"Don't be like this, I'm scared." Kawashima Ami smiled and said what the girl was thinking.

Uehara Taku didn't say anything. He kept staring at Stella's hand holding the cards to make sure that the other party had no intention of cheating, and then he felt relieved.

[Maybe I’m worrying too much. 】

He had previously wondered whether the other party would cause trouble.

But so far, Stella has behaved honestly.

If you want to cheat in a simple poker game like drawing ghost cards, you can only hide the cards or use high technology to see through your opponent's cards.

"It seems you are all ready, let's get started." Stella showed a charming smile.

This game is almost exactly the same as the "turtle smoking" popular in some parts of China. It is simple and easy to play, and even children can easily understand it.

However, when your opponent draws your card, you may need to test your acting skills.

Ami Kawashima does a great job in this regard.

Whether she is drawing other people's cards or others are drawing her cards, she always maintains that calm and unhurried look, making it impossible to guess which card she does not want to be drawn away.

Although Yuigahama Yui was very nervous, her performance was quite satisfactory, and no one deliberately targeted her.

Uehara Takuya and Stella performed normally, so that after one round, the loser was as everyone expected, between the already grudge-y Kashiwazaki Sena and Miura Yuko.

"This Yumiko is so mean~"

Kashiwazaki Sena looked proudly at her unwilling opponent. The more the opponent showed this expression, the happier she became.

"According to the rules of the game, Sena now has the right to make demands on Miss Miura." Stella not only acts as a player, but also serves as a referee.

Miura Yuko frowned: "Just tell me, what do you want me to do? Anyway, I won't lie."

Kashiwazaki Sena laughed happily: "I want you to wear stockings again!"

Miura Yuko suddenly blushed and gritted her teeth: "I knew you idiot would mention this!"

Stella smiled and said: "No, there are boys here. If you want me to wear them, that's fine. After all, I am an adult."

As soon as these words came out, Kashiwazaki Sena and the other two didn't even care about their fighting spirit, and looked over with surprised expressions.

Uehara Takuya's eyelids twitched. Is this woman still trying to cause trouble?

"Why are you looking at me like this? I'm just stating the facts." Stella didn't feel guilty at all.

Kashiwazaki Sena was a little confused: "Stella, what you just meant was that even if you put on stockings in front of Uehara, you wouldn't be shy?"

"Why should I be shy?" Stella asked.

Immediately she held her cheeks in her hands, her eyes filled with shame and anger: "Unless he wants me to get pregnant."

Yuigahama Yui was dumbfounded.

Do rich people play like this?

A mouthful of something as heavy as pregnancy?

Miura Yuko's eyes were also dull. This was the first time she saw Stella's "toughness".

Kashiwazaki Sena had long been used to it, and waved her hand casually: "He won't do that kind of thing to you."

"Really not?" Stella looked at Uehara Takuya with a shy look.

"Hey, don't stare at me with that [I'm so shy] expression! Besides, aren't we playing cards now? Why did it get involved with me again?" Uehara Takuya said with a dark face.

"Yeah, I almost forgot." Stella returned to her usual appearance instantly.

This change of expression was so fast that the girls who saw it were shocked.

When Miura Yuko saw other people's eyes falling on her again, she took a deep breath and pretended to be calm and said: "Sena's request just now was too much. According to the rules of the game, she must change."

Kashiwazaki Sena muttered regretfully: "What a shame."

Miura Yuiko pretended not to hear, but secretly looked at Ami Kawashima with hidden eyes: "Ami, why don't you make a request?"

The two of them were the first in the class to become good friends, so she felt that it was safest to give power to each other.

Although Ami Kawashima pranked herself a second ago.

But Miura Yuko still chose to forgive her.

"Yami, come up with an idea and scare her to death!" Kashiwazaki Sena encouraged from the side.

Her current expression is very much like the prince in "Tang Bo Hu Spots the Fragrance of Autumn": come up with a pair and kill him!

Kawashima Ami smiled slightly: "I happen to be a little hungry, so please give Yumeko something to eat."

"no problem!"

Miura Yuiko breathed a sigh of relief, it was just cooking noodles, it was simple.

"I want it too." Kashiwazaki Sena quickly raised her hand.

"Sorry, it's not your fault, because this is Yami's request." Miura Yuiko snorted.

Stella also stood up and took charge of leading the way.

