Kashiwazaki Sena blushed and raised her little head periodically: "My parrot misses you very much."

"Well, I finally have a fresh reason." Uehara Takuya commented pretendingly.

"Then are you going to my house tonight?"

After Kashiwazaki Sena finished speaking, without waiting for the other party to answer, she suddenly clenched her fists in excitement: "Yes, I can also invite Yukinoshita. That guy just wants to quarrel with me all day long. I said I would strip her naked." As for the clothes, I can take action today!”

Uehara Takuya reminded: "Yukino knows Aikido, she has practiced it."

"I've practiced too!"

Kashiwazaki Sena puts on a fighting pose very cutely.

Uehara Takuya glanced at her soft fist, and felt that it was better not to hit her too hard, so he changed his words: "Then let's wait until school is over, but I have to work part-time today."

"It's okay, I can go to the store and wait for you." Kashiwazaki Sena didn't mind at all, but smiled brightly.

Seeing her completely attaching her heart to him, Uehara Takuya was stunned for a moment.

This is a young girl.

There is only such a stage in a person's life.

And for many women, they will spend a lot of time missing their youth and blooming years in the future.

At this age, Kashiwazaki Sena is like a fruit that exudes a sweet and delicious smell. Even if she doesn't bite it and eats it in her mouth, you can smell the sweet and fragrant smell on her body as long as you look at it a few more times.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Kashiwazaki Sena felt a little embarrassed when he stared at her and looked away shyly.

Uehara Takuya said softly: "It's nothing."

Kashiwazaki Sena seemed to understand his thoughts and became more and more shy: "This is a school, there are too many people, if you want to kiss me..."

She was embarrassed to continue talking.

Uehara Takuya was stunned. Was there ever a day when she saw through his mind?

He really had the urge to kiss her just now.

"I go first……"

Kashiwazaki Sena hurriedly dropped these words and ran away without looking back.

Being able to say what she just said had already exhausted her courage.

If she continued, she might not be able to help but stand on tiptoes and put those soft and sweet red lips up to her.

"I'm a girl, so I have to be reserved!"

Kashiwazaki Sena returned to the classroom with a blushing face. This shy and happy girlish attitude made many male students around her look envious.

The students around him actually knew that the most dazzling girl in their class had already found his heart.

What makes the boys gnash their teeth even more is that that bastard named Uehara Takuya not only gets the company of a beautiful girl like Kashiwazaki Sena every day, he is also favored by the genius girl Yukinoshita.

This is simply a heinous crime!

When Uehara Takuya returned to the classroom, Yuigahama Yui was talking and laughing next to Kawashima Ami, and she seemed to have completely lost the problem of being distracted as in the morning.

However, he could also guess that this girl had probably secretly made up her mind to use her own personal ability to investigate this wonderful experience of "possession".

The last person who had this idea was named Yukinoshita Yukino.

But as he and Yukino became more and more familiar, the girl who had been lonely for a long time finally gave up the idea of ​​​​investigating, and instead silently walked closer and closer to him.

"So, mother is very great."

He heard the voice of his classmates. He calmed down and turned around. It was the boys in the class who liked to get together to eat melon chatting again.

His eyes caught the other person's attention. The male classmate who was coaxed by him last time to clean the swimming pool with high spirits now looked over with sad eyes and said: "Uehara-san, I will never believe what you say again."

Uehara Takuya was amused by his resentful look: "What? You didn't see any girls in swimsuits when you went to the swimming pool last time?"

The words elicited laughter from the others.

The boy named Naito sighed: "I was confused for a moment before I believed you. We don't have swimming lessons recently. Where can we see girls in swimsuits?"

"I see." Uehara Takuya said with a surprised expression.

"Hey, don't pretend like you just understand. It was obviously you who deceived me last time!"

After everyone laughed for a while, someone asked Uehara Takuya: "Uehara, do you also think your mother is particularly great?"

"That's for sure." Uehara Takuya paused and added, "Of course, the premise is a responsible mother."

"What do you mean?" Everyone was taken aback.

Uehara Takuya smiled and said: "Because every profession in this world requires examinations, but only the profession of [parents] does not require examinations, so I think those scumbag parents who often appear in the news are completely unqualified."

