But Kashiwazaki Sena didn't stop, and held her hand solemnly: "Yami, you have to be careful about Sister Haruno."

Now Yukino became interested: "Do you also think she is scary?"

Kashiwazaki Sena lowered her voice mysteriously: "Of course she is scary. Do you remember the last time we were at karaoke? She seems to particularly like to wear loose clothes. With that kind of clothes, others have no way of knowing her true figure. But After my careful observation, I found that she may be twice the size of Yami."


Everyone's face darkened.

Yukino's breathing was even more rapid and her eyes were annoyed.

[Did she do it on purpose this time or unintentionally? 】

Yukino once again felt the powerless feeling of being unable to control Kashiwazaki Sena.

"So this is what you're talking about?" Miura Yuko complained coldly with a red face, "Can't you put something useful in your head?"

Kashiwazaki Sena snorted: "Isn't this useless? She is clearly qualified to compete with me, but she always hides it. This means that her own personality is actually like this, and people will never notice it. What she really thinks.”

Everyone was stunned again when they heard this.

Uehara Takuya and Yukino looked at each other and saw surprise in each other's eyes.

Kawashima Ami also stared blankly at her plausible friend, with complicated eyes: "In a sense, your speculation is completely correct."

"Really?" Kashiwazaki Sena happily put her hands on her hips.

Chapter 117 Meeting you is a good thing

Except for Kawashima Ami, several other girls went to the service department together.

Because there are many people waiting there now.

Although Yukino didn't really want to recruit new people, she still had to go over and negotiate.

Kashiwazaki Sena originally wanted to follow Takuya Uehara.

But when she thought about the loss she had just suffered in front of Xueno, plus the fact that the other party came to her home as a guest before, she couldn't win the argument.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She hurriedly said to Uehara Takuya, "I'll come play with you after school tomorrow" and immediately followed him.

Uehara Takuya watched them leave, turned around and saw Kawashima Ami walking to the school gate first.

When he approached, the tall girl smiled brightly and said, "Do you want me, this beautiful girl, to accompany you home?"

"Are you imitating Haruno?" Uehara Takuya wanted to laugh.

Kawashima Ami curled her lips: "Yukoshita Yukino's remarks [I am just a low-end version of Haruno] are simply stupid. I am Kawashima Ami, not someone else's substitute."

"I thought so too, but the way you looked just now really looked like her."

Kawashima Ami sighed helplessly: "Well, I also discovered it myself... Really, that woman seemed to have become my nightmare, I often see her smiling at me in my dreams. "

Uehara Takuya thought for a while and felt inexplicably horrified.

Kawashima Ami smiled at him again: "You really don't need me to accompany you? I just have time now. If you want to enjoy the feeling of being held by a beautiful girl and go home together, I might be able to satisfy you. "

Uehara Takuya said calmly: "The last time you asked me to help you deal with Miss Harano, you haven't paid yet."

"So we can pay together this time." Kawashima Ami responded quickly, "As long as you need it, I may be able to give you some benefits that boys like."

"I don't believe you would buy me a Gundam."


Kawashima Ami was stunned for a moment before she understood the meaning of this sentence.

She smiled and rolled her eyes at Uehara Takuya: "Not all boys like Gundam."

Uehara Takuya nodded: "You mean, you plan to buy me a cute figure?"

"It seems that you and I have nothing in common."

Kawashima Ami dropped these words and turned around to leave.

But after walking a certain distance, she subconsciously looked back in the direction she had just gone, with a bitter smile on her face: "Did you deliberately not accept the move, or did you really not understand?"

On the other side, Uehara Takuya was not in a hurry to keep up with Kawashima Ami, even though the two of them took the same route home.

It's not that he was hesitating or struggling.

Instead, a familiar "Uehara" came from behind him.

Immediately, Shizuka Hiratsuka trotted over with a smile and slapped him on the shoulder: "Why didn't you respond? I thought you were pretending not to hear."

Uehara Takuya glanced at the powerful palm on his shoulder: "Teacher Hiratsuka, school is out now. No matter how much you want me to help you deal with Tachibana-sensei's problem, you have to wait until tomorrow, right?"

"I'm not here for that matter." Hiratsuka Shizuo smiled and put his hand back with a generous expression, "Do you remember what I said about treating you to dinner? Last time, because you had an appointment with Yukino, I didn't bother you. you."

, "So you're here for a treat?"

"Yes, you can just go home and change your clothes. We will meet here then... You should know this place, right?" Shizuka Hiratsuka said, taking out his phone and opening the map.

Uehara Takuya nodded, that was a very famous ramen shop.

"Then it's settled." Hiratsuka Shizuka left first.

"When the topic of love is not mentioned, this woman is really free and generous, which is admirable." Uehara Takuya smiled.

He went home and changed out of his uniform, without taking much care of it, and just went out wearing his sneakers.

When he arrived at the ramen shop, Hiratsuka Shizu, who had already arrived, immediately raised his hand: "This way, this way."

