It circled around so uninhibitedly, making excited sounds from time to time, so that all the seals on the shore were dumbfounded.

"Shared status?"

Uehara Takuya understood.

The seal used the speed and skill of the feline it brushed.

Based on this logical inference, has my hunting skills in water reached the MAX level now?

Takuya Uehara decided to give it a try.

Just before he entered the water, he saw that the seal was still having fun, knocking over several of its kind, which is called fighting a leopard with a leopard.

Uehara Takuya mastered it very quickly after entering the water, not only the ability to dive, but also the ability to catch prey. He didn't even go out of his way to gain experience. The whole process became extremely easy, as if it was innate.

It wasn't until his physical strength declined severely that he climbed back to the shore.

He was just about to lie down and recover his physical strength when he caught a glimpse of the seal lying not far from him from the corner of his eye. He looked exhausted and completely unable to move.

"It seems that this entry is indeed in shared status."

Uehara Takuya cheered up.

Immediately remove the entry and equip it on another seal.

Sure enough, he was full of energy in an instant.

"Is this a BUG?"

Uehara Takuya happily jumped into the water.

As he cycled like this, the seals who were resting on the shore suffered.

They obviously didn't do anything, but they suddenly withered while lying down...

Such changes attracted the attention of the remaining seals.

But their brains were not smart enough to figure out what was going on. They could only watch helplessly as their brothers and sisters exhausted their physical energy inexplicably, and then they all jumped like thunder.

At the end of the experience, Takuya Uehara defeated all the seals by himself.

He was even reluctant to leave.

This kind of experience without having to worry about physical fitness and energy is really refreshing.

As for whether the exhausted seals who fell on the shore were happy or not, he didn't know...

Uehara Takuya did not go to school the next day, but chose to take leave.

Since Yukino gave him hints, he could indeed experience the daily life of a genius girl.

He specifically waited until get out of class was over before logging into his account.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the students in the classroom, and at the same time, Yukino's voice of surprise came to his mind: "You actually came here?"

"You have agreed. Wouldn't it be very insincere if I didn't come over?" Takuya Uehara muttered softly while lying on his seat.

"Then what do you want to do next? Experience the feeling of answering questions as me?" Yukino was obviously in a good mood.

The reason why she mentioned this to Uehara Takuya yesterday was because she hoped that the other party could understand her better.

She had already made the decision to make this guy fall in love with her, and of course she had to work hard in secret.

"Let's forget about doing the questions..." Uehara Takuya was not interested in doing the questions under Yukino's identity, it would be too boring.

Yukino suddenly became alert: "You don't want to use my body to go to the women's locker room, do you? I have to remind you that this is illegal."

Uehara Takuya: "..."

Yukino noticed his emotion, but still said: "Although I allow you to use my body to move around in school, I will never let you go astray."

"Do you think I would do that kind of thing?" Uehara Takuya took a long time to speak.

"The possibility is very small, but this factor cannot be completely ruled out. Human desire and greed are endless. As long as there are no restrictions, it is likely to be infinitely amplified."

Uehara Takuya just smiled indifferently.

Putting aside the systematic coercion, he himself would not do such obscene things.

Uehara Takuya looked around. Most of the students were chatting with their friends after class, while some were leaning on their seats and distracted.

Even though Yukino's appearance was so excellent, no one looked here from the beginning to the end.

It seemed as if the place where Takuya Uehara sat was a small world without light.

"What are you thinking about?" Xueno couldn't help but ask when he saw that he was silent.

"Your popularity in school is indeed quite poor."

Yukino's voice suddenly dropped: "Anyway, they are classmates who are impossible to get along with. Even if they become friends, they are of no value."

"This is not a question of value..."

Uehara Takuya stood up and walked towards the girl at the next table.

He just noticed that the other person was looking at the question book with a frown on his face, and he obviously had a learning problem.

"Do you need my help?" Uehara Takuya came to stand next to her.

