"So, you are paying attention to me now?" Miura Yuko still had a straight face.

"I still check it out occasionally."

"Oh? Aren't you going to see your Yukinoshita?" The jealousy in her tone almost overflowed.

Uehara Takuya glanced around. The classmates were all chatting about their own things. Miura Yuko lowered her voice specially, so of course no one would pay attention here.

However, some of the love-minded girls in the class still couldn't help but take a peek.

Miura Yuko obviously realized that she had said the wrong thing, her cheeks were slightly red, and she snorted: "Do you know why I called you a bastard?"

"Why?" Uehara Takuya cooperated.

The girl's bright eyes stared at him: "Let me ask you another question first. What should you do if the magpie bridge breaks on Qixi Festival?"


Uehara Takuya is a little confused. Are these two things related?

However, looking at Miura Yuko's cold face, he still answered tentatively: "Then use the Naihe Bridge to make up for it?"

The girl laughed loudly: "Look, this is why I called you a bastard!"

"I didn't understand it at all, okay..." Uehara Takuya couldn't help complaining.

"It means that your unusual way of thinking can easily make me think of someone who makes me very unhappy!" Miura Yuiko came closer and her voice became much softer, "The most important thing is, I don't I like the rumors in the school."

Uehara Takuya nodded: "Who are you thinking of? Yukino?"

Hearing him call Yukinoshita Yukino's name directly, the sourness in Miura Yuko's eyes became more obvious: "No, it's Kashiwazaki Sena."

"Wait a minute, don't you and Sena have a good relationship?"

"It's good, but not great."

Miura Yuko said something that he couldn't understand.

In fact, it was because Kashiwazaki Sena rejected her proposal to join forces to deal with Yukino.

After what happened in the health room that day, she took the initiative to find Kashiwazaki Sena and expressed that she wanted to cooperate with him.

What she didn't expect was that Kashiwazaki Sena laughed proudly at that time: "You are just a Yukinoshita, why do I need to join forces with you? I can suffocate you two to death with just my breasts."

At that time, Miura Yuko almost made her nose crooked with anger...

Chapter 134 If you are threatened by Sena, then blink

Miura Yuko was obviously very depressed. She kept talking to Uehara Takuya about class before reluctantly leaving.

During this period, Uehara Takuya was basically in the audience. Occasionally, he would speak when he was needed to speak.

After she expressed her inner annoyance, Miura Yuko's complexion improved a lot, but she probably couldn't avoid the title of "bastard Uehara".

"Now I have obtained the titles of bastard and pervert... Oh, there are also some weird titles from Haruno."

Takuya Uehara held his chin, thinking that after he graduates from high school, he may get more nicknames than he can count in his life, right?

After eating lunch at lunch and having nothing to do, he just returned to the classroom when he saw a few boys gathering next to his seat, and it looked like they were chatting.

But the male student at the end was crying and probably in a bad mood.

As soon as Uehara Takuya passed by, someone immediately waved to him: "Hey, Uehara, how do you feel about dating Yukinoshita?"

"Are you talking about this?"

"No, we are talking about Naito." The person who spoke pointed at the depressed male student next to him, "He made a mistake yesterday and will be punished by cleaning the swimming pool alone today."

"Yeah, he's so stupid that he actually danced electronic music in front of the staff office... He's the one who's been very popular on the Internet recently, but the teacher saw him."

Others were also cheerful.

Uehara Takuya nodded: "Actually, this is not considered a punishment. If there are people from other classes who happen to be taking swimming lessons, then he can admire the beautiful girls in swimsuits alone."


Everyone's expressions changed suddenly.

The previously depressed boy was stunned for a moment, and then became excited: "Yeah, why didn't I think of this? I suddenly felt that the punishment the teacher gave me was too good... No! I should be grateful to the teacher."

Others quickly spoke up: "Naito, we are good friends, right? Since you are in trouble, we have to help. Count me in cleaning the swimming pool."

"Don't even think about it!" The boy left happily.

Everyone sighed: "Uehara, why didn't you say this earlier? If you had said it earlier, we could have joined him earlier."

Uehara Takuya said calmly: "Are you stupid? Are there any swimming lessons recently?"

Everyone was stunned again: "Then you just..."

"I saw that his face looked so bad, and out of concern for my classmates, I just wanted to say something to make him happy, that's all." Uehara Takuya said matter-of-factly.

Several male classmates looked at me, and I looked at you, and finally burst into rude laughter.

