Even without words, her eyes and posture clearly showed her distance from her mother.

"I shouldn't have disturbed the juniors' conversation, right?"

The smile on Mrs. Yukinoshita's face was like a spring breeze, with a hint of gentleness and kindness, as if she was not the one who stared at Uehara Takuya with cold eyes that day.

"No, we were just chatting anyway." Yangno said with a smile, she was as natural as last time.

Yukino gently called "Mother" and stopped talking.

It was obvious that Mrs. Yukinoshita was not here for her. The smile in her beautiful eyes fell on Uehara Takuya and Kashiwazaki Sena: "I didn't expect us to meet again so soon."

Uehara Takuya said sincerely: "I feel the same way."

Kashiwazaki Sena's delicate eyes widened, looking left and right like a curious baby.

Mrs. Yukinoshita covered her lips and smiled softly: "You are much more reserved than last time. What's going on?"

"Because it's just an act." Uehara Takuya answered simply.

Mrs. Yukinoshita's smile continued: "Your answer did not exceed my expectations, but your daring to speak is probably why Mr. Kashiwazaki appreciates you so much, right?"

"My father admires Uehara very much?" Kashiwazaki Sena finally interjected, "How come I don't know?"

Mrs. Yukinoshita was stunned for a moment: "Miss Kashiwazaki, don't you know?"

"I don't know at all."

Kashiwazaki Sena's little head shook like a rattle, and her silky golden hair also swayed.

Mrs. Yukinoshita was wondering if Kashiwazaki Tenma was doing it very covertly, but the blond girl in front of her said cutely: "No matter how you look at it, dad probably doesn't like Uehara's appearance. Otherwise, he won't be here today either." They specially asked me to come here first, but asked me to come with Uehara."

Isn't this a very common emotion between a father and his daughter who doesn't want to leave their daughter?

Mrs. Yukinoshita's eyes were stunned, and she subconsciously looked at her two daughters.

Yukino didn't respond.

Harano nodded with a smile, indicating that Kashiwazaki Sena had this temperament.

Mrs. Yukinoshita suddenly understood.

Turns out he has a rough and twitchy personality when it comes to small things?

If Yangno hadn't given her the answer, she would have almost thought about whether Mr. Kashiwazaki's daughter has an IQ problem.

"Do you want to dance today?" She suddenly asked Uehara Takuya.

"I can't dance." Uehara Takuya still answered just now.

"It's okay, I can teach you."

This time Kashiwazaki Sena took the initiative to speak, and she smiled very proudly: "I tell you, my dance moves will not be worse than Yukinoshita."

Yukino looked at her indifferently and cursed an idiot in his heart.

His mother probably wanted to test Uehara, but this idiot intervened in the conversation without realizing it, with a complacent tone.

[Is she really confused about the situation, or is she just pretending? 】

This speculation came to Yukino's mind again.

But she forgot about another possibility.

That's because Kashiwazaki Sena didn't think that much at all...

"It seems that Ms. Kashiwazaki attaches great importance to Uehara." Mrs. Yukinoshita was still smiling.

In a public place like today, she obviously wouldn't show off her face like she did that day.

Kashiwazaki Sena laughed sheepishly: "How can that be true? He is just a bad guy, I won't pay attention to him."

Of course, Mrs. Yukinoshita would not expose the lie of the junior, and said with a smile: "Then I will have time later, so I can appreciate your dance steps..."

As she said this, she seemed to have just thought of Yukino, and turned around and asked, "Yukino wants to dance too?"


Yukino hesitated. Even though her mother's tone was gentle, she still felt a lot of pressure.

"She should be able to jump." Uehara Takuya said suddenly.

Everyone's eyes fell on him.

Yukino quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Just as she raised her beautiful eyes, she heard her mother laugh and say, "Yukiono didn't even answer me, why are you so sure?"

Uehara Takuya said calmly: "Because I will invite her to dance."

"Eh?" Kashiwazaki Hoshina was anxious.

He continued in the next second: "I will also invite Sena..."

His expression instantly became serious: "If possible, I would like to invite all the beautiful women present to dance, but I know there will not be enough time, and not everyone will agree."


Mrs. Yukinoshita raised her arm, putting the back of her white hand against her cheek, with a beautiful smile: "Do you include me among the people you invite?"

Uehara Takuya looked at her solemnly: "I originally had this idea, but my legs and feet are too flexible, and it's my first time to dance. If I step on you, it would be too embarrassing."

