"No." Uehara Takuya shook his head honestly, "If I could have thought of a way, I would have told Mr. Hiratsuka long ago... Speaking of which, she said she wanted to treat me to dinner, why haven't she come over yet?"

"Because I told her that you will have dinner with me today." Yukino answered calmly.

Uehara Takuya looked over in surprise: "You want to treat me?"

"Yes." A smile finally appeared on Yukino's face, "As a reward for having dinner with me, you can choose the place for dinner, even if you want to go to a more expensive restaurant."

"These words really sound like a rich woman..."

"You think I'm a rich woman, then I am."

Yukino paused for a moment, and the smile on his lips became more and more elusive: "Of course, if you are tempted by money and want to hug my rich woman's lap, then it depends on your performance."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Uehara Takuya expectantly.

She also wanted to know how the other party would react.

Unexpectedly, Takuya Uehara raised his hand with a serious look on his face: "Rejecting Cowherd starts with you and me."

Yukino gritted her teeth and stared at him: "Do you think this is what I meant by what I just said?"

Uehara Takuya pointed to the big tree next to him: "This tree can prove it."


Yukino cursed lightly and walked out of the school first.

Uehara Takuya followed her pace and said by the way: "I have a part-time job today."

"Then just go and dine at the store where you work part-time. This way you can tell the store manager that you helped him attract customers with qualified spending power."

"What you said makes sense, I can't refute it."

That's how the dining place was decided.

Uehara Takuya wanted to find something to talk about on the way, but he was keenly aware that Yukino was a little absent-minded.

At least when she passed two forks in the road, she peeked around.

"Who are you looking for?" Takuya Uehara doesn't like to hide his temper.

Yukino's body stiffened, and she slightly unnaturally lifted her hair from her ears: "You'll know later."

Uehara Takuya wanted to laugh when he heard this: "You are obviously not sure where that person is, how do you have the confidence to say such a thing?"

Yukino smiled calmly and said: "Through the two observations just now, I can now confirm that the person I am waiting for is already waiting in front of the store where you work part-time."

Uehara Takuya was slightly startled, and then he remembered that Yukino had made a move to take out his cell phone earlier.

He originally thought that the other party was just checking the time, but now that he thought about it, he realized that Yukino seemed to have edited the message at that time.

Someone who can make Yukino wait specially, and at the same time confirm several times in advance...

Uehara Takuya suddenly thought of a name: Yukinoshita Harano.

"It seems you have guessed it?" Yukino's eyes were filled with smiles. She was very satisfied with the other party's reaction speed.

Uehara Takuya couldn't laugh at this moment. Instead, his expression was solemn: "Is it because I performed so poorly yesterday that you are going to kill me?"

Yukino was stunned for a moment, and her face darkened: "Are you acting stupid again?"

"Otherwise, why didn't you tell me in advance when you made an appointment with Miss Yangno?"

Uehara Takuya became more vigilant.

What about joining forces?

The boat of friendship can't be capsized so easily, can it?

"Don't you know now?" Yukino said lightly.

"I obviously guessed this myself."

"That's because I gave you a hint specifically so that you could guess it."

"Don't talk nonsense. I know it even without you reminding me."

"What a confident and stupid statement."

Yukino snorted and was too lazy to talk to him anymore.

Uehara Takuya had to get serious.

Yukino didn't tell herself in advance this time. Could it be that she decided to charge herself as cannon fodder, so that she could make a heroic appearance at the last moment?

If so, then...

Takuya Uehara looked at the girl next to him without words: "Have you been infected by Kawashima?"

Yukino: "?"

"If you weren't infected by her, why would you suddenly have the idea that you can do it? Come on, that's Haruno, she's super awesome."

"What kind of weird accent do you have? You'd better be normal!"

Yukino glanced hard at Takuya Uehara.

Then she said slowly: "Even Kashiwazaki Sena can make my sister feel defeated. Do you think I can't do it despite my hard work?"

"This is not a matter of trying hard or not, but Miss Haruno knows you too well." Takuya Uehara persuaded him earnestly. He really didn't want to provoke Haruno.

If possible, he hoped that Yangno would suddenly decide to travel abroad, so that he would not have to brace himself for battle.

"She understands me, so why don't I understand her? Unless you think I'm not as outstanding as Kashiwazaki Sena." Yukino raised the corner of her mouth confidently.

As she passed a shopping mall window, she stopped and glanced at herself in the mirror.

