Yukino maintained her beautiful smile and added unhurriedly: "It's rare for me to praise others."

Kashiwazaki Sena pouted at the side: "You talk as if you are a big shot, so I don't look down on your compliments."

Yukino raised her eyebrows slightly and was about to give the blond girl a verbal lesson when Hiratsuka Shizuka spoke up at the right time: "Okay, since everyone is here, let's go in."

"it is good."

Yukino was the first to respond, not going against Hiratsuka Shizuka's ideas.

Before entering, Hiratsuka Shizuka secretly winked at Takuya Uehara: You and Yukino have a pretty good relationship.

Uehara Takuya responded with an idiot look: In the situation just now, how did you know that we have a good relationship?

Hiratsuka Shizuka snickered, she knew Yukino very well.

If Yukino really hated Uehara Takuya, the girl would have no chance of talking to him, and she might even choose to ignore him.

Hiratsuka Shizuka saw the conversation between the two just now.

She was surprised and relieved that Yukino could have such a good relationship with a boy.

At least she still thinks highly of Uehara Takuya.

Kashiwazaki Sena, who was at the end of the team, noticed that Miura Yuko had a sullen face. She couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "What's wrong with you?"

Miura Yuko said coldly: "Don't you think that Yukinoshita is an eyesore?"

Kashiwazaki Sena asked blankly: "An eyesore? No, right? She is so small, how can she be an eyesore?"


I bet you use this standard to judge whether it is an "eyesore"?

Miura Yuko didn't know whether she should laugh or be angry.

She also specifically looked around. Apart from Kashiwazaki Sena, Hiratsuka Shizuka was probably the only one who had the qualification to be an "eyesore".

But when she walked into the health room and saw Chizuru Tachibana, whose plump lines could not be concealed even in a white coat, she silently added a name to the list.

"Teacher Hiratsuka?" Tachibana Chizuru put down the book in her hand, turned her chair, and her emotionless eyes fell on Hiratsuka Shizuka and others.

When her cold eyes swept across everyone, Uehara Takuya was the calmest.

Miura Yuko instinctively took a step back.

Yukino frowned tightly. This kind of robot-like indifference made it really difficult for people to like him.

As for Kashiwazaki Sena.

She was staring thoughtfully at Tachibana Chizuru's breasts...

"You shouldn't be busy now, right?" Shizuka Hiratsuka smiled and put his arm on Takuya Uehara's shoulder, "This child is not feeling well. Can you help check him out?"

Uehara Takuya smiled helplessly and nodded in agreement: "I'm sorry, Mr. Tachibana."

Tachibana Chizuru raised her hand and pointed to the medicine cabinet next to her: "You can handle it yourself."

Everyone present was taken aback.

Hiratsuka Shizu pointed at Uehara Takuya in confusion: "Don't you even ask him what's wrong with him?"

Tachibana Chizuru lowered her head to read again: "There are no wounds on his body, and he looks good. This is obviously something I can't treat."

Hiratsuka asked subconsciously: "What do you mean?"

Tachibana Chizuru said without raising her head: "Since it's not a trauma, it should be a mental illness. Why don't Mr. Hiratsuka take him to see a psychiatrist."

Hiratsuka Shizuo laughed twice and was about to speak, but Uehara Takuya said first: "I failed the online psychologist assessment. Does Mr. Tachibana still want me to see a psychologist?"

Tachibana Chizuru raised her head this time and stared straight at Uehara Takuya: "Since you failed, you should see a psychiatrist so that you can discover the reason for your failure in time."

"Well-founded and convincing." Uehara Takuya nodded in agreement.

Hiratsuka Shizu stared at him funny, we are here to find a solution, why are you agreeing there?

"I knew you idiot would be like this..."

Yukino stood up and said softly to Tachibana Chizuru: "I heard that Tachibana-sensei cares about what students think of you?"

"Yes." Chizuru Tachibana admitted simply.

Yukino thought about it and continued: "Even though I have very little contact with my classmates, I did hear some rumors about you. Of course, those are all negative."

"I know." Tachibana Chizuru remained indifferent.

