He might be moved.

After all, he also has a cat vest.

"We have almost talked about it. As for the specific shooting situation, I am not very clear. Anyway, I read the book and the content is quite simple. It only requires the pets to cooperate with a few more actions." Kawashima Ami is very confident.

"You can make money by shooting commercials..." Qingshan Nanami made an envious voice.

Kawashima Ami smiled and served the other party food: "If Xiao Qihai also wants to earn advertising fees, I have an acquaintance, and you happen to have a figure suitable for being a magazine model."


Nanami Aoyama was stunned for a moment as the image of herself wearing a sexy swimsuit came to mind.

Her little face turned red completely: "No, no, I think my current part-time job is pretty good, and I'm very satisfied with the income. Forget about being a model."

"Xiao Nanhai, you are blushing, you are so cute."

"Yami, don't be like this..."

The atmosphere of the lunch was getting better and better. Yuigahama Yui, who had been waiting for an opportunity, finally couldn't hold it back and asked pretending to be curious: "Have you heard of the M78 Nebula?"

finally come?

Uehara Takuya chuckled inwardly.

Kashiwazaki Sena was immersed in her food and said without raising her head: "Ultraman? There are classmates in my class who have talked about similar topics. Why is Yui also interested in this?"

"Ahaha, I also saw Ultraman's clip on the short video platform yesterday. I thought it was super handsome, so I became interested." Yuigahama Yui said with a guilty conscience.

She is lying!

A voice came out of Kawashima Ami and Yukino's hearts at the same time.

Miura Yuko held her chin and muttered: "I know very little about Ultraman. I can't help this time."

Yuigahama Yui had expected it, so she pretended to look at Kashiwazaki Sena.

"You ask me?" Kashiwazaki Sena pointed at her face and blinked cutely, "I've only heard of Ultraman Taro, and I don't know about the others at all."

"What about Koyuki and Ami?" Yuigahama Yui shifted her gaze again.

Both girls expressed their ignorance.

Nanami Aoyama was also shaking his head.

Yuigahama Yui took a secret breath and looked at Uehara Takuya expectantly.

That's what she really wanted to ask.

The reason why I asked the other girls first was to avoid misunderstandings.

"Do you believe in light?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Uehara Takuya opened his mouth, the girl who listened was confused.

"What do you mean?" Yuigahama Yui didn't understand at all.

Takuya Uehara said sternly: "Only those who believe in light have the chance to become Ultraman."

"Can you please stop being stupid?" Yukino couldn't listen anymore.

As soon as she saw the other person's expression, she knew that Takuya Uehara was going to talk nonsense.

"I believe!"

But Yuigahama Yui agreed quickly, and she tried her best to make her expression sincere: "I believe in light, and I also believe that there are Ultramans in the world."

"Very good, it seems we have something in common." Uehara Takuya smiled happily.

Yuigahama Yui took the opportunity to ask her doubts: "Uehara-san, what kind of personality do you think a boy who likes Ultraman will have?"


These words attracted the attention of Uehara Takuya and Yukino.

Yuigahama wants to investigate the situation?

Uehara Takuya's expression remained unchanged: "The scope of this question is too broad. Just within the group of Ultra fans, there are boys with all kinds of personalities. It's impossible for me to make a questionnaire for you, right?"

"That's what I said..."

Yuigahama Yui laughed twice, feeling a little regretful.

She also knew that she was still too anxious.

But if she didn't investigate that magical experience clearly within a day, she would just feel like there were ants crawling in her heart.

The itch is terrible, but I can't scratch it.

"I remember Uehara, don't you like Ultraman very much?" Kawashima Ami, who was sitting opposite, looked reminiscing, "You have talked to me about Gundam and other topics before, you seem to know a lot about special effects movies, right? ?”

"Do you also want to join this warm family of tokusatsu fans?" Uehara Takuya extended an invitation.

Kawashima Ami rolled her eyes at him: "I'm obviously asking you a question."

"I also sincerely invite you."

Kashiwazaki Sena interjected from the side: "Then why don't you invite me?"

Uehara Takuya opened his mouth, but before he could speak, Yukino said calmly: "That's because you are too cute, and Uehara is too embarrassed to invite you."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present except Aoyama Nanami was stunned.