"Hey, this topic is too heavy..."

"Sorry sorry."

Takuya Uehara nodded and followed their thoughts and said: "Mother is naturally very great. It takes so long to give birth to a new life, and pregnant women need to be careful no matter what they do in life. Mothers do this. It’s so that my child can be born safely.”

"So, it's really hard for my mother." A classmate named Naito said with emotion, "My father is more relaxed, and it only takes three seconds."

Including Uehara Takuya, everyone's eyes fell on him.

Everyone's eyes were weird.

"What are you looking at me for?"

"It's nothing. I'll give you a look and you'll understand."

"Naito, have you exposed something?"


In the cheerful atmosphere, Naito blushed and argued: "Don't make up your mind, I'm just giving an example."

Next came some incomprehensible words such as "I am very durable" and "My body is very healthy".

The movement from the boys' side attracted the attention of the girls in the class. Fortunately, everyone was still moral and did not leak the content of the conversation just now.

Otherwise, there will be an extra classmate in the class today who is social-dead.

After school, Yuigahama Yui got up immediately, said hello to her friends in a hurry and left.

From the looks of it, it was obvious that he was not going to the service department.

This scene made Kawashima Ami suspicious: "It seems that she really has something on her mind."

"I guess it has something to do with the M78 nebula at noon." Miura Yuko thought the same way.

After saying that, she came to Uehara Takuya to inquire about the news: "Did Yuigahama contact you this afternoon?"

"No, she didn't even talk to me." Uehara Takuya answered truthfully.

Miura Yuko couldn't help but frown: "This is strange. Yuigahama doesn't seem to be able to hide secrets. What happened to her recently?"

She can't hide a secret?

Uehara Takuya wanted to laugh a little, but held it back.

Yuigahama Yui's kind of personality is the most suitable for hiding secrets, right?

Compared to Miura Yuiko and Kawashima Ami, who attracted the attention of most people in the class, Yuigahama Yui seemed less dazzling.

Because of this, as long as she wants to hide her worries, unless you follow her all the time, it is impossible to find out useful information.

"Would you like to go to Sena's house to play tonight?"

At this time Kawashima Ami came over, her words were obviously asking Miura Yuko.

By the way, she winked at Uehara Takuya and smiled narrowly: "Sena must have invited you in advance, right?"

Uehara Takuya was startled: "She also invited you?"


The smile on Kawashima Ami's face continued to expand, and there was a faint excitement in her eyebrows: "If I guessed correctly, she specially called us here, probably because she wanted to implement what she said at noon."


Miura Yuko was stunned, and then her eyes lit up: "Tearing off the clothes under the snow?"

Chapter 156 Envy and Jealousy


Regarding Miura Yumeko’s expectations and excitement, Kawashima Ami gave a positive answer.

Obviously, Kashiwazaki Sena's words at noon had already tempted them.

Yukino always looked proud and confident in front of them.

If they had the opportunity to see each other's embarrassed side, they would certainly agree without hesitation.

Uehara Takuya on the side couldn't stand listening anymore and interrupted the two of them helplessly: "I said, have you ignored me? After all, I am also a living person."

The two girls looked at each other and reached some kind of agreement in an instant.

When they looked at Uehara Takuya again, the smiles in their eyes looked like they had malicious intentions.

"Don't look at me with that look. Just give up. I won't join in with you." Uehara Takuya guessed what they were thinking.

Kawashima Ami bent down with a smile and her voice was very low: "Don't refuse so quickly. Although I know that you and Yukinoshita have a good relationship, don't you think Sena's proposal is interesting?"

"I think it's quite boring." Uehara Takuya told the truth.

Stripping clothes off sounds really exciting.

But that's all.

And in his opinion, if Kashiwazaki Sena and Yukino really fell into a one-on-one situation, he felt that the one who was stripped off in the end would definitely be the blond girl.

"Hey, you are so boring." Seeing that he disagreed, Kawashima Ami couldn't help rolling her eyes, "Forget it, it doesn't matter if you disagree, as long as Yumeko and I join forces."

When Miura Yuiko heard this, she hesitated: "Yami, you mean, we have to cooperate with Sena?"

"Otherwise?" Kawashima Ami asked.


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