"What a cute little white cat~"

He hadn't gone far on the sidewalk when he was surrounded by several female high school students.

At first, these girls just watched with surprise.

When they saw Takuya Uehara stopped and sat on the ground obediently, they immediately let out a cry of joy.

Soon someone stretched out his hand.

Uehara Takuya glanced at the hand that fell on his neck. He could only say that this person was very courageous.

Generally, cats walking alone on the street will not be petted easily.

If you use it casually, you are likely to get a few scratches.

This is a negative teaching material.

After being pampered by several girls for a while, Uehara Takuya saw that they had no intention of giving snacks, so he simply stood up and meowed at them: "Stop touching her, that's it. It's not polite to touch her anymore."

Amidst the unhappy voices of the girls, Uehara Takuya turned around and saw the familiar figure in front of him.

Miura Yuko was standing in front of the vending machine with her friends, apparently ready to buy a drink.

There were quite a few people there, both men and women.Everyone else had smiles on their faces, but she rarely smiled, and there was always a lingering gloom between her eyebrows.

"Are you still angry about Yukino?"

Uehara Takuya guessed what the other party was thinking.

Immediately, a sharp "meow meow" sounded in my mind. I was alert, scared, and even more panicked.

This is not the first time Uehara Takuya has had this kind of experience, and now he has learned to ignore it.

Ignoring the panicked meow, he took a few steps forward and happened to see a girl next to Miura Yuiko drop her drink.

With an exclamation of "ah", Uehara Takuya ejected and came to the girl in the blink of an eye. He opened his mouth in an extremely handsome gesture and bit the fallen Coke.

Then he only felt the pain in his teeth. He quickly shook his head and threw the coke far away, while he was panting on the ground.

Several girls were stunned.

Miura Yuko showed a rare smile: "This cat is quite kind-hearted. It just wanted to help you catch the Coke."

"It's a pity that it's too cold." The girl squatted down happily and her voice was much softer: "I'm so sorry, Mr. Cat."

"Miura, do you like cats?" A fair boy with long hair next to him said with a smile, "I know cats very well and know how to get along with them."

"Really?" Miura Yuko didn't have much reaction.

She had been in a bad mood recently. Today, she was dragged out by a friend to go shopping, but the other party invited a few boys she was not familiar with. This made her less interested in the shopping she originally loved.

Especially the person speaking now has been chatting with her overtly and covertly since he met her.

As a popular beautiful girl in the same school, Miura Yuko naturally knows that her appearance and figure are outstanding.

But that doesn't mean she can be chatted up by others casually.

At least she was in a bad mood.

Seeing her indifferent reaction, the boy couldn't help coughing in embarrassment: "Then let me set an example for you now."

As he spoke, he squatted in front of Uehara Takuya and clapped his hands at the latter, trying to attract his attention.

Uehara Takuya's eyes were cold, and he looked like a cold little kitten.

This scene of the cat being completely uncooperative made several girls nearby snicker.

The long-haired boy was even more embarrassed, and he laughed: "It seems that this kitten is not very close, but it doesn't matter, I will make it like me."

After saying that, he stretched out his hand towards Uehara Takuya.

It's quite courageous.

Uehara Takuya thought so and easily turned away to avoid it.

Now the girl's snickering became louder and louder.

One person and one cat walked around in circles for a while, like playing a game of cat and mouse.

After nearly a minute of commotion, the long-haired boy became more and more irritable, his face turned white and red, and he no longer had the smile he had just now.


Miura Yuko calmly called to the other party.

When the long-haired boy turned his head, she did not hide the disgust in her voice: "Stop embarrassing me."

One person and one cat finally stopped.

Uehara Takuya looked at the blonde girl curiously, wondering why she looked so angry.

But the next moment, Miura Yuko gave the answer.

She stared coldly at the long-haired boy with an embarrassed expression: "I remember you are dating Haruna, right?"

A short-haired girl behind her blushed: "Yumiko, please stop talking nonsense..."

The long-haired boy knew that his performance was too poor, and he saw that his girlfriend was shy, so he simply smiled generously, trying to regain his impression points: "Yes, we are indeed dating."

Before the girl named Haruna could continue to be shy, Miura Yuko sneered: "If that's the case, then why did you sneak over and ask for my mobile phone number just now when I was buying snacks?"

As soon as these words came out, the entire scene fell silent.

Miura Yuko's eyes were cold: "I have seen many self-righteous boys like you in school. There are also people like you who feel good about themselves. They always think that they dress more fashionably and find opportunities to express themselves. He is humorous and talkative, and he can easily win over girls."

"I didn't..." The long-haired boy panicked.

