There was a soft light in Yukino's eyes: "So?"

Uehara Takuya took a deep breath, his expression rarely serious: "So, two people met, then got to know each other, and finally fell in love. Their respective strengths and weaknesses were exposed in advance, and there was no need for one party to deliberately please them, no matter what happened. , this mutual understanding will not be destroyed..."

"Probably, this is the [real thing] that everyone is longing for in my opinion."

The smile on Yukino's lips was clearly visible: "Congratulations, you have improved your impression score in my heart again."

"So you secretly graded me? Can I do the same?" Uehara Takuya pondered.

"You want to rate me too?"

"Yes, like legs and waist, these are your plus points."

" are really stupid"

Yukino's smile froze instantly.

It was obvious that my heart was at its softest just now. If this idiot just said a few more words or did something more, she might just run into his arms completely.

But he was still the same as usual. He was only handsome for three seconds, and he started to lose his appearance again.

Although she looked like she was angry when she was thinking this, Yukino knew it very well.

She is actually very happy now.

[No matter what happens, this mutual understanding will not be destroyed. 】

Yukino thought of her previous relationship with him.

Whenever he was about to lose a fight with him and needed to prove that he had won, he would always raise his hands and surrender.

And when the atmosphere is awkward, he will give himself a step down at the right time.

I also know what he likes, so I am willing to try bold stocking styles.

As long as he wants to see it, let him see it.

Yukino herself didn't realize how charming the smile in her eyes was at this moment.

"Let's go eat first? I'm treating you today." Uehara Takuya suggested.

"it is good."

Yukino agreed.

Originally, she wanted to invite him to her home for dinner.

But that's okay. After dinner, you can put on your stockings and show him.

Well, you can touch him a few times, but you can't go up like last time.

Yukino's cheeks were hot.

However, before the two of them could find their favorite hotel, they were blocked by a tall figure.

"You follow me?"

Yukino's eyes were extremely unkind, because the person standing in front of her was Yangno.

Yang Nai greeted Uehara Takuya first, then smiled and shook his head: "Mother is waiting for you inside."

After she finished speaking, she pointed to the high-end restaurant in front.

As soon as these words came out, Yukino's face turned a little pale, and her originally sharp eyes were instantly surrounded by vulnerability.

She slowly lowered her head and whispered softly: "I know."

Immediately her eyes fell on Uehara Takuya, and she forced out a smile. She was about to let him leave, but the latter buttoned up the unbuttoned collar with a serious face and pretended to fix his hair.


I saw Uehara Takuya asking in a deep voice: "Are you going to meet your parents so soon? Should I rent a suit temporarily?"

Yangno smiled brightly: "There's no need to be so exaggerated. This is not a formal occasion. It happens to be dinner time. You can also eat with us."

Xueno looked at him blankly. After a few seconds, a smile appeared in her eyes again.

[He is deliberately making me happy. 】

She understood what Uehara Takuya meant.

So she took the initiative and said to Yangno: "Let Uehara go with me."

She didn't even refute the ambiguous "meet the parents".

Yangno's eyes flickered, and she smiled at Takuya Uehara: "As expected of you, you can always comfort my sister in the fastest time."

Uehara Takuya tentatively answered: "So, I really don't need to prepare a suit?"

"It's not necessary. If you wear a suit with your hairstyle today, it will be more attractive to women. I don't think Yukino wants to see that kind of scene." Yangno smiled.

Yukino also smiled and glanced at him: "Stop playing tricks and let's go."

The three of them walked into the restaurant that Harano mentioned just now. Uehara Takuya's eyes quickly looked around inside, and he quickly found his target.

She was a woman wearing a kimono, her hair was neatly tied up high, and she looked very young. The polite smile on her face at this moment was very similar to the one Uehara Takuya had when he first met Harano. look.

Mrs. Yukinoshita.

If one ignores her seemingly ethereal aura, Takuya Uehara is willing to admit that she is a great beauty.

"Mother mother..."

Yukino walked over and said hello, her smile had long since disappeared, her eyes trembled slightly, and she sat down cautiously.

Yangno looked much more natural. She pulled out the seat and motioned for Uehara Takuya to sit down. She introduced with a smile: "His name is Uehara Takuya, and he is Yukino's friend."

