Yuigahama Yui thought there was something wrong with her ears.

But Uehara Takuya didn't repeat it a second time.

So she asked cautiously: "Alien pork chop rice?"

"No, just ordinary pork chop rice."

"It sounds so bad..."

The girl expressed her disappointment.

Uehara Takuya didn't care.

He was checking two skills that popped up.

They are [Women's Clothing Proficiency] and [Makeup Skills].

What's the use of this thing?

Uehara Takuya sighed, after all, not everyone is as talented as Yukino.

Yuigahama Yui is really good at dressing up, which he could see when he was in school.

And she occasionally puts on light makeup to make her already sweet and cute face look even more beautiful.

Of course, there may be some experience points that can be obtained, but they are not listed on the surface.

Uehara Takuya thought for a while, he still has a cold, so it seems he can't mess around.

So he went back to bed and lay down.

Yuigahama Yui: "?"

"Your health is not very good. Based on my high IQ calculations, I think you need to rest now." Uehara Takuya put his hands on his stomach, his eyes facing the sky, and he lay upright in a standard posture. Coffin pose.

"But... I'm still conscious."

Yuigahama Yui wanted to laugh when she heard this, what kind of rest is this?

"Then you can pretend you're resting."

"It can't be done at all, okay!"

Yuigahama Yui couldn't help but raise her voice.

Then she was stunned for a moment, and was surprised to find that she and this man were actually chatting quite smoothly.

It was obvious that the other party had deprived him of the right to control his body, but during the chat, the atmosphere was not serious at all.

"Are aliens also good at chatting?" the girl expressed her doubts.

"Not really. We in M78 Nebula basically don't chat much. We don't need to move our mouths when talking. Generally, it is used in situations where we need to make more noise, when we are fighting with the enemy."

"Enemy?" Yuigahama Yui became more energetic, and she felt that she had grasped the key point.

Uehara Takuya said frankly: "Yes, not only me, but also my other compatriots, when everyone enters the fighting posture, they will often make sounds like [sai] in their mouths."


"You can understand it as modal particles."

"Really?" Yuigahama Yui smiled stiffly. This answer could not satisfy her curiosity at all.

Then she thought of a very important thing: "Wait a minute, if you really come from that M78 nebula, where is your body?"

"Of course it's over there. If we use our own bodies to come to Earth, we can only sustain it for three minutes at most." Uehara Takuya explained officially.

"3 minutes? Is it due to environmental or climate factors?"

"No, it's because when 3 minutes is up, the energy indicator light on our chest will flash red, which means that we have insufficient energy and urgently need to go offline to rest."


After a brief silence, Yuigahama Yui's tone was slightly strange: "Are you Ultraman?"

"Have you discovered all this?" Uehara Takuya didn't sound surprised at all.

"You and I……"

Yuigahama Yui hesitated for a long time, but in the end she couldn't say a complete sentence.

It was obvious that her emotions were too messy and her thinking was also confused.

"Don't be anxious, speak slowly." Uehara Takuya advised thoughtfully.

Yuigahama Yui laughed angrily: "I just said why the M78 Nebula sounds so familiar. I heard a boy say it in school before... Hey, how could you use your identity as Ultraman to deceive me?"

"I didn't lie to you."


"Then how do you explain the current situation?"


Yuigahama Yui got stuck on the spot.

Seeing the other party raising this unanswerable question again, she could only complain weakly: "You are so evil, you actually deceived me, a little girl."

After being quiet for a while, she seemed to have adjusted her mood and asked tentatively: "You just said you were good at cooking. Is that true?"

"Of course." Uehara Takuya instantly understood the girl's thoughts, "If you want to learn, I can teach you."

"Eh? I... um, is it really okay?" She stammered, with obvious expectation and anxiety in her voice.

Her cooking skills have never been good.

Her dog can attest to this.

"As long as you study hard, you can definitely make delicious food." Uehara Takuya said in a young master's tone.

"But I've tried hard many times..." She still wasn't confident.

Takuya Uehara said earnestly: "Have you seen "Forrest Gump"? There is a very classic line in it."

"I know!" Yuigahama Yui shouted excitedly, "Life is like a box of chocolates..."

Uehara Takuya answered quickly: "But there are always people who are dogs."

Yuigahama Yui looked confused: "That's not what that line is, right?"

"That's it." Uehara Takuya said firmly, "Because dogs can't eat chocolate, some people who are pessimistic about life can't wait for their own chocolate."

Yuigahama Yui was slightly startled, feeling inexplicably depressed.

Then she heard Takuya Uehara mutter: "Speaking of chocolate, have you tried the silky Dove? I think it tastes pretty good, but it's a bit expensive."

"Ha ha……"

Yuigahama Yui laughed dryly.

She didn't know whether the other party was an alien.

But one thing she was sure of.

This man's chat style is like that of a fool, and ordinary people have no way of keeping up with his thinking.

Chapter 152 Yukino activates the bitch detection radar

After lying on the bed for a while, Uehara Takuya felt uncomfortable.

Lying in one position for too long and not asleep makes lying down actually uncomfortable.

It can be seen that lying flat for a long time is not a good thing.

So Uehara Takuya decided to turn over, sit up and lean on the head of the bed.

Yuigahama Yui felt that he was a little confused. After a while, she said that she wanted to help herself rest. After about ten minutes, she sat up again.

After getting over the initial shock and uneasiness, she can now barely accept the other person's existence.

She would be happier if the other party just left and returned control of her body to her.

"You should rest more if you have a cold." Uehara Takuya warned seriously.

Yuigahama Yui really wants to say that even if I want to rest now, I can't do it.

"Although I can rest for you, I know you have been thinking about things."

"Of course it is!"

The girl couldn't help it anymore and muttered quickly: "Anyone would be surprised when encountering such a thing, right? You know, after 17 ordinary years, this is the first time I have encountered such a strange thing."

Uehara Takuya pondered: "So, are you ready to thank me for making your life colorful?"

"Have you ever heard of facial recognition?" Yuigahama Yui asked a seemingly clueless question.

"Of course I have, what's the matter?"

The Tuanzi girl said plausibly: "If you use facial recognition to unlock your phone now, your face will definitely not be visible in the camera."

Uehara Takuya was taken aback for a moment, then laughed: "It's quite interesting how you round about the corner and say I'm shameless."

Yuigahama Yui groaned dissatisfied. She was very bold in some aspects, and occasionally said some harsh words.

If she hadn't been frightened by Uehara Takuya's sudden arrival at first, she might have been more aggressive.

"Mom should have cooked something delicious for me." The girl suddenly said this.

Uehara Taku didn't react, and the other party continued to talk to himself: "She knows that I am resting because of a cold, and she usually wouldn't bother me specially. But she still came in just now, which means she originally wanted to shout I’m going to have some snacks.”

"Then why didn't she say anything?" Uehara Takuya asked.

"Maybe I was so frightened by your performance that I forgot about it?" Yuigahama Yui couldn't help but laugh when she mentioned this. "How can I lift the desk with one hand? Mom will definitely be It’s scary.”

Uehara Takuya pinched his chin: "Then if I jump three meters high in front of her, will it make her think that she has a superhuman daughter?"

"Can you still jump three meters?" The girl's immediate attention was here.

"It could also be four meters." Uehara Taku wasn't too sure. Lions can bounce very well and can reach several times their own body length.

Besides, he also has the dexterity bonus of a kitten.


Yuigahama Yui expressed her envy from the bottom of her heart.

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