Mrs. Yukinoshita raised her eyebrows slightly. Was he mocking me for my old age and inability to use my legs or feet, or was he insinuating that dancing with an elder like me would be embarrassing?

Yang Nai stood aside with bright eyes. She loved eating melons the most.

Especially eating one's own mother's melons.

Kashiwazaki Sena was confused after hearing this and couldn't help but ask: "Uehara, what are you talking about? If I teach you, you will definitely not step on others easily."

"I also believe that your teaching ability is excellent, Sena, but there is always a chance of this happening. Even those who are good at dancing will occasionally have this happen." Uehara Takuya explained patiently.

Kashiwazaki Sena exclaimed: "I understand, but this is very simple. As long as Ms. Yukinoshita pays more attention, if you dance wrongly, she will jump away and avoid it."


Yukino and Yangno simultaneously imagined the image of their dignified mother jumping around, and they both had the urge to laugh.

Mrs. Yukinoshita looked at Kashiwazaki Sena in bewilderment. The look in her eyes made the latter a little timid and he stepped back unconsciously.

Uehara Takuya took a step across, blocking the opponent's sight.

So Mrs. Yukinoshita asked him: "Do you have something to say?"

Uehara Takuya's expression is as sincere as he wants: "I also think Sena is right. If you know the [back jump] skill, I think I have the courage to invite you to dance."

"Such childish methods are ineffective on me." Mrs. Yukinoshita smiled.

A very low-level taunting method, she thought to herself.

Uehara Takuya smiled sincerely and said, "But it's very useful."

Chapter 145 I like Yukino

Neither Yukino nor Harano were sure whether Uehara Takuya's "but it's very useful" was true.

At least they couldn't get the answer from their mother's face.

The other party still had that gentle smile, calm and dignified, and seemed not to be affected by Uehara Takuya's words at all.

Only Kashiwazaki Sena quietly pulled Uehara Takuya's finger and muttered: "Why can't I understand what you are saying?"

Just a little bit?

The Yukinoshita sisters had such thoughts in their minds.

But then she was interrupted by Mrs. Yukinoshita's gentle voice: "Yukino, let's go to another place to talk alone?"

Yukino was obviously stunned for a moment.

The other party said unhurriedly: "Mr. Kashiwazaki just said something very interesting to me. I think I can tell it to you."

"I..." Xueno bit her lip and did not speak immediately.

When she noticed that Takuya Uehara opened his mouth, obviously ready to help her, she suddenly became determined.

"Okay, mother."

She responded before Uehara Takuya.

Immediately, she gave the boy a hidden look. She couldn't always have someone to protect her when encountering something like this.

She also wants to become better.

Uehara Takuya nodded hesitantly, swallowing the words he said again.

Yang Nao did not leave with the two of them.

The two figures walked away one after another, and then she smiled at Takuya Uehara and said, "The dancing is coming soon, do you want to invite me too?"

"Sister Harano?" Kashiwazaki Sena couldn't help but speak out. She didn't understand why the other party suddenly said this.

Yangno smiled generously: "Xingna, you don't have to think about it, I just want to ask him."

"Really? But my intuition tells me that you are lying." Kashiwazaki Sena obviously didn't believe it, "Yami once told me that if a girl wants to be alone with the opposite sex, it means that there will be a relationship between the two. There’s more than just friendship there.”

A trace of helplessness flashed in Yangno's eyes: "How much has Xiaoyami taught you? Although I have heard about it before, but judging from your current reaction, it seems that she has taught you a lot?"

"Yes, Ami is my best friend, and then Yuigahama." Kashiwazaki Sena said happily.

"What about Uehara?" Yono cleverly brought the topic to Uehara Takuya.

Kashiwazaki Sena's face turned slightly red, and she felt ashamed just now, and then she reacted: "No, no, we are talking about your affairs, why did you change the subject?"

Then a look of disbelief appeared on her face: "Sister Yangno, do you really want to rekindle your old relationship... Oops."

Uehara Takuya tapped her head lightly, and faced the girl's aggrieved eyes, he laughed and said: "She and I don't have the old relationship, so how can we rekindle it?"

Yangno also thought of the scene when she and the other party first met, and she also laughed: "Yes, you used the wrong adjective. It should be called mutual love."

Uehara Takuya glanced at her sideways: "Your statement is even more outrageous!"

"Have it?"

Yangno smiled and pointed at the guests who were gradually gathering around him: "Everyone seems to be ready, so can I dance with Uehara first?"

"No." Kashiwazaki Sena simply refused.

Takuya Uehara turned into her little follower and helped, "Sena and I have the same idea."

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