Yang Nai was stunned.

Mrs. Yukinoshita was also stunned.

"You are indeed very courageous." Anyone could hear that there was anger in her words.

Only Uehara Takuya didn't seem to hear it, and nodded: "It is true that no one said that I am timid."

Mrs. Yukinoshita's eyes were like sharp arrows, piercing him directly: "I have always thought that the friends Yukino can like should be very good in terms of character and etiquette."

Takuya Uehara admitted generously: "I happen to have all the things you mentioned."

"You are really frivolous and careless." Mrs. Yukinoshita's tone became a little more serious.

Uehara Takuya smiled slightly and lowered his head to drink the juice.

Having already scored one point, it is only right to give it up as soon as possible.

Chapter 123

The waiter dutifully brought the dishes to the table. Before leaving, he glanced at Uehara Takuya quickly and left with a satisfied smile on his face.

The female waiter did not notice that the atmosphere at this table was not good.

Or maybe it was Mrs. Yukinoshita who was sitting opposite him. Whether it was her eyes or her words, there was always a sense of murderous intent.

After the brief exchange just now, Uehara Takuya seemed to have become a passerby who just came to have a meal. He did not mention anything to Mrs. Yukinoshita, and occasionally chatted with Yukino about school topics.

Being able to make Mrs. Yukinoshita show the astonished expression just now, he knew that he had earned it.

After scoring a point, there is no need to continue the onslaught.

Because that could backfire.

Besides, he was feeling exhausted now.

Takuya Uehara felt somewhat emotional.

Before he met Yukino's mother in person, he actually knew that the other person must have the kind of personality that Yangno had.

He also knew that the opponent was probably several times stronger than Yangno.

But after they actually met, he felt that the other person was the perfect upgraded version of Yangno.

Beneath the seemingly gentle surface, there is actually a arrogant and cold heart.

If he wanted to find one sentence to define his feeling when facing Mrs. Yukinoshita today.

That should be: gentle, courteous and thrifty, hiding a knife with a smile.

The Yukinoshita sisters were also dining quietly.

However, Yangno obviously no longer looked as comfortable as before, and more of her peripheral vision fell on Uehara Takuya.

If her interest in this boy had only reached 70.00% before.

Then after today, it will be increased to [-]%.

Facing his powerful mother, he behaved generously and calmly from beginning to end, without any panic or embarrassment, and even made his mother show an expression that she had never seen before.

Even if she could tell, Uehara Takuya was having a hard time resisting.

Thinking like this, Yangno found that she fell in love with this boy.

This kind of love is naturally not the kind of emotion, but the meaning of wanting to understand and analyze thoroughly.

Yukino was still worried.

Uehara Takuya's performance completely exceeded her expectations and gave her another way of thinking about facing her mother.

But she also knew that she definitely didn't have the courage and determination.

At least temporarily.

She really wanted to end this meal quickly and take Takuya Uehara away from here.

The entire dinner table remained silent.

After everyone had finished eating, Takuya Uehara had just put down his chopsticks when Mrs. Yukinoshita's voice sounded again: "How did you become good friends with Yukino?"

Previously she was just reminding "I know you and Yukino know each other", but now she asked in a different way.

Obviously, she must know a lot.

Uehara Takuya silently speculated in his mind, without much change on his face: "To put it simply, we met by chance. Later, we both felt that we were compatible with each other, and we became friends as we chatted."

Mrs. Yukinoshita moved her eyes and stared at her little daughter.

Xueno gritted his teeth and nodded: "That's right."

She didn't lie. Her acquaintance with Uehara Takuya was originally an accident.

If the other person hadn't taken control of her body that day, she felt that she would never have anything to do with this boy in her life.

"Is it?"

Mrs. Yukinoshita hummed noncommittally.

Then a guilty tone appeared on her face: "I really took too little care of Yukino. If I hadn't seen you in person this time, maybe I would still think that the reason why you were able to become good friends with her was because of you. They all have the same temperament.”

Uehara Takuya said honestly: "To be honest, if you insist on using this method to ridicule me, then you don't have to, because I don't get angry that easily."

Mrs. Yukinoshita smiled and shook her head: "I didn't mean that. You are too sensitive."

"It turns out I was wrong." Uehara Takuya agreed without changing his face.

One second this woman was as biting as the cold winter, and the next second she was smiling like a spring breeze.

It's terrifying.

Uehara Takuya secretly glanced at Harano who was happily eating melon. The two of them really seemed to be carved from the same mold.

But Yukino is completely different.

That kind of strong contrast, as if they are not biologically related...

Mrs. Yukinoshita picked up the tissue and kept her smile: "Anyway, you still have a good character. At least you didn't lose your temper in front of me, nor were you as frightened as the young people I've seen before."

