Uehara Takuya stopped shouting.

He knew that the other party was scolding him.

"If he is willing to get rid of that Yukinoshita with a bad personality, I am still willing to accept him. No matter what he wants, I can give it to him."

Miura Yuko made a declaration that only a rich woman is qualified to say.

At this time, Uehara Takuya noticed movement on the basketball court behind him. Several children looked up at the basketball stand, and the basketball was stuck in the basket.

This situation often occurs on the court. Most people will choose to smash the basketball with their shoes. People with excellent physical fitness will also take the opportunity to show off their jumping skills and shoot the basketball down with their hands.

Those children obviously couldn't help it.

Uehara Takuya simply jumped out of Miura Yuko's arms and ran out quickly.

"Hey, what are you doing..."

The girl behind him quickly followed.

Immediately, Uehara Takuya climbed up to the basketball stand. Under the excited eyes of a group of children, he raised his hand and patted the basketball easily. The lion's power easily knocked the basketball down.

Team Meow has made great achievements.

"Wow, what an amazing cat~"

The children cheered happily, and Uehara Takuya landed safely. A familiar line seemed to ring in his mind: The public ethics competition officially begins today.

When he took the cat walk, he walked back handsomely with his head held high.

Miura Yuiko looked straight in the eyes: "Elegance, the cat walk is so elegant."

She is really tempted now.

She wanted to take the cat straight home.

This was the first time she had seen such a smart cat.

She could even give up the puppy that was still undergoing "special training" at Kawashima Ami's house.

When Uehara Takuya came closer, the girl hugged him excitedly and said, "You are almost as smart as the Yami family meatballs."

Uehara Takuya was very calm, I'm sorry, that husky is my vest.

Then Miura Yuiko thought of something again and said in surprise: "Speaking of which, there seem to be more and more smart animals in recent times? For example, the popular penguin in the Penguin Pavilion before, and the "" "Three Prairie Brothers".

She stared at the white cat in front of her with bright eyes: "Could it be that the novels I read on the Internet before are true and that the world is quietly recovering?"

Uehara Takuya almost laughed.

This misunderstanding is huge.

Just like the energetic prison guard yelling "Come on, you man!" and all the prisoners in the prison became nervous, there was a big misunderstanding.

Miura Yuko was excited and worried. She actually knew that her inference was ridiculous, but more and more real cases happened around her.

She had never seen the honey badger in the prairie with her own eyes, so she thought it was a script written by the show crew.

But the huskies of Kawashima Ami's family, the penguins of the Penguin House, and the dancing parrots of Kashiwazaki Sena's family...

"No, no, I really think too much. How could such ridiculous things in novels happen?"

Miura Yuko shook her head and smiled self-deprecatingly. It seemed that because of Yukinoshita Yukino's incident, she had made herself think wildly.

Chapter 133 Genius Mahjong Kitten

Miura Yuko thought wildly for a while and continued to wander around with Uehara Takuya.

Coincidentally, not long after one person and one cat left, a couple ran over with surprised expressions on their faces.

After a brief conversation with them, Miura Yuko learned that the cat was raised by the other party, and they also opened the photo album on their mobile phones and took out many photos to prove it.

"Thank you so much, little girl. My husband and I have been looking for [Inujiro] for more than an hour. We almost thought it had been stolen..."

After listening to Miura Yuko's retelling of what happened previously, the couple quickly bowed in gratitude.

"Wait a minute, this cat's name is... [Inujiro]?" The girl was more concerned about this.

Uehara Takuya also had a puzzled face.

The man smiled sheepishly: "Yes, because I particularly like Caucasian dogs, but I don't dare to raise such fierce dogs in the city for fear of making mistakes."

"So you specially raised a cat and named it a dog to fulfill your wish?" Miura Yuko's expression became even weirder.


The two parties chatted for a while, and Miura Yuiko refused the other party's reward.

But before she left, she exchanged contact information with the couple.

Because she really likes this smart little white cat and plans to come and see it when she has time in the future.

Uehara Takuya was quietly held in the arms of the man. Anyway, today's experience was almost over. Even if he was going to a stranger's house now, he had nothing to care about.

But when he actually came to the couple's bedroom, he was shocked on the spot.

