"Do you need my help cooking?" Uehara Takuya rolled up his sleeves. Yukino taught him so many dishes, and now that he had the opportunity to show them, he felt a little itchy.

"You can also cook?" Hiratsuka Shizuka turned around in surprise.

"What's with that surprised look on your face?"

"It just means I'm surprised."

The two were talking, and Kashiwazaki Sena was looking around curiously. She really wanted to visit, but she was too embarrassed to speak.

Yukino knew what she was thinking and didn't want to help her at all.

"I've changed my clothes, let's cook first."

Chizuru Tachibana came out after changing her clothes. Everyone except Shizuka Hiratsuka was stunned for a moment.

Even Taku Uehara is no exception.

Chizuru Tachibana usually wears a loose and slender white coat, which is also paired with oversized short-sleeves. It is impossible for outsiders to know what her true figure is.

Now she is wearing a long white suspender skirt with neat and refreshing short hair. The bangs on her forehead sway gently as she steps. The skirt perfectly highlights her figure, making her look more mature than usual. The unique charm of women.

Now her emotionless face became a bonus.

Yukino silently glanced at Tachibana Chizuru's chest, then looked at Kashiwazaki Sena, and was surprised to find that the two were evenly matched opponents.

Her current mood can be perfectly explained by "like facing a powerful enemy".

Tachibana Chizuru didn't pay attention to everyone's looks. She walked over and plugged in the rice cooker, and then said to Uehara Takuya: "I have something to tell you."

She took the lead towards the bedroom.

Yukino and the three of them stared at Uehara Takuya at the same time, and he pointed at himself blankly: "She is talking to me?"

"Obviously." Yukino nodded, a little suspicious, "It was obviously me who was helping her with ideas last time. Why does Tachibana-sensei seem to be more familiar with you?"

"Maybe there is something very important?" Hiratsuka Shizuka didn't take it to heart and pushed Uehara Takuya forward. "If she smiles at you again, remember to call me."

Uehara Takuya was puzzled: "Isn't it just the kind of smiling face that deserves a beating? It's not like calling someone, right?"


Shizuka Hiratsuka looked serious: "Recently, she didn't know that she got inspiration from that horror movie. Now every time she shows that smile, she will take out a plastic knife from her pocket, and then say "I am a killer" ] and other cold jokes.”

Uehara Takuya felt heavy.

Yukino sneered lightly: "I wish you good luck, and you must not get stabbed by her."

Chapter 130: Once we talk about this, Uehara Taku no longer feels sleepy.

After Uehara Takuya entered the room, Yukino also stood up.

But she went to the kitchen to simply handle the ingredients.

There were a lot of people coming to Tachibana Chizuru's house this time, and she was too embarrassed to let them handle it alone.

The most important thing is that she doesn't see Chizuru Tachibana as a woman who can cook at all.

"You guys are in luck."

Yukino looked at the rich ingredients in front of her, and a good-looking face appeared in her mind, and she couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

"Yukino is really virtuous." Shizuka Hiratsuka appeared at the door without knowing when.

Yukino blushed at the teasing smile on her face: "Is Mr. Hiratsuka here to help?"

Hiratsuka smiled and shook his head: "I won't take credit from you, otherwise you won't be proud when you mention this to someone."

Yukino's face turned even redder.

Shizuka Hiratsuka knew that the joke should be over, so she straightened up and asked, "I'm going out to buy some beer, do you want to help bring drinks?"

"Apple juice." Yukino thought of the drink Takuya Uehara ordered for herself.

"no problem."

Just as Hiratsuka Shizuka stepped forward, footsteps came from outside again.

This time Yukino didn't look back, but asked coldly: "Are you here to help in the kitchen?"


Unexpectedly, Kashiwazaki Sena didn't respond, but mysteriously put her index finger to her lips, signaling her to keep her voice down.

Yukino couldn't help but frown: "What do you want to do?"

Kashiwazaki Sena pointed outside and whispered: "Don't you want to know the conversation between Tachibana-sensei and Uehara?"

Yukino suddenly laughed: "I find that you are getting more and more outrageous. Uehara has only been away for a while, and you feel uncomfortable? Or is it that you are actually only eight years old this year and are a clingy child?"

