At least on the surface it looks like everyone can get along with each other.

"Teacher Hiratsuka, do you want to go swimming with us on the weekend?" Kashiwazaki Sena invited the two teachers, "And Mr. Tachibana, if you are willing, please come with us."

"I won't go." Hiratsuka smiled, she didn't want to disturb the children's party.

"I want to go." Tachibana Chizuru gave the opposite answer.

Hiratsuka Shizu was not surprised: "It's okay to follow Tachibana. If she's here, if you accidentally get hurt somewhere, she can help you deal with it in time."

Everyone has no opinion.

Tachibana Chizuru looked at Uehara Takuya at this time: "Actually, Uehara is very good at dealing with simple wounds."

"No, I only know some basic common sense." Uehara Takuya told the truth.

Although he didn't quite understand why the other party suddenly involved him, it was best to be cautious.

The conversation between the two was ordinary, but Miura Yuiko secretly blushed.

Because she knew that the core of the conversation between the two was what she had done last time.

【This is all Yukinoshita's fault! 】

She thought angrily.

If Yukino hadn't taken the initiative to start the rumor in school, then she wouldn't have caused trouble.

After the girls discussed it, they went to the mall to choose swimsuits.

Naturally, Kashiwazaki Sena had already prepared it, otherwise she would not have secretly told Takuya Uehara that she had bought a very sexy swimsuit.

But this is her secret and cannot be revealed.

Tachibana Chizuru didn't follow her. The reason she gave was that her face could easily scare others, so she didn't want to cause trouble to everyone.

Even though Uehara Takuya and the others didn't care, the female teacher still left simply.

"I didn't expect Teacher Tachibana to be such a gentle person. I originally thought she was a particularly scary teacher like the rumors in the school."

Yuigahama Yui is the most emotional girl in the team.

Today, she met the legendary Tachibana Chizuru up close, and Yukino and Uehara Takuya briefly mentioned each other's affairs. She then realized that those rumors were all false.

"Tachibana-sensei is a very good person." Miura Yuko said seriously.

It was obvious that she was the one who caused the trouble that day, but Tachibana Chizuru was not angry. Her first reaction after knowing the truth was to check her wounds.

This alone was enough to increase her favorable impression of this cold-faced teacher.

"So, rumors are very scary things, especially the rumors in school. Most of them are false." Kawashima Ami said with a smile, and looked at Uehara Takuya and Yukino specifically.

Uehara Takuya's expression remained unchanged: "This sentence is indeed the truth. For example, they heard that Yukino can kill a cow with one punch, which is wrong."

Yukino was almost choked when she was about to fight back at Kawashima Ami.

She glanced angrily at Takuya Uehara who was talking nonsense, wasn't this rumor all caused by you?

That incident also brought many changes to her life.

What makes her happier is that she has finally become popular.

The feeling was just as she expected, and it was indeed good.


Xueno suddenly thought of something very important.

She quietly pulled up Takuya Hara's sleeves and signaled him to slow down.

Uehara Takuya followed the instructions in confusion.

Until she was nearly two meters away from the team, Yukino asked in a low voice: "Have you used that super power recently?"

It turns out that this is what I care about.

Uehara Takuya laughed dumbly: "Yes."

"Then what animal are you controlling this time?"

Yukino didn't ask [person] because she knew that this guy she once called a netizen preferred to control animals to cause trouble everywhere.

There was a hint of other meaning in Uehara Takuya's tone: "Cat."


Yukino, who rarely lost her composure, suddenly widened her eyes.

There was obvious excitement in her eyes.

Uehara Takuya suppressed his laughter and nodded: "Yes, it's the cat."

Yukino's eyes flickered as she followed Kashiwazaki Sena and the others, suppressing her inner excitement.

Takuya Uehara saw her thoughts and said deliberately: "And it's a white cat. Its owners are a very young couple. They take good care of it. The coat is very bright. Especially those eyes, tsk tsk, It’s so beautiful, as clear as a yellow gem…”

Yukino bit her lip, her eyes filled with shame and anger.

This bastard did it on purpose!

Just as Uehara Takuya was about to continue, Yukino finally couldn't help it anymore and glared at him and said, "You know that I like cats, but you went so far as to say so much to seduce me. Isn't it too much?"

