
Uehara Takuya was horrified.

Shizuka Hiratsuka, who was trying to catch a fish, rushed over and hugged Tachibana Chizuru, who was obviously heartbroken. She said in a pitiful voice: "No, Tachibana-sensei, don't worry about it..."

Yukino asked doubtfully: "Have you tried this trick too?"

Uehara Takuya looked heavy: "Yes, her smile at that time... at least I couldn't stand it."

Yukino said, "I understand. It's probably because Mr. Tachibana has never smiled before. I don't know what kind of smile can warm people's hearts."

"I've researched it."

Tachibana Chizuru didn't struggle in Hiratsuka Shizuka's arms. She raised her arms with an indifferent expression, put her fingers on her face, and slowly moved her fingers upward.

Driven by strength, the corners of her mouth were rising, eventually turning into a sweet smile.

This scene shocked Shizuka Hiratsuka: "Hey, this smile is okay, what do you think, Uehara?"

Uehara Takuya was equally surprised: "What a beautiful smile."

Tachibana Chizuru put her hand back and said softly: "But I can't show such a smile myself, I can only do this..."

She took advantage of Shizuka Hiratsuka not paying attention to her, raised the corners of her mouth again, and showed that mocking face:???

Hiratsuka Shizuka saw it, with a bleak expression: "With this smile again, I remembered the painful memories of trying various methods these days, but in the end it was all in vain."

Yukino was shocked: "Teacher Tachibana, why are you looking at me with such an expression..."

Tachibana Chizuru regained her cold expression: "It's very scary, isn't it?"

Yukino's peripheral vision fell on Uehara Takuya and said seriously: "No, this smile has the feeling of Uehara when he is causing trouble, and it can easily lead to violent thoughts."

Uehara Taku, who was silently hit by an arrow, said nothing.

"Teacher Hiratsuka, let's go out and talk." Yukino looked moved, as if she had thought of something, "I probably know what to do."

"Really?" Hiratsuka Shizuka immediately let go of Tachibana Chizuru and pulled Yukino towards the door. At the same time, she turned back to Uehara Takuya and smiled: "Uehara, please wait for us for a while."

"You just left me here?" Uehara Takuya shook his head as he listened to the sound of the door closing.

Kashiwazaki Sena and Miura Yuko didn't come back after they left. He and the expressionless Tachibana Chizuru were the only ones left in the health room.

"Why aren't you afraid of me, Uehara-san?" At this time Tachibana Chizuru spoke up.

Her eyes were still staring at Uehara Takuya. Even though she had no emotions, she should be confused at this moment.

"Maybe it's because I'm different from ordinary people?" Uehara Takuya randomly found reasons.

Tachibana Chizuru was silent for a few seconds and then spoke again: "You don't have any bad feelings towards me, right?"

Before Uehara Takuya could answer, she said to herself: "When we first met, you were not afraid of me. Later, you and Mr. Hiratsuka were willing to help me. You are a good person."

"Am I being stuck...wait, what do you mean by this action?"

Uehara Takuya raised his voice unconsciously, because Chizuru Tachibana actually took off her white coat and put it on the chair while talking.

And her hands fell again, grabbing the hem of the black short-sleeved shirt.

"I didn't wear the clothes underneath, so I felt a little uncomfortable."

Tachibana Chizuru said calmly, then took off her black short sleeves with a splash.

Uehara Takuya looked away: "Then you can let me out first."

"I don't mind, I know you are sincerely helping me." Tachibana Chizuru's voice was very soft.

"But I mind..."

"You're peeking."

"I have my eyes closed, how can I peek?"

"I'm joking, isn't it funny?"

Tachibana Chizuru slowly put on her clothes and looked at him again.

Uehara Takuya opened his eyes and complained: "This is beyond the scope of a joke, right?"

Tachibana Chizuru blinked: "You mean, you want to watch it again?"


Chapter 109 Yukino is always charging confidently

Chizuru Tachibana stared at the speechless Takuya Uehara for a few seconds, and finally lowered his head, seemingly depressed.

"It's still not funny..."

The words were still emotionless, but Uehara Taku could also feel that she was definitely unhappy now.

So he took the initiative to break the silence: "Is this also a joke from the book?"


Unexpectedly, Tachibana Chizuru shook her head and made a very subtle chest-thumping movement: "I came up with it myself."

With this look on her face, she just needed to say "I'm awesome".