"That's because I put you on an equal footing with me." Uehara Takuya said frankly.

Mrs. Yukinoshita seemed to be sneering: "Is this what I understand it to mean? You mean, like Yukino, I am easy to deal with in your eyes... Oh, I should use my words more tactfully, yes [Easy to deal with] type?”

Uehara Takuya's heart sank. Sure enough, what this woman knew was pretty much what he expected.

Even saying "easy to deal with" means that she may also know about her usual bickering style with Yukino.

When the woman opposite who once again showed her sense of oppression put down the tissue, Uehara Takuya said, "What I just said is just what I meant literally. I always believe that people are equal, and there is no need to deliberately please or serve anyone."

Mrs. Yukinoshita's eyes showed disappointment: "A passionate and righteous young man?"

"Maybe it means this, but I know what I should say on what occasion." Uehara Takuya looked at her.

Mrs. Yukinoshita stared at him coldly: "You are not outstanding among the young people I have met."

Uehara Takuya looked surprised: "They are all handsomer than me?"

Mrs. Yukinoshita ignored him and continued: "To put it simply, you have no advantage compared to them."

"Oh, they're nice?"

"Yes, no matter in terms of character, background, or etiquette, they are all outstanding." Mrs. Yukinoshita replied affirmatively.

Uehara Takuya asked directly: "Since you used the word [very outstanding], how outstanding are they? Can you elaborate on it?"

Mrs. Yukinoshita's face was indifferent. It was difficult to answer this kind of question because she had already said everything she could.

If she wanted to explain it more carefully, she would have to think about it temporarily. She didn't want to waste time.

At this time, Uehara Takuya suddenly laughed: "No matter how good they are, they haven't reached the level of being recognized by Yukino, right?"

Yangno, who was eating melon, felt a shiver in his heart. This sentence was already a provocation.

Yukino's hands had already been clenched into fists and pressed firmly on her thighs.

She lowered her head, struggling in her heart, but she was also happy because Takuya Uehara protected her.

Mrs. Yukinoshita did not fight back in time this time.

After all, the boy in front of her was telling the truth.

"Although you didn't answer me, it's obviously the fact." Uehara Takuya smiled.

Mrs. Yukinoshita's tone finally became unkind: "What does this mean?"

"There are too many things that can be explained... Well, let me think about it, you should hope that Yukino will walk on the path you think is right under your arrangement."

Uehara Takuya said, his voice paused: "But she chose to be friends with me. Yes, she is a boy like me who is not excellent at all and has no advantages in your eyes."

Yangno opened his mouth slightly and started to fight back?

Then Uehara Takuya's voice continued: "You just said that the young people you have met before are better than me in terms of etiquette and character. Have you ever thought that their etiquette and character are actually just to deal with you? , so you pretend to be mature and put on the glamorous image you want to see?"

Mrs. Yukinoshita sneered: "It is a despicable idea to speculate on others with malicious intentions."

"No, I'm just making assumptions. I never speculate on others with the greatest malice. Because when I think so, it means that I have thoughts and hopes for that person. Once the other person's performance does not meet my expectations, If I have that expectation, then I will be hit." Uehara Takuya shook his head.

"Sounds pessimistic?" Mrs. Yukinoshita was rarely interested.


Uehara Takuya gave an ambiguous answer, pointing to Yukino, who was already in turmoil next to her: "You hope that she will follow your path, but you fail to respect and understand her thoughts. This is the greatest malice."

Mrs. Yukinoshita's face was as cold as frost: "So?"

Takuya Uehara responded tit-for-tat: "There is no reason. Originally, everyone is unprepared when encountering changes in life, just like an actor entering a state of rehearsal. But there is no opportunity to rehearse in life, and there is no chance to fix it over again. opportunity……"

"As a friend, I hope Yukino can know what she needs and what she wants to do."

"As a friend, I also hope that she can integrate all her experiences into her blood, because life is like this. You can't prevent accidents, and you can't predict what happy events will happen tomorrow. But if you can set your goals and move forward, Even if you are careful, you will not waste this period of your life in vain."

After saying this in one breath, he ignored Mrs. Yukinoshita's changing eyes, as if he just felt thirsty and drank all the juice out of his habit.

Then he took a breath and said softly: "You just said that the young people you have met have better backgrounds than me. I can't refute it, but I like my current status very much."

Mrs. Yukinoshita slowly leaned back on her seat, no longer leaning forward in the oppressive posture just now: "Tell me and listen."

Uehara Takuya's smile was sincere: "My parents work in other places all year round and come back occasionally. They don't have much communication with me, but I am still very grateful to them and like them too."

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