"Don't look at me. If you have something to say, just tell me." Uehara Takuya looked helpless.

Tachibana Chizuru was silent for two seconds and said softly: "I'm just a little nervous."

Uehara Takuya suddenly understood: "The reason why you say so many irrelevant words is to relieve the tension in your heart."

"Yes." She admitted.

"I understand, then do you want to wait until after dinner?"

"No need, I'm emotionally stable now."

Tachibana Chizuru still used that indifferent tone.

Uehara Takuya's eyes were subtle.

He also knew that Chizuru Tachibana was a person with emotions, but he just couldn't express them.

But from just now to now, he really couldn't tell that the other party was nervous at all.

Under his gaze, Tachibana Chizuru suddenly avoided his sight, turned her head, and said in a low voice: "I seem to know how to change my personality."

"Really?" Uehara Takuya cheered up. She could solve the problem that Hiratsuka Shizuka and Yukino couldn't solve by herself?

Tachibana Chizuru hummed and became quiet again.

Uehara Takuya was very patient and guessed that she was struggling.

After about 20 seconds, Tachibana Chizuru's voice sounded again: "Do you still remember what happened in the health room last time? That's the one..."

Uehara Takuya was stunned: "Do you want to tell me..."

For the first time, two red clouds appeared on Tachibana Chizuru's fair face: "After you left that day, I felt shy in my heart."

Uehara Takuya quickly said: "This is just a normal emotional ups and downs. You don't need to make random conclusions because of this."

Tachibana Chizuru seemed not to hear, and said to herself: "I will also pay special attention to Xiaojing and me when they talk about your topic at night."

Uehara Takuya maintained his calmness: "This is also normal. After all, Yukino and I are the only ones in the whole school who are not afraid of you."

Tachibana Chizuru suddenly turned her head, and her beautiful eyes met his: "So, do you want to do an experiment now?"

"That's not necessary." Uehara Takuya simply refused.

Tachibana Chizuru nodded: "Then wait a minute and I'll show you the photo album."

Uehara Takuya was confused when he heard this: "What are you doing with the photo album?"

"You and Yukinoshita-san are thinking of ways to help me, so why don't you take a look at what I was like before, maybe you can think of a better way."

Tachibana Chizuru has already opened the drawer.

Uehara Taku didn't say anything, his eyes secretly glanced towards the door.

Because he heard breathing behind the door.

Occasionally, Kashiwazaki Sena's soft whispering voice can be heard.

"It's so annoying. I can't see what the two of them are doing at all..."

Listening to the girl's unhappy muttering, Uehara Takuya wanted to laugh.

He looked at the photos with Tachibana Chizuru for a while, and couldn't think of another way for the time being.

The other party must have been a little disappointed, but she just said, "Keep looking and tell me if you think of a solution", and then left the bedroom.

At the same time, there was a burst of panicked footsteps outside the door.

Uehara Takuya knew that Kashiwazaki Sena had escaped.

He glanced at the photo album that was still open on the table. Judging from the photos, Tachibana Chizuru had no expression since she was a child. Even when she was taking pictures, she still had that indifferent face.

Dispelling the thoughts in his mind, as soon as he arrived at the door, the door was pushed open, and Yukino's half-smiling eyes came into his sight.

"Where is Sena?" Uehara Takuya asked.

Yukino crossed her arms and smiled: "As soon as she heard the sound of Mr. Tachibana coming out, she ran away in a panic. Mr. Hiratsuka just happened to come back with some beer. In order to cover up her guilty conscience, she was pretending to chat with them. .”

"Then what's your purpose of coming here?"

"I'm curious about what Tachibana-sensei talked about with you." Yukino said her answer simply.

Uehara Takuya opened his mouth, but before he made a sound, he saw that the girl in front of him had a blushing face, and her eyes were filled with shyness or anger, and she whispered: "If you are willing to tell me, then I can give you a benefit."

"What's the benefit?" After talking about this, Uehara Takuya no longer felt sleepy.

Yukino raised her head proudly and shyly: "Although I didn't wear stockings today, you still like my legs, right?"

"Yes." Uehara Takuya admitted generously.

Yukino's cheeks were red, she bit her lip and lowered her voice: "After dinner later, I allow you to go home with me."

Chapter 131 This time it’s a cat

After Yukino finished speaking, she looked at Uehara Takuya shyly, but there was a surge of anticipation in her heart.

She loved seeing the look of eagerness on the other person's face.

Or that fascinated look.

Because this is an affirmation of your own charm.

Being recognized by someone close to her gave her a sense of vanity that was rarely seen in a girl.

However, what surprised Yukino was that Takuya Uehara looked very expectant a second ago, but now his expression calmed down: "Why does it sound like there is an exchange? It's like two people exchanging secrets with each other."

