Even if you can't touch it, it's still good to look at it.

Unexpectedly, before he took two steps, the male owner hugged him again and said mysteriously: "I know Inujiro that you are good at playing mahjong. How about I let you play this time? My game coins are fast." I’ve lost all my money, and my wife won’t allow me to recharge it casually, so I’m begging you.”

Uehara Takuya opened his mouth in surprise, are you still a human being?

Let a cat help you earn game currency.

Besides, being good at playing mahjong is of no use. Nowadays, playing mahjong requires both luck and strength.

The male host was still thinking sadly: "Last time I told my colleagues that I won a lot of game coins, but I accidentally lost almost all of them last night. Hey, everyone was obviously winning, and I was the only one who lost. It's really Too bad."

You can also play mahjong, right?

Sooner or later I will roll up the steamroller to kill you.

Uehara Takuya meowed, stretched out his paw and pressed the mouse.

"Are you coming?" The male host seemed to be a big-hearted person. Seeing this incredible scene, instead of being scared, he became excited.

Uehara Takuya clicked the [Start Game] button.

The other party immediately shouted excitedly: "The next step is Inujiro's stage!"

Uehara Takuya gave him a disgusted look. Isn't this a line from Kamen Rider?

You are still in the second grade of middle school?

But then I thought about it, life as an adult is not easy either. You have to be a social animal when you go to work, and you have to be a domestic animal after get off work. The second grade at least can bring you some happiness.

So Uehara Takuya meowed loudly in cooperation: Leave the next step to me!


The game currency was successfully lost.

"It shouldn't be, Inujiro, you won last time, are you playing me this time?" The male host couldn't believe it.

Uehara Takuya kept meowing and asked the cat to help you play mahjong, but now you are still blaming me?

One person and one cat argued for a long time, but in the end everyone shook hands peacefully.

Because this man's wife has gone home.

Uehara Takuya didn't have much contact with this woman. Judging from her dress and behavior, she knew she was a strong woman.

After the experience, he hurried to the kitchen to cook. He had gone out without eating before, and now his stomach was already growling.

Just when he walked into the kitchen, the doorbell rang restlessly.

Uehara Takuya just took a look outside through the peephole, and his energy suddenly rose, and his inner vigilance was immediately heightened.

Because the person standing at the door is Yangno.

"So you're at home?"

As soon as she opened the door, the woman with a charming smile looked back and forth at Takuya Uehara, and then came to the conclusion: "It seems that you are very free now, so I came at the right time."

Then, without waiting for the other party to speak, she enthusiastically extended an invitation: "Would you like to go eat delicious food with me?"

"Can I say no?" Uehara Takuya's expression remained unchanged.

Yang Nao nodded with a smile: "No."


Very good, as expected of Yangno, he has learned to answer quickly.

Uehara Takuya changed his shoes and felt heavy.

He felt more and more that this woman was difficult to deal with.

Especially when the other person is familiar with your speaking style.

I can only sigh with emotion, Miss Yangno's ability to accept is too strong.

Takuya Uehara even had the idea of ​​opening a new archive.

And it’s not about opening the [Inhuman] save file again.

If he could randomly find Yangno, he would definitely let him know what a lion's bad temper is.

"You don't seem very happy?"

Yangno has been observing Uehara Takuya's expression. Seeing that the other party has not spoken for a long time, his voice becomes gentle: "A boy has a beautiful big sister to accompany him at night. Isn't this a good life?"

"Very good, provided that the big sister can be considerate."

"What a coincidence. I'm very considerate. No matter what you want, I can give it to you." Yangno said and took Uehara Takuya's arm.

As soon as her body is close, her unique mature femininity can interrupt people's thoughts.

"If you can, please don't hug me." Uehara Takuya said calmly.

"Dah." Yangno said softly, but she couldn't help but laugh.

Uehara Takuya glanced at her voluptuous appearance and could only sigh that this woman really understood him and could always answer his questions in a timely manner.

He didn't look carefully just now, but now he realized that Yangno's dress today was much more attractive than when he saw her before.

At least the way she dressed before was just like Kashiwazaki Sena's original description: it was impossible to determine her true figure.

But Yang Nai's clothes today tend to be more self-cultivation.

Slim-fitting is different from tight-fitting. This kind of clothing can always cleverly reveal a woman's lines appropriately.

She also wore a black belt around her waist and dark-colored culottes. This outfit made her already slender waist look even lighter.

The pair of purple hollow high heels on her feet are equally eye-catching.

After all, high heels are very suitable for improving the shape of a woman's legs.