Hearing the adjective "kid", Kashiwazaki Sena subconsciously thought that Yukino was just a kid.

But she remembered that Uehara Takuya once said that the curse word "antimony" is extremely insulting, so it is best not to say it casually.

So she temporarily changed her words: "Since you won't go, then I'll go alone. Anyway, I saw that the door was not closed tightly."

Yukino immediately stopped her: "If you were discovered, wouldn't you have to run away in embarrassment and shame?"

"I won't be discovered, I'm smart!"

Kashiwazaki Sena proudly raised her chest, hesitated for two seconds, and finally said: "Tachibana-sensei suddenly dressed so beautifully, I suspect she has ulterior motives."

Yukino was really shocked this time: "Is your brain made of sponge?"

"What do you mean?"

"A sponge can absorb water, so no matter how hard you try to squeeze the water out of your brain, you still can't do it."

"You bastard Yukinoshita, you're beating me around the bush again!"

Kashiwazaki Sena glared at her angrily, turned around and left, muttering: "If I don't go, I won't go. If I hear any secrets then, I will never tell you."

Yukino's expression did not change.

Then the other party's voice sounded again: "Tachibana-sensei's figure is so good, she's almost catching up with me. What if the pervert has other ideas? And she's also wearing flesh-colored stockings."


Yukino's eyes darkened.

He quickly washed his hands and followed Kashiwazaki Sena's footsteps with a cold face.

"Hey, you couldn't help but come here." The blonde girl smiled like a fat rabbit who stole a carrot.

Yukino said expressionlessly: "You said so much, don't you just want me to accompany you? Even if you are really discovered by then, and you have accomplices, there will be no one to sign up to keep warm."

Kashiwazaki Sena was shocked that her thoughts were noticed by the hateful Yukinoshita.

This time Yukino started to feel happy.

When Kashiwazaki Sena walked to the bedroom door and bent over furtively to look in, she stopped.

She wouldn't do that.

Because Kashiwazaki Sena looks like a thief now, which is too ugly.

She doesn't have the manners of an adolescent girl at all.

"You can't see it from this angle..."

Kashiwazaki Sena muttered softly over there, moving up and down, left and right, to adjust her perspective.

And she was bent over, and the curves covered by her uniform were exposed from time to time, which made Yukino, who was watching the show, feel solemn.

"So it turns out it's more than just the difference in breasts?"

Yukino clenched her fists unwillingly. From this perspective, she could clearly see Kashiwazaki Sena's slim curves.

That kind of plump figure with just the right amount of plumpness and a slim and small waist to support it is really full of temptation.

Even Yukino has to admit that Kashiwazaki Sena has a really good figure.

It was so good that she couldn't help but be envious.

[Last time she said that her sister’s figure could compete with hers. It seems that she was too conservative. 】

Yukino rubbed her eyebrows, she knew Yangno's true figure.

No comparison with Kashiwazaki Sena.

I really need to find an equal target for the other party...

The figure of Chizuru Tachibana and Shizuka Hiratsuka popped into Yukino's mind.

She suddenly became even more depressed.

Because she thought so, it meant that Kashiwazaki Sena's plump figure needed those two mature women to suppress it.

"I'm crazy for thinking this."

Yukino shook off the distracting thoughts in her heart and let Kashiwazaki Sena continue to be a thief.

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of writing on the cover of a notebook on the table.

Sadaharu took a look and found that it said "Tachibana Chizuru".

She was stunned for a moment, then remembered something and turned to look at the calendar on the wall.

Sure enough, the name of [Tachibana Chizuru] was also written on the back of the calendar.

"What kind of weird habit is this?"

The image of Tachibana Chizuru in Yukino's heart became increasingly weird.

the other side.

Uehara Takuya came to this simple bedroom and stood there, saying nothing from the beginning to the end.

Because Chizuru Tachibana kept talking.

Although he didn't understand why the facially paralyzed teacher talked so much today.

"Xiaojing stayed at my house for one night a few days ago. Her sleeping position was terrible, and she would occasionally snatch my quilt. She didn't look like an adult at all..."

Seeing that Tachibana Chizuru was still chattering, Uehara Takuya couldn't help it anymore: "Stop."

The other party stared at him quickly.

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