"Just tell me, that's what I'm begging you to do."


After two seconds of silence, Uehara Takuya slowly spoke: "A dog asked a wolf "Why don't you find a master to provide food and shelter for you?", the wolf replied "You don't understand freedom at all", and the dog looked thoughtful after listening. Left the zoo.”

Yang Nai looked at him blankly, then smiled for a long time and said, "Is this also a joke?"

"I told you I'm not good at jokes."

"What a special brain circuit."

Yang Na rubbed her eyebrows. After all, the other party was not her sister, so she couldn't take her seriously.

Once I am not serious, I will always be caught off guard and be silenced by him several times.

But she quite liked this feeling.

When the two arrived at the door of Yangno's house, she did not rush in. Instead, she put a hand on Uehara Takuya's shoulder and said with a charming look in her eyes: "I have no strength, please send me up."

"Honey traps are of no use to me." Uehara Takuya didn't even bother to look at her.

"Hey, are you praising me for being beautiful?"

"There is no need to boast about this kind of thing, it is the truth."

"Then I'd rather invite you up for a cup of tea."

Yang Nai pushed him with a smile.

When she took out the key to open the door, she took the lead to get a pair of slippers for Takuya Uehara, and then bent down herself: "Do you want tea or coffee?"

"I didn't say I wanted to be a guest at your home."

Yang Nai turned around and smiled: "But I welcome you to my home."

Uehara Takuya said nothing.

Yangno didn't seem to care, and continued to turn around to change her shoes. Her current semi-crouching posture made her already plump lines look even more exaggerated. After her long legs wrapped in denim trousers were bent down, the entire trousers All tight.At the point where the round thighs are upward, the pants are pulled down due to this posture, revealing part of the fair and tender skin on the waist.

I have to say that this woman is indeed very capable.

In particular, she is very good at using her strengths.

Uehara Takuya didn't look away because he knew Yangno did it on purpose.

Sure enough, the next second the other person stood up and winked at him: "Do you think my figure is great?"

"Yes." Uehara Takuya admitted frankly.

"Then do you want to come in and have tea?"

Her answer was a "bang" and the door was closed.

Uehara Takuya disappeared simply.

Yang Na stared blankly at the quiet door. After a while, she smiled and shook her head.

"He won't fall for it at all. It's a pity."

Only she herself knew what this pity meant specifically.

Chapter 111 I’ll show you wearing stockings

Uehara Takuya received a message from Yukino just after returning home.

[Is she still with you? 】

Uehara Takuya: [I have already gone home. 】

Yukino: [It’s almost the same time as I calculated. She said having a drink was just to test me. 】

Followed by a panda with a proud face.

Uehara Takuya felt that Yangno wanted to have a drink with him, but he ran faster.

However, Yukino is so confident now, so don’t let it disappoint you.

At this time, Yukino sent another message: [According to my understanding of her, she should look for you again in the near future. 】

Uehara Takuya: [Why? 】

Yukino: [She is obviously interested in you, how about it?My sister is a very outstanding beauty. Are you very moved to be targeted by her? 】

Uehara Takuya: [Yes, I was so moved that I cried. 】

He also posted an emoticon of a panda crying.

Yukino, who was sitting on the bed unable to sleep, was stunned looking at the emojis, and even let go of the panda pillow in her arms.

She thought that the other party hadn't come over much recently, so she couldn't help but ask: [Will you never come over again in the future?I mean in the way you use your superpowers. 】

Uehara Takuya: [How is that possible?I also want to learn cooking from you. Oh yes, I remember you are also good at musical instruments, right? 】

Yukino: [There is no instrument that I don’t know how to play. If you really want to learn, you can consider finding time to go to the instrumental club tomorrow. With your high popularity among the girls, those girls will definitely be willing to let you use the instrument. 】

Uehara Takuya: [Are you asking me to betray my appearance? 】

Yukino: [You can also call it using the knowledge you have learned and using it where it should be used. 】

Uehara Takuya: [In that case, I want to ask you a question about knowledge. 】

Yukino looked at the phone screen blankly, chuckled and said to himself: "This idiot always changes the topic suddenly. Fortunately, I'm used to it."

But the next moment, when she saw the message from Takuya Uehara, her expression froze.

Uehara Takuya: [The book says that molecules can constitute matter, so if I blow up the bookstore, won’t there be countless intellectuals around me? 】


Yukino wanted to send this sentence, but felt that the momentum was not enough.

So she deleted the edited text and resent: [Since you used the word "explosion", I don't know if you can get intellectuals. I only know that you will be taken away by the police on charges of terrorists. 】

She followed up with a threatening panda face.

Uehara Takuya didn't send any more messages this time.

She smiled proudly, knowing that she had defeated him again.

Write it down and write it down.

Yukino quickly opened the drawer, took out a pen and paper, marked the date, and recorded the victory of this battle.

Since becoming more and more familiar with Takuya Uehara, the number of times I have been defeated by him has increased.

This is undoubtedly a very embarrassing thing for a proud girl.

So she made a habit of recording her wins.

This is one of her few hobbies.

After she finished writing, she blushed and happily stuffed the notebook back into the drawer and locked it.

This kind of thing cannot be discovered by Uehara Takuya, otherwise the other party will definitely laugh at him.

Before falling asleep, Yukino hesitantly turned on her phone and looked at Takuya Uehara's pumpkin avatar in the friends column. Finally, she couldn't hold it back and sent a message: [If you want to come over, you don't have to wait until after school every time. 】

Takuya Uehara on the other side looked surprised.

"Does this mean... let me experience the school life of a genius girl?"

Not to mention, this proposal is quite interesting.

Uehara Takuya replied "Okay", but Yukino never sent another message.

After putting down his cell phone, he got up and turned off the lights in the living room, then trotted back and lay down on the bed.

[Whether to open a new non-human save]

This system seemed to understand his hobbies, and even showed off the [inhuman].

The entries have also been refreshed.

【With the total death】

"It cannot be understood literally, so this entry will have some strange effects?"

Recalling the scene of experiencing the entry, Uehara Takuya knew it well.

Open a new archive directly.

The moment he opened his eyes, he was stunned.


So many seals!

At a glance, countless seals were lying on the shore. Occasionally, some seals would move and jump back into the water, causing large splashes of water in an instant.

Uehara Takuya quickly lowered his head to check his condition.

Sure enough, he is also a seal.

He moved his body unskillfully to the shore, and an ugly and black face was immediately reflected in the water.

"It seems that except for those seals with special races, the other seals are all ugly and cute."

Uehara Takuya doesn't care much about appearance.

He has even been a flat-head brother, so he still cares about seals?

The skill tips he got this time were [Cold Protection] and [Deep Diving].

He was not surprised by the seal's [deep dive].

After all, this thing often dives to hunt for food. Among them, the Weddell seal in the Antarctic waters can dive up to more than 600 meters, and it can be regarded as a good diver.

Uehara Takuya couldn't determine where he was because seals were distributed in too many areas, and there were even seals living in freshwater areas.

And there was no one around.

Since he couldn't find the answer for the time being, he didn't bother to think about it anymore, and simply hung the entry "Live and die together" on the head of a seal that was climbing to the shore.

The seal was originally crawling slowly, but suddenly it was stunned for a moment, and its crawling speed suddenly became faster.

Its fat body is constantly rubbing against the ground. Not only can it spin in circles quickly, it can also accurately avoid obstacles on the road at high speeds, showing an excellent agility skill that is completely unmatched by it.

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