Uehara Takuya thought about it and didn't dare to confirm it.

After all, this thing also requires talent.

But if he asked the other party to make an ordinary meal that could be eaten, he thought it wouldn't be a big problem.

"Really?" Yuigahama Yui's little emotion came and went quickly, and she thanked her happily: "Then thank you."

"Then the cooking class will officially start when we meet next time."


That is to say, Yuigahama Yui can't control her body now, otherwise her little head would be spinning very fast.

Then she heard another thing and asked curiously: "By the way, what should I call you in the future? You must know my name, right?"

"You can call me... that adult." Uehara Takuya said in a serious voice.

"What do you mean?"

"That means I come from the M78 Nebula. Only I can have the title [that adult]."

"I don't understand what you are talking about at all!"

Amid the girl's complaints, the two parties agreed on a time, and Uehara Takuya went offline.

After regaining control of her body, Yuigahama Yui hurriedly ran to the dressing table. Looking at herself in the mirror, she looked much better, and she couldn't help but smile.

She thought of what her mother had said about praising Kawashima Ami again, and she hummed unconvinced: "My figure is not bad either. Why does mother only praise her?"

The girl twisted around in front of the mirror, her slender waist straight, and the hem of her home clothes was pulled up, revealing a flat belly without any fat.

After a while of stinky beauty, she returned to the bed and lay down in satisfaction.

But then she blushed.

Because I had a cold, I didn't plan to go out. I originally planned to just lie down in the bedroom.

So she only wore a black camisole underneath.

Just now she saw with her own eyes that the guy who controlled his body ran to the mirror and looked at it.

"Will he discover something?"

The girl blushed with embarrassment and comforted herself quietly, maybe the other person was a girl.

"No, no, how can there be a girl with such a bad personality? He must be a boy! Absolutely!"

Yuigahama Yui shyly pressed her face under the pillow.

She felt like she was going to have insomnia today.

On the other side, Taku Uehara was also not idle.

Since he agreed to teach the other party how to cook, he had to make some preparations.

But when he was looking through the recipes and choosing dishes suitable for novices, he couldn't help scratching his head in confusion: "That's wrong, shouldn't I use the system to learn other people's skills? Why am I the one teaching people how to cook now?"

While looking at the recipe, Yukino sent a text message as he expected.

Yukino: [How did you get to Yuigahama's side?Is there something about her that particularly attracts you? 】

Uehara Takuya: [Her hairstyle is indeed quite attractive. 】

Yukino sent a threatening panda face, saying that if you keep talking nonsense like this, I will not be happy.

Uehara Takuya: [Well, actually, I just went there because I was bored. Originally, I wanted to learn something from her, but now it seems that she doesn’t have what I need. 】

Seeing this text message, Yukino, who was lying down in pajamas, raised the corners of her mouth, and edited the message with some satisfaction: [Of course, I told you a long time ago, if you really want to learn something, you You can come to me. 】

Uehara Takuya: [I always remember it.By the way, why aren't you wearing stockings today? 】

Yukino's face turned red. Isn't this guy's thinking too out of the ordinary?

She stared at the phone screen for a few seconds, then suddenly on a whim, she picked up a pair of black gauze stockings from the cabinet and put them on.

After taking a satisfied look at her straight legs, she sent a message: [What I'm wearing now, do you want to see it? 】

Uehara Takuya replied super quickly: [Think! 】

Xueno's face became increasingly red: [Then please beg me. 】

Uehara Takuya: [Please, please send me a photo of your legs to save the child! 】

After five seconds, a picture was finally sent.

Uehara Takuya quickly opened it and found that it was indeed a black stocking leg.

But the race was wrong.

Because those are a pair of panda legs...

Just when he was feeling disappointed, another picture was sent to him.

This time, Yukino was sitting on the bed, her legs bound by stockings pressed together in front of her chest. She held her knees with one hand and raised her phone with the other hand to take the photo.

In the photo, she smiles very shyly and is a little bit charming.

