When he said this, what came to his mind was the image of the cheap parents who accompanied him when he was a child.

There is no need to be pretentious to describe the warmth, it is purely to make him grateful.

Because they gave themselves a childhood with no worries about food and clothing, and a healthy growing environment.

"Bang" sounded softly.

Uehara Takuya stood up, his chair making a squeaking sound as he pulled back.

He looked down at Mrs. Yukinoshita and said softly: "Even if they don't seem to care about their family, they rarely come back to accompany me when I grow up. But I know that the name Uehara Takuya was something they discussed for a long time and finally I asked friends everywhere and finally made a serious decision."

After saying that, he turned to Yukino and smiled: "Let's go, I'll take you home."

Xueno raised her head sharply, and when she saw the familiar smiling face, her eyes were crooked, and she also stood up.

After briefly greeting her mother, she accompanied Takuya Uehara and left the restaurant.

Yangno stared at the two figures closely until they disappeared completely, and an indescribable complex emotion arose in her heart.

It sounds like envy, but also seems to contain other meanings.

She lowered her head and asked softly: "What did Uehara mean by his last words..."

"Yes, he minded that I deliberately used my background to test him earlier." Mrs. Yukinoshita called the waiter to pay the bill and laughed again, "He probably wanted to tell me that he was grateful to his parents and that family relationship. , and we don’t allow others to point fingers.”

Yangono hummed.

The counterattacks were as continuous as a violent storm, and they left simply after the fight.

Really decisive.


Walking on the increasingly lively street, Yukino secretly looked at Uehara Takuya's seemingly calm expression with her peripheral vision. She hesitated several times and finally opened her mouth: "I'm sorry, my mother has caused you trouble."

"You don't need to apologize, but you're just a little unhappy." Uehara Takuya smiled.

Yukino lowered his head, and a blush quietly appeared on his cheeks: "What you just said...you hope that I know what I need and what I should do, is it true?"

"It's true."

"I see."

Yukino responded softly.

When she raised her head again, there was a gentle smile on her pretty face: "Would you like to sit at my house for a while?"

Uehara Takuya looked serious: "You want me to massage your legs again?"

Yukino's cheeks turned red: "Idiot, can you not ruin the atmosphere at this time?"

"Do you need some atmosphere when you press your legs?"


Yukino's pace became faster.

The two came to the apartment where they lived alone. Uehara Takuya had just changed his shoes when Yukino turned on the TV and hurriedly said "I'm feeling a little uncomfortable, let's take a shower first" with a red face.

Uehara Takuya was left staring at Ultraman on the TV screen, lost in thought.

So Yukino came out of the shower. She wiped her wet hair with a towel and saw Takuya Uehara who seemed to be a thinker.

"What are you thinking about?" she asked subconsciously.

Uehara Takuya turned around and pointed at the TV with one finger: "I was thinking about who has the stronger fighting power, Taro or Tiga."

Yukino gave him a cold look.

But he didn't mind, and instead looked at Yukino's slender legs bound by stockings: "Are you going to start pressing your legs?"

Yukino didn't answer, and slowly came to sit next to him.

When the two of them looked at each other, the green and tender temperament in Yukino's eyes, mixed with the extremely pleasant fragrance after bathing, quietly bloomed into the charm of a girl in the jade-like white skin of her neck.

"Pretty?" Her cheeks turned red.

"Yes, it's very beautiful." Uehara Takuya nodded honestly.

The shyness in the corner of her eyes gave rise to a feeling of satisfaction: "Looking at your gaze, are you obsessed with me?"

"It's coming soon."

Yukino couldn't hide the joy on her brows, and slowly closed her delicate eyes.

"Then...you can kiss me."

Her voice was very small.

She wasn't quite sure what he liked more about herself.

But she liked everything about him.

she knows.

Chapter 124 Yangno still appears

After Yukino said that, she never said a word again.

The intoxicating pink color floating on her cheeks and the trembling of her long eyelashes fully showed that she was actually very nervous.