Even though he was a cat now, he still opened his mouth slightly in surprise.

In front of him was a one-meter-high glass display case filled with familiar tokusatsu characters.

"Taro, Seven, that gentleman, and Kamen Rider Ryuki..."

Uehara Takuya looked excited.

There are two entire floors of glass display cabinets, all of which are filled.

"This is too much money to spend."

He sighed in his heart.

He once thought that one day he would have a glass display cabinet like this at home and fill it with all kinds of figurines he liked.

But later his parents took him to visit a friend's house. It happened that the male head of that family also liked to buy handicrafts. At that time, other people came to visit with their children.

Takuya Uehara saw with his own eyes that little kid kept begging the other person and successfully got a Strike Freedom Gundam figure.

Then he was damaged by that little brat...

He still remembers the way the male protagonist was shaking with anger.

As someone who also likes figurines, just seeing such a picture made his blood pressure rise unconsciously.

So he didn't dare to think too much about the hero's mood at that time.

Uehara Takuya stood in front of the display cabinet for a long time. After his eyes were satisfied, he turned around and came to the computer desk.

The male owner had just turned on the computer and played two games. Now he didn't know what to do. The interface on the screen was a mahjong game, and the words "You lose" were displayed right above it.

Below are the options of [Play Again] and [Return to the Hall].

He knew that Mahjong was very popular here, and some manufacturers had produced many restricted Mahjong games.

He also played a mahjong game called "Sparrow Soul" before.

Uehara Takuya meowed several times outside the house, but the sound of TV programs and the hostess's uninhibited laughter came from the living room.

I must have seen a fun variety show.

Seeing that no one had come in for a long time, he jumped on the seat, used his cat's paw to control the mouse unskilledly, and clicked [Play Again].

There is a famous saying on the Internet: You never know whether the person playing games with you is a human or a dog.

Obviously this sentence is wrong.

Because it’s the cats who are playing the game now.

Mahjong is very technical, and experienced players will even count and record cards, but luck is also a very important part.

Uehara Takuya had a good luck today, winning five games in a row, so he decisively gave up on the good news.

There happened to be footsteps behind him, and when he turned around, he saw the male host standing behind the chair in shock.

"I've been playing mahjong too much lately, am I hallucinating?"

The other party was stunned for a while, rubbed his eyes vigorously, and made sure that his balance of game coins was nearly doubled. Then he turned around and shouted to his wife in the living room: "Keiko, you should know that I never lie, right?" "

"So?" came the hostess's lazily voice from the living room.

"Our [Inujiro] can play mahjong. He seems to have better mahjong skills than me!"


When he arrived at school the next day, Uehara Takuya noticed that the blond girl in the class had been absent-minded.

Even after class was over, the other party was still distracted. Even when Ami Kawashima talked to her, it took her a few seconds to react.

"You didn't sleep well last night?" Kawashima Ami looked puzzled.

"I'm fine." Miura Yuiko smiled, looking dazed.

She really didn't sleep well.

It wasn't because of nightmares or anything like that, but because after she got home last night, she looked up the topic of [Spiritual Energy Recovery] on the Internet on a whim.

Originally, she only posted a post in the forum out of boredom.

Unexpectedly, the response from netizens was very enthusiastic. All kinds of theories and speculations were put forward by those netizens who had nothing to do, and Yumi Miura was stunned.

Of course, if there are too many people discussing it, things will go awry.

When Miura Yuko turned to the back floor last night, she found that everyone was already discussing the topic of whether humans can awaken superpowers.

"How can there be superpowers in this world..."

She scoffed at this.

However, after reading the post for so long, she couldn't sleep well, and her mind kept repeating all kinds of random speculations from netizens.

She looked like this when she woke up in the morning.

At this time, she noticed Uehara Takuya's gaze not far away, and she felt instinctively happy. Then she stood up and came to him with a straight face: "Asshole Uehara, why are you staring at me?"

When she spoke, she hugged her chest and looked arrogantly.

Whenever she puts on this look in front of other students, it always arouses the fear of her in those timid students.

Of course Uehara Takuya would not be in awe, and smiled casually: "I saw you were in a daze just now. This is completely opposite to your usual image, so I was a little curious."

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