"No, I'm just describing the cuteness of that cat to you."


"Then I want to ask you, do you want to pet that cat?"

"Your fox tail is indeed exposed!"

Yukino mocked slightly, turned her head, and her little ears turned red.

After just a few steps, she sent a look to Uehara Takuya via courier.

[Why don’t you quickly turn into a cat and come to me! 】

That's what she meant.

Uehara Taku couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud.

His laughter attracted the attention of several girls in front of him.

Kashiwazaki Sena took the lead and trotted over, snorting at Yukino: "As long as I wasn't paying attention, you actually secretly talked to Uehara."

Yukino said calmly: "I have to correct you, I am not sneaking around, I just have some personal matters that I want to talk to him about."

"That's sneaking around." Kashiwazaki Sena made a decisive conclusion.

Yukino crossed her arms: "Teacher Hiratsuka said before that we got along well, but she obviously misunderstood."

"Of course, you are no match for me." Kashiwazaki Sena imitated the opponent's posture and raised her arms, but her movement was higher and turned into a chest hug.

Xueno's eyelids twitched. How could she not know the other person's little thoughts?

But she knew that if she got angry at this time or followed the other person's little moves, she would only be at a disadvantage.

So she changed the topic calmly: "Uehara just said that he had something to go back to temporarily and would not go shopping with us."


Unexpectedly, instead of being disappointed, Kashiwazaki Hoshina looked surprised.

Seeing this scene, Yukino was confused: "Aren't you disappointed?"

"I should be the one asking you this, right?" Kashiwazaki Sena pulled Uehara Takuya's sleeve with one hand and hummed: "We haven't even arrived at the mall yet, and you are sneaking around here. If we get to the mall, Aren’t you going to take advantage of the opportunity to do something wrong?”

Yukino's face turned cold. I'm so stupid. I should have thought of it a long time ago. There is no way this idiot can say anything good.

Kashiwazaki Sena even urged this time: "Uehara, please go back quickly. Choosing swimsuits is our girls' business, so don't get involved. I'll come back to you tomorrow."

When she mentioned the word [tomorrow], she deliberately emphasized her tone.

She was hinting at the ball.

Uehara Takuya smiled, said hello to the others, and left.

Yukino instinctively took out her phone, wanting to chat with him and send some cute panda emoticons.

As a result, Kashiwazaki Sena followed her and deliberately raised her voice: "Don't play with your mobile phone all the time. Mobile phones have radiation and will make your skin as wrinkled as an old man's."

Yukino silently retracted the hand that had reached into his pocket, with cold eyes: "When will you stop being so childish?"

"Idiot Yukinoshita, you are so naive." Kashiwazaki Sena raised her head and raised her chest, proving that she was very mature with her figure.

Yukino looked away and sneered: "Every action you make now is a sign of childishness."

"That's your problem." Miura Yuko suddenly came over and said with a smile: "Sena is called childlike, but you always subjectively think that others are childish and stupid as long as they are different from you."

Yukino's lips raised: "Oh? Are you planning to join forces?"

Miura Yuko did not rush to answer because Kashiwazaki Sena had already rejected her proposal to join forces once.

So she chose to use her eyes to signal to the girl who also had blond hair.

However, Kashiwazaki Sena didn't look at her at all, and said to herself: "Little vixen, I don't have the same experience as you."

Yukino frowned when she heard this: "Who are you talking about?"

Kashiwazaki Sena said confidently: "Of course it's you, you idiot Yukinoshita. I don't like girls like you who look quiet but are actually very sultry on the inside."


Yukino felt her blood pressure rising.

Before every confrontation with Kashiwazaki Sena, she always thought that she was well prepared.

But after actually confronting the opponent, she would be surprised to find that this idiot would always have some random adjectives coming out of his mouth.

It sounds logically confusing, but in terms of lethality, it is very high.

Miura Yuko also frowned, because she felt that Kashiwazaki Sena's eyes included her.

But she didn't dare to ask rashly now.

She was about to ride on Yukino's head.

It would be too embarrassing if the other person was really talking about himself if he asked.

"They are quarreling again." Yuigahama Yui, who was walking in front, had despair on her face. "When can they really live in harmony?"

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