Yangno seemed to have heard something surprising: "You are so observant, why can't you interrupt because of this? You know, I have always felt that if you apply for a job at Cowherd's shop, you will definitely become the number one in Tokyo. Cowherd."

Shizuka Hiratsuka, who was still in a complicated mood, laughed.

This time it was Uehara Takuya's turn to feel complicated: "Are you sure you are complimenting me?"

"Of course." Yangno said in a determined tone, "To become a popular Cowherd, you not only need excellent appearance, but also extremely excellent eloquence."

She also put on a serious face and looked at Uehara Takuya: "Your face is already up to standard, and your eloquence...as long as you don't say those messy words, you will definitely be able to attract countless rich women."

Hiratsuka Shizu's eyes were strange, thinking to herself, aren't you a rich woman?

"What does mess mean?" Uehara Takuya asked knowingly.

Yangno held her chin and did not answer in a hurry. Her soft eyes passed by: "Uehara, tell me a joke."

Shizuka Hiratsuka couldn't help coughing: "Another incomprehensible joke like last time?"

"It's not difficult to understand. At least I think it's quite fun." Yangno smiled.

Hiratsuka Shizuka opened her mouth, but still didn't ask what was in her heart. She simply turned to stare at Uehara Takuya.

Being stared at by two beauties, Uehara Takuya didn't panic at all, and didn't even put down his chopsticks: "Can I not say anything?"

"Dah." Yang Nai chuckled.

Takuya Uehara pondered: "Have you heard of the Midnight Bell? According to the setting of the movie, as long as you watch the cursed video tape, Miss Sadako will come out of the TV and demand her life."

"Then?" Hiratsuka Shizuka's voice was emotionless.

"Then I thought of a way. If you put the screens of two TVs together while watching the curse video tape, then Miss Sadako would have to crawl back and forth in and out, and eventually die of exhaustion. In this way, the curse can be broken. ”

Yang Nao laughed and trembled slightly.

Hiratsuka Shizuka hummed expressionlessly: "It's a familiar recipe again, and it's the same taste."

Yangno looked at her with a smile: "Isn't it funny?"

"It's not funny at all!" Hiratsuka Shizu said in a more serious tone.

She seemed to have thought of something that was bothering her, so she drank the wine in her glass in one go, and then said: "Uehara's style of jokes reminds me of my new friends."

"Is this the Tachibana Chizuru you mentioned on the phone?" Yangno answered.

"Yes, she also likes to delve into jokes and tries to use jokes to get closer to the students. However, every time she tells a joke... it is just as weird as before." Shizuka Hiratsuka complained.

Uehara Takuya corrected: "It's [my joke] that's weird, not me."

"No, I think you two are pretty much the same."

"Teacher Hiratsuka's words are really hurtful."

When Takuya Uehara got up and went to the bathroom, Shizuka Hiratsuka finally put down the wine glass. A light blush appeared on her face that had been stained by alcohol, and it smelled particularly seductive under the lamp.

"Yangno, what do you want to do?" She stared at her friend closely, her voice solemn.

Yangno didn't look at the other party, but raised the wine glass. The light reflected the brilliant light on the glass. She seemed to be half-captivated, and said softly: "I thought you were going to test again, but I didn't expect it this time." Did you ask directly?"

"You have noticed that I am testing you, how can I continue?" Shizuka Hiratsuka showed a helpless expression.

This best friend is good at everything, but she is too sharp.

Even though she had been very careful to test on the phone, the other party was much more keen than her.

"Actually, I think it's quite interesting if you continue to test it." Yangno said with a smile.

Hiratsuka Shizu's expression remained unchanged: "Seriously."


Yangno sighed with regret, put down his wine glass, and said softly: "I know what you are worried about, but you should also know that I have long since ceased to have any fairy tale values ​​worthy of fantasy about emotional matters. ."

Hiratsuka sighed, she was actually the same.

But she had the same idea because of many failed blind dates and because she was getting older.

And Yang Nai received an elite education since she was a child, which led to her not fantasizing about love in fairy tales, and she even disdained the touching stories in urban romance dramas.

After a few seconds, Yangno stared at Shizuka Hiratsuka's serious eyes and smiled slightly: "When reality is tightly attached to the dream we have always had, it will cover the dream and then blend into one, like two overlapping figures. Stand up and become one.”

Hiratsuka Shizuka's face froze slightly: "So, have you found a new dream?"

"Not yet, but soon."

Under the light, that face smiled beautifully.

Chapter 139: Enough is Enough, Yangno

After Uehara Takuya came back from the bathroom, he noticed something was wrong with Hiratsuka Shizuka's expression.

But when he asked Yangno tentatively with his eyes, the latter gave him a wink, leaving him speechless.

"After dinner, it's time for you to go home, right?"

Hiratsuka Shizu suddenly spoke.

I don't know if it was Uehara Takuya's misunderstanding, but the other party seemed to emphasize the word "each".

"Don't worry, it's still early, it's only around nine o'clock." Yangno raised her white wrist and shook it.