Uehara Takuya laughed: "If it weren't for the embarrassing situation just now, I think your joke this time would be half successful."

"Success?" Chizuru Tachibana stared at him closely, "Are you serious?"

"Of course it's true. After all, the effect of that sentence is very strong. I don't know how to answer it. Do you think it was successful?"

Tachibana Chizuru nodded: "I see, will you come to see me often in the future?"

Uehara Takuya felt vaguely uncomfortable: "Why do you suddenly ask such a question?"

"Because apart from you, only Mr. Hiratsuka is willing to help me." Chizuru Tachibana pointed at his face, "You are a good person, so I don't mind what happened just now."

Uehara Takuya opened his mouth, wanting to complain, but he didn't know where to start.

It can only be said that this way of being issued a good person card is really novel.

Tachibana Chizuru retracted her arm, and there seemed to be light in her eyes: "If you want, I can show you one more time."

Uehara Takuya looked hesitant: "Is it a joke again?"

"No, this time it's the truth." Tachibana Chizuru shook his head.

"No need!"

Uehara Takuya couldn't help his desire to complain: "What kind of weird logic are you talking about? Just because you think I'm a nice person, can you just show me your figure casually?"

Tachibana Chizuru pondered: "I also changed my clothes in front of Hiratsuka-sensei."

"She is a woman, a woman!" Uehara Takuya emphasized.

"You can also think of yourself as a woman. Besides, I really don't mind if it's you."

"Stop saying such words that are easily misunderstood..."

Uehara Takuya was unable to help his forehead.

He naturally knew that Tachibana Chizuru didn't mean that.

Probably because the way she and Shizuka Hiratsuka treated her were completely different from the group of kids at school who were afraid of her, so they had a very good impression on her.

"I'm actually very happy today."

Tachibana Chizuru suddenly spoke up. When Uehara Takuya looked over in confusion, she continued: "At least I know that you and Mr. Hiratsuka are sincerely helping me. Ever since I left my hometown, I have always been alone. Life, now I enjoy the feeling of companionship for the first time..."

Uehara Takuya was stunned and said nothing.

"This is for you." Chizuru Tachibana opened the drawer and took out a bottle of talcum powder.

"Thank you."

Uehara Takuya took a quick look and saw that the place of production was indeed not from Sichuan Province.

If it is talcum powder from Sichuan Province, it can be called "Baobao Bashi" in the dialect there.

After a while, Yukino and Hiratsuka Shizuka came back. The latter's face was very hesitant, obviously he was worried about something.

Yukino didn't have that much emotion. She said to Uehara Takuya directly: "Uehara, please go out for a while."

"Do you need me to avoid it?" Uehara Takuya understood.

Yukino hummed and looked at Tachibana Chizuru openly: "I discussed it with Mr. Hiratsuka. Since all the methods thought of through normal channels are ineffective, we can only take a different approach."


Uehara Takuya simply left.

He didn't quite know what Yukino was going to do, but the other party specifically emphasized "taking the wrong approach", which was thought-provoking enough.

It won't be a normal method anyway.

The moment before he closed the door, Yukino's voice sounded quickly: "Don't go back yet, I will come find you later."

"So what she told during the day was true? But what on earth did she want to see me for?"

Uehara Takuya left the health room and did not see Kashiwazaki Sena and Miura Yuko along the way. He suspected that these two people had gone home together.

After waiting at the school gate for nearly 15 minutes, Yukino's figure came into view.

There was no smile on her face, and she returned to her usual cold look.

"No success?" Uehara Takuya asked tentatively.

Yukino said solemnly: "Yes, it failed."

After saying that, her eyes became painful, as if she was saying that I, who was so smart, failed in the first step.

"There's no need to put on this expression, right? Tachibana-sensei's problem is not just a day or two. Judging from her inability to make expressions on her own, I suspect she has been like this since she was a child." Uehara Takuya reminded road.

Yukino took a deep breath: "I also understand this truth, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult. You know, I have already used emotional stimulation to target her."

"Emotionally exciting?"

Uehara Taku didn't dare to ask any more questions. He wasn't sure whether it was a normal emotional stimulation or the kind caused by the driver driving on the highway.

However, given Yukino's character, it should be unlikely to choose the latter.

"You haven't thought of a solution yet?" Yukino looked up at Uehara Takuya. She was obviously unwilling to give up.

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