There is a sentence below: [Just this once. 】

Chapter 154 The sense of accomplishment from childhood to adulthood

Yuigahama Yui arrived at school in the morning and was always absent-minded.

Not only Uehara Takuya and the others could see this, but even the classmates who didn't usually chat with her could see this.

Whether in class or after class, this girl, who is usually quite popular among male students, is always distracted.

Even while chatting with her friends, her eyes gradually began to become empty.


Yuigahama Yui, who was distracted again, quickly looked up and saw Kawashima Ami staring at her with a smile and asked: "You are in a daze again."

"Ah, sorry, sorry, I just..."

The girl's face turned pink with embarrassment, but she didn't dare to say anything.

Even if she didn't believe that she had encountered aliens yesterday, her intuition was telling herself that she must not talk about that matter casually.

What if I pissed that guy off and he took control of my mom's body with his anger?

[Yui-chan, you don’t want your mother to be embarrassed in public, right? 】

With her rich imagination, she immediately came up with a short film of no less than two 10 minutes.

Miura Yuko asked hesitantly: "Is it because we didn't visit you yesterday, so you were angry?"

As she spoke, she raised her chin again and hummed arrogantly: "I've already asked Yamei to take my share of the visit. Besides, I really had something to do yesterday, otherwise I would definitely go to you. "

"It's nothing, I won't be angry because of this kind of thing." Yuigahama Yui smiled, feeling moved in her heart.

"Then why did you become like this?" Miura Yuko was puzzled.

Kawashima Ami's eyes flickered a few times, and she said with a smile: "Is it because I feel like spring?"

"Eh? How is that possible!"

Yuigahama Yui blushed completely and waved her hands shyly.

"If it's not because of Sichun, then what's the reason?" the other party asked.

"Well...I don't know what to tell you now..."

Yuigahama Yui said hesitantly, and in the end she could only clasp her hands together and make an apologetic expression: "I'm sorry, I will definitely tell you when I think about it clearly."

"Okay, I'm not very curious anyway." Miura Yuiko said nonchalantly.

Seeing that the two friends did not ask any more questions, Yuigahama Yui breathed a sigh of relief.

She glanced at Takuya Uehara not far away, looking hesitant.

[Uehara-san is a boy. He should know a lot about Ultraman, right? 】

Yuigahama Yui stood up slowly, debating whether to go over and ask.

After all, she and Uehara Takuya were not very familiar with each other. If she went to find each other rashly, she would be worried about Miura Yuiko's overthinking.

And Kashiwazaki Sena and Yukino...

Yuigahama Yui sighed tiredly when she thought of her other two friends.

After being so entangled all morning, she finally did not dare to approach Uehara Takuya.

Kawashima Ami still called Aoyama Nanami for today's lunch.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, everyone was introduced to each other by Yui Hahama, and the two lively girls soon chatted together.

Yukino didn't show her high emotional intelligence today because her attention was on Takuya Uehara.

After she had the courage to send the other party that leg photo yesterday, she didn't dare to read the other party's reply message.

It wasn't until just before going to bed that she turned on her phone with a red face as if she were a thief.

Then I saw a simple comment from Takuya Uehara: Good legs!

At that time, she almost couldn't help but play a video.

I have been embarrassed and shy for so long, and I thought you would make a long speech to praise my legs.

The result is this?

So much so that every time she looked at Uehara Takuya while eating, her eyes were full of resentment.

The person involved, Takuya Uehara, was very calm.

I’ve also seen photos of stockings legs, so it’s acceptable to receive a few glares from Yukino.

"Yami, how are you talking about the commercial for your meat buns? What is the specific content of the shooting?"

Several girls talked about the topic of pet advertisements. Except for Yukino and Yuigahama Yui, who was worried, everyone else was quite interested.

Uehara Takuya was also a little interested.

He didn't intend to control the husky to shoot commercials, he was just curious about how pets filmed commercials.

Of course, if you can make money quickly.

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