Uehara Takuya clicked on the new archive.

Even if Yangono is not chosen by chance, if something goes wrong, he can wait for the time to end and quit.

There will be no loss at all.

The white light flashed, and Uehara Takuya opened his eyes. In front of him was a bedroom with a girlish atmosphere.

A door of the wardrobe opened on the side, and several pieces of brightly colored clothes could be clearly seen.

The touch on the palm of his hand was very soft, and Uehara Takuya lowered his head. It was a sheet with cartoon patterns printed on it.

She is wearing a pair of furry slippers on her feet, and her young girl-style home clothes are very common online.

"How is this going?"

He was just about to get up and look in the mirror to see who he had randomly landed on, but a frightened female voice sounded in his mind, instantly dispelling his thoughts.

Because this is the voice of Yuigahama Yui.

It actually happened to the Tuanzi girl?

Uehara Taku didn't say anything, silently walked to the dressing table and looked at the girl who didn't look very good in the mirror.

The pair of eyes that were usually full of lively smiles now looked conspicuously tired.

It was probably because she had just taken cold medicine and the effects of the medicine took off, causing her to feel low.

"You...why don't you speak?"

Yuigahama Yui's sleepiness faded away instantly.

Not to mention she was sleepy now, she even ran a few laps with her pet dog Sabre in her arms.

"I come from the M78 Nebula. In your human terms, I should be considered an alien." Uehara Takuya said calmly.


Yuigahama Yui exclaimed, and then expressed disbelief: "You are lying to me! How can there be aliens in this world?"

"How do you know there are no aliens?" Uehara Takuya asked.

"Because... it was said on TV that scientists have been studying these things. Now that the technology of the human world is so advanced, if there are really aliens, it will definitely be reported on the news." Yuigahama Yui sorted out the vocabulary.

"Have you ever encountered this situation before?"

"No... no."

Yuigahama Yui's confidence suddenly faded, and her words became stumbling: "Well, if you can, please return your body to me, because I don't want to be controlled by others."

She now felt like she only had a ball of consciousness left. Even though she could still see things, the feeling of being unable to touch anything and unable to control her body was too uncomfortable.

More uneasiness.

"I'm afraid it won't work for the time being." Uehara Takuya said seriously, "But don't worry, our M78 Nebula has a very good impression on the people on earth, and we will not do anything that will harm the earth."

"Really..." Yuigahama Yui forced a smile.

She still didn't believe in the aliens.

But she could find no reason to explain her current situation.

The most important thing is that the term M78 Nebula always seems familiar to her.

I must have heard it somewhere.

Uehara Takuya pretended to lower his head and look at the home clothes: "I can feel that the strength of this body is very weak, and your breath is very weak, and you are in an unhealthy state."

"Because I have a cold..."

Being despised by aliens or something like that makes Yuigahama Yui very embarrassed.

"I know you are doubting my identity. In that case...it's time to show you my real skills."

After Uehara Takuya finished speaking, he walked to the desk and stretched out his hand.

Under Yuigahama Yui's nervous gaze, he could only use his own body to lift the heavy desk with one hand.

After a short period of silence, the girl's surprised voice suddenly sounded: "Hey~ what... is this?"

Before Uehara Takuya could continue to show off, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a gentle-looking woman wearing a brown spring sweater walked in.

"Yui, is your cold feeling better...?"

She looked at the image of the girl in the room holding up the desk with one hand, and was stunned.

Chapter 151 Do you want to learn? I’ll teach you

"Oops, mom saw it!"

Yuigahama Yui is now panicking.

Especially when she saw her shocked mother standing at the door, she suddenly became more and more flustered: "Think of a solution quickly, aliens from the M78 Nebula, if you don't speak up, your mother will definitely doubt us!"

Even if she didn't believe in aliens, she didn't want to tell anyone else about it.

In her opinion, since the other person can silently control his body and completely lose contact with the outside world, he can also control other people as long as he is willing.

The kind-hearted Tuanzi girl has begun to worry about the safety of the earth at this moment.