"Eh? Yukinoshita...classmate?" The girl seemed to be shocked.

Especially when she saw Yukino's little face clearly, her expression became even more unnatural.

Uehara Takuya showed a soft smile: "I just saw that you seemed to be having trouble studying, so I wanted to help you as a classmate."

The girl blinked her eyes in confusion, feeling at a loss. It was obviously the first time she saw Yukino who smiled so warmly.

"Hey, do you have to use my body to do this kind of thing?" Yukino had a complicated mood.

Uehara Takuya pretended not to hear.

The girl hesitated for a few seconds and asked cautiously: "Is it really okay?"

"It's just a small thing, don't be so nervous."

Uehara Takuya said and began to lecture her.

Because Yukino had tried his best to teach him, the questions in the textbook were almost not difficult for him.

"Thank you, Yukinoshita-san!"

After Takuya Uehara finished speaking, the girl also understood, and a few red clouds appeared on her cheeks due to excitement.

The other students in the class were looking at this side with surprised eyes. Judging from their expressions, they seemed to have seen something unbelievable.

Uehara Takuya ignored these looks.

Yukino, who had been silent since the beginning of his lecture, now spoke up: "Is there any point in doing this?"

Uehara Takuya came to the corridor alone and smiled: "You don't like the feeling of being welcome?"

Yukino was silent for a second and said softly: "No, I think it would be a good experience if I could become popular."

"now it's right."


Yukino wanted to continue, but Takuya Uehara's words made her lose her voice: "I know you have experienced being excluded by your classmates."

In her surprised mood, the other party said calmly: "I don't mean to greet those who exclude you with a smile. After all, we are all human beings, and there is no need to go out of our way to please others."

"And then?" she asked.

"Nothing. Then, I told you before that there are still a large number of people in the school who admire you, but they dare not make friends with you for various reasons. In this case, why not just let them Do you realize your excellence?"

Yukino took a deep breath, her voice a little awkward: "If they recognize me, can I become popular?"

"Maybe, anyway, I don't like seeing you sitting alone in the classroom every day. Just thinking about that kind of scene makes me feel uncomfortable." Uehara Takuya said.

Yukino was stunned.

Then Takuya Uehara suggested with a smile: "You just need to watch, I will take care of the rest."

"it is good……"

Yukino agreed quickly this time.

She also knew that she should be smiling now.

And it's a very sweet smile.

It's not like the other party hasn't said similar solemn words to me before, but in the past, Uehara Takuya was basically causing trouble.

But this time, she heard something worthy of her trust in his voice.

She doesn't reject this feeling.

On the contrary, she quite liked it.

Just when her heart was soft, Takuya Uehara's voice sounded quietly: "In return, should you do something?"

Like saying thank you or something.

He quite wanted to hear Yukino thank her with a shy voice and awkward posture.

However, the next second, Yukino's voice came softly: "You can come to me after school."

Just when Uehara Takuya was about to ask what he was doing with you, Yukino spoke up again: "I'll show you my stockings."

Her voice is small.


Chapter 112 Quickly start the super transformation form

It only took Uehara Takuya less than three hours to successfully add the name Yukinoshita Yukino to the school's "hot search" list.

"Have you heard? Yukinoshita-san has become different from before. She even took the initiative to help others with their questions just now."

"What's the point of giving lectures? When we were in physical education class just now, she ran wildly on the football field alone and beat the opponent ten to zero!"

"Not only that, I heard from people in the Kendo Club and the Wind Club that Yukinoshita-san also appeared there. It is said that she only needs three seconds to kill the leader of the Kendo Club. Now the Kendo Club is crying. I’m begging her to join the club..."

Similar voices kept ringing among the students, and almost everyone was surprised to find that no matter where they went, someone was talking about the name Yukinoshita Yukino.

And when everyone mentioned Yukino, the excitement and gossip on their faces was gradually turning into a frenzy.

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