The lion is indeed getting older and has completely lost the majesty of the young lion.

Hua Bao is just in his prime, young and strong, and he is the core of the team even if he doesn't help "fight on his behalf".

Not to mention MVP in every game, at least he can make a steady contribution.

Uehara Takuya ignored the excited cry of the honey badger in his mind. He searched around for a while, but he didn't see any snakes nearby. He couldn't help but wonder if those snakes had been moved by him.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be the case. Although honey badgers can resist snake venom, the scope of their resistance is also limited.

The only animals that really use venomous snakes as food are meerkats.

Uehara Takuya was thinking about whether he should just gain endurance experience and then log off, but a low roar came from not far away.

In just a moment, he could distinguish the dangerous roar.

This is the voice of a lion.

And he is still a lion in his prime.

The lion and leopard beside him turned their heads quickly at the same time, and the people around him who were responsible for filming the program also looked over.

Beside the dead wood not far ahead, there is a group of extremely conspicuous beasts.

"I met a pride of lions."

Uehara Takuya glanced at the elder brothers on the left and right who were on alert. He was very relaxed.

Because among the lions that appeared this time, we could still see a few lively little lions.

If the lions were hunting, they would not let such cubs with no fighting ability go out.

The old lion next to him had already shown his claws, and the roar in his mouth was deafening.

The leopard licked its lips. It couldn't wait to... retreat.

Faced with a group of lions all at once, no matter how brave it is, it will never be able to fight head-on.

But its attention finally fell on Uehara Takuya.

It has two meanings.

First level: You are the eldest brother, I act based on your eyes.

The second meaning is: Don't rush the fastest and kneel the fastest like before. I'm afraid I won't be able to save you in time.

Both the leopard and the old lion are used to their elder brother's strange and ups and downs in fighting power.

Anyway, they have to come out to clean up the battlefield in the end.

The lions on the opposite side were also staring closely at this side.

The leading male lion and the group of adult female lions had fierce eyes and issued warning sounds from their mouths.

The two armies faced each other, each warning of threats and not choosing to take action directly.

The leopard and the old lion also had no intention of taking action. They were more inclined to retreat.

On the contrary, it was the flat-headed brother in Takuya Uehara's mind who screamed loudly.

[Find a way to fuck me! 】

This is what Brother Pingtou wants to express.

Uehara Takuya didn't accept it.

After a few minutes, the leading male lion on the opposite side slowly moved forward, and the female lion behind him also moved slowly.

"Those lions are driving us away." Not only Takuya Uehara understood, but the surrounding program crew also understood what the lions meant.

"What should we do now?" After everyone communicated with each other, they all hesitated.

They are all hiding in the car now, so of course they don't have to worry about their own safety.

But they couldn't worry about the three grassland brothers.

This is the most popular show in the beast circle recently, and it also attracts many outsiders.

After finally getting out of the circle, no one wanted these three beasts to suffer any casualties.

There was a clear division of labor among the lions. The male lion was responsible for roaring to drive Takuya Hara away, while the female lion slowed down and watched the situation in front of her vigilantly.

As for the cubs, they all fled to the back and hid.

It’s as clear and detailed as A Little Pony, Damascus, and My Little Pony.

"It should be impossible to fight."

At this time, a middle-aged man in the car held his glasses and said confidently: "Lions will not easily start a war with other beasts except for hunting. And the lions of the three grassland brothers and The same is true for leopards, whose living habits are cautious."

"But there is a honey badger among the three brothers." Someone interrupted.

The man just now smiled faintly: "I know the honey badger is very courageous, but I think it will not dare to challenge the lions alone, because this is not courage, but stupid behavior..."

Before he finished speaking, several groups of people nearby exclaimed: "The honey badger is up!"


Under the astonished gazes of a group of people, Uehara Takuya moved.

He did not charge, but advanced at the same slow, wary pace.

Seeing this scene, the lion opposite roared even more ferociously. It was obvious that it was dissatisfied with Takuya Uehara's behavior.

