Yukino did not refute this time, but turned to stare at Miura Yuko and said: "I will not comment on Sena's words, but you can never be my friend."

"Then I really want to thank you, because you have helped me a lot." Miura Yuko responded without hesitation.

Uehara Takuya suddenly heard the vibrating sound of his phone. He picked it up and saw that it was a message from Kashiwazaki Sena.

He was wondering why everyone needed to send text messages when they were all here.

After opening the message and seeing it clearly, he was stunned.

【Am I awesome?Yukinoshita won't cause trouble for me anymore, so you don't have to worry about breaking up fights. This is what Yami taught me. Am I learning very quickly? 】

Uehara Takuya turned his head sharply to look at the other party.

Kashiwazaki Sena's face turned red and she chuckled.

Only then did he realize that it was another of the other party's tricks.

No, that’s not accurate.

He could see that what Kashiwazaki Sena just said was indeed the truth.

So... by telling the truth, you can successfully get yourself out of this battle?

Is this taught by Ami Kawashima again?

Uehara Takuya suddenly felt a little sympathetic to Kawashima Ami.

With Kashiwazaki Sena's super learning ability and her innate talent.

The way the two of them get along may be reversed in the near future, with Kawashima Ami being eaten to death by Kashiwazaki Sena?

Takuya Uehara thought about that scene for a while, and it was quite interesting.

Tachibana Chizuru had already put the syringe back and stood beside him and asked: "Why are they still quarreling? Is it because I, as a teacher, don't have dignity?"

Takuya Uehara really wants to say that the image of you holding an extra-large syringe is so majestic.

But he was also afraid that Chizuru Tachibana would become interested and want to give himself a shot.

So he chooses to keep his mouth shut.

Over there, Yukino and Miura Yuko were still arguing.

However, the latter clearly showed signs of defeat.

Because Yukino was calm from beginning to end.

Compared to Miura Yuko's red-faced and angry look, Yukino seemed more aura.

"Actually, I don't quite understand." Yukino suddenly smiled, "You are usually so popular in school, and even I have heard that you never lack suitors."

Miura Yuko's eyes were fierce, like an angry little meow: "Are you thinking of some conspiracy when you mention this at this time?"

Yukino seemed not to hear, and said with a smile: "There are so many suitors around you, and you like to be surrounded by people, so why don't you just choose a boyfriend among them?"

Miura Yuiko roared angrily: "Are you kidding me? Why should I do such a thing?"

Yukino continued to use a calm tone: "Are you so excited because you are shy? Or because I told you the central thing? I have seen many girls like you who need to become popular to satisfy their vanity, and I also I understand what you are thinking, but..."

Her tone suddenly changed: "It's easy for people like you to feel that they lack something, and thus feel dissatisfied and angry in their hearts. But you don't know that the real reason for this emotion is because you feel that you are lacking something." There is a lack of gratitude for what has been given.”

Miura Yuko was a little excited: "You don't seem to be qualified to accuse me! Haven't you become popular recently? Then when do you plan to choose a boy among those who admire you to accompany you for the rest of your life?"

"Why should I choose them?" A trace of doubt appeared on Yukino's face, "I have obviously found the answer I want, but you seem to be still confused. Should I sympathize with you?"

"I do not need your sympathy!"

Miura Yuko was instantly furious. Of course she could understand the answer from Yukino's mouth.

But she didn't expect that the other party would dare to say it in front of Uehara Takuya.

The corners of Yukino's mouth turned up, and the smile on his face was as mean as Yangno's: "Since you don't need it, then I don't need to waste my time, but when I get married to the person I like in the future, I will take the initiative to send you an invitation. of."

After speaking, her cheeks were slightly flushed, but her voice was so firm.

"Yukishita! What you did yesterday was exactly what I imagined. You are a despicable person!"

Miura Yuiko gritted her teeth angrily and wanted to look into Yukino's eyes.

But she only held on for a few seconds, and her clenched fists dropped weakly.

Yukino didn't look at her, but turned around and gave Uehara Takuya a look: "You can go."

She turned around first and walked toward the door.

At the same time, he said lightly: "You should still remember that you told me to be on call, Uehara? I don't want the boy I care about to be a guy who doesn't keep his promise."

There was a blush on her white earlobes.

Uehara Takuya was startled. Did he actually remember the promise he had made at this time?

I have to say, this move is really impeccable.

As the two left, Tachibana Chizuru opened her notebook and picked up a pen to record quietly.

Kashiwazaki Sena patted Miura Yuiko's shoulder carelessly: "Okay, don't be angry. What's the point of being angry about this kind of thing? Just try to win it back next time. I do this every time..."

As she spoke, she still had a proud expression on her face: "Yukoshita has lost to me many times, which proves that she is not actually that powerful."