"Exchanging secrets is a normal thing, right?" Yukino deliberately prolonged her voice, "Are you planning to pretend to be serious this time?"

"I don't think it's good to exchange secrets, because it will cost everyone two secrets. As for what you said next, I can't say it is serious, but I don't like this way of exchange..."

Uehara Takuya paused and laughed again: "Besides, if you really want me to become the No. 18 technician again, can't I just do it myself?"

Yukino's eyes were filled with shame and anger: "Do you think I will let you succeed so easily?"

"Yes." Uehara Takuya nodded.

Yukino had no choice this time. She rolled her eyes at him and walked to the living room first.

Uehara Takuya glanced at the girl's light waist. If he hugged her from behind, it would definitely feel great.

The atmosphere of this dinner was naturally very good.

With Takuya Uehara and Shizuka Hiratsuka acting as the atmosphere team, no matter how low the temperature around Tachibana Chizuru is, there is no need to worry about the atmosphere being awkward.

Kashiwazaki Sena has no intention of being honest.

She smiled and gave Yukino a piece of meat: "Yukishita, you need to eat more. Eat in vain and fat, so that you can get married sooner."

Yukino smiled and helped her pour the juice: "I'm never in a hurry to get married, but on your wedding day, I will definitely invite all my acquaintances to attend."

"The acquaintances here will definitely not include Uehara." Kashiwazaki Sena made another move, implying that the groom was Uehara Takuya.

Yukino nodded: "You are right, because on that day, Uehara will definitely not be able to come due to other things, but I will give you his congratulatory message."

An invisible war, smoke filled the dining table.

Caught in the middle, Takuya Uehara tried his best to act as a peacemaker.

Tachibana Chizuru kept looking left and right, her eyes flashing rapidly, wondering what she was thinking.

Shizuka Hiratsuka held the wine glass and gloated and snickered.

Everything looks so harmonious.

After dinner, Uehara Takuya and the other three were ready to leave.

Since Kashiwazaki Sena's home is too far away, she can only call the housekeeper named Stella in advance and ask her to pick her up.

Although there was an undercurrent of fighting between her and Yukinoshita at the dinner table, now she specifically mentioned, "Yukonoshita, you will get into my car later, and I will see you off right away."

Xue Nai hummed lightly.

Seeing this scene, Hiratsuka Shizuka was amazed. She couldn't help but pull Uehara Takuya to the corner and asked: "Why did the two of them look like enemies just now, and now they have become friends?"

"They were friends to begin with." Takuya Uehara said expressionlessly, but Shizuka Hiratsuka's expression of just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously was still fresh in his memory.

Shizuka Hiratsuka waved her hand quickly: "I mean, do they usually have this weird way of getting along?"

You can be an enemy one second and a friend the next.

This pattern was so new to her.

"Probably because they have already regarded each other as friends." Uehara Takuya told the truth.

Needless to say, Kashiwazaki Sena’s character. This girl who always wants to make friends will certainly not refuse new friends, especially Yukino, who is also a famous and popular beautiful girl in the school.

Although Yukino's temperament is a bit awkward, as long as she gets along with her for a long time, even if there are frictions and collisions in their lives, as long as it does not touch her bottom line, she will not specifically keep it in mind.

The car arrived soon.

Tachibana Chizuru specially washed the dishes early and came to the door together with Hiratsuka Shizu.

The car door opened, and the housekeeper whom Uehara Takuya remembered so deeply stepped out.

She was still wearing the familiar dark uniform, and the lipstick on her lips was a delicate color, dyeing her lips an attractive bright red.

The straight legs under the hip skirt were paired with a pair of dark gray stockings, revealing the plump thigh lines. The uniform on her upper body was a slim fit, pinching her slender waist tightly.

Hiratsuka Shizuka showed a look of surprise the moment she saw Stella.

She was not surprised by Stella's good looks and figure, but she felt that this kind of dress seemed to be in line with the "uniform temptation" Kawashima Ami had mentioned to herself.

[Should I wear it another day and give Yamei a review? 】

Hiratsuka Shizu became interested.

"We meet again, Uehara-san."

Stella took the lead in showing a smile to Takuya Uehara, and then greeted Shizuka Hiratsuka and the others.

"Excuse me." Kashiwazaki Sena happily sat in and waved to Yukino, "Why are you still dawdling, you annoying Yukinoshita."

Yukino's expression remained unchanged, she turned around and said goodbye to Uehara Takuya and others before sitting in.

Uehara Takuya smiled at Stella: "Please send them home."

Unexpectedly, this charming housekeeper turned her head with a slight blush on her face: "Please don't look at me like this. What if I get pregnant?"

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