Why did this woman change her clothes?

Uehara Takuya was surprised as he walked inside.

He had met Hiratsuka Shizuka on the street before. At that time, the other person's clothes were similar to those in school, and there was basically nothing that stood out.

To put it simply, this woman used her own talent to hold up that mediocre outfit.

But Hiratsuka Shizu is different today.

She changed out of her usual lackluster blouse and trousers, and wore a small women's suit on her upper body. The two buttons on the collar were casually unbuttoned, revealing the tight white shirt underneath, which seemed to imply that this woman actually had a good figure.

The loose trousers often seen in schools have also become slim-fitting. The slender legs are tightly wrapped, outlining straight and soft leg lines.

The crystal soft insteps were quietly peeking out from the hollowed-out black women's sandals. The round and lovely toes that were not covered with nail polish were neatly arranged at the moment, like pearls sitting in rows, glowing with the fresh color of cardamom under the lamp. .

"Why do you keep staring at me?" Shizuka Hiratsuka certainly noticed Uehara Takuya's surprised look, and her smile was filled with anticipation. "How is it? Am I more attractive than usual in this outfit?"

"Indeed." Uehara Takuya couldn't deny it.

Hiratsuka Shizuo smiled happily: "That kid Yami really knows aesthetics. It seems I will have to talk to her more in the future."

Uehara Takuya, who was flipping through the menu, paused and asked in surprise: "Did you have an appointment with Kawashima today?"

"Huh? How do you know?"

"When school was over just now, she said she had an appointment with a mature and beautiful woman."

Hiratsuka listened with great joy: "Yami is really good at talking. No wonder she is so popular in school."

Uehara Takuya listened silently and did not interrupt.

He didn't believe that Hiratsuka Shizuka's experience and delicate mind could not see through Kawashima Ami's true nature.

But judging from the other party's current appearance, he probably didn't try to expose it, but rather enjoyed it.

This is not surprising.

Everyone likes to hear good words, especially a girl with high emotional intelligence like Kawashima Ami. She knows exactly what kind words to say at what time.

Since there were still people who hadn't come, Uehara Takuya didn't rush to order ramen. He immediately put down the menu and asked: "So, for today's dinner, the person Hiratsuka-sensei really wants to meet is Kawashima, and I am just incidental?"

Hiratsuka Shizu habitually raised her hand to hit him on the head, but when she reached halfway, she put it back with an embarrassed smile: "There are others watching here, so I won't hit you."

"Is it to take care of my face?" Uehara Takuya understood.

Shizuka Hiratsuka stretched indifferently: "Yes, I have also been around your age and know that young people are actually very face-conscious and have very sensitive self-esteem. Although you should not care about this little thing with your thick skin, But I am your teacher."

Uehara Takuya smiled knowingly and said: "Yukino is right, Hiratsuka-sensei is indeed very gentle."

"Now that you know how good I am, please think of a way to save Mr. Tachibana as soon as possible."

"Sorry, this question is too high for me."

"What a cold statement."

The two chatted for a while, and Uehara Takuya got up and went to the bathroom.

When he came out, he heard a surprised "Ms. Hiratsuka" from the store.

Uehara Takuya took a quick look and saw that she was a woman with short hair and she looked to be over 30 years old.But he didn't know this person at all. He should be an acquaintance of Hiratsuka Shizuka.

Sure enough, Hiratsuka Shizu stood up with a surprised smile: "Miss Saku, are you here to eat ramen too?"

"Yeah, but I don't like ramen very much." The short-haired woman paused and then smiled: "But my boyfriend loves the ramen here, so I just came with him."

"Boyfriend..." Hiratsuka Shizuka's smile suddenly froze, and her tone became unnatural, "Miss Saku has found a boyfriend?"

The short-haired woman had a sweet smile on her face: "Yes, it was the same place where we went on a blind date last time. I met him... By the way, did Ms. Hiratsuka find a man worth talking to last time?"

I got kicked out last time.

Hiratsuka Shizuka murmured inwardly.

Her mood was obviously much lower, and she waved her hands with a smile: "I didn't gain much."

"That's a shame. There were obviously many outstanding men at that blind date." The short-haired woman still smiled, "If you had something successful last time, you can also accompany your boyfriend to the ramen shop today. .”

Hiratsuka Shizu's face darkened slightly.

Uehara Takuya was speechless as he watched. Is this type of war between women regardless of age?

There seems to be no smoke or flames of war, but it can always make people shudder.

He took out his mobile phone and turned on the front camera. He fiddled with his hair a few times in front of the camera to make sure he looked more handsome than before, and then walked over.

"Is this your friend?"

Takuya Uehara walked up to the two of them, the confusion on his face just right.

The short-haired woman turned her head curiously. After seeing Uehara Takuya's appearance clearly, she was obviously stunned.

She turned her head sharply and looked at Shizuka Hiratsuka: "Ms. Hiratsuka, who is this?"

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