Yukino glanced at Uehara Takuya next to him, who immediately spoke with understanding: "What Yukino means is that if you want to change other people's thoughts about you, there is only so much that outsiders can do. If Tachibana-sensei really wants to change If you want to be popular, you must first make up your mind.”

Yukino smiled slightly: "That's what I thought."

Hiratsuka Shizuka looked stunned.

What happened to these two people?

Can they cooperate with each other just by looking at each other?

Did they get along secretly in private?

"Despicable Yukinoshita..." Miura Yuko standing behind said sourly.

On the contrary, Kashiwazaki Sena had a satisfied expression on her face: "Yes, only smart girls can become my friends."

"Huh? You want to make friends with her?" Miura Yuko seemed to have heard some fantastic news.

You must know that during lunch, she saw Kashiwazaki Sena looking unhappy with Yukino.

Kashiwazaki Sena raised her chin and chuckled: "She did bully me, but as long as she is smart enough, she is qualified to be my friend. I am a very generous person."

Miura Yuko snorted coldly: "It's up to you. Anyway, that guy's heart is tied to Uehara, and I won't make friends with her."

"What did you say?" Kashiwazaki Sena suddenly raised her voice.

At this time, everyone in front, including Tachibana Chizuru, turned to look at the two blond girls.

Miura Yuko was embarrassed and waved her hands quickly: "You go on, don't worry about us."

Immediately she grabbed Kashiwazaki Sena and walked out.

It wasn't until he left the health room that Kashiwazaki Sena continued to ask: "You just said Yukinoshita..."

"So you don't know yet?" Miura Yuiko was even more surprised than she was.

"I...I always thought their relationship was not very good, because I often saw Yukinoshita saying bad things about Uehara." Kashiwazaki Hoshina became more and more guilty as he spoke.

Miura Yuko smiled coldly: "I said you were a fool, and that's true. Yami and I both saw it early, but you were the only one who was stupid enough to be kept in the dark."

Kashiwazaki Sena fell silent.

She originally planned to bring Yukino to her side, so that [Sena's Justice Team] would be complete.

Yuigahama Yui is a very safe friend, she has confirmed this.

But she didn't expect that Yukino had actually "betrayed" her team.

"Damn it, her breasts are so small, why would she overestimate her abilities and become my enemy..." Kashiwazaki Sena was very angry.

Miura Yuiko was secretly happy when she heard this.

So, Sena can join forces with me, right?

It just so happens that we are both blonde.

They are also similar in age.


Her unnatural smile quickly passed over Kashiwazaki Sena's chest.

Pretty much the same!

She blushed and tried to convince herself.

The two girls outside had their own thoughts, but Takuya Uehara and Yukino, who were in the health room, talked a lot together and carefully analyzed Chizuru Tachibana's own situation.

Hiratsuka Shizuka, the main person responsible for this incident, was leaning against the wall with his arms folded, fishing for fish.

"I understand what you are saying, but I can't do it." Tachibana Chizuru shook her head slightly.

Yukino thought for a while and suggested: "The popular teachers in the school are usually teachers who are willing to chat with students and have no airs."

Tachibana Chizuru's pressure seemed to be lower: "Teacher Hiratsuka has helped me many times. With her advice, I tried to change my clothes and gave gifts to the children who came to the health room, but they were still very uncomfortable. fear me."

"Gift? What did you give me?" Uehara Takuya asked quickly.

"Talcum powder." Chizuru Tachibana said calmly, "The weather is hot now, and students are often exposed to the sun, so talcum powder that can cool the skin is a very necessary thing... These are all the things I mentioned in the book have witnessed."

"This kind of small gift is actually very good." Yukino affirmed.

Takuya Uehara consciously acted as the questioner: "However, the students' impression of you has already been fixed. Even if you give a gift, they will only think that you have bad intentions."

Tachibana Chizuru lowered his head.

Yukino touched Hara Takuya with her elbow: "Let's not talk about this for now. Since Mr. Tachibana is determined to change the students' view of you, you might as well try to start with a smile."

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