Uehara Takuya felt that she was at best a camellia in the color of Longjing.

As for why it is in Longjing color scheme.

Of course it is old green tea...

"Are you dressing up so beautifully, Yukinoshita, to compete with me?" Kashiwazaki Sena was the first to issue a challenge as always.

Yukino ignored him and turned to look at Uehara Takuya: "Are you going to dance later?"

"I can't dance." Takuya Uehara confessed honestly.

"I can teach you some simple dance steps. Although it won't make you a dance master, at least it will help you not feel embarrassed on the dance floor." Yukino said unhurriedly.

"Uehara said he didn't want to dance."

Seeing that she was being ignored, Kashiwazaki Sena immediately stood up and spoke out: "Besides, even if he really wants to dance, he will do it with me."

"Oh? Why are I with you? Have you already publicly stated that he is your dance partner tonight?" Yukino asked calmly.

Kashiwazaki Sena was stunned for a moment. She didn't think about her dance partner at all.

So she became wary: "You became Uehara's female companion in advance?"

I knew you would be fooled.

Yukino smiled: "I don't think I need to answer you this kind of question."

Kashiwazaki Sena's teeth were itching with anger. She disliked Yukino's Riddler look the most.

"I think if you two continue to argue, others will probably look over." Uehara Takuya said at the right time.

Yukino looked at him coldly: "What was the reason for our quarrel?"

Harano smiled and helped: "Uehara, you are so smart, then answer it quickly, why is my sister quarreling with Sena?"

As soon as Uehara Takuya opened his mouth, Kashiwazaki Sena blurted out: "It's not because one of you two sisters can't handle your breasts, and the other likes to hide them!"


The air froze for a brief second, seeming to freeze the expressions of Yukino and Harano.

Yukino was okay. She had experienced many battles on this topic and adjusted in an instant.

Harano smiled at Kashiwazaki Sena with friendly eyes: "It seems that Sena's usually so close chat with me online is just an act. You actually have a big opinion against me, right?"

She now exudes a dangerous light all over her body.

Maybe in the next second, the gentleness on her face will turn into a sharp sword.

Kashiwazaki Sena was startled and hurriedly hid behind Takuya Uehara to pretend to be an ostrich.

Uehara Takuya blocked the knife consciously: "Yes, I have a big problem with you."

Yangno's smile did not change: "I'm asking Sena."

Uehara Takuya responded tit-for-tat: "But I'm talking to you, and Sena is my ally."

Then he reached out and pointed to Yukino: "And Yukino, she is also my ally."

Yukino was still thinking about how to respond to Kashiwazaki Sena, but now when she heard that Uehara Takuya mentioned her and his [alliance to join forces to fight against Haruno], she immediately snorted: "At this time, you finally remembered that I am your ally. .”

Yangno was not afraid at all: "I don't think the three of you will join forces. Besides... joining forces is not a smart choice."

She said, her voice deliberately long, as if she meant something.

Yukino followed her eyes and looked to the left suspiciously.

After seeing her mother's figure, she froze.

"This move is really despicable and neat."

Uehara Takuya spoke quickly, interrupting Yukino's thoughts.

However, Yangno's simple method of diverting attention is indeed very effective.

He was even in a mood to have a lot of imagination. If Yangno was asked to evaluate the acting skills of a little naughty dog, Xiao Xianrou, would the young lady give the same concise comment: His grandma's!

Chapter 144 The jumping Mrs. Yukinoshita

Yukino really didn't expect that her mother would also attend this dance.

Her annoying sister never mentioned it from beginning to end.

However, judging from the other party's current expression, it is obvious that he is aware of it.

As soon as she saw the stern woman, the shell she used to protect her heart immediately began to crack, and it gradually spread to completely shattered.

"So Yukinoshita, you are afraid of your mother?" Kashiwazaki Sena dared to stick her head out now, but her body was still hidden behind Takuya Uehara.

Yukino's face became more and more ugly: "You also want to use this matter to laugh at me?"

"Do not."

Unexpectedly, Kashiwazaki Sena gave an extremely serious negative answer: "I would not do such a despicable thing."

"Well said!" Uehara Takuya applauded.

Harano's gaze passed over the two of them calmly. She knew that Kashiwazaki Sena probably did it unintentionally, but Uehara Takuya...

It was 100% intentional.

Yukino's expression softened slightly, and she looked at Uehara Takuya again. The latter shook his head and said that he didn't know Mrs. Yukinoshita was there until he came here as well.

Yukino understood everything now. She stared at Yangno angrily: "You deliberately used Uehara as an excuse to lure me out. In fact, it was just to see what I look like now, right?"

"If I say no, would you believe it?" Yang Nao remained calm.

"Of course I don't believe it." Yukino sneered.

Yangno smiled lightly: "I knew it would be like this...Whether you believe it or not, I did not lie to you. Of course, I knew that my mother and I were invited to this dance, but I I didn’t tell you in advance.”

"Isn't this what I meant?" Yukino felt very unhappy.

If she had known this was the case, she would not have come today.

Mrs. Yukinoshita, who was not far away, happened to also see the situation here. When she saw Takuya Uehara next to Yukino, her eyes had a brief unexpected emotion, and then quickly calmed down.

"Sorry, I have something to do and I have to excuse you."