Miura Yuko scolded unceremoniously: "What is the difference between a person like you and the bastard Uehara?"

Uehara Takuya, who was eating melon, slowly raised his head: "?"

Before he could make a sound, he was hugged by Yuko Miura who bent down.

"It's soft and quite comfortable." She also rubbed Takuya Uehara's belly boldly, "You did a good job just now. If you were touched by that bastard, you would be dirty."

"Hey, are you going too far?" The long-haired boy stepped forward with a gloomy expression.

Uehara Takuya raised his forelimbs towards him, showing off his sharp claws.

Threats are full of meaning.

The long-haired boy didn't dare to move.

Everyone, including Miura Yuko, was stunned for a moment.

"You're doing really well. Did Yuigahama say before that Yukinoshita..."

Miura Yuiko originally smiled and rubbed Takuya Hara's head, but midway through her words, her face darkened.

Then she looked up and said quickly to her companions, "I'll send it home first, and I won't play with you today."

After saying this, she left in a hurry without waiting for her companion to say anything.

Uehara Takuya was confused, what happened to this woman?

After walking far away, Miura Yuko sighed: "That guy Yuigahama told me that Yukinoshita seems to like cats very much... Damn it, I was really affected by that guy, and I actually saw a cat I can all think of that terrible woman.”

Uehara Takuya suddenly realized that he was meeting a cat and missing someone?

Miura Yuko put a free arm around him, took out her mobile phone, and dialed the number marked [Yami] under his gaze.

"Yami, how is the progress of your puppy that Roubao helped train? Oh, it's not ready yet... It doesn't matter, I'm not in a hurry now... Didn't you say last time that I'd better get along with the puppy in advance? Do you want to learn the experience of living with cute pets? I just have the opportunity today."

As she spoke, Miura Yuiko lowered her head and smiled at Takuya Uehara, still holding the phone in her left hand: "Yes, I picked up a kitten."

Uehara Takuya's face was expressionless, you picked up all the animals that couldn't outrun you, right?

I said, how could you take me away for no reason? Is your relationship just to gain experience in advance?

This feels very much like an expectant mother who is about to give birth to a child and learn parenting knowledge in advance.

After hanging up the phone, Miura Yuko put him down: "You should know the way home, right? As a reward for helping me threaten that boy just now, I will take you home."

Uehara Takuya made an embarrassing meow. How did he know where this cat's home was?

There were all kinds of smells floating in the street, and he wasn't sure whether the white cat had marked its territory.

If there is a mark, you can go back by following the smell.

However, the girl was still watching, so Uehara Takuya simply walked forward to see if he could smell a familiar scent along the way.

One person and one cat also encountered an episode on the road.

Takuya Uehara saw a brand new schoolbag in the flower bed. The kind-hearted Miura Yuko immediately decided to send the schoolbag back to others if the owner could be found.

After all, she was also a primary school student and knew very well how expensive this style of schoolbag was.

For ordinary families, this is another expense.

Uehara Takuya leaned over and sniffed carefully. The smell left on the schoolbag was very strong, and there happened to be a similar smell nearby.

The well-developed sense of smell from huskies and lions helped him find his spot smoothly.

It was just that Miura Yuko sent her schoolbag back, and through talking to her parents, she found out that the child lied about losing her schoolbag because she didn't want to go to school.

The enthusiastic behavior of Uehara Takuya and Miura Yuko caused the children who came to hear the news to be moved to tears under the angry reprimands of their parents. They cried with joy.

If nothing else, this child is shouting in his heart: RNM, stranger!

"I actually did a good deed by following you."

Miura Yuko's mood improved a lot. She even bought a bottle of mineral water and fed Takuya Uehara little by little with the bottle cap.

Takuya Uehara gave him a few licks to show his dignity.

"If you were a stray cat, I would definitely adopt you."

Miura Yuko's smile was gentle, and she didn't have the proud look at school at all.

While she put Uehara Takuya on her lap, leaning against the park bench casually, she said softly: "Unfortunately, you obviously have an owner. If I take you away without saying a word, it will be an act of stealing and is illegal. .”

Uehara Takuya meowed: Since stealing is illegal, but stealing from others is not illegal, does it mean that feelings are actually worthless?

Miura Yuko can't understand cats meowing, but this does not prevent her from communicating with each other: "Sometimes I envy cats and dogs. You don't have to go to school or work in your life, you just need to eat and drink. If you can find a A kind-hearted master will have a carefree life."

Uehara Takuya also objected to this. The workload of search and rescue dogs is very huge.

"Why is the boy I like such a jerk?" Miura Yuko began to sigh again.

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