Kawashima Ami laughed: "Obviously, your wish is destined to fail. There is no peace between them."

Yuigahama Yui sighed: "Oh, it would be great if they were like you, Ami."

Kawashima Ami's smile froze slightly, her eyes dropped, and she whispered softly: "What's so good about being like me? I'm always missing out, and I'm always stubborn and refuses to look back. In the end, I have nothing."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, we're almost at the mall. Have you decided what kind of swimsuit you want to pick?"

Kawashima Ami chuckled and changed the subject.

But when she looked back at Yukino and the other three, her eyes became complicated.

A group of young and beautiful girls are choosing swimsuits in the mall. This is indeed a very nice sight.

It's not that no one comes to strike up a conversation, but Kawashima Ami has a high emotional intelligence in this regard. The chance of a shameless and unreasonable strike-up person in movies and TV dramas is too low, so she can always cleverly make the strike-up person retreat when they are faced with difficulties.

"Yukishita, why have you been absent-minded since just now?" Kashiwazaki Sena held a light blue bikini and walked to Yukino curiously.

Yukino glanced at the size that she couldn't control, and said calmly: "I'm thinking about something."

"What are you thinking about? Do you also want to keep a pet?" Kashiwazaki Sena asked.

Yukino was slightly shocked when she heard this.

She was naturally thinking about the cat controlled by Uehara Takuya. In a sense, she was really guessed right.

However, she maintained her composure and asked, "Why do you ask this suddenly?"

Kashiwazaki Sena pointed at her face and smiled brightly: "Because now, whether it's me, Ami, or Yuigahama, everyone has a pet, and even Yumeko is planning to get a dog, but you are the only one who still has one." No pets.”

"Is this the original idea? That's really a pity. I don't plan to keep pets..."

Before Yukino finished speaking, her voice suddenly paused.

Her eyes immediately became bright.

The cat she had been waiting for arrived.

Not far ahead, there was a white cat walking towards him.

With yellow eyes and well-cared-for fur, it was obvious that this was the cat she was waiting for.

Just as Yukino was about to step forward to greet him, a surprised voice sounded beside him: "Huh? Isn't this Inujiro? Why is it here?"

Yukino turned her head in surprise and saw Miura Yuko happily trotting over and holding the cat controlled by Uehara Takuya in her arms.

"What, it's just a kitten, Yuko, why are you so excited?" Kashiwazaki Sena came to the side and looked at it.

Miura Yuko smiled slightly: "Inujiro is not an ordinary cat. He is a cat with an extremely sense of justice. Let me tell you this..."

She didn't hide anything and told her experience with the white cat.

Including Takuya Uehara helping a naughty kid find his lost schoolbag, and helping a group of children get a basketball stuck in the basketball hoop.

After hearing these words, Kashiwazaki Sena was stunned for a moment: "Listening to what you said, I also think it is very cute."

"Really? I originally wanted to adopt it, but it's a pity that it already has an owner." Miura Yuiko rubbed her head smoothly and it felt great.

Kawashima Ami also walked out of the store at this moment and asked curiously: "Is this the cat you mentioned to me on the phone? It's quite good-looking."

The three girls kept commenting on the appearance of the white cat. They touched it a few times and were surprised to find that the cat's belly was soft and very comfortable to touch.

For a while, the three of them couldn't stop.

Yukino stood there blankly.

What about petting the cat for me?

Where is my cat?

"Xiaoxue, why do you look so ugly?"

Yuigahama Yui was the last one to come out. She originally wanted to ask Yukino if she had chosen a nice swimsuit, but as soon as she got closer, she saw the other person's face was so gloomy and scary that she was startled.

"I just thought of some not-so-good things."

Yukino clenched her fists, her eyes aimed at Uehara Takuya like sharp arrows.

She was asking with her eyes: Are you, a cat, teasing Yumiko outside behind my back?

Uehara Takuya: You may not believe it, but it was Miura who masturbated me first.

Chapter 136 Yukino is destined to become the fastest rabbit!

Uehara Takuya underestimated Miura Yuko's love for this little white cat.

Perhaps it was because of the "Meow Meow Team's great achievements" that this girl developed a strong interest in the little white cat.

Now he was held firmly in the arms of the other party. Through the thin clothes, the girl's fragrant and soft body was shrouded all around. On the left and right were the hands of Kashiwazaki Sena and Kawashima Ami who occasionally stretched out their hands. This simply made him feel uncomfortable. Hard to escape.

Yukino stared at her with cold eyes for a while, then she suddenly said: "Aren't you here to pick out swimsuits? Why are you all running to tease the cats now?"

