Kashiwazaki Sena answered without hesitation.

It’s just Yukinoshita. What she can do, why can’t I?

The girl is now full of fighting spirit.

"Then I'll wait and see."

Yukino generously gave Kashiwazaki Sena a smile.

She didn't mind competing with the opponent, since she had already started from the starting line early.

So even if she knew that Kashiwazaki Sena's learning ability was excellent, she was not worried at all.

The tortoise and the hare thing will never happen to her.

I, Yukinoshita Yukino, am destined to become the fastest rabbit!

Uehara Takuya looked around, and he saw burning flames in the eyes of the two girls.

What a strange competitive spirit.

This sentence that Yukino once gave him, he now just wants to give it to these two girls.

"By the way Yukinoshita, do you know what pervert Uehara usually does when he comes home?"

Kashiwazaki Sena sat next to Yukino. Her character is like this. Even if she was bickering with you just now, she can happily play with you the next second.

Yukino was obviously used to it and said calmly: "You said he is a pervert, so he will definitely do perverted things when he gets home."

Uehara Takuya, who was shot, couldn't help meowing and expressed his dissatisfaction.

Yukino smiled and rubbed the cat's head gently: "Stop barking. Uehara Takuya is a pervert and a bastard. This is a fact. Even if you are the cat I like, I will not allow you to complain on his behalf."

What's the matter with this gentleness and biting coolness?

Uehara Takuya opened his mouth wide. He felt that Yukino was becoming more and more like Haruno when she assumed an attacking posture.

Chapter 137

A group of girls each picked out their favorite swimsuits and decided to separate in front of the mall.

Kashiwazaki Sena lives a bit far away, so naturally she still needs Stella to pick her up.

As soon as this charming housekeeper got out of the car, she attracted the attention of many people.

Miura Yuiko somewhat admires the other person's temperament.

Yuigahama Yui was peeking at the gray stockings on Stella's legs, thinking that when she saw her the previous few times, the housekeeper seemed to be wearing stockings every time.

Are stockings that comfortable?

She was a little confused, but wanted to give it a try.

In any case, good stockings paired with a pair of good legs can indeed add a lot of attention.

The moment Yukino saw Stella, she silently raised her hand to cover Takuya Uehara's eyes.

Uehara Takuya said he wanted to laugh.

He is just a cat now, and it is impossible for him to have wild thoughts.

After all, he didn't want to be forced to end the experience by the system here.

If he left, the white cat might really get lost.

"How about I take you back too?" Stella showed a professional smile when Kashiwazaki Sena got in the car.

This kind of smile combined with her charming face makes it easy to impress people, but it's not too much.

"Is it really possible?" Kawashima Ami was the first to be moved.

She is a lazy girl. She can take a car back, but of course she is not willing to walk.

"No problem, just big enough to sit down." Stella nodded, and when she looked at Yuigahama Yui, her smile became more sincere, "And lovely sister Yuigahama, you can come up too."

"Hey, so cute..."

Yuigahama Yui blushed and secretly said, "Sorry to bother you," and got into the car with Kawashima Ami.

Then Stella’s eyes fell on the two remaining Yukinos.

Miura Yuiko waved her hand and said: "I don't need it, because I have to send Inujiro home."

"Inujiro?" Stella seemed to be interested, and her beautiful eyes fell on Uehara Takuya, "Is that the name of this cat? It's quite interesting."

"The first time I heard this name, I was just like you." Miura Yuko also laughed.

"I'll go with you." Yukino suddenly said.


Miura Yuko was obviously surprised. She looked at Yukino suspiciously: "Even if you like cats no matter how much you like Yukinoshita, you wouldn't go out of your way to send it home, right?"

"Then why did you do this?" Yukino was interested in this.

Miura Yuko said naturally: "Because I know the Kawasaki couple. Even though we have only met once, they have a very good impression of me. This time their Inujiro sneaked out again, and of course it was up to me. Send it home.”

"I see." Yukino silently remembered the couple's surnames and said with a smile, "Then let me come too. I happen to be very interested in this cat."

Miura Yuko cast a surprised look.

There was no guilt on Yukino's face, and she didn't lie either.

