Hiratsuka was speechless.

Then he looked at Yangno: "You didn't wait for me in that place specifically just to treat me to dinner, right?"

Yangno held up her chin, her watery eyes full of smiles: "Half of it is because of this. After all, you went to eat with us, but in the end you only ate a little and left. No matter how you looked, you looked like It’s because we didn’t provide good hospitality.”

"That aunt has no intention of entertaining me at all." Uehara Takuya revealed.

Yang Nai smiled nonchalantly and said, "So, as my daughter, I am here to apologize on her behalf."

Hiratsuka drank tea quietly. She found that she liked to eat melon when she had nothing to do.

But this time she didn't understand much about it, so she decided to ask more questions later when she went back with Yangno.

"What did Yukino tell you?"

Yangno suddenly straightened up, with a curious look on his eyebrows: "Since that dinner, you have been protecting Yukino. According to what I know about her, and your deep feelings, she will definitely I invited you home to have a chat with you.”

"We did have some academic exchanges." Takuya Uehara said with a sincere expression.

The corner of Yangno's lips curled up: "I see, this is a game that can only be played by adults. I understand that right, right?"

"Cough cough cough."

Shizuka Hiratsuka choked while drinking tea.

She didn't even wipe the water stains from the corners of her mouth. She looked at Uehara Takuya in surprise and asked, "Don't tell me, what Harano said is true."

"It's true."

Uehara Takuya's answer stunned her.

But then, the other party said calmly: "The so-called games that can only be played by adults refer to computer games classified as r18."

Yang Nao laughed so hard at the side: "This joke is quite good."

She smiled so happily, of course not because what Uehara Takuya said was so funny.

But opposite Takuya Uehara, Shizuka Hiratsuka had a dark face and looked like he wanted to punch someone, which was very interesting.

"You two teamed up to trick me?" Hiratsuka Shizu said with a dignified face.

Uehara Takuya shook his head: "Miss Harano brought up this topic first, I was just cooperating with her."

Yangno winked at him cutely: "That doesn't mean that we actually have a tacit understanding, right?"

Hiratsuka Shizuka, who originally wanted to cooperate with the two of them in their fight, frowned.

Her eyes were filled with uncertainty, and she glanced at the smiling Yangno covertly.

Am I thinking too much?

Is Harano's attention and enthusiasm for Uehara too much?

Hiratsuka Shizu quickly hid her emotions.

But the suspicion in my heart has not diminished at all.

Chapter 125 Uehara Takuya is very good at dealing with drunkards

As Haruno said just now, Uehara Takuya did not have enough to eat.

He was originally going to go home and make something to eat, but now that Yangno was treating him and Hiratsuka Shizuka was here, the other party would probably not harass him as unscrupulously as usual, so he just let it go and ate.

Perhaps because of the presence of his student, Hiratsuka Shizuka gave up the sake she originally wanted and replaced it with beer for both her and Harano.

Uehara Takuya ate quietly and drank juice.

Occasionally glancing at the two women chatting happily while pushing cups and cups, he began to wonder if he would have to send them home later.

Although beer has a low alcohol content, if you drink it frequently, the feeling of dizziness will still be strong no matter how good your drinking capacity is.

Yangno sat next to him, and Hiratsuka chatted for a few words with a smile in his eyes, and then let out a crisp laugh.

The little face that had been colored by alcohol had a very cute blush on it, and her eyes, which were usually clear and intelligent, would now and then have charming and intoxicating ripples.

The same is true for Shizuka Hiratsuka opposite, but her speech and behavior, unless it is at certain specific times, basically have nothing to do with charm.

"What a shame." Shizuka Hiratsuka was holding the wine glass and muttering dissatisfiedly, "Yano, you should have called me out earlier, so that I could see how Uehara and your mother talked."

"You're curious?" Yangno asked with a smile, and she gave Uehara Takuya a flirtatious look.

Takuya Uehara took a sip of the juice calmly. It was sour and sweet, and tasted great after adding ice.

As for Yangono’s charming eyes...


Did anyone see it just now?

This is the expression Takuya Uehara has now.

"Of course I'm curious. I've known for a long time that Uehara's mind works very fast. I usually like chatting with him in school because he gives me a completely different feeling from other students. Unfortunately, I'm still late..." Ping Ping Tsuka Shizu started to sigh again as he spoke.

Yangno seemed to suddenly become interested, and looked at Uehara Takuya with a smile: "Is what Xiaojing said true? You like chatting with her at school?"

Uehara Takuya's face was expressionless: "Did you do it on purpose, or did you not hear clearly?"

"Don't they all mean the same thing?" Yangno chuckled and pointed at Shizuka Hiratsuka, who was also smiling across from her. "Even from my aesthetic point of view, Shizuka is a great beauty."

Hiratsuka Shizuka coughed: "If you want to chat with Uehara, just chat. Don't use me as an excuse."

"Oh~ Then let me use myself as an example."

Yangno pointed to her rosy cheeks instead, with a hint of water in her eyes: "Uehara, do you think I'm pretty?"

"I have already answered similar questions." Uehara Takuya was very calm, "Both you and Hiratsuka-sensei are both very beautiful."