Is Yukinoshita... praising Sena?

The eyes of Kawashima Ami and others were extremely strange.

Kashiwazaki Sena happily put down her chopsticks and said, "Would you also praise me, Yukinoshita? Since you are so good at talking today, I won't quarrel with you."

Yukino also showed a smile: "Don't be too happy too early. I haven't finished speaking yet. In my logic, the word [cute] is usually connected with [stupid]."

Kashiwazaki Sena's smile fell and she said angrily: "You really want to quarrel! Just wait and see, when everyone goes swimming at the beach on the weekend, I will definitely strip off your swimsuit!"


Everyone perked up and began to look at Yukino.

Yukino was embarrassed and angry, but her face refused to be outdone: "Then just come over, I'm not the weak woman you imagined."

Kashiwazaki Sena stared at her breasts and commented seriously: "Well, it is indeed a bit weak, not completely weak."

Come again?

Yukino sneered. He was about to say that your dirty tricks are useless to me, but then he heard a "pop" sound, and Kawashima Ami couldn't help but laugh.

Next came Yuigahama Yui, who was also suppressing a smile.

Laughter is contagious, and as one person after another bursts out laughing, others can't hold it in either.

Yukino's face completely darkened.

The only thing that made her happy was that Takuya Uehara didn't laugh.

She felt somewhat comforted.

So after lunch, she went out of her way to find each other alone, with a gentle look in her eyes: "Why didn't you laugh with them just now?"

Uehara Takuya said righteously: "Because I think Sena's logic is not right."

"What do you mean?"

Inexplicably, Yukino felt something bad in her heart.

I saw Uehara Takuya saying seriously: "Actually, the feeling from childhood to adulthood is also very good... Ouch, why are you stepping on me?"

Xueno blushed, glared at him fiercely, and walked away in shame and anger.

"I shouldn't have asked this pervert what it means to be brought up from childhood..."

Yukino's cheeks turned red and she looked down unconsciously.

Does that bastard still want to give me a massage here?

Chapter 155 Kashiwazaki Sena’s plan

"What did you and Yukinoshita talk about just now?"

As soon as the ashamed and angry Yukino walked away, Kashiwazaki Sena followed closely.

She didn't care about other people's eyes at all. Xiangxiang's soft body was almost close to Uehara Takuya, her cheeks were pink, she looked happy and curious, and she looked a little naive.

"Some personal issues." Uehara Takuya said tactfully.

Unexpectedly, Kashiwazaki Sena laughed and said: "I know, is she inferior because of what I just said?"

"Why do you think so?" Uehara Takuya was a little confused. He didn't seem to mention this, right?

Kashiwazaki Sena looked around to make sure there was no one behind her, then she chuckled and said: "Yukashita always pretends not to care, but in fact she is very concerned about her figure. Especially for me, Sena. In front of adults, she was completely defeated!"

The more she talked, the more excited she became, and she couldn't stop at all: "Just now she specifically talked to you about those private topics, it must be because she was hit by me during the meal... Hey, hey, do you want me to comfort her after school?"

Kashiwazaki Sena said while raising her head and chest.

That gesture didn't look like he was trying to comfort Yukino, but more like he was preparing to pursue victory.

"Stop messing around."

Uehara Takuya smiled and hit her on the head.

Seeing the girl pouting and hugging her forehead, looking so cute, the smile on his face also widened: "If you go all the way to the service department to quarrel with Yukino, you will definitely lose."

"How is that possible?" Kashiwazaki Sena expressed dissatisfaction on the spot.

Takuya Uehara carefully analyzed it for her: "Think about it carefully. Every time you have fought in the past, has she ever lost when she was well prepared?"

Kashiwazaki Sena was stunned, and her confidence began to decline.

But she still refused to accept: "I am also prepared this time, she will definitely not win."

"You still have to be tough?" Uehara Takuya laughed.

However, Kashiwazaki Sena lowered her head shyly: "How can I be harsh? I just don't want you to think that I will lose to that Yukinoshita..."

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she was worried about being teased by Takuya Uehara, so she quickly changed the subject: "By the way, my dad misses you very much."

Uehara Takuya couldn't hold back this time and laughed directly: "This excuse was already used last time."

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