Even though she was extremely nervous, she still said it.

Yukino waited shyly for five seconds, but felt nothing.

Apart from the sound that was still coming from the TV, she couldn't even hear Takuya Uehara's voice.

When she opened her eyes in confusion, she saw someone put on a stunned face and asked: "Didn't you agree to press your legs? Why are you closing your eyes?"

Yukino blushed and glared, what is this bastard doing?

Before she could speak, she was kissed by the person in front of her.

Yukino opened her eyes blankly, and then she realized that he was teasing her again.

What an asshole!

She closed her eyes.

This is her first kiss.

Ten minutes later, Uehara Takuya left the apartment.

After all, the girl was still thin-skinned. After giving him her first kiss, the courage she finally mustered up was completely exhausted, and she no longer dared to talk to him.

Uehara Takuya understood her mood, so he kissed her again...

Then he was pushed out by the embarrassed Yukino.

Before he had gone far, his phone vibrated, and it was a message from Yukino.

[Shameless bastard, please be safe on the road. 】

This was followed by a red-faced panda emoji.

"Even the reminder is so unique. It's really worthy of you."

Uehara Takuya smiled and replied with a series of panda emoticons.

Yukino, who was already lying on the bed holding her mobile phone, saw this scene and laughed happily.


While passing through an intersection with not too many people, Takuya Uehara heard a sweet female voice that he didn't really want to hear.

With a heavy heart, he looked towards the source of the sound, and sure enough, it was Yangno standing there.

This was not beyond his expectations.

When he followed Yukino home earlier, he had been wondering if Yangno would follow.

But what surprised him was that there was someone beside Yangno.

That was Shizuka Hiratsuka.


Shizuka Hiratsuka was obviously taken aback, and immediately looked at her friend in confusion: "Didn't you just call me out for a drink and something to eat? Why did you call him?"

"No, she didn't contact me." Uehara Takuya stepped forward and his eyes fell on the smiling Yangno, "If I guessed correctly, you should have been waiting for me to come out, right?"

"Correct answer, but unfortunately there is no reward."

Yangno nodded with a smile. Seeing that Hiratsuka Shizu was still confused, she immediately smiled and waved her hands: "Okay, let's find a place to sit down first. I promise that no matter what you want to ask, I will tell you."

Hiratsuka Shizu smiled helplessly and agreed.

Uehara Takuya knew that he couldn't leave for the time being, so he followed him.

The restaurant was arranged by two women, and they had obviously made a reservation long ago.

However, when Yangono was ordering, she specially ordered a lot for Takuya Uehara. When the latter cast a surprised look, she explained with a smile: "When you ate with us earlier, you weren't full at all, right?"

"So you noticed it." Uehara Takuya suddenly realized.

Yangno gave him a charming smile.

Naturally, she would not tell the other party that during the dinner just now, her attention was on the other party from beginning to end.

"What does [eat with us] mean?" Hiratsuka Shizuka felt that she should have the right to know.

"That's it..." Yangno smiled and recounted what happened before.

Hiratsuka Shizu stared at Uehara Takuya in surprise after hearing this: "In other words, not only have you met Yukino and Harano's mother, but you also had a quarrel with her?"

"Strictly speaking, it wasn't a quarrel, but...some of her words made me unhappy." Uehara Takuya said calmly.

Shizuka Hiratsuka had a complicated expression: "I have met that lady, and I probably know her character well. If what Yangno said is true, then you have the upper hand in front of her?"

"It should be [-]-[-]." Uehara Takuya thought for a moment and this answer was more accurate.

Yang Nao smiled cheerfully on the side: "That's not true. My mother has never lost her composure in front of young people, except today."

Hiratsuka Shizu's curiosity was aroused: "I really want to know what you talked about now, but it would be impolite to ask directly. What do you think I should do?"

Uehara Takuya hummed: "Since Hiratsuka-sensei is so considerate, then don't ask."

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