Miura Yuiko looked at her blankly, so moved that her heart softened: "Thank you, Sena."

Unexpectedly, Kashiwazaki Sena curled her lips: "Don't thank me, I just didn't expect you to lose to the breastless Yukinoshita. You are obviously older than her, but your fighting power is so weak."

"Do you use breasts to evaluate combat effectiveness?" Miura Yuko almost said it in one breath, returning my emotion, you bastard.

Tachibana Chizuru on the side glanced here, then looked down at her chest, lost in thought.

Chapter 122: Smile, Yukino

After Uehara Takuya and Yukino left school together, neither of them said exactly where they were going. They just walked quietly on the sidewalk. Occasionally, when they saw a car honking its horn, they would turn their heads at the same time.

"I thought you would have a lot to say to me." Yukino finally spoke up.

When she spoke, there was a smile of unknown meaning in her eyes, and she tightly took in Uehara Takuya's face.

"Because I didn't think of what to say, does that count as a reason?"


Yukino chuckled: "You can always find some random reasons anyway, but this answer seems normal now."

"It sounds like I have a very bad image in your mind." Uehara Takuya put on a painful face.

Yukino maintained her smile and spoke slowly: "Of course it's bad, because you not only have strange hobbies, but you also like to attract bees and butterflies everywhere. Although I know that being watched by a group of beautiful adolescent girls will make you very happy, but I I am very disgusted with this happening.”

"Do I look happy now?" Uehara Takuya continued to face pain.

"Oh, your acting skills are much better than before, you deserve praise."

Yukino mocked lightly and returned to normal tone: "Miura tricked you into coming to the health room just to touch her feet for you?"

"That's pretty much it." Uehara Takuya nodded.

Yukino hummed: "Very good, it seems that your perverted name has been spread. If someone leaks it, you will die in the school club in the future, right?"

"If society dies, society will die." Uehara Takuya looked very bachelor.

Yukino was slightly stunned. Just when she was about to ask, the other party smiled frankly: "I have already done that kind of thing, and it would be very hypocritical to deny and conceal it, and I myself cannot accept that kind of behavior wrapped in hypocrisy. Feel."

"So you would rather die in society?" Yukino said subconsciously.

Uehara Takuya spread his hands: "Didn't you say similar things before? As long as people who have a good relationship with you can understand, then other people's opinions don't matter at all."

Yukino retracted her gaze and turned her head with a smile in her eyes: "I'm very satisfied with your answer, but I won't give you any more rewards this time."

Uehara Takuya was thinking about this style, why does it sound like "I like your comments very much, remember to close the private message"?

"Whether it's Miura or other girls, I actually don't have much objection to them, as long as they don't do things like today." Yukino said, looking ahead.

Uehara Takuya also cheered: "Judging from your fighting ability just now, you are indeed qualified to say such a thing."

Yukino looked over with strange eyes: "Why do your words sound so mean?"

"Have you noticed all this? That's right, I'm just flattering you."


Yukino glared at him coldly, and then couldn't help but laugh: "Maybe it's because of your personality that you attract proud girls like Miura."

"Aren't you proud?" Uehara Takuya seemed to mean something.

Yukino's cheeks were slightly red, and she looked at him boldly: "Are you teasing me?"

Uehara Takuya shook his head: "Of course that's impossible. You know me. If I really wanted to tease you, I would definitely do it."

Yukino glared.

Uehara Takuya smiled: "I mean, pressing your legs...well, a very serious kind of thing."

"I knew it……"

Yukino felt helpless, no matter how many times it happened, she could never grasp the rhythm steadily in front of him.

That's why I was teased by him.


She suppressed the shyness that was racing in her heart and asked softly: "Uehara, what do you think the [real thing] should be?"

When she asked this question, she felt a little nervous.

Even she herself didn't understand why she was nervous.

Yukino just stared at him, expecting him to think carefully before answering, but the other party smiled and said, "You shouldn't ask me this kind of question."

"Why?" Her mood seemed to become urgent.

"Because everyone should have their own understanding of [real things]." Uehara Takuya looked calm, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

Then, without waiting for Yukino to ask, he took the initiative and said: "You should have feelings similar to this at some point, right? In fact, there is no way for people to completely understand each other. Once they have this If you feel this way, you will think about it more and more, and your whole person will become depressed and complicated.”

Yukino listened quietly without interrupting.

Uehara Takuya did not avoid her gaze at all: "Whether it is family members, lovers, or very close friends, there is no way to truly understand each other. There will always be things in the world that cannot be described in words, and you want To express one meaning, there are various forms and methods.”

After a pause, he laughed self-deprecatingly: "Actually, when I experience some not-so-good things, or hear news that makes me unhappy. In that case, I'm not sure what I am. What mood you are in, what you will do, after all, humans are very complex creatures.”

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