As soon as the two left, Kashiwazaki Sena couldn't help but complain: "Yami, you are so disappointing. You didn't seize such a good opportunity."

Kawashima Ami smiled: "Okay, Yuko is already angry enough today. If you irritate her again, aren't you afraid that she will get under your bed at night and take off your clothes?"

"I'm not afraid of her!"

After Kashiwazaki Sena finished speaking, she glanced at Takuya Uehara with a guilty conscience.

She was actually ready to get under the covers at night.

Unexpectedly, Ami Kawashima actually went with him.

Fortunately she didn't guess what I was thinking.

Kashiwazaki Sena thought shyly.

After a while, Miura Yuko came back with noodles. Kawashima Ami took a few bites, praised her with a few words of emotional intelligence, and then continued to play the game.

In the second game, Takuya Uehara decided to be a spectator.

Because he knew that Miura Yuko would definitely want to win back.

So he thought absentmindedly about other things.

But as he played, he found that he had become the loser.

"You are the one who loses?" Miura Yuko looked at the ghost card in the opponent's hand blankly, and was a little unwilling to accept it, "Damn it, I am obviously targeting the idiot Sena."

Yuigahama Yui breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that luckily she didn't lose.

But when she noticed that the atmosphere was a bit strange, she took the initiative to open the topic: "Who is making the request this time?"

Takuya Uehara resignedly put down his cards. He was just here to play tricks. How come Kashiwazaki Sena and Miura Yuko were playing cards, but he was the one who suffered in the end?

This feeling of planning to watch a movie at first, but finally becoming the protagonist, is really a live dubbing of Kamen Rider - I congratulate myself.

"Shall I make a request?"

Stella suddenly spoke.

She met the eyes of others and said in a calm voice: "I won't make excessive demands. Just like Miss Kawashima just now, let Uehara-san feed Sena."

"Cooking noodles? That's no problem." Uehara Takuya accepted.

Stella then glanced at Kashiwazaki Sena: "Sena, you can join him in the kitchen, and you can ask him to make you a bowl of love noodles."

"Love noodles?" Miura Yuiko gritted her teeth, what? Did Miss Stella turn out to be an assist?

Kawashima Ami also had a complex expression.

Yuigahama Yui pretended not to hear anything.

Uehara Takuya thinks this request is reasonable. After all, Stella and Kashiwazaki Sena have been together for many years and the two have a very good relationship.

Then the other party will help this young lady, which is normal.

Although he was right in thinking so.

But when Kashiwazaki Sena stood up, he noticed that the girl's cheeks were blushing and she followed him without saying a word.

This reaction is totally wrong!

Uehara Takuya glanced at Stella suspiciously. The beautiful housekeeper was already chatting with three other girls, as if she didn't care about the situation on her side at all.

Not long after the two of them left, Stella stood up: "Shall I make you some midnight snacks too? Don't worry, I won't make high-calorie food, so you don't have to worry about gaining weight easily."

Such a thoughtful gesture naturally aroused the gratitude of the three girls.

It's just that two people still have very complicated feelings.

"She is a nice person." Miura Yuiko forced a smile.

Kawashima Ami hummed and answered in her heart: It's a pity that she is not on my side.

the other side.

Uehara Takuya was cooking noodles in the kitchen. Seeing Kashiwazaki Sena still looking shy, he finally couldn't help but ask, "Are you hiding something from me?"

The girl's eyelashes fluttered slightly in shame, her little head lowered, and she said, "Yukishita once showed off her Chinese to me, which was at a level I couldn't understand at all."

Uehara Takuya was confused. He didn't understand why the other party suddenly mentioned this.

But he still asked patiently: "So your worries have something to do with this?"

Unexpectedly, Kashiwazaki Sena became more and more shy, and her little hands pinched nervously in front of her: "I didn't want to lose to Yukinoshita, so I was also learning Chinese. Stella knew about this, and she happened to be absent that day. She was worried that it would be too boring for me to study alone, so she accompanied me."

Uehara Takuya frowned, he seemed to understand.

I'm just not entirely sure.

But Kashiwazaki Sena raised her head and said shyly: "You can actually listen to Stella's request just now as Chinese."

Uehara Takuya almost gasped.

He turned his head sharply to look at the noodles in the pot, a little dumbfounded.

Then he keenly heard a faint sound of footsteps.

Those were steps that were deliberately suppressed.

But there is no escaping the feline hearing.

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