"The way she usually behaves, is she really following her heart, or is she pretending on purpose?"

Yukino thought for a while, but had no answer. He only thought it should be half and half.

Because Kawashima Ami has taught Kashiwazaki Sena for a long time.

After taking such a serious look at herself, Yukino felt that her previous vision was still a little narrower after all.

If you want to be open-minded, you must first be like Kashiwazaki Sena and don't need to care about other people's eyes.

Even if I am obviously shy.

Yukino's eyes suddenly became clear.

"Let's take a break for now..."

Amidst the mournful voices of the members of the Kendo Club, Uehara Takuya politely took off his protective gear and smiled at everyone.

The leader of the kendo club looked complicated at this moment: "Obviously we are all students, but I am one year older than you, and I have never given up practicing. Why is the gap between you and me so big?"

His words also represent the mood of other members.

The scene of the battle between them and Uehara Takuya just now can be described in one sentence: they went up with A and GG.

Each member of the Kendo Club is extremely fast when charging.

He loses very quickly.

They couldn't hit Uehara Takuya at all, and every time the latter made a move, even if they realized they were in position, their bodies couldn't keep up with the speed.

Uehara Takuya knew that they had been hit, so he suppressed his smile and said solemnly: "Because I realized a long time ago that human beings have their limits."

The leader of the kendo club shouted in a fit of laughter and tears: "I have read JOJO, don't fool us with the lines of this comic."

Takuya Uehara nodded calmly: "If you want to defeat a powerful opponent, you must understand and overcome fear. The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage..."

"Isn't this still JOJO!" Everyone complained mercilessly.

Being interrupted by Uehara Takuya, the originally heavy atmosphere relaxed a lot.

Young people are indeed easily hit, but their advantage is that they are young and can easily be distracted by other things.

It's very possible that you saw someone feeling sad one day, and then the next day you saw him full of energy and chatting with others in the game.

Under the scorching gazes of a group of girls, Uehara Takuya had just returned to Yukino. Before he could speak, the girl took out a handkerchief from her pocket and handed it over.

Uehara Takuya was stunned.

There was obviously a trace of blush on Yukino's face, but she still handed over the handkerchief: "Your sweaty look is so embarrassing, I find it very unpleasant."

As soon as these words came out, Yukino noticed that the gazes of the girls became even more intense.

But she didn't seem to see anything.

After today, there will definitely be scandals about him and Takuya Uehara on campus.

In this way, the purpose of her coming here today will be achieved.

She smiled faintly and said: "But I am very satisfied with your performance. It seems that your talent in sports is as good as that of a certain blonde idiot."

Uehara Takuya knew that she was talking about Kashiwazaki Sena, and immediately wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked: "Now can you tell me the reason why you brought me to show off?"

"Didn't I already say it?" Yukino was very calm.

"But I always feel like you're lying."

"No, what I just said is true."

Yukino shook her head and crossed her arms across her chest, showing her usual confident posture: "If you like to be in the limelight, I can help you create the stage. I will do what I say."

"This is only part of the reason." Uehara Takuya shook his head.

He knew that Yukino did not lie, but the other party only told half of the truth.

That may not be accurate.

He always felt that this could only be considered a small part of the reason.

"Would you like some water?" Yukino suddenly changed the subject.

Uehara Takuya was a little surprised: "Can you still run out and buy water for me?"

You must know that Yukino is empty-handed now.

You can't take things out of a dimensional skirt like in anime.

"I don't need to make a special trip."

As Yukino said this, she turned to look at the women's team of the Kendo Club: "I'm sorry to bother you."

"Yukishita-san, don't be so polite, you paid for all this water..."

Under Uehara Takuya's surprised expression, a girl brought mineral water from the carton at the back.

He suddenly realized: "So you were prepared in advance?"

Yukino puffed up her chest proudly: "Being prepared in advance is always safer than sharpening a gun in front of the battle."

"Thank you for your advice... What if I want to drink carbonated drinks?" Uehara Takuya argued.

