"That's nice to say. If you really want to see it, then why didn't you wear these stockings just now?" Miura Yuiko struggled a few more times, but it was still in vain.

"Because you have a good figure!" Kashiwazaki Sena smiled happily.

And her smile fell into the eyes of Miura Yuko, which only made the latter feel that the other party deserved a beating.

Kawashima Ami suppressed a smile and said: "Okay Yuiko, just stand here and let us admire it. We are really just curious about this style of stockings."

"Are you still willing to speak?"

As soon as she heard her friend's voice, Miura Yuko's eyes widened in anger.

You should know that she had just changed into stockings from the bathroom and was already shy. When she saw that none of the three people in the room were wearing stockings, and she was obviously deceived, she immediately became stupid.

Kawashima Ami shouted "Let's go" to Kashiwazaki Sena at that time, and before she could react, she was pulled by the two of them.

What made Miura Yuko even more embarrassed and angry was that Kawashima Ami's hands were still restless. The other party looked at her with surprised eyes and even wanted to reach out to lift her skirt!

It was originally agreed that the four of them would change stockings together, but the three of them didn't abide by the agreement.

Just now she said she would just watch, but Kawashima Ami thought of taking action again.

She was relieved that Yuigahama Yui didn't take advantage of the situation.

But to her, the various suggestions and requests of Kashiwazaki Sena were like the Greek thinker, Aristotle's sister, Jeanne Masto.

Stella figured out the situation, closed the door calmly, and stepped forward with the blushing Yuigahama Yui.

She was not in a hurry to help, but looked back and forth with the same surprised eyes.

Miura Yuko suddenly became numb.

I wonder if there will be another person who wants to lift my skirt, right?

Fortunately for her, Stella didn't do that.

I saw the other party smiling and waving his hands: "Okay, you have had enough trouble, right? Miss Miura is obviously unwilling, so Sena, please don't force her."

Kashiwazaki Sena hesitantly let go and whispered: "We are really just curious."

When Ami Kawashima saw her companion let go, she also let go.

Miura Yuko ran away.

When she came out with the stockings, she used a death gaze on Kashiwazaki Sena and Kashiwazaki Sena with a straight face: "Aren't you going to apologize to me for deceiving me?"

Stella suddenly interrupted: "Miss Miura, how does it feel to put on the garter stockings? Will your legs feel uncomfortable?"

Miura Yuko was stunned and looked at the other person with shame and confusion. She only saw the other person smile calmly and said: "I just saw that you were very beautiful in your dress, so I thought, should I buy one for myself too."


The four girls all lost their voices.

Stella still acted calmly: "You don't need to be surprised. This bold style of stockings is still too advanced for you, but it's just right for me."

"It makes sense." Kawashima Ami nodded in agreement, "Miss Stella has such a good figure and is just at the most attractive time in a woman's life. If you put on suspenders and stockings, I'm afraid you can charm many people. male."

Kashiwazaki Sena stretched out her hand and gestured at the side: "Stella's figure is indeed very good. The last time I took a bath with her, I found that she is almost the same as me."

"In addition to breasts, do you pay attention to other things?" Miura Yuiko glared at her angrily.

Kashiwazaki Sena smiled carelessly: "Because this is very important..."

As she spoke, she blushed shyly and said, "If I have a child in the future, if my breasts are too small, the child will be hungry."

Miura Yuko's face was covered with black lines: "Are you literate? Whether the child is hungry or not has nothing to do with the size! As long as a woman has given birth to a child, she can feed her child."

Kashiwazaki Sena was stunned and argued unconvinced: "How do you know? Have you ever given birth? Then feed a child and show me!"

"I...idiot Sena, I can't stand you anymore!"

Miura Yuko, who had been holding back her anger for a long time, saw that the other party just wanted to argue, and what they had done just now, she took action without hesitation.

The two girls immediately rolled down on the sofa.

But five seconds later, she was pinned to the ground by Kashiwazaki Sena, unable to move in shame.

Yuigahama Yui opened her mouth in surprise: "So Sena is so powerful?"

Ami Kawashima smiled and shook her head: "Yuko, are you stupid? Although your athletic talent is also good, you chose the athletic monster Sena as your opponent. This is obviously self-defeating."

Miura Yuiko lay on the ground with a red face. She felt that she had really lost her face today.

In the end, Stella pulled the two apart dutifully.

Miura Yuiko bit her lip tightly, looking unwilling to do so.

Kashiwazaki Sena held her head up proudly and her waist straight, as if she was looking at people with her breasts...

Stella knew that Miura Yuiko was still angry, so in order to prevent the two girls from fighting again, she cleverly called Uehara Takuya in.

With boys present, she felt that these girls would be more restrained.

Uehara Takuya, who had no idea that he had become a tool man, looked curiously at Yuko Miura, whose face was red with anger, as soon as he entered the door: "What did you just do?"

