"That's right."

Nanami Aoyama was about to earn some impression points for Takuya Uehara, but she heard the man just now murmuring longingly: "As the saying goes, it is very rare for a prodigal son to come back. If Uehara becomes dedicated and only likes me, then I will not accept it at all. Care about his past."

"You are just greedy for his body..."

Seeing the two colleagues blushing and laughing, talking and talking in a more adult-oriented manner, Nanami Aoyama also blushed and backed away silently.

She turned her head and glanced at the boy who was following the store manager. He was wearing a uniform, his face was covered with sweat from being busy, and his bangs on his forehead were soaked with sweat and became sticky.

But this does not affect the fact that the other party is good-looking at all.

Nanami Aoyama could tell that Takuya Uehara usually didn't bother to use a comb to take care of his hair, because every time she saw him, the boy's hair showed signs of being combed with his hands.

This seemingly messy hairstyle, coupled with the handsome face that is perfect for being an idol, has a fatal attraction for young girls.

Nanami Aoyama looked at it for a while, her cheeks rosy.

Because she suddenly thought that if this boy put on a white shirt, unbuttoned a few buttons at the collar, and wore a silver pendant around his neck that young people like, no girl who is not opposed to love would be able to resist his smile.

Yang Nai, who was not far away, saw this scene clearly.

She looked away and smiled at her sister who was still in a daze: "Did you see it? For a boy with Uehara's appearance and condition, no matter where you go, you may encounter a love rival."

Yukino was startled, then turned around following the hint in the other person's eyes, and saw Nanami Aoyama, who was blushing and staring at Uehara Takuya.

Although Nanami Aoyama was in a daze, there was no spring in her heart at all, but when this picture fell into the eyes of others, it had another meaning.

Yangno was not in a hurry to eat, and continued to stare at Yukino and said: "I have never doubted your excellent talents, but you have never had any experience in getting along with the opposite sex since you were a child. Are you sure you can overcome the bumpy road of love?"

Xueno's cheeks were slightly red, and he looked at her coldly: "This is my private matter, and I don't need your intervention."

"I have good intentions. Without my help, I'm afraid you will be defeated soon." Yang Nao smiled and shook his head.

Yukino picked up the chopsticks calmly: "Although your judgment is excellent, in this aspect alone, you are bound to make mistakes."

Yangno liked to see her sister's confident look, and her eyes were crooked: "Are you sure you don't need my help?"

"No need." Yukino didn't look at the other party again, "Besides, no one can guarantee that you are sincerely here to help me."

"These words really hurt my sister's heart."

Yangno no longer mentioned this topic, but when she took one last look at the busy boy over there, a smile slowly appeared at the corner of her mouth.

You are always so stubborn and refuse to admit defeat, but emotional matters are not something that a little girl like you can handle.

As Yangno picked up the food, he thought that he had to show up when needed.

Last time, she killed Kawashima Ami to a pulp with just a few words.

Another one, Kashiwazaki Sena, who obviously has a crush on Uehara Takuya, has now become her best friend...

As for Miura Yuko?

Yangno recalled the other blond figure at the karaoke bar that day, smiled and shook her head.

It's just Miura, nothing like it.

It wasn't until the store was completely quiet that Takuya Uehara came to the Yukinoshita sisters and asked, "Is today's dish to your liking?"

Yangno raised his head with a smile: "What's the matter with your [store manager's serious attitude]? According to your personality, you shouldn't ask this kind of thing, right?"

"The store manager asked me to come here and ask." Uehara Takuya pointed inside. "He said that I brought two such beautiful ladies here, and if the food does not taste good, he will be very disappointed."

"Beautiful lady? I like this title. Say thank you to him for me." Yang Na accepted it happily.

Yukino glanced at Uehara Takuya, who still had beads of sweat on his face, and said softly: "Are you not busy now? Then you can sit down and have a meal together."

Yangno was startled, as if he had found something fun to do, and looked at his sister with slightly excited eyes: "You never cared about boys so proactively before."

"That's because we have a good relationship." Uehara Takuya smiled and helped Yukino out of the situation, "Just like Miss Haruno does when she is with close friends, you will definitely care about your friends."

Yang Nai asked with a half-smile, "Is it really just like this?"

"What else could it be like? Miss Haruno can't have no friends, right?"

"Hey, is it really okay to be so mean to your sister?"

"I'm just making a very ordinary inquiry. I want to correct you by the way. You are Yukino's sister, not mine." Uehara Takuya raised a finger.

"Isn't this a matter of time?" Yang Nao's smile became more ambiguous.

Yukino's face turned redder and redder when she heard this. She was about to speak out in shame and anger, but Yangono had already noticed the change in her expression and quickly changed the subject: "Yukino is still learning Chinese recently?"