Hiratsuka Shizu laughed: "Did you hear that, Yangno? This is why I like chatting with him."

Yang Na took a sip of beer and wiped the water stains around her mouth with a tissue. Her red lips slightly opened: "I think it's because Xiaojing you dressed up very differently today, that's why you were praised by this guy."

"Hey, I thought you wouldn't mention this..."

When talking about this, Shizuka Hiratsuka seemed very proud: "I am Amei... One of my students taught me this. She used to work part-time as a model for a period of time, the kind that often appeared on the covers of fashion magazines. . So she knows how to dress very well, and I learned a lot of useful things from her."

"Yami-chan~" Yangno prolonged her voice deliberately and nodded with a smile, "I also like that sister, she seems to like me too."

Uehara Takuya squinted his eyes: "Do you have any misunderstanding about liking?"

Hiratsuka Shizu suddenly felt no longer sleepy, and quietly pricked up her ears, ready to eat melon.

Yangno chuckled lightly and looked at him: "Did I say something wrong? Not only did Xiaoyami exchange contact information with me, but we also went out to play together. This is the level of good best friends, right? "

"When you say [we went out to play together], do you mean the time in the haunted house when she was so frightened that you laughed at her from beginning to end?"

"But I finally hugged her and comforted her."

"Oh, how did you comfort me then?"

"I told her, [You are so brave, why do you come to the haunted house to ask for trouble?]"

Uehara Takuya had an expression that said, "As expected."

Hiratsuka Shizu from the opposite side laughed: "So, Yami has been persecuted by you?"

She knew her best friend's temperament very well, and it would be strange if one day she didn't have a shady person to tease others.

Yangno leaned back lazily in his seat. Because he had already drank a bottle of beer, his eyes were a little hazy. Under the light of the store, there was a unique and sultry feeling: "It's not me who is teasing her, but her and me. As soon as we met, he showed an expression that wanted to defeat me.”

"Huh?" Hiratsuka Shizu said she didn't understand, "How is this possible? Yami's emotional intelligence and ability to observe people's emotions are very strong. She shouldn't cause trouble for you for no reason."

Yangno seemed to glance at Uehara Takuya: "Probably because she was embarrassed in front of Yukino before, and my proud sister mentioned me to her again..."

She suddenly paused, covered her mouth and smiled sweetly: "No, no, I remembered that Xiao Yamei's speaking style and her usual behavior are all my trumpet."

Hiratsuka Shizuo was stunned for a moment, subconsciously recalled it, and then said in a dumbfounded voice: "Don't say it yet, I do feel that way."

Uehara Takuya was eating the food: "I said you two are saying bad things about her behind others' backs, is that okay?"

"Uehara is trying to defend Xiaoyami?" Yangonomi's eyes sparkled with a charming halo.

Uehara Takuya shook his head: "It's just because Kawashima told me that she resents others saying that she looks like Miss Harano."

Yang Nai narrowed her eyes slightly: "Isn't it bad to be like me? A beauty like me usually has countless suitors..."

Then she changed her voice, turned her body sideways, leaned forward slightly, and the distance between her and Takuya Uehara suddenly became closer.

She opened her red lips and breathed into Takuya Uehara's ear: "But I have never had dinner with other men. You are the first one."

Shizuka Hiratsuka tightened her fingers on the wine glass, and the feeling she had just suppressed reappeared.

She unconsciously lowered her head to hide her strange look, and felt a little helpless as to why she was so sharp. She obviously didn't want to be troubled by such things.

"It seems that you have started talking drunkenly. Does this mean it's time for us to go home?" Uehara Takuya asked.

Yangno didn't answer, but stared at him with a smile for a few seconds, then suggested: "Uehara, tell me a joke."

"I told you last time, and you confirmed that I have no talent for telling jokes."

Yang Nai smiled angrily and glanced at him: "But I just want to hear it, so just tell me one more thing."

At the end of the sentence, the softness and waxiness in her voice sounded like she was being coquettish.

Hiratsuka Shizu quickly smoothed her frown, raised her head and smiled: "Uehara can still tell jokes? Then I have to listen carefully."

"All right……"

Uehara Takuya thought for a while, stretched out his hand to lift the juice, and said: "When we go to bed at night, we always lie on the bed, and the quilt is lying on me. Does this mean that I am actually a bed, and the quilt is the real thing?" The sleeping one?"


The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

Hiratsuka Shizu had a "What the hell are you talking about" expression on her face.

Perhaps because of the alcohol, Yangno's reaction was slower than usual.

After two seconds, she laughed happily: "It's not funny, please change it quickly."

"I'm really sorry, I can't think of any other jokes." Uehara Takuya decisively refused.

He originally wanted to make a Chinese joke, but when he thought that the two women around him had limited understanding of Chinese memes, he would have to explain it again after he finished speaking. It was too troublesome, so he stopped.

For example, according to today's Internet parlance, is the name of the bird "Homing Pigeon" contradictory?

Another example is Gong Chan, who shouted in despair before being killed: "I am a public prosecutor and certified by a big V. How dare you kill me?"

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