Hiratsuka Shizuka was holding a beer, staring at the wine in the glass, and asked seemingly casually: "Why do I feel like you are so familiar?"

"Do you need to feel it? This kind of thing can't be seen at a glance?" Yangno also specially got close to Uehara Takuya, and her soft and warm body was completely close to him.

Uehara Takuya moved away consciously: "Mr. Hiratsuka, I misunderstood. Every time I see Miss Haruno, I feel a sense of fear like a mouse seeing a cat."

"With all due respect, I didn't see it at all. On the contrary, the way you get along now is very similar to when you and Yukino were together." Shizuka Hiratsuka said slowly.

Yang Nai was obviously stunned for a moment, and then the smile kept rising in his eyes: "Really?"

Hiratsuka Shizu's heart became heavier and heavier, but her mouth was very calm: "Really, at least the experience Yukino told me about her and Uehara is very similar to how you are now."

Yangno looked at Uehara Takuya with great surprise: "Doesn't this mean that we will be as good as you and Yukino in the future?"

"I don't think so." Uehara Takuya answered simply.

"You're so annoying." Yangno continued to drink.

After finally finishing the meal, Shizuka Hiratsuka specially blew the cold wind on the street to ensure that most of the alcohol had dissipated. Then she turned to look at Uehara Takuya and Harano: "I'll take her home, Uehara. Please be safe on your own roads.”

"No, I want Uehara to give it to me." Harano chuckled, her arm wrapped in a women's suit now holding Takuya Uehara's arm.

Shizuka Hiratsuka had a headache and a toothache from looking at it: "Hey, didn't I always give it to you before? Besides, Uehara has class tomorrow, so don't delay him."

"Oh, yes, you have class tomorrow." Yangno said, raising his other arm and waving it cheerfully at Hiratsuka Shizuka: "Then, Xiaojing, please go home and rest early~"

Hiratsuka Shizu was choked.

Fortunately, Uehara Takuya glanced at her and said at the same time: "I promise to send her home safely."

Hiratsuka Shizu was stunned for a moment, then nodded knowingly: "I'll trouble you then."

This time she finally felt relieved.

She can naturally understand that Uehara Takuya's "guarantee" has another meaning.

[Nothing will happen between me and her. 】

She still trusted Uehara Takuya very much, so she left with peace of mind.

"Uehara, would you like to go shopping with me?"

"No shopping."

"Then will you watch the stars with me?"

"It's a pity that there are no stars to be seen here."

"Then let's wait for the sunrise together and watch the sun together."

"Your idea is even more extreme. If Mr. Moon hears this, he will definitely scold you angrily: [Can you stop thinking about the sun all the time]?"

"Pfft hahaha..."

Yang Naixiao leaned half of her body into Uehara Takuya's arms, and she didn't know whether it was intentional or not.

This woman's smile is indeed very beautiful, especially her eyes that are as curved as crescent moons. When her body is tilted, her hair will cover her red face, giving people a hazy beauty.

In the night, their shadows were lengthened by the street lights, and she staggered a bit as she walked, as if she was really drunk.

Even the small women's suit and skirt she was wearing could not conceal the graceful charm of her plump and tall figure.

"Why are you laughing? Is what I just said funny?" Uehara Takuya stared at her angrily.

I didn’t deliberately highlight Chinese memes.

Besides, even if she really wanted to say something like this, she would definitely not understand it.

"It's just funny. What's the matter? Can you still prevent me from laughing? If so, then you will become the overbearing Uehara."

Yangno's expression of anger and anger is very charming, especially with her eyes now intoxicated and her cheeks flushed, which makes her look even more attractive.

"It doesn't matter what you call me, I'm already used to it anyway." Uehara Takuya continued to help her move forward.

Yangno laughed alone for a while, and her voice suddenly became softer: "My mother wants me to live with Yukino."

Uehara Takuya's footsteps did not stop: "Oh? Is it so you can monitor Yukino?"

"Half of it, the other half should be for me to supervise her." Yangno didn't lie this time.

Uehara Takuya laughed inexplicably: "So, I hate this kind of education method. A person's life is not long, so it's okay if he can't choose when he is born. If he has to follow the route prescribed by his elders in the future, he is very disgusted with it. Come on, what’s the difference between that and a puppet?”

Yangno tilted his head in high spirits: "You really still care about what mother said."

"Of course I mind. I'm not a robot. After all, I can't be emotionless."

Yangono looked away and spoke softer: "Sometimes, I really envy Yukino for having a boy like you by his side."

Uehara Takuya said nothing.

