"We are together." Uehara Takuya spoke first.

Shizuka Hiratsuka looked at him in astonishment, noticing the hidden look in his eyes. She wanted to laugh a little, but at the same time she felt warm in her heart.

So she nodded guiltily: "Yes, we are together."


The short-haired woman covered her mouth in disbelief. This way of answering "we are together" usually has no surprising meaning.

But if it's a man and a woman meeting in a store, it's a bit intriguing.

"But Miss Hiratsuka, didn't you just say that you had nothing to gain from the blind date..."

Before the short-haired woman finished speaking, Uehara Takuya interrupted: "The more excellent a woman is, the more likely she is to have high standards. Once she is immersed in this state for a long time, it is very common for her to be single. .”

After a pause, Uehara Takuya raised the corners of his mouth and showed a scumbag Asashi smile: "I hope you can forgive me for interrupting your speech rudely."

"No...it doesn't matter." The short-haired woman blushed.

Uehara Takuya is already very tall, plus he is not wearing a uniform, and his slightly messy hair matches that extremely lethal face. When Asashi's smiling face is revealed, for women with a love brain The attack power is extremely strong.

Especially this kind of woman who has reached the stage where she needs to date and talk about marriage.

The two sides just met each other's eyes, and the other party felt unwilling to accept it.

After all, she and Shizuka Hiratsuka also needed to go on a blind date, but she only found a suitable one, while the other party found a male partner with enough appearance to crush a cowherd.

Seeing that the effect was achieved, Uehara Takuya said naturally: "By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. I am her cousin. My name is Hiratsuka Makoto."

"Eh, cousin?" The short-haired woman was shocked again.

Hiratsuka Shizuka also stared at him in confusion.

Uehara Takuya ignored the shocked looks of the two women and blinked in confusion: "Why do you look so surprised?"

"Ah, no...nothing...Miss Hiratsuka, I have to leave first."

The short-haired woman's cheeks were on fire. Her words and actions just now were surrounded by "cousin" from Takuya Uehara. Looking back on it, she felt that her ambiguous thoughts were extremely embarrassing.

People who are shrouded in embarrassment will always want to escape. If they don't escape, they may actually dig out the shape of a villa with their toes.

As soon as the other party left, Uehara Takuya sat down again and smiled at Shizuka Hiratsuka, who was still showing a surprised face: "Why do you look surprised too?"

Hiratsuka Shizu suddenly came back to her senses and rolled her eyes at him angrily: "Are you really courageous? You even dare to take advantage of me?"

"Can I take advantage of my cousin's status?" Uehara Takuya smiled half-heartedly.

Hiratsuka Shizu's cheeks were slightly red, and she looked away awkwardly: "It makes sense, I'm overthinking it."

As soon as she finished speaking, she couldn't help but laugh: "But you performed very well just now. You know, I almost looked defeated."

"Be a little stronger, just like Echizen Ryoma's tenacity when he encounters a powerful enemy."

Shizuka Hiratsuka chuckled: "It's easy to say that. You are a child, and I am an adult. The troubles and pains in adults' lives are beyond the imagination of children your age."

"Of course I understand."

"Oh? Then you should tell me about it."

Under Hiratsuka Shizu's interested eyes, Uehara Takuya calmly concluded: "The biggest difference between adults and children is that children can only go home if they have no money, but adults dare not go home if they have no money."

Hiratsuka Shizuka was startled, her eyes much gentler: "It's such a heavy-sounding statement, but...it makes sense."

Then she showed her beautiful smile again: "Thank you for what you just said. You can eat as much as you want today. I'll treat you."

"Teacher Hiratsuka is so heroic!" Uehara Takuya also cheered.

Shizuka Hiratsuka is indeed in a good mood.

She became vulnerable when the topic of blind dates came up, and she almost gave up just now.

Uehara Takuya's help was very timely. Even though she had long known that the former had many methods and interesting brain circuits, the other party's performance just now made her feel like he was wiping his butt with gauze - showing his hands.

"It's a good thing that Yukino can meet you." Shizuka Hiratsuka sighed with emotion.

Uehara Takuya smiled and said: "It is also a good thing that Yukino can meet you."

Hiratsuka Shizu was stunned and smiled with satisfaction.

Chapter 118 Single vs. Single

"Uehara? Why are you here?"

Before Kawashima Ami, who had arrived late, could take her seat, she was surprised by Takuya Uehara sitting in front of her.

Hiratsuka Shizuka answered her confused look and explained: "Because I said before that I would treat him to dinner."

"I see."

Kawashima Ami nodded, feeling a little excited.

She pulled up the chair and sat down, seemingly casually, and happened to sit on the left side of Uehara Takuya.

She didn't talk to the other party, but while flipping through the menu, she chuckled and said, "Mr. Hiratsuka's outfit is very beautiful."

"Really?" Hiratsuka Shizu smiled brightly.

Kawashima Ami's expression was sincere: "Mr. Hiratsuka's appearance and figure are already outstanding. The slightly old-fashioned clothes you wore at school should be worn if you can. That kind of clothes will damage your charm. value."