Coincidentally, Yangno's own figure is already very good.

The graceful curves were accentuated by high heels, and the slender legs were not wrapped in stockings, generously showing the smooth skin on the insteps. Standing next to Uehara Takuya, his legs were pressed together, and there was almost no gap.When the curve extends upward, her figure appears to be bulging forward and backward.

Although she is not very old, she can always find the most suitable outfit to show off her enchanting maturity.Once her face shows a sad or pitiful expression, it can immediately change into another style, as if it will make people hold her in their arms and pity her hard.

"It's pretty, right?"

Yangno noticed his gaze, straightened her chest generously, and gave him a charming smile.

Uehara Takuya nodded honestly.

So Yangno smiled even brighter: "An honest child is a good child, and I can reward you with a piece of candy."

After saying that, she hugged him tighter.

Uehara Takuya didn't dare to struggle casually.

Yang Nai seemed to have anticipated his thoughts, and chuckled: "Let's go see Xiaojing like this. She has been testing me overtly and covertly recently, so let's just let her witness our love."

"There is a crazy love between us!" Uehara Takuya couldn't hold it any longer.

"Eh? But I think we are a perfect match. Look at the eyes of the passers-by around us. Are they envious of us?"

"Envy has absolutely nothing to do with compatibility."

Yang Na chuckled: "But who made you arouse my interest? If you didn't take the initiative to talk to me about magical girls, then I definitely wouldn't pay attention to you... Well, how do you say that? Awakening? When there is an avalanche..."

Uehara Takuya quickly answered: "Are all the snowflakes bravely venturing into the world?"


When the two succeeded in meeting Hiratsuka Shizuka, who was also dressed in a store, the latter immediately took a look at Uehara Takuya's arm held by Harano.

Her eyes visibly froze for a second, and then quickly returned to their normal appearance: "I was just wondering why you suddenly left mysteriously. So you had an appointment with him?"

Uehara Takuya sighed: "Logically speaking, with Mr. Hiratsuka's intelligence, he wouldn't have guessed that Miss Harano and I are not dating."

Yang Nai nodded: "Yes, yes, he was suddenly attacked by me last time. Xiao Jing, did you forget it so quickly?"

I'm looking for steps for you.

Hiratsuka Shizuka was a little tired, but she still smiled and said: "It seems that I have been busy recently, which has caused my memory to decline."

"This is not a good thing. You must pay attention to your health. You are so beautiful. It would be a waste if your body is exhausted." Yangno pulled Uehara Taku and sat down opposite Hiratsuka Shizuka.

Hiratsuka Shizuka rolled her eyes: "Every time I hear you compliment me on my beauty, I always feel that you have other meanings."

"What? We are good friends. Isn't it normal to praise you?"

After the two women started chatting, Uehara Takuya consciously acted as a listener.

When the waiter finished serving the food, he was even more lazy to speak, looking like a person who just immersed himself in eating at a table.

Shizuka Hiratsuka poured herself a glass of beer, but did not drink it when she picked it up. Instead, she looked at the two people opposite her with wandering eyes: "It's late at night... Is this really okay if you come out with Uehara in your arms?"

Uehara Takuya finally raised his head: "I also think this is not good, but she said [Damaa]."

Harano, who was originally planning to make some jokes with Hiratsuka Shizuka, burst into laughter: "Yes, I did say Dara. If you want to hear it, I can keep saying it."

After the two became familiar with each other, she could always understand what he said immediately.

Even if she didn't understand it at the time, she would understand it the next time we meet.

Hiratsuka Shizuka asked confusedly: "Does Darme have any special meaning?"

Yang Nai raised the wine glass and took a sip, with a cute blush on her beautiful face: "Xiao Jing rarely pays attention to popular jokes on the Internet? Da Mie was very popular some time ago."

"I've never heard of it at all." Hiratsuka Shizuka smiled angrily, "If you continue to make these jokes in front of me that I don't understand, then I feel like I can go home early, so I might as well give you more private space. alright."

"Really?" Yangno looked looking forward to it.

"Of course it's fake." Hiratsuka Shizuka shook her head without hesitation. She was very worried about Yangno's condition now. How could she dare to leave alone.

Uehara Takuya transformed into a cooking machine there, which made her feel a little more at ease.

But there are only some.

Because of Yangno's condition, she felt more and more something was wrong.

"it's a pity."

Yangno said regretfully and touched Takuya Hara with her elbow: "Don't you lovely Uehara just want to eat and not talk?"

"Because I don't know what to say?"


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