Yukino gestured to the little fans behind her with her eyes: "They will definitely be happy to help you run errands. Of course, if you really do that, I will be angry."

By the end of the sentence, her eyes were covered with a layer of shame.

Uehara Takuya was really shocked this time.

In his impression, Yukino shouldn't be so brave if she mentioned emotional issues.

Could it be that she was strengthened today?

"I saw surprise in your eyes. Does this mean that you are starting to become interested in me?" Yukino and Uehara Takuya asked softly at the same time as they walked out.

"I seem to have always been interested in you." Uehara Takuya answered truthfully.

Yukino blushed slightly, but her voice sounded a little proud: "Are you interested in me, or are you only interested in my legs?"

Uehara Takuya pondered: "Can't I be interested in your waist?"

Xue Nai: "..."

She blushed and glared at Uehara Takuya: "Can I interpret your words to mean that you are no longer satisfied with pressing my legs?"

"Uh, do I need to be honest about this?"

"You can shut up, pervert Uehara."

Yukino cursed lightly, and even though no one else was around at this time, she still lowered her voice when she mentioned the word "pervert".

But soon she raised her voice again: "I think what you just thought was a dream."

"There's nothing wrong with dreaming." Uehara Takuya smiled freely, "Even if it's a nightmare, at least the pictures are something you can imagine. What really bothers you are the things that are unimaginable in life. .”

"Oh~ you suddenly brought the topic to heavy style, is it because you are hiding your inner lust?"

Uehara Takuya stopped and smiled at her: "I'm just not in a hurry, because this matter is only a matter of time."

That is, sooner or later.

Yukino understood the meaning of this sentence, her face suddenly turned red, and she raised her chin proudly: "Ha, I'm afraid you'll have to wait for a long time."

"Does it mean [definitely next time]?"

"No, this time it means [never necessarily]."

Yukino shot back quickly, her shy eyes immediately fell into the distance.

The arrogance in me may come from the inferiority complex that may exist in my heart, and all the courage may come from a weak mind, but there is one thing I am sure of now.

you are mine.

Yukino's heart beat a few times.

The courage that burned in shyness only became stronger.

Before the two arrived at the service department, they met Kashiwazaki Sena and his party on the way.

Including Yuigahama Yui.

"You two just came out of the kendo club?" Miura Yuko asked first.

Then she couldn't help but look at Yukino a few more times. She felt that the other person seemed to be different today.

Although she still looked like a proud and confident girl, she always felt that Yukino had a temperament that she didn't understand yet.

"Yes, I accompanied him to the kendo club and helped him become famous." Yukino said calmly, raising her hand to point to Takuya Uehara beside her.

Kashiwazaki Sena stared at her with some dissatisfaction: "You abducted Uehara without authorization again. I am very unhappy."

Yukino smiled lightly: "Sorry, I thought you wouldn't care."

"How could I not care?"

"Because you didn't come to him immediately, I thought you had gone back long ago. It seems I was wrong."

"I really don't like you, Yukinoshita!"

Yukino smiled slightly, such harmless words could not break her defense at all.

Uehara Takuya said at the right time: "So you are going to have a dinner now?"

"Yes, Yukinoshita said that we would treat you today." Kawashima Ami stood up, smiled and waved her hand, "But I have an appointment tonight, so I can't have dinner with you."

"Who did you date?" Kashiwazaki Sena turned back curiously.

Kawashima Ami smiled: "Well, she is a mature and beautiful woman."

Mature and beautiful?

Uehara Takuya and Yukino thought at the same time.

While others were still confused, Kashiwazaki Sena suddenly said: "I see, you made an appointment with Sister Haruno."

Yukino was stunned, feeling that this answer was wrong.

Uehara Takuya also felt that it was unlikely to be Harano.

Kawashima Ami is now afraid of Yangno. Even if she really thinks that the weather is clear again and she can do it on her own, she won't take the initiative to be beaten.

Kawashima Ami just smiled and said nothing.

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