"It doesn't matter. There's nothing to do at school anyway. Besides, I dress more casually so that the students don't feel restrained."

"So Mr. Hiratsuka has already considered this? It was me who failed to consider it."

The two women, one large and one small, communicated without any barriers across Uehara Takuya. He acted as a listener dutifully and did not interrupt their conversation.

After a while, Kawashima Ami seemed to have just remembered and smiled at him: "Uehara, you rejected me so simply just now, which really makes me sad."

"With all due respect, your expression doesn't look sad at all." Uehara Takuya answered.

Kawashima Ami smiled: "That's because I like to hide my emotions. If my sadness is seen through by others, it will make people feel embarrassed and troubled."

"That makes sense." Hiratsuka Shizu nodded in agreement.

Kawashima Ami looked at her and said, "I happen to have time today, why don't we go shopping together? Although my knowledge is limited, if Mr. Hiratsuka wants to learn how to dress, I should be able to help you."

Hiratsuka Shizu's face was full of surprise: "Then I'll trouble you."

She really didn't care much about her clothes before, but after getting to know Kawashima Ami, she felt that many of the things her student said were useful.

At least she went out today dressed as the other party said. Before she got to the ramen shop, she noticed that many men were paying attention to her on the road.

She had never experienced that look of amazement before.

It made her feel good.

"Uehara, do you want to come together?" Kawashima Ami asked next.

Just when Uehara Takuya was about to refuse, Hiratsuka Shizuka laughed out loud: "He will definitely not want to go. Boys, they prefer to do other things than go shopping, especially boys like him."

Uehara Takuya said with a dark face: "[For a boy like him], this sentence sounds like he is scolding me."

"That's right." Kawashima Ami lowered her eyes, a little disappointed.

This meal was paid for by Hiratsuka Shizuka. She said she wanted to treat her, so of course she wouldn't let the students pay.

Kawashima Ami glanced at the figure checking out in the store, her beautiful eyes turned to Uehara Takuya: "You don't seem to be very willing to get along with me."


"Yes, at least everything I've seen with my eyes shows that's the case."

"That's why you read it wrong."

Uehara Takuya casually looked at the night view of the city, using the farsightedness of a parrot to observe, and said: "If I really don't want to get along with you, then I just saw you walking into the ramen shop, so I should leave early."

Ami Kawashima smiled and shook his head: "You wouldn't do that. In my impression, Uehara is actually a person who is very willing to consider others."

"So I'm so good?" Uehara Takuya looked surprised, "Why didn't I know?"

After knowing him for so long, Kawashima Ami has long been accustomed to his conversation style, and now she can talk calmly.

She immediately withdrew her gaze, looked up at the endless night sky, and asked casually, "Do you remember what I said to you last time about the stars?"

"Of course I remember, my memory has always been good." Uehara Takuya nodded.

[When I look at the stars, I think of a certain person, but when I look at him, I think of those stars again. 】

Hearing his answer, Kawashima Ami was a little happy: "Actually, you are right, you can't see the stars here."

Uehara Takuya didn't interrupt, he felt that the other party should have something to say.

Sure enough, the girl's voice soon sounded again: "Uehara, do you want to see the stars?"

"If I have nothing to do, I might watch the stars to pass the time." Uehara Takuya answered truthfully.

"I knew you would say that."

Kawashima Ami smiled and still didn't look at him.

But this time, the girl's voice became softer: "Tell me, if I look up at the sky at home like now, would the glass of my window just cut the starry sky and the night, causing me to fall into a world of chaos shrouded in darkness? . Is that why I can’t see the stars I wish I could see?”

"Your words are becoming increasingly difficult to understand." Uehara Takuya stared at her profile, "Are you secretly studying with Yukino?"

Kawashima Ami pursed her lips, and after a few seconds she said softly: "It seems that no matter when you are here, Yukinoshita's name will be mentioned."

"As long as they are familiar to me, they will be mentioned by me on a daily basis."

"what about me?"

Kawashima Ami suddenly turned her head and stared at him: "When you mention me to others, how would you describe me?"

Uehara Takuya said sternly: "She has fair skin, good looks and long legs."


Seeing that Kawashima Ami was speechless, Uehara Takuya smiled: "The theory you just mentioned about windows cutting the night sky, in my opinion, just turning on the lights can return the darkness in the room to the night sky. , how simple a thing?”

Kawashima Ami squinted her eyes and looked at him for a while, then smiled and nodded: "You're right, I think too much."

"It looks like you two were having a great time chatting." Hiratsuka Shizu walked out at this time. She was in a good mood tonight, with a smile on her face.

Kawashima Ami smiled and said: "I am indeed very happy because Uehara just praised me."

"Oh? This guy can still praise others?" Hiratsuka Shizu said with a surprised face, "Isn't he praising you for being as energetic and hard-working as Sakuragi Hanamichi?"

Uehara Takuya rolled his eyes: "No matter how outrageous I am, I won't praise the protagonist of a passionate manga."

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