"I know you have fair skin, so stop dazzling it, and I also wear a watch." Hiratsuka shook his head and continued drinking.

Takuya Uehara held the juice and lowered his head to think. It seemed that they had talked about some very complicated issues in the few minutes he left.

Otherwise, with Hiratsuka Shizuka's temperament, he wouldn't have gone out of his way to show off his face now.

"Would you like to go boating later?" Yang Nao was already full, looking at the two of them with drunken eyes.

"You look like a drunk cat now, aren't you afraid of falling into the water?" Uehara Takuya answered.

Yang Na moved the hair hanging in front of his forehead to make the blushing cheeks more clear: "Isn't this you and Xiaojing? Xiaojing told me that your athletic talent seems to be very outstanding."

"In other words, we are both bodyguards?"

"No, you are the bodyguard, Xiaojing and I are in charge of playing."

"Is there a salary?"

"Yes. Is it okay to pay [-] yen an hour?"

"Damn capitalist!"

Shizuka Hiratsuka glanced at Harano, who was chatting happily, and couldn't help but ask: "You really want to go boating, right? It's already this time, and they've already closed."

"No, I checked before going out today. One park is still open and will close at [-] o'clock."

Hiratsuka Shizuka was shocked when he heard this: "Have you made plans for it a long time ago?"

Then she subconsciously glanced at Uehara Takuya, who shook his head and said that he was also unaware.

Yang Nai caught the eye contact between the two and said with a natural smile: "Don't look at each other, I did plan it in advance. Because I know Xiaojing, you are under a lot of pressure recently, so why don't you just let me relax with you?" This saves you from keeping all your troubles in your heart, and then you will become a resentful woman."

"The word "hatred woman" is really irritating..."

Hiratsuka Shizuka rolled her eyes.

She does have a lot of worries.

On the one hand, it's Tachibana Chizuru's problem. As a friend, she wants to help the other person get out of trouble, but so far, neither she nor Yukino can do anything about it.

On the other hand, it is the state of the friend in front of me.

Hiratsuka Shizu took a deep look at Harano, who was getting more and more involved as he talked, and immediately said: "Then let's go boating together, but first, you must be honest, otherwise you really fall into the water, then I will I won’t save you.”

"It doesn't matter, Uehara will definitely save me." Harano said and looked at Uehara Takuya, "right, lovely Uehara?"

Takuya Uehara put down his chopsticks and said with a surprised look on his face: "How did you know that I have the nickname of Underwater Engine?"

Harano and Hiratsuka Shizu were stunned at the same time.

"So you still have such a nickname?" Yangno deliberately swept his eyes from top to bottom with a burning gaze, "If there is a chance to go swimming together, then I will definitely see it."

Shizuka Hiratsuka's lips moved, but in the end she still didn't tell Kashiwazaki Sena and the others about their plan to go swimming at the weekend.

Her instinct told herself not to cause any more trouble to herself.

The meal money was given by Uehara Takuya, and neither Haruno nor Hiratsuka Shizuka paid much attention to this trivial matter.

However, on the way to the park, Yangno joked about this matter: "Uehara doesn't seem to like letting women spend money? In this case, your road to becoming a rich woman will be hopeless."

"If the day comes that I really need the help of a rich woman, then I will definitely seize the opportunity." Uehara Takuya said calmly.

Yang Nai pointed at her face: "Do you think I look like a rich woman?"

"She looks so much like a rich woman." Takuya Uehara said in an exaggerated tone.

Yangno gave him a roll of his eyes, turned around and saw Hiratsuka Shizuka snickering next to him, looking very happy.

She didn't bother Hiratsuka Shizu. She looked up at the dark night sky and said softly: "Sometimes I envy Yukino."

Hiratsuka Shizu's smile suddenly faded, and she was wary of Yangno playing the emotional card!

Uehara Takuya looked calm.

Yang Na then turned back to look at the two of them: "Aren't you going to ask a question if you don't cooperate?"

"I thought you would say it directly, so I didn't bother you." Uehara Takuya seemed sincere.

Hiratsuka Shizu also nodded.

"Oh, you want to join forces to see me make a fool of myself? That's such a pity. Even if I want to make a fool of myself, I will only show it to the lovely Uehara." Yangno smiled brightly at Shizuka Hiratsuka.

Hiratsuka Shizuka coughed, knowing that Yang Nai hit her back on purpose.

Uehara Takuya took the initiative to break the calm: "So, may I ask why you envy Yukino?"

Yangno didn't care about his deliberateness at all: "Because my sister, who has always been lonely, her life is no longer empty."

After a pause, the smile between her eyebrows was a bit strange: "The only person who is still in a lonely environment now is me."

Uehara Takuya pointed at the silent Hiratsuka Shizu: "Aren't you and Hiratsuka-sensei friends?"

"Yes, Xiaojing is my good friend, but there are some holes that friends cannot make up for." Yangno responded with a smile.

Uehara Takuya looked thoughtful.

Yang Na looked at him with interest: "Are you helping me think of a solution?"

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