Yukino was stunned for a moment, and all the words he had just prepared were punched back.

This uncomfortable feeling of being powerless really made her feel bad.

Uehara Takuya understood her mood and took the initiative to say: "That's for sure. Once Yukino makes up his mind to do something, he will naturally not give up casually."

Yukino felt inexplicably sweet after hearing this.

"That's not right." Yang Na objected, "She used to do things half-way so often that she was almost used to it."

Yukino's good mood disappeared in an instant. It was really disrespectful for a sister to expose her shortcomings casually.

"That was her before. Now Yukino has completed the super evolution." Uehara Takuya didn't even blink.

Yang Nai agreed with her words and said, "You were right this time. At least the changes on her body are visible to the naked eye. Of course, these are all your [credit]."

At the end, her tone was a little strange.

Uehara Takuya ignored it consciously: "That's why Miss Haruno specifically mentioned this. Could it be that you are still interested in Chinese?"

"Even if she is interested, it is none of our business." Yukino said coldly.

Uehara Takuya and Haruno were stunned at the same time. They seemed to have made an appointment and looked at Yukino in perfect agreement.

Now Yukino panicked: "What are you looking at?"

Yangno's eyes became more ambiguous: "That sentence [we] just now was really a bold statement."

Uehara Takuya thought the same thing, but in order to save face for Yukino, he pretended not to understand.

"Do you have to be so boring about every word I say?" Yukino's eyebrows were filled with panic. She didn't know whether it was shame or anxiety, and even her fair ears turned red.

"I am called my sister who cares about me."

After finishing speaking, Yangno looked at Uehara Takuya and extended an invitation: "Last time I wanted you to have a drink with me. You shouldn't refuse today, right?"

Yukino said first with a cold face: "Uehara is still underage and cannot drink."

"He can have a drink with me." Yang Nai said calmly.

Yukino suddenly didn't know how to continue.

If she wants to block her sister's invitation, what's her position?

good friend?

This is obviously not the case, because friends can't be so lenient.


Xueno blushed with embarrassment and stopped talking.

Yangno couldn't stop giggling. She liked her sister's cute expression so much.

"If it's just a drink, I think I have no reason to refuse." Uehara Takuya spoke at this time.

Xueno raised his head suddenly, his eyes were very surprised.

Takuya Uehara silently gave her a look, the meaning was very simple, just like what Cao Dahua said to Zhou Xingxing in "Play Back to School", "Relay, relay."

Yukino bit her lips. Although this was true, she would not be willing to accept it after all.

"Then it's settled."

Yangno stood up and pulled Uehara Takuya to sit down, looking very happy: "To celebrate our becoming friends, how about we stay drunk tonight?"

"You are so beautiful, you will definitely be in trouble if you get drunk at night." Uehara Takuya reminded.

There was a smile on Yangno's soft cheeks: "Isn't there still you here? Handsome Uehara, you will definitely send me back, right?"

"Have you turned into handsome Uehara again at this time?"

"Yes, it is."

Yang Nai admitted generously.

Uehara Takuya also ate something, and the last person to pay the bill was Yukino.

She said she wanted to treat her, so she wouldn't break her promise.

The two of them first sent Yukino to the door of their house. Before the latter entered, he reminded Takuya Uehara to be careful with his eyes.

He nodded knowingly.

"You two actually communicated with your eyes behind my back?" Of course Yangno discovered this.

Uehara Takuya said calmly: "I am an energy conservationist. I can talk less if I can."

"You are dishonest~"

Yangno approached with a smile, her lovely face looked extremely charming under the street lights, and her unique charm floated in the corners of her eyes, which was heart-stopping.

Uehara Takuya raised his hand and pressed her forehead, and pushed her back under her stunned gaze.

"Don't get too close to me, I'm not used to it."

Yangno showed a charming smile: "Are you shy? Sure enough, for a beauty like me, you will still be moved by her after all."

Then she guarded her chest with helpless eyes: "Now that Yukino has gone back, will you become a wolf and take the opportunity to do something bad to me?"

"The development of wolf nature generally means that when wolves find prey, they will communicate immediately to look for opportunities to kill the prey. Of course, all this is based on the order of the alpha wolf." Uehara Takuya explained .

Yang Nai couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "I find that you really don't know how to be charming."

"Of course I understand, but in front of you, I am willing to become ignorant."

"It's indeed a Uehara-style answer."

The two of them walked side by side on the night road, and neither of them mentioned "having a drink".

In fact, Yukino also knew that it was impossible for Uehara Takuya to go drinking with Harano, so she left with such peace of mind.

"Uehara, tell me a joke."

"I can't tell jokes."

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