It's not that they don't know Yukino's reputation as a genius girl, but the latter's popularity is so poor that she doesn't even have many friends. Even if everyone wants to talk, they don't know what to talk about.

Today was a good day. Takuya Uehara controlled Yukino's body and turned it into a topic-making machine, adding a shot of stimulant to everyone's ordinary school life.

Now, no matter who it is, when it comes to Yukino, it is really the head of a zebra - very clear and logical.

These sounds naturally reached the ears of several acquaintances of Yukino.

The first person to come over was Hiratsuka Shizuka.

When Takuya Uehara saw her, she still had surprise and confusion on her face, as if she hadn't recovered from the news.

"Teacher Hiratsuka was indeed attracted." Yukino had expected this. "What you did today was a bit too much."

Uehara Takuya didn't think so, he had already restrained himself.

Under the guise of "guiding" those sports clubs, he made the members of those clubs clearly understand what it meant to crush them.

The feline's explosiveness and speed, coupled with the parrot's farsightedness, allowed him to encounter no difficulties during today's club trip.

Therefore, Yukino's identity has gained a large number of fans.

During this process, he also noticed that there was indeed a problem with Yukino's physical fitness, and it was a big problem.

But fortunately, his physical fitness is fine.

The most important thing is that when his physical strength is too much, he can also hang the words "Live and Die Together" on the heads of passers-by to steal other people's physical energy...

"Are those rumors true?" Hiratsuka Shizuka did not mince words and did not hide the surprise in her eyes.

Uehara Takuya nodded: "Except for those that are more exaggerated, they are basically true."

"Exaggeration?" Shizuka Hiratsuka was stunned, shaking his head in confusion and saying: "Anyway, every one of the news I heard today is an exaggeration to me."

"No, it's still different."

Uehara Takuya responded to Hiratsuka Shizu's puzzled look and calmly explained: "For example, when I first came to the service club, I heard someone say, 'Yukishita-san's strength is very terrifying, enough to kill a cow with one punch.' This is Exaggerated rumors.”

Hiratsuka Shizu stood there blankly, frowned for a while and said, "Why do I feel that you are a little different today?"

Takuya Uehara said seriously: "Because I activated the super transformation form!"

Yukino: "?"

Shizu Hiratsuka laughed out loud on the spot: "You have actually seen such an old work?"

"Actually, I have almost forgotten it now. I only remember shark chili and kabocha." Uehara Takuya answered honestly.

Hiratsuka was speechless for a long time.

After a few seconds, she suddenly showed a happy smile: "Although you did surprise me today, but... if you are willing to take the initiative to make changes, this is a good thing."

She didn't give Uehara Takuya a chance to speak. She waved her hand and said with a hearty smile: "If you need help from the teacher, just ask. After all, I am very prestigious in the eyes of the students."

After saying that, she left simply.

Yukino's voice sounded suddenly, sounding a little emotional: "Teacher Hiratsuka is still so gentle."

"After all, she has the nickname [Jing Keai]."

"Huh? Why have I never heard of it?" Yukino asked suspiciously.

"That's because you rarely have contact with everyone, but I am different. I usually go around and listen to other people's conversations every day. Even the slightest disturbance in the school cannot escape my ears." Uehara Takuya said proudly.

Yukino chuckled: "You started to play while talking, you really deserve to be you."

After a pause, she asked again: "Does my life make you feel boring? Otherwise, you wouldn't use my identity to change the status quo."

"Didn't I tell you the reason just now? I just don't like to see you alone. You are such an outstanding Yukino teacher, why do you have to be ostracized?" Uehara Takuya laughed.

Yukino was startled, and her tone became inexplicably gentle: "You haven't called me Yukino-sensei for a long time."

"Hey, it seems to be true? Then I will still shout like this in the future?"

"No, you'd better call me by my name."

Xue Nai decisively refused.

Just like what this guy said at the beginning, the other party calls his name directly, which means that the relationship between the two is not so alienated.

"Those girls who are hostile to you should not dare to speak ill of you again." Uehara Takuya suddenly laughed.

Yukino couldn't help but smile.

When Uehara Takuya used her identity to get the limelight, she did meet a few girls who were very hostile to her, and even those people dared to be weird in front of her.

Uehara Takuya didn't say anything at that time, he just picked up a brick on the ground, raised his hand, dropped it, and smashed his head into pieces with a bang.

Under the frightened eyes of the three girls, Uehara Takuya said calmly: "Can you block my 20-year-old palm power?"

Two girls were so frightened that they cried.

The other one didn't cry, but his legs were weak and he couldn't walk.

If nothing else, things like "Xueno's bare-handed brick-breaking skills shocked everyone" will be added to the hot discussion package on campus tomorrow.