"Young and strong lion, your strength is very good, but the next second it will be mine."

Uehara Takuya silently posted the words "Live and die together" to the other party.

After confirming that it was effective, he turned around and barked at the nervous and vigilant leopards and lions around him, signaling them not to get involved.

Regardless of whether they understood or not, Uehara Takuya straightened up and ran in a circle to the side under the sharp gazes of the lions.

"What is it doing?"

Everyone in the car finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Uehara Takuya did not attack rashly.

But then when they saw this scene, they were confused again.

Even if there are scholars who have studied honey badgers for many years present this time, they still cannot understand Uehara Takuya's behavior at this moment.

The voice of the flat-headed brother in my mind is also very confused. It is asking: Another me, why don’t you go up and fuck me?

The lions on the opposite side did not dare to act rashly.

Uehara Takuya just ran around like he was having fun.

After going around and around, the strong lion on the opposite side suddenly began to pant.

It was stunned for a moment, and then the panting became more and more severe.

Uehara Takuya was also panting. Although Flathead's endurance was his strong point, now that both sides were sharing the same status, his physical strength was also declining at a high speed.

It wasn't until he couldn't run anymore that he gasped and stopped.

The male lion opposite was already lying on the ground.

Its body kept rising and falling, and its big eyes no longer had the ferocity they had just now, only full of question marks remained.

The lionesses next to him backed away in surprise, not understanding what was going on.

But one thing they are sure of.

Their husbands suddenly withered.

And looking at it like this, it seems to be very wilted.

Uehara Takuya had already taken off the entry at this moment, and quickly selected the leopard next to him to put it on, and then he felt comfortable.

The intense feeling of exhaustion was so severe. Coupled with the fact that he had been running at high speed, the feeling of thirst was equally intense and almost made him unable to catch his breath.

As the leading lion fell, Takuya Uehara barked twice at the still dazed old lion. Seeing that it didn't move, he simply walked around behind it, stood up and pushed it forward.

This very funny picture made the program team even more confused.

The old lion shouted softly in confusion, asking what exactly Takuya Uehara wanted to do.

Uehara Takuya pushed it to the front of the lions. Under the desperate and helpless gaze of the male lion, he raised his palm and gently pressed its huge head down.

The lionesses were all shocked, how could my husband be so weak?Are we going to change husbands?

The little lions were also stunned. Is this our new father?Why do breeds look so different from ours?

The young lion obviously didn't have the strength to stand up. When Takuya Uehara raised his hand and pushed him down, he could only roar unwillingly.

But beyond that, it was more filled with fear.

It has clearly had enough to eat today and is at a strong age.

As a result, a honey badger ran in front of it for a while, and it withered.

Not to mention thinking about this kind of thing with the IQ of a lion, even humans can't come up with an answer.

The leopard trotted up to Takuya Uehara with a snort.

It was in a very excited mood, even if it didn't understand what was going on now, but its big brother slapped a male lion down, which was enough for it to fight a badger.

It is now as arrogant as a second-rate man smoking a cigarette, wearing a dragon and tiger tattoo, and wearing slippers on the street...

Uehara Taku didn't pay attention to it. He stood up on his hind limbs with great momentum and shouted at the old lion: This is the harem I gave you. Are you satisfied?

At any rate, the old lion and leopard put in a lot of effort to take care of the reckless honey badger.

Now that he had the opportunity to give it a gift, Uehara Takuya did it decisively.

The lionesses looked over confused.

But when they saw the old male lion who had become strong and shiny due to the nourishment of life, their eyes brightened obviously.

The old male lion suddenly felt his scalp numb.

It was once a member of a pride of lions, and knew that if it wanted to lead a pride of lions, it would have to drive on the highway sixty or seventy times a day when the lionesses wanted to drive.

It now eats and sleeps well with its honey badger brother, and can get the canned meat that is used as snacks without having to reach out.

Why should it return to that uncontrolled life?

So it retreated decisively, barked at Takuya Uehara in aggrieved manner, and ran away very fast.

"It refused? Why?"

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