"Ah, Uehara, this guy is so bad, but I like you very much."

Uehara Takuya said calmly: "You actually said this unacceptable androsterone statement so easily. Homo is really everywhere."


One second, these people were frustrated because they couldn't join the swimming pool cleaning team, and the next second, they filled the surroundings with a happy atmosphere.

It can only be said that human emotions are indeed very rich.

Uehara Takuya silently lamented that when he controlled animals, it was rare for him to see such many changes in emotions.

Several male classmates around him still wanted to chat and laugh with him, but with the arrival of Kashiwazaki Sena, the smiles on their faces froze again.

When Uehara Takuya was called away by the blond girl, a group of people looked at each other and sighed in unison.

"You are right, Uehara is indeed very bad. Even the charming Sena-sama was kidnapped by him."

"Not only that, there's Yukinoshita too!"

"I remember Miura also had a high opinion of him."

"And those girls who failed to express their love."

In the end, everyone concluded with resentment: Uehara is a bastard!

Naturally, Uehara Takuya didn't know these things. He followed Kashiwazaki Sena for a long distance. He didn't stop until he saw a familiar person and the girl next to him.

"Mr. Chairman?"

Looking at Kashiwazaki Tenma in front of him, he unconsciously showed a surprised look.

Kashiwazaki Sena chuckled and stood next to her father swaggeringly.

But Kashiwazaki Tenma looked calm: "Takuya, why don't you, kid, come to our house as a guest recently?"

Uehara Takuya was confused when he heard this, but he still answered: "I've been doing other things recently, and the chairman really wants me to be a guest?"

Kashiwazaki Tenma stared at him without saying a word.

On the contrary, Kashiwazaki Sena coughed quickly and kept glancing at the other person's face.

So under Uehara Takuya's astonished gaze, Kashiwazaki Tenma continued to use a tone similar to reading a manuscript: "Since the last time we said goodbye, your kendo theory has left a deep impression on me, so much so that I often think of you these days. .”

Uehara Takuya was silent for a while, then sighed: "If you are threatened by Sena, just blink."

Kashiwazaki Tenma was stunned and blinked hard.

This picture is very joyful.

"How could I threaten dad? Uehara, please don't slander me." Kashiwazaki Sena blushed and yelled with a guilty conscience.

Seeing the two people's reactions, Uehara Takuya was even more sure that he had guessed correctly.

This maniac who loves girls obviously couldn't stand Kashiwazaki Sena's pleas, so he came to see him.

At this time, Kashiwazaki Tenma spoke up again: "Actually, I received an invitation to a dance recently. I was originally going to bring Sena to the party, but she insisted on letting me bring you there too."

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!" Kashiwazaki Sena hurriedly said three times.

Uehara Takuya was startled and hesitated: "I have never participated in a dance before. I am not good at dancing at all."

"It doesn't matter, Sena didn't go there just for dancing anyway." Kashiwazaki Tenma directly revealed his daughter's thoughts.

Kashiwazaki Hoshina lowered his head in shame, his eyes flashing with anticipation.

Uehara Takuya agreed: "When does the dance start?"

"I can have the dress delivered to you tomorrow night. Don't worry about these things." Kashiwazaki Tenma said.

"Then trouble you."

As Uehara Takuya left, Kashiwazaki Sena raised his head curiously and asked, "Dad, I remember my plan, you don't have to say so much, right? And I originally wanted to tell him about the dance myself."

Kashiwazaki Tenma glanced at her expressionlessly: "I extend an invitation to him as an elder, and he will not refuse. Do you understand?"

Kashiwazaki Sena was still confused.

The old father was too lazy to read any more.

He was so worried about his daughter.

I remember when my precious daughter couldn’t make friends at school and couldn’t even use a mobile phone.

But one day she came to him and asked him to buy a mobile phone, and specifically asked Stella to teach her how to use it.

At first he thought his daughter was interested in mobile phones.

Later he learned that the reason why his daughter needed a mobile phone was purely to find a boy to ask for her contact information.

"I also realized it later."

Kashiwazaki Tenma watched his daughter walk away and smiled helplessly.

After school, everyone, including Miura Yuko, gathered in the service department.

This was what Kashiwazaki Sena suggested.

"So, why did you two outsiders come here again?"

Yukino's eyes glanced over Takuya Uehara and Yuko Miura, classifying them very accurately.

"If Sena hadn't asked me to come here, do you think I would be willing to see you?" Miura Yuko snorted.

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