At this time, there was a burst of footsteps outside, and then Kashiwazaki Sena ran in. She was panting, with obvious surprise in her beautiful eyes: "Yukishita, what are you doing today? Why can I go to the bathroom? Heard your topic?”

"She must have gone to the limelight." Miura Yuko walked in with her arms crossed.

Followed by Ami Kawashima and Yui Yuigahama.

Obviously everyone came here because of the campus rumors.

Facing four pairs of surprised eyes, Uehara Takuya smiled and said: "I just feel that my current life is too boring, and I want to see how other people will react when I make changes."

"That's it?" Miura Yuko's face was full of doubts, and she almost said "I don't believe it" written on her face.

"That's it." Uehara Takuya nodded.

Kashiwazaki Sena stepped forward excitedly and held his hand expectantly: "Hey, is the rumor that you can kill an elephant with one punch true?"

Uehara Takuya was stunned: "Didn't you kill a cow with one punch?"

Kashiwazaki Sena was equally surprised: "Huh? But what I heard was an elephant."

Kawashima Ami laughed from the side and said: "What I heard is that Yukinoshita-san has the power to easily overturn a car."

"This is the version I heard..." Yuigahama Yui interrupted.

Uehara Takuya himself was a little embarrassed: "Rumors are terrible. It's only been a while now and there are already so many versions of rumors."

Yukino also felt embarrassed: "If you do this today, my life will be very troubled in the future."

"Yukishita, my friend said you went to the music club today?" Miura Yumeko spoke.

Uehara Takuya hummed.

He originally wanted to take the opportunity to let Yukino teach him an instrument.

But he saw an artifact in the music department.

That’s Suona!

As a "special tool for eating tables", there are countless jokes about suona.

As soon as the suona sounds, thousands of taels of gold will either ascend to heaven or worship in the hall.

At any rate, he spent some time in China in his previous life, and was exposed to the suona, a double-reed woodwind instrument, out of curiosity.

At that time, he arrived at the wind club under Yukino's name, took the initiative to smile, and after chatting with the club members for a few words, they agreed to let him use the instrument.

Uehara Takuya originally wanted to play "Kikujiro's Summer" on the suona to open Yukino's eyes.

But because he hasn't used suona for a long time, his skills are also rusty.

This also led to him blowing, but the tune was completely wrong, and eventually it became "The Summer Kikujiro Failed to Survive"...

"Do you want to challenge all the clubs?" Miura Yuko may have gone to the clubs to investigate in person, and she knows a lot more than others.

"It's not a challenge, it's just a pointer. By the way, let them know that there is a genius named Yukinoshita Yukino in the school." Uehara Takuya started to put his hands on his hips.

"How many times have I told you not to use my body on your hips, you bastard!" Yukino was going crazy.

Kashiwazaki Sena also put her hands on her hips: "As expected of my favorite opponent, he is really awesome."

Miura Yuko glanced at her with a dark face and said coldly: "So Yukinoshita, are you showing off today?"

"No, I prefer that I can be accepted by everyone."

Uehara Takuya's understatement immediately stunned the four girls present.

Yukino was also in a daze.

"You... what did you just say?"

As the first person to figure out Yukino's character, Kawashima Ami was the most surprised at this moment.

She knew very well what kind of character Yukino was. Even if the world was about to end, the latter would not go out of his way to show off, let alone say words to make everyone accept her.

"Isn't what I said clear enough?" Uehara Takuya asked.

"It's just because it's too clear that it seems abnormal!" Miura Yuko was a little excited. "According to my understanding, you can't do such a thing!"

Yukino rarely agreed with this girl who liked to quarrel with her.

But she was looking forward to how Taku Uehara would answer.

"Yes, Xiaoyue, are you... stimulated? Otherwise, why would your temperament suddenly change?" Yuigahama Yui looked worried.

Uehara Takuya smiled and looked at Miura Yuko: "You said you know me, and everyone happens to be here, so I want to ask, how do you know me?"

"of course……"

Miura Yuko wanted to say quarrel, but she remembered that she couldn't quarrel with the other party every time, so it was better not to talk about such embarrassing things.

Kawashima Ami said with a smile: "Haven't we known each other for a while? Besides, everyone goes to the service department every day. Do you think we don't know you well enough?"

Uehara Takuya said categorically: "Of course it's not enough. Even Yuigahama, the person present, has known me for a very short time. What I said is correct, right?"

Kawashima Ami and others were stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was really the case.

Although we are classmates, we see each other almost every day.

But to say that you can really understand it to that extent is obviously nonsense.

Only two people who get along day and night can achieve that level.

"That's an interesting statement." Yukino already understood what Uehara Takuya wanted to say.

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