This cat is Uehara Takuya's new vest, and cats are her favorite animals.

"Then I'll leave first." Stella motioned to the two of them.

Just before closing the car door, she said with a smile: "It's a pity that you are too young, otherwise I would really want to ask you to have a drink with me."

"Miss Stella likes to drink?" Kawashima Ami took over the topic.

"No, just polite words."

Stella's answer was very direct, causing Ami Kawashima, a girl with high emotional intelligence, to choke.

But as the car started, she smiled again: "Of course, if you lovely children are willing to have a drink with me, I will still be very happy."

"There will definitely be a chance in the future." Kawashima Ami smiled and complained wildly in her heart about why this woman didn't look normal.

The two people and one cat on the other side were also on the road.

As Miura Yuko walked, she looked at Yukino strangely, and then quickly looked away.

Uehara Takuya could tell that she probably had something to say, but he didn't know why he held back.

Yukino also noticed: "Why do you keep peeking at me?"

Miura Yuko looked awkward: "I just feel weird, because I never thought that one day we would go home together."

Yukino adjusted the position of holding the cat: "To be precise, we are not going home together, but we are going to send the cat home."

"Isn't this the same?" Miura Yuko's tone was still weird, "You know, when I was at school, I didn't even want to see you, but now we are together, which is really upsetting."

"Is it because of Uehara?" Yukino pointed out directly.

Miura Yuko's face froze, and her aura became sharper visibly to the naked eye.

However, Yukino didn't seem to notice. He bent down and put Uehara Takuya on the ground: "You can walk by yourself, my hands are a little sore."

"Then I'll hold it!"

Miura Yuko instantly restrained her momentum and happily hugged Uehara Takuya who was just about to run away.

This time it was Yukino's turn to look sharp.

Uehara Takuya flicked his tail, "I'm just a trembling little meow. I really didn't tease Yumiko behind your back."

Yukino glanced at the blond girl whose smile was gradually returning to her face, and hesitated: "You seem to like cats too?"

"If it were before, I wouldn't really like it, but this white cat is different." Miura Yuko's attitude became friendly.

Yukino was a little hard to understand: "Just because it behaves differently? You completely fall in love with it?"

"Isn't this enough?" Miura Yuko snorted, "You have to know that Sena and the others all have their own pets, and each of them is very smart. It would be even better if I could also have a smart cat. "

Yukino wanted to laugh for no reason.

You must know that the smart pets Yuiko talks about are all the vests of the cat in her arms.

If she knew about this, her expression would definitely be wonderful.

Yukino just thought about it in her mind and stopped the thought.

Naturally, it was impossible for her to do such a thing as leaking secrets, so she just thought about it.

The two girls walked for a while, and Yukino's attention was basically on Uehara Takuya.

Every time Uehara Takuya felt uncomfortable in his posture and wanted to stretch, as soon as he raised the cat's paw, Yukino immediately looked over.

There was doubt in the guarded eyes, obviously wondering if he would take advantage of him as a cat.

Uehara Takuya was speechless about this.

Although Miura Yuko's figure is very good, she is not at the level of Kashiwazaki Sena. Even if she raises the cat's paw at will, it is impossible to cause any physical collision.

"Under the snow."

Miura Yuko suddenly shouted softly.

When Yukino's gaze shifted, she said with wandering eyes: "Let's talk about Uehara, how about it?"

"What does he have to talk about?" Yukino shook his head.

I was too lazy to enjoy my leisure time. If I brought up the name Uehara Takuya now, I and the other party would probably have another quarrel.

Although she is not afraid of Miura Yuko, it does not mean that she is willing to waste time.

"I know you like him!" Miura Yuko didn't intend to stop there.

And as soon as she opened her mouth, it was an extremely explosive topic.

Yukino was so shocked that she blushed.

Uehara Takuya instinctively stretched his neck. Cat eyes did not reveal the careful and precise emotions of humans, but Yukino still felt uncomfortable looking at him.

Miura Yuko's face looked unhappy: "I have never understood why you and Uehara have such a good relationship. It was obvious that you didn't know each other for a while, and even if you even knew him, it was me first. ."

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