Even without the blessing of stockings, her legs are still straight and slender, and the plump thigh curves are all hidden in her skirt. The loose uniform cannot hide her light waist, and it seems that she can hold it perfectly if she reaches out her hand.

Why can't I win against Kashiwazaki Sena with myself like this?

Before Yukino looked away, she couldn't help but snorted when she saw Uehara Takuya's resigned face.

Less than ten meters away from the restaurant, Takuya and Uehara saw the familiar figure at the door.

Just as Yukino guessed, Yangno had indeed arrived early.

She smiled brightly as soon as she saw the two of them: "I knew you would call him, Yukino."

"You said something stupid." Yukino approached and pointed at the signboard, "Since Uehara works part-time here, of course he will come over."

Yangno smiled intriguingly: "No, I mean, you can come to see me by yourself without notifying him. Uehara will come to work part-time sooner or later anyway. But you just stopped him in advance, Is it because you have the idea of ​​joining forces with him to deal with me again, or do you simply want to spend more time alone with Uehara?"

Yukino's cheeks turned red.

Especially when she noticed Uehara Takuya looking here in surprise, her little face turned even redder.

Harano did not pursue the victory, but turned to Uehara Takuya and smiled: "Uehara is also very handsome today."

"You are more beautiful than usual." Uehara Takuya started the business exchange mode.

"Ara~ Does this sentence mean that I am not beautiful at ordinary times?"

"I thought you wouldn't come out of your mouth with such bloody lines in a TV series."

"That's because I am also an ordinary woman."

Yangno let out a deliberate sigh, which made Xuenuo couldn't help but look at her delicate and lovely face.

When the sisters walked through the door side by side, they really caught the attention of many customers in the store.

If Yukino has the kind of youthful and nostalgic campus beauty, then Yono, with her tall figure and mature dress, has a bit more charm.

Thinking about a woman like her, even if she was wearing trousers today and only exposed her round and white ankles, she could invisibly put down the limelight of the female customers in the store.

Women's slim-fitting denim trousers can always highlight the curves. If worn by a woman with a good figure, no matter it is the waist or the buttocks, once the charm is released, it can always attract everyone's attention in the first place. eyeball.

When Yukino found a seat and sat down, she already noticed that many people were looking at her, most of which were directed at Yangno.

Uehara Takuya first brought them two glasses of juice, then went to help himself.

Yang Na opened her bright red lips and gently bit the straw: "It seems I just guessed it right."

Yukino blushed and said coldly: "Are you showing off your intelligence to me?"

"I would never show off this." Yangno winked at her cutely, "I should have been used to what I was born with, so why would I go out of my way to show it off to others? "

This way of speaking again...

Yukino gritted his teeth, unable to find a way to retaliate against her.

Yangno held her cheek and turned to look at Uehara Takuya: "You are specifically trying to get time alone with him, which means you have been in trouble recently... Well, it should be said that you are a very powerful love rival. , do you want to tell me about it?"

As she spoke, her eyes filled with a charming halo under the light: "You not only want Uehara to help you deal with me, but you also want him to stay with you, but before you defeat that love rival, like this I’m afraid good things like this can only appear in dreams.”

All of them were seen through?

Yukino's knuckles started to turn white.

This feels really bad.

He looks very much like an idol star participating in a variety show - not like an actor, not like a singer, and his abbreviation is nothing.

Chapter 110 Yangno: Merely Miura, useless

"Uehara brought a cute girl to the store again today."

During the break, two young girls newly recruited in the store came to Nanami Aoyama and muttered something in a sour tone.

"They should just be classmates." Nanami Aoyama didn't think too much about it.

She knew Yukino.

As for Kawashima Ami and Kashiwazaki Sena, who have been to the store before, they are both celebrities in the school. Almost all students who attend school have heard of the names of these two popular girls.

As for Yangno, she is indeed very strange.

However, Yangono's mature and charming aura that occasionally reveals inadvertently is indeed very attractive to a little girl like her.

Most adolescent children dream of becoming so charming in the future.

"That's not necessarily true. There are often all kinds of cute girls around a handsome guy, which means that he actually wants to be in multiple boats." The girl next to him whispered.

Aoyama Nanami said in a dumbfounded voice: "You guys have too much imagination, don't you? Although I'm not very familiar with Uehara-san, he made excuses for me to take leave last time. I think he is a good person."

"Playboy has always been very good at lying to people, especially to little girls like you who have never been in love."

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