The corners of Mrs. Yukinoshita's lips raised with a gentle smile: "I have heard this name several times. Is there anything you want to eat? As an elder, I am meeting you for the first time. You can order whatever you want.”

"Then I'll have this." Uehara Takuya ordered a very common pork chop rice.

"Okay." Mrs. Yukinoshita still looked gentle, as if she was just an ordinary mother who dotes on her daughter.

"If you can, please have two more glasses of juice. I want this flavor..." Uehara Takuya spoke again.

Mrs. Yukinoshita smiled and asked, "Why don't you order it all at once?"

"Because I just saw that there is also juice from the store where I work part-time." Uehara Takuya smiled generously, "Speaking of which, apple juice tastes pretty good. Yukino always ordered it when she went to that store before. One cup."

"That's it." Mrs. Yukinoshita suddenly stopped smiling, her eyes suddenly seemed to be frozen, with a hint of coldness, "If you just said [casual] to me, then you would have been kicked out by me now. "

Yukino's body trembled, and just when she was about to speak, Uehara Takuya said calmly: "It is very rude to chase people away casually. I think that as Ms. Yukinoshita, she should not do such a thing."

"Is retreat a way to advance? But in my opinion, it is rude for you, an outsider, to randomly join our family dinner." Mrs. Yukinoshita was calm and collected.

"That doesn't count."

"Oh, are you trying to act like a child?"

"That's not the case." Uehara Takuya looked at her, "I mean, I didn't know that you regarded this as a family dinner. There is a saying in Chinese that those who don't know are not guilty. Of course, I didn't mean that. I am excusing myself because I just feel that innocent people should not be condemned by others when they are completely unaware."

Mrs. Yukinoshita's eyes seemed to become sharper: "This sounds interesting. Are you using your wisdom to roundaboutly say that I am petty?"

"If I really felt that way, I would have said it directly."

"But I think you are lying. Do you have any way to prove it?" Mrs. Yukinoshita asked.

As soon as he finished speaking, the waiter happened to bring the juice.

He pushed one of the glasses in front of Yukino, and then smiled at Mrs. Yukinoshita: "These two glasses of juice can prove that I am telling the truth."


Mrs. Yukinoshita had no expression on her face.

Yang Nai cupped her cheeks, with a smile in her eyes, thinking that even in front of her mother, this person still spoke in this way.

Yukino flexed her fingers hard, tightened her fists, and looked closely at the boy in front of her.

She didn't find it novel or interesting like Yangno did.

She just felt sorry for Uehara Takuya.

She knew the other party's character very well, and she knew that Takuya Uehara didn't like to deal with this kind of thing.

I don’t even like to face difficulties from my elders.

Especially his strong and powerful mother.

But since she and Uehara Takuya sat down, except for the initial "Mother", the latter never gave her a chance to speak from the beginning to the end.

As said before.

He knew himself, and he knew him.

So he didn't want to show his vulnerable side in front of his mother.

In other words, he didn't like to see himself like that.

So he chose to go into battle armed.

At this time, Mrs. Yukinoshita's voice sounded again: "I knew you were friends with my daughter before, but I never thought that your character would be like this."

"What does this sentence mean?" Uehara Takuya asked humbly.

Mrs. Yukinoshita's eyes were gloomy and cold, and she did not explain: "I don't understand why a boy with your personality can become friends with Yukino?"

Uehara Takuya said confidently: "This just proves that Yukino is very discerning. Sobu High School, which has so many students, chose me."

Mrs. Yukinoshita was obviously choked.

Yang Na covered her face and turned her head silently.

Yukino looked at him worriedly and nervously.

She saw it, and Uehara Takuya tried his best to resist.

Like a pawn in chess, it may be weak, but has it ever retreated?

Just in time, Uehara Takuya turned his head, and their eyes met.

When Yukino wanted to say something, he saw him smiling and saying, "Don't make such an expression. To be honest, I still prefer to see you smiling, because you look good when you smile."

Yukino was startled, then gained courage for the first time and smiled brightly at him.

A bit shy and charming.

"That's great." He seemed to be feeling satisfied.

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