"You're right, I almost forgot about the real thing." Kashiwazaki Sena nodded. She only loves cats and is not obsessed with them.

After casually touching the little white cat's soft belly a few times, she continued into the store to choose a swimsuit.

Kawashima Ami was not in a hurry, and smiled pointedly at Yukino: "Sena's appearance and figure will definitely be more charming if she wears a beautiful swimsuit."

Yukino stared at the other party expressionlessly.

Kawashima Ami raised her hand and stepped back, the smile on her face unchanged: "Don't look at me like that, I have no other meaning, I just think Sena's talent is too good."

"What exactly do you mean by [talent]?" Yukino had already understood the other party's subtext.

"It's nothing, it's just what it means literally." Kawashima Ami sighed with an envious tone, "It's not like I haven't seen mixed-race people like Sena before. But many mixed-race people I see, their skin can only be seen from a distance. You can’t look close, otherwise you’ll be frightened by the typical rough skin of Westerners, and most Westerners have freckles and dense body hair.”

Yukino nodded in agreement this time: "Kashiwazaki-san does not have these problems."

"Yeah, that's why I envy her." Kawashima Ami chuckled and said nothing more.

At this time, Miura Yuko came over with Uehara Takuya in her arms and raised her eyebrows at Yukino: "You want to touch it, right?"

Yukino narrowed his eyes: "It sounds like you know something?"

Miura Yuko laughed miserably: "Yukishita, don't underestimate my popularity in school. When I want to inquire about someone in school, it's not difficult for me at all."

"Is it?"

Yukino responded lightly.

The other person obviously already knows that he likes cats.

"But seeing that you look so envious, I'm still willing to give you a chance to compete fairly. After all, I don't like to plan in other places like you."

Miura Yuiko mocked, lifted Uehara Takuya and handed him between the two of them.

Yukino looked at the innocent expression of the little white cat, and the girl's heart still beat wildly: "What do you mean?"

"Let him choose! Inujiro is very smart and very cute. Seeing how you want to hold him so much, let him choose and see who among us is better." Miura Yuko smiled confidently.

She is confident for a reason.

After all, she felt that she and the little white cat were already familiar with each other. One person and one cat also did two "public welfare" things.

Both myself and the cat are the frontrunners in the ethics competition!

Miura Yuko is full of confidence.

Yukino saw the other party smiling so happily, so she smiled too: "I agree."

She's not smiling because she's confident too.

But she understood Uehara Takuya's temperament.

Every time when everyone quarreled, the other party and Yuigahama Yui would act as peacemakers.

Then it will be the same this time.

[So it turns out that the reason why Xiaoxue was so angry just now was because she didn’t have the chance to hold the cat? 】

Yuigahama Yui was stunned.

She was hesitating about how to speak in order to stop the war between the two girls who had a good relationship with her.

Unexpectedly, she suddenly felt a weight in her arms, raised her hands instinctively, and saw the little white cat jumping into her arms.

Uehara Takuya meowed softly, changed into a comfortable position, and lay on her hand.

"Sure enough."

Yukino smiled at Yuko Miura who looked in disbelief: "It seems that none of us are winners, but your expression seems disappointed?"

"I won't be disappointed, you didn't win anyway!"

Miura Yuiko quickly adjusted her mood, snorted, and walked away with her neck held high like a proud swan.

However, when Yukino saw her, she felt that she was not a swan at all.

Instead, it’s a big goose that likes to chase people...

"Hey, that...Xiaoxue?"

Yuigahama Yui was a little at a loss. She never thought that one day she would have a cat take the initiative to hug her.

Yukino smiled and said: "It seems to like you very much, so you can hold it."

After saying that, she added in her mind: Yuigahama is safe.

Uehara Takuya took advantage of the situation and meowed at the cute Yuigahama Yui: This cat is so proactive, why don't you touch me?

"It's so cute..."

When the girl Tuanzi saw the soft and cute look of the little white cat, she almost lost her eyes when she smiled.

Yukino didn't walk around this time, nor was she alone in a daze like before.

She has been following Yuigahama Yui, saying "its ears are very interesting" in an evaluation tone from time to time, and then touching it a few times.

As she touched it, her eyes became intoxicated.

Yuigahama Yui and Uehara Takuya watched silently. They maintained a good tacit understanding and did not expose it out loud.

The two of them were carrying their swimsuits leisurely, and a heartfelt smile gradually appeared on Yukino's face, but she did not take the initiative to snatch the cat away.

Yuigahama Yui also paid attention to the swimsuit. After all, she was still a young girl, and it was the time when she liked beautiful things.

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