"I was bullied by these bad guys!" Miura Yuko felt a little aggrieved.

Just when Uehara Takuya was about to ask, Kawashima Ami interrupted with a smile: "Okay, let's not talk about this for now."

Immediately she showed an apologetic smile to Miura Yuiko: "Sorry, we did lie to you. This was my idea. I apologize to you."

Miura Yuko snorted and stared at Kashiwazaki Sena again.

"Ah? What are you looking at me for?" The other person looked confused and seemed to have forgotten what happened just now.

"Idiot Sena, go to hell!"

Miura Yuko suddenly became angry and rushed over like a cat with explosive fur.

Uehara Takuya had quick eyesight and quick hands. He grabbed her wrist and used force to drag her to his side.

Miura Yuiko only felt that she had bumped into a warm embrace. As soon as she raised her head, her cheeks turned red in shyness, her aura disappeared instantly, and she softly uttered a soft voice like a certain Kun: "What are you doing~"

"Don't make trouble at night." Uehara Takuya smiled, "But I can probably guess what you were doing just now."

Miura Yuko felt guilty and did not dare to say anything.

Kashiwazaki Sena clenched her fists at the side: "You are so despicable, you pretend to be weak and lean into Takuya's arms."

Uehara Takuya didn't give them a chance to argue, and spoke up in time: "By the way, there happens to be time now, why don't we find something to do?"

Yuigahama Yui looked at the smoke-filled bedroom and hurriedly cooperated: "I think so too. Do you want to play games together?"

Kawashima Ami's eyes were strange: "You mean, let us girls accompany the boy Uehara to play those collected by Sena... Well, how to conquer girls' games?"

She also used a euphemism.

Yuigahama Yui laughed awkwardly. She really wanted to play games. The urban-themed girl game she recently picked up was about to be completed with a full CG collection.

"How about playing cards."

Stella suddenly spoke.

After she attracted everyone's attention, she calmly added: "Just play the more common ghost-drawing cards. If you feel too boring, you can add some bonuses."

Upon hearing this, Miura Yuko immediately regained her composure and stared at Kashiwazaki Sena with sharp eyes: "Okay, then let's play cards!"

Kashiwazaki Sena was not afraid at all: "How big do you want to fight?"

Miura Yuko was stunned: "You want to play with money? Do you have money now?"

"No!" Kashiwazaki Sena said confidently.

"Then why are you speaking so loudly!"

Miura Yuko felt that her blood pressure was high again.

"Because your voice is loud, I want to be even louder." Kashiwazaki Sena crossed her arms across her chest. Her life creed is that no matter whether she has an advantage or not, she must control her momentum.

Stella chuckled at the side and said: "You are all students, and playing with money is gambling. So I suggest you make a lottery with rewards and punishments."

"Reward and punishment?" The girls were all interested.

Stella maintained the charming smile on her face: "Yes, you all know the rules of playing ghost cards, right? As long as someone loses, the loser must obey one condition of the other person. Of course, only one person can make the condition, Otherwise it would be too much.”

Uehara Takuya stared at her suspiciously, wondering if this woman was trying to cause trouble?

Because of this conditional game rule, no matter how you look at it, it will make people think of a bold game - the King's Game.

"I have no objection!" Miura Yuko was the first to speak out.

Judging from her fighting expression, she was obviously ready to kill Kashiwazaki Sena.

Others didn't object either.

Soon Stella came in with a brand new deck of playing cards. She stood next to Uehara Takuya and unpacked the cards. When everyone was sitting in a circle, she bent down and started shuffling the cards.

Uehara Takuya looked away consciously.

Kawashima Ami, who was sitting opposite, frowned slightly. She always felt that Stella's behavior seemed a bit deliberate?

It's also possible that the other party is too big-hearted and doesn't even think of such a trivial matter.

But as a girl, she naturally cares about her clothes.

Stella was currently wearing that rose-red nightgown, and as the other party bent down, the neckline immediately became baggy.

If Takuya Uehara hadn't looked away, she felt that the former would have been a feast for the eyes.

Of course, she took a look.

Suddenly an English sentence popped into my head.

Great gift crab!

Chapter 164 The considerate housekeeper

None of the six people present had mysophobia, and besides, Kashiwazaki Sena's bedroom floor had already been cleaned, so everyone simply sat in a circle on the floor.

Before starting, Yuigahama Yui said cowardly: "Can we agree first that the punishment for the loser cannot be too excessive and that we cannot ask the other party to do anything terrible."

"Are you scared, Yui?" Kashiwazaki Sena laughed, "But don't worry, even if you lose, I won't target you."

Miura Yuko also smiled: "Yes, I have a goal for a long time."

Yuigahama Yui trembled, she always felt that the smiling faces of the two people were more scary than when they were not smiling.

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