Compared to the girl's panic, Uehara Takuya seemed much calmer.

Yuigahama Yui's rich imagination does not affect him.

With a soft thunk, he put the desk back, carefully adjusting the angle and placing it neatly.


Mrs. Yuigahama finally reacted. She subconsciously stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to point to the desk, and then hesitated: "What were you... doing just now?"

"Testing the quality of the desk." Uehara Takuya replied.

Mrs. Yuigahama tilted her head in confusion. The expression on this woman who was obviously already married was actually cute.

It's shameful to be cute, ma'am.

Uehara Takuya decisively moved his eyes away and stared at the street outside the window instead.

"When did you become so strong?" She seemed to be slow for a moment, finally realizing the point.

"Mom is acting so slow..." Yuigahama Yui was a little embarrassed.

"Because I have been exercising at school recently." Uehara Takuya turned around and said seriously.

"Do you want to exercise? This is a good thing. Yui, you are still a student. If you can have a healthy body, you won't catch a cold today." Mrs. Yuigahama smiled happily.

Uehara Takuya nodded: "I will work hard to train in the future."

Yuigahama Yui complained loudly: "Don't just add non-existent characters to me, Mr. Alien."

"You should say that starting from tomorrow, you will work hard to exercise." Mrs. Yuigahama corrected.

Uehara Takuya shook his head: "The book says that many good habits in life are developed slowly later, so there is no need to rush to force yourself to exercise today and tomorrow."

"These are absurd theories." Mrs. Yuigahama seemed to be a good-tempered woman, full of kindness and gentleness.

Then she remembered something and asked expectantly: "Last time you said you wanted to learn to make cookies, did you learn anything useful in the cooking class at school? And how are you doing now?"

"I didn't study very well..." Yuigahama Yui felt even more embarrassed.

Takuya Uehara answered truthfully: "I'm terrible at studying. It seems like I have no talent for cooking."

"How can you misinterpret someone else's meaning? Although my biscuits don't taste very good, they still look good..." Yuigahama Yui yelled in embarrassment.

Uehara Takuya didn't panic at all, because he knew that the kind mother in front of him would definitely comfort him.

Sure enough, I just heard the other party smile and say: "Don't underestimate yourself casually. If it doesn't work once, just do it a second time or a third time. Besides, mom can also help you. You are also very good at my craftsmanship." It’s clear.”

"I understand, thank you." Uehara Takuya helped Yuigahama Yui express his thanks.

"Then I won't disturb you. Since you are still catching a cold, go to bed early." After saying that, the other party left and closed the door to stop the dog from trying to get in.

"Hey, I still want to hug Sabre." Yuigahama Yui was a little disappointed.

"Don't think about petting the dog when you have a cold, stupid human being." Uehara Takuya said.

"You're the stupid one...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Yuigahama Yui quickly changed her tune.

In any case, the other party is still in control of his body, so he should be careful with it.

"You don't have to be so nervous. I'm a good-tempered alien. At least I won't get angry at you, a stupid human." Uehara Takuya expressed his kindness.

"Then I really~ thank you!"

Yuigahama Yui drawled her tone angrily.

Then she became excited: "Well...Mr. Alien, I'll just believe what you said for now."

"So?" Uehara Takuya guessed what she wanted to say.

"In addition to the amazing strength just now, do you have other abilities?" Yuigahama Yui's question was the same as what he was thinking.

"You want to take me as your teacher?"

"How could that be? I'm just curious."

"What happens after you get curious? Do you want to hold my lap and cry bitterly, begging me to teach you?"

"I told you I don't have any anymore!"

Yuigahama Yui retorted loudly, secretly lamenting in her heart how difficult it is to communicate with aliens.

Uehara Takuya put on a thoughtful expression: "In addition to amazing power, I actually have a lot more."

Yuigahama Yui immediately stopped worrying: "For example?"

"I can cook well."


The girl's heart jumped with excitement: "Is it alien cuisine? What would it be like?"

"Pork cutlet rice." Uehara Takuya said calmly.


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