Yangno also became quiet after speaking.

It wasn't until the two of them came to her door that she asked out of curiosity: "You didn't speak just now, were you pretending to be serious on purpose?"

Uehara Takuya didn't bother to talk to her.

Yang Nai wasn't angry either and let him help her home.

After changing her shoes, Uehara Takuya did not enter her bedroom, only staying in the living room.

Yang Nai raised his face at this time, his eyes seductive: "It's too late, why don't you just rest at my house?"

Uehara Takuya suddenly pressed her shoulder.

Yangono's eyelashes seemed to tremble, and the blush on her cheeks was like a blooming peach blossom.

Then Uehara Takuya gave her a gentle push, and she fell onto the elastic sofa with a thud.

"Good night."

He walked simply.

Yang Nai was stunned.

After a while, she laughed so hard that she was out of breath and lay down on the sofa.

Just when she had laughed enough, she slowly got up again, bent her knees in an extremely lonely posture, crossed her arms, and stared at the deserted living room alone.

Chapter 126 I’ll give you a harem!

Uehara Takuya was in a calm mood when he returned home.

Yangno's performance today did not affect him.

After all, he was used to this woman's way of doing things.

To put it mildly, that’s called a sinister person.

To put it more directly, you have to ask the Queen Mother to be your aunt - nerves.

But no matter how elusive Harano is, she is still easier to deal with than Mrs. Yukinoshita.

He sat in a chair and recalled it carefully. The confrontation between him and Yukino's mother was not intense, but his emotions did fluctuate.

Just like what he said to Mrs. Yukinoshita at the end, "I like the name Takuya Uehara very much," it doesn't matter how others look at him or talk about him.

If someone else has a mouth, as long as they come up to him and point at his face and make irresponsible remarks, he will naturally not care.

Mrs. Yukinoshita was different. Her words were sharp and she said them in front of her.

A simple meal made me feel a huge sense of oppression.

The reason why he had the advantage in this confrontation was because of the poor information.

Once Mrs. Yukinoshita knows everything about herself, it will probably be difficult to score another point.

He was reviewing everything that happened today, but his cell phone was vibrating in his pocket.

I picked it up and glanced at it. It was a message from Ami Kawashima.

【Are you free on weekends?My Meat Bun has received an endorsement deal for pet products, and I may be shooting an advertisement on Sunday. 】


Uehara Takuya was slightly startled, but he had forgotten about this matter.

That husky is so smart now that it is really easy to accept advertisements.

It can even be called a breeze.

"Speaking of which, I remember that those movies and shows with dogs as their themes were very troublesome to shoot..."

Uehara Takuya was thinking.

Occasionally, he would come across some videos related to cute pet movies on the Internet.

I also generally understand that the cute pets that you see in movies that can promote the plot were actually shot behind the scenes many times before they were made.

After all, animals are different from humans, and it is very troublesome to communicate in detail, which makes shooting infinitely more difficult.

Uehara Takuya calmed down, edited the message and sent: [I am quite interested in this kind of thing. If I am free on Sunday, I will go and take a look. 】

Kawashima Ami on the other side had been holding her mobile phone. After receiving the other party's reply, she suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then a smile appeared on that pretty face, and he said to himself: "Although Hiratsuka-sensei is an older single woman, the advice she gave is still useful."

After Takuya Uehara left that day, she had a serious talk with Shizuka Hiratsuka.

Although she could see that when Shizuka Hiratsuka talked to her about emotional topics, the other party was obviously not good at it, but he still did his best to provide psychological counseling for her.

Because of this honest talk, her relationship with Shizuka Hiratsuka has gotten closer, and the two have reached the point where they can talk about clothes and cosmetics in private.

Here, Uehara Takuya finished replying to the message. He quickly watched the latest episode of Honey Badger online, and then went to the grassland with peace of mind.

The situation of the three brothers on the grassland was similar to what he expected. The lives of these three beasts were becoming more and more nourishing. They had food, drink, and everything.

Fortunately, the group of photographers only gave them snacks to prevent the three beasts from losing their fighting spirit in the long and leisurely life, and finally lying flat and rotting.

It's not that it's not good to be bad, but Uehara Takuya knows that if he wants to live on the crisis-ridden grassland, once he is bad, his combat skills will probably decline significantly.

In this case, if you are attacked by other wild animals, you are likely to die.

Even if there are doctors among those filming the show, they may not be able to save the patient in time every time.

"But this leopard is getting stronger and stronger, which is good news."

Uehara Takuya clicked his tongue and looked at the two brothers beside him.

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