Mrs. Yukinoshita smiled and said goodbye to a few friends around her.

But before she took a few steps, Kashiwazaki Tenma walked up next to her with a pretended solemn face: "Ms. Yukinoshita, long time no see."

"Ara~ It's Mr. Kashiwazaki. We haven't seen each other for a while. It seems that the last time we met was at Mrs. Hasegawa's birthday party?" Mrs. Yukinoshita stopped with a smile.

Just judging from her appearance at this moment, it is easy to think that she is a kind-hearted and gentle woman.

Kashiwazaki Tenma nodded slightly: "Yes, I was pestered by a friend at the banquet. Originally, I wanted to talk to you about my daughter's problem, but in the end I couldn't find the opportunity."

"Daughter?" Mrs. Yukinoshita's smile remained unchanged, and she was wondering in her heart whose daughter the [daughter] the other party was talking about was.

She naturally knew that the other party had a lovely blond daughter.

It is said that Mrs. Kashiwazaki is currently busy with other things abroad and has no plans to return to China.

"To be precise, it's Yukinoshita Yukino's problem." Kashiwazaki Tenma did not hesitate.

In addition to pretending to be superior in front of his juniors, he is also very straightforward in front of his peers.

"What happened to my daughter?"

"That's not true. When Sena talks to me, he occasionally mentions Yukino's kid..."

Kashiwazaki Tenma's eyes changed, and he was obviously considering the words: "According to Sena's description, the child was not happy at school. If her life hadn't changed recently, I'm afraid she would have been enveloped in the lonely and lonely campus life. .”

Mrs. Yukinoshita's mood did not fluctuate: "I see, but why did Mr. Kashiwazaki tell me this specifically?"

Kashiwazaki Tenma showed the helpless expression of an old father: "You should also know that I am the chairman of the school. Sena has asked me in private more than once. If possible, I hope I can help Yukino improve the current relationship. But I, an elder, want to How can I join the juniors’ chat..."

"Miss Kashiwazaki suggested it?" Mrs. Yukinoshita was a little surprised.

That's not the news she got.

At least what she kept hearing was that Kashiwazaki Sena and Yukino didn't deal with each other. The two often bickered and didn't look like friends at all.

Kashiwazaki Tenma looked embarrassed: "This is because I have no idea how to teach my daughter. Sena's child has a very awkward personality. She has obviously recognized Yukinoshita Yukino as a friend, but she can't let go of her dignity to help him. Instead, she comes here to help him. I’ll give you an idea.”

"It seems that Mr. Kashiwazaki is being humble, and your daughter is a truly kind-hearted child." Mrs. Yukinoshita smiled softly.

Kashiwazaki Tenma smiled and suddenly changed the topic: "I have always had a headache on how to get along with the juniors, so I haven't had a private conversation with Yukino. I happen to have the opportunity to meet Ms. Yukinoshita today. How about you? Don’t you mind enlightening that child yourself?”

"Enlighten me?" Mrs. Yukinoshita seemed to be surprised when she heard something.

Kashiwazaki Tenma hummed: "Anyway, you are Yukino's mother, so it is most appropriate for you to enlighten her. Even if I only talked to that child once, I can still see the coldness in her body. The cold temperament is actually a layer of protection against unfamiliar environments.”

Mrs. Yukinoshita made no reply.

Kashiwazaki Tenma didn't seem to care, and his voice was softer this time: "It may be a bit bad for me to say this. After all, every family's education method is different, and it is inconvenient for outsiders to get involved. But in my opinion, children As long as we can grow up happily, that is the happiest thing for us parents."

Mrs. Yukinoshita's eyes narrowed, then quickly softened: "Mr. Kashiwazaki's words make sense, I will remember them."

Then she glanced at Takuya Uehara who was not far away: "You should know that kid Uehara, right? He seems to have a good relationship with your daughter?"


When talking about this, Kashiwazaki Tenma felt a little depressed: "To be honest, I actually like Takuya, not only because he is very talkative and has excellent emotional intelligence, but most importantly, he makes my daughter no longer so lonely at school. ”

Mrs. Yukinoshita listened quietly, knowing that there was more to come.

Just the next moment, a smile appeared on Kashiwazaki Tenma's face: "Although Sena is becoming more and more attracted to Takuya, sometimes I, the father, don't even pay attention to it. But as a father, when he saw his daughter in school The interpersonal relationship was very bad, and I was also ostracized by the girls in the class, which made me feel uncomfortable as well."

Mrs. Yukinoshita smiled and asked: "So, Mr. Kashiwazaki wants that child to become the son-in-law of the Kashiwazaki family?"

Kashiwazaki Tenma smiled calmly this time: "Who knows about such a thing?"

Not getting a satisfactory answer made Mrs. Yukinoshita slightly disappointed.

But she didn't continue the conversation. After saying goodbye to the other party, she walked straight to Uehara Takuya.

Mrs. Yukinoshita's movement caught the attention of Kashiwazaki Sena, who gently pulled on Takuya Hara's sleeve and whispered: "Uehara, that aunt is here."

The sound was not loud, but the Yukinoshita sisters were nearby, so they naturally heard it.

Yukino's expression became much more nervous.

Her eyes also fell on her mother, who was walking elegantly.

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