Cute and sexy swimsuits came into view, and her eyes were dazzled by them.

"Xiaoxue, which style do you like?" She also enthusiastically helped Yukino choose a swimsuit.

Yukino's eyes passed over the oversized swimsuits indifferently without making a sound.

Uehara Takuya turned his head considerately and meowed at the clothes rack on the other side. The swimsuits there were all in sizes suitable for girls with slim figures.

Yukino's cheeks were slightly red and she gave him a death stare.

Yuigahama Yui obviously understood Yukino's embarrassment, and waved her hands with a smile: "Xiaoyuki, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to make fun of you."

"I know." Xueno nodded, she still trusted the other person's character.

Yuigahama Yui breathed a sigh of relief: "I just want you to see if there is a style you like. The size is a small issue. We can ask the store staff to help us get the one that suits us better."

"You're right." Yukino's eyes stayed on a sky blue swimsuit.

The style is conservative, but beautiful.

If you put it on yourself, it will only reveal your slender white waist and the plump thigh curves that a certain bastard has always liked.

My legs have always been white and long. Whether in the sun or under the light source at night, they look round and shiny like white jade.

"Yukishita, come here quickly!"

At this time, the curtain of the locker room was opened, and Yuko Miura waved vigorously at Yukino.

Yukino frowned: "Is something wrong?"

Uehara Takuya also stared back. He always felt that the eyes of the blond girl in front of him had evil intentions.

Miura Yuko couldn't resist Yukino's gaze, so she moved away a little guiltily: "Come here first, I have a big treasure to show you."

Yukino suddenly sneered: "The big treasure you are talking about, do you mean Kashiwazaki Sena who has changed into a swimsuit?"

Miura Yuko's expression changed and she panicked.

Uehara Takuya lowered his cat head helplessly. Miura Yuko's character is still not suitable for lying. Basically, a discerning person can figure out the other person's thoughts by looking at her for a few seconds.

Besides, both the other party and Kashiwazaki Sena are here, and the latter has a trouble-making temperament.

Once these two people join forces, it would be strange if they don't do something small.

"If you want the swimsuit version of Kashiwazaki Sena to hit me, then you are too stupid."

As Yukino spoke, she reached out her hand naturally and took Uehara Takuya into her arms.

Yuigahama Yui blinked in surprise, you just keep talking, why are you robbing a cat?

Yukino looked calm as he walked forward and stopped in front of the locker room door: "Did you forget one thing? Kashiwazaki-san has a very good figure, but you are so ignorant to watch her change clothes, you Aren’t you just humiliating yourself?”

Miura Yuko was stunned, and her delicate little face fell.

She really wanted to use Kashiwazaki Sena to hit Yukino just now, just like the first time she saw the other person's exaggerated figure.

But she didn't expect Yukino to guess it in an instant.

"Speaking of which, if you like to be humiliated very much, you can follow Yuigahama to change into a swimsuit." Yukino smiled half-heartedly and gently stroked the cat with her right hand.

Miura Yuiko subconsciously glanced at the Dango girl with an equally proud figure, and there was even more gloom in her eyes.

Then she felt aggrieved again and said angrily: "You obviously have the worst figure, why can you still speak in a tone of lecturing others now?"

"Because my mind is clearer than yours, and my mentality is more stable than yours. While you were still surprised at how big Kashiwazaki-san is, I was already thinking about whether she would take advantage of her body to cause trouble." Yukino said calmly said.

Miura Yuko stood there blankly.

Even though she was the one who was being taught a lesson, she actually thought what Yukino said was reasonable...

As soon as Takuya Uehara saw her expression, he knew that she must have been deceived.

"You also think what I said is right, right?" Yukino looked down at him.

Uehara Takuya meowed in cooperation, you are really an old father farting like this - your father's anger is exposed.

After getting the cat, Yukino felt much better.

She wasn't in the mood to look at the swimsuits anymore, so she just carried the white cat to the rest area and sat down.

"What's going on between you and Miura?" Yukino's tone was clearly like questioning, but she raised the hands of Uehara Takuya's forelimbs with extremely gentle movements, bringing out the characteristics of a cat slave to the extreme.

Uehara Takuya opened his mouth in confusion, I am a cat now, you ask me?

Yukino was amused by his expression: "So cats can also make such human expressions?"

Uehara Takuya shook his head. In fact, he knew that even if he wanted to express his shock, it would be impossible.

Unless there is a small piece of black hair on the lower edge of the lip like the "Surprise Cat", then as long as the mouth is closed, it will look like a surprised face.

Of course, there are some even more outrageous looking cats.

You can find grandma cats, whiskered cats, and all sorts of other things on the Internet.

"I won't ask about Miura's matter, because I think you shouldn't flirt with her." Yukino smiled and touched his head.

Uehara Takuya raised his head in confusion.

Yukino could obviously guess what he was thinking, and smiled meaningfully: "Kashiwazaki Sena is better than Miura in terms of appearance and figure. The most important thing is that she also has beautiful blond hair."

So you think so highly of Sena?

Uehara Takuya was even more surprised.

Yukino flexed her fingers and gently pressed her knuckles against the cat's belly: "Do you think I can only say bad things about Kashiwazaki Sena? I'm not that superficial. It's not difficult to admit the excellence of others. What's really difficult is , how to correct your mentality..."

As she spoke, her voice became much softer: "It's a pity that I still haven't learned to completely correct my mentality."

There are very few people in this world who can do this.

Uehara Takuya stretched out his cat paw and put it on the back of her white hand to express comfort.

Yukino's eyes suddenly curved: "I found that after you control the cat, you are much more pleasing to the eye than you are in person. How about you use the image of a cat when you meet me in the future, then I won't be dissatisfied with you. Opinion."

Uehara Takuya picked up a small kitten with a face.

The smile on Yukino's face grew even more.

"Really, it's shameful to act cute on purpose, especially if you're still a boy."

Yukino said this, but the movements of her hands did not stop. She kept rubbing and rubbing the cat's belly, which made Uehara Takuya feel itchy.

"Why did you come here alone?"

Kashiwazaki Sena's voice sounded, and when Yukino turned around, she saw the blond girl walking over with a smile.

"Have you chosen your swimsuit?" Yukino stopped smiling.

"Yes, I chose two sets." Kashiwazaki Sena chuckled and looked very happy.

She was just here to show off and had no intention of purchasing.

But when I saw so many beautiful swimsuits, women's innate desire to buy beautiful clothes suddenly emerged.

This is just like when a boy sees a figurine he likes, or a character he likes in the game has a new skin. Even if the wallet owner shouts "Ya Zhudie", he will still end up with his wallet empty in the end.

"Yukishita, have you made your choice too?" Kashiwazaki Sena bent down and put her cute little face close to hers.

Yukino frowned secretly, then quickly relaxed it.

Because the two of them were very close now, Kashiwazaki Sena bent down, and her already proud figure was instantly displayed in Yukino's eyes.

Yukino moved to the side calmly and said quickly: "I can just choose one."

"How can a girl choose her swimsuit at will?" Kashiwazaki Sena expressed disbelief.

Because I don’t want to pick out a bathing suit with you.

Yukino didn't say these words, she simply grabbed Uehara Takuya's forelimb and raised it in front of her.

The white cat performed a military salute of a certain country perfectly.

"What are you doing?" Kashiwazaki Sena was a little surprised, but she still took advantage of the cat.

Except for people who don’t like cats, probably most people can’t refuse the soft and tactile body of a cat.

If it is the kind of honest cat that allows you to "suck" it as much as you want, it will be even more popular.

"It means you can pet the cat and try not to talk." Yukino was very honest.

Kashiwazaki Sena pouted: "You won't be proud for long. I will defeat you sooner or later, just like Alibaba defeated the Forty Thieves."

Uehara Takuya secretly complained that the reason Alibaba was able to defeat the Forty Thieves was entirely because Alibaba was a capitalist.

And capitalists are equal to vampires.

It's hard to lose.

As he was thinking this, Xueno suddenly laughed: "Alibaba is a vampire, that's why he can defeat the thief."

Uehara Takuya and Kashiwazaki Sena were stunned at the same time.

Yukino glanced at him lightly, with a clear smile in her eyes: "Are you surprised, Kashiwazaki-san? That's right, I forgot to tell you, I have been studying Chinese recently, and I found that there are a lot of interesting knowledge in Chinese. I guess I Even if you spend a lifetime studying it, you won’t be able to fully learn it.”

Her words were obviously meant for Uehara Takuya.

Kashiwazaki Sena had an indescribable look on her face, as if to say: Everyone is obviously studying hard in the same school, why are you secretly making up classes?

Yukino looked happy.

She also had a flash of inspiration just now, remembering the company she had recently learned about.

Then she thought that if Uehara Takuya could speak now, he would definitely answer with this kind of strange thinking.

So she gave it a try.

The effect was much better than she expected.

"It seems like you didn't understand at all?" Xueno felt even more happy when she saw that the other party was shocked by her.

Kashiwazaki Sena snorted angrily: "Isn't it just Chinese? As long as I am willing to learn it, I will definitely be better than you!"

Yukino also specially reminded: "Then you may need to hire a Chinese teacher."

"You invited me too?"

"No, I